Personality qualities - what is it in psychology, characteristics

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The article explains:

  1. The value of professional personal development
  2. 7 stages of professional personal development
  3. Professional strain and burnout
  4. Recommendations for independent professional development of personality

Professional personal development is one of the important criteria for personnel evaluation.
A high-quality education gives a start to a career, but it is the employee who is constantly striving to improve his abilities that is valuable. In fact, such a specialist can confidently be called a company resource. Professional development of an individual occurs gradually, and along this path one cannot do without certain obstacles. If a person is able to view his mistakes as important experiences, he will be able to use them in his future career. We will talk in more detail about professional personal development later.

What is this in psychology

The inner world of people includes character traits, acquired knowledge and skills. In psychology, human personality traits mean positive characteristics and properties.

Each person is an individual, distinguished by character traits, interests and needs, and the ability to set life priorities. This influences social relations and helps (or prevents) people from achieving specific goals.

To become a personality, a person goes through a difficult path of formation. The qualities of people are influenced by regulatory mechanisms:

  • external – needs, interests, directions;
  • internal – self-esteem, consciousness, respect, etc.

Note! Psychological qualities (character, temperament, state of mind) are important in a person. They guide the individual, make him capable (or incapable) of interacting with others, of performing a certain type of activity.

Personal qualities

Everyone comes into this world with zero knowledge and abilities, but with the makings of a temperament determined by the state of the nervous system and physiological characteristics. The further formation of a person’s personal qualities is influenced by the following aspects:

  • the conditions in which the child grows up;
  • educational measures taken towards him;
  • relationships outside the family;
  • even illnesses suffered in childhood.

Under the influence of these factors, some become phlegmatic and melancholic, while others become choleric and sanguine. Someone strives for communication, making plans for life and achieving goals. Others isolate themselves from the world and become fixated on satisfying personal needs.

Personal environment

A person is defined by his environment. Remember the well-known phrase of Euripides: “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.”

It is very difficult to be a successful person if everyone around you is made up of losers who constantly complain about life and don’t want to change anything.

Communicating among millionaires, a person sees how his income grows. Being in a crowd of people leading a healthy lifestyle, a person begins to do exercises himself, becomes stronger, and his nutrition becomes more balanced and correct. He imbibes the qualities to achieve success in life.

But what to do if 80% of the environment really tends to deteriorate? How to change it? It’s impossible to suddenly stop communicating with most of your relatives, friends, and colleagues!

The answer is simple: when we ourselves change, our environment also changes. Other people appear, and the previous social circle gradually recedes into the background. Or one of our friends acquires the same values ​​that we are moving towards.

You can see right now what changes have happened to you over the past 5 years if you remember with whom you stopped communicating and with whom you began to spend more time. This simple test gives a lot of food for thought.

But what if you live in a small town where there are no philosophers, millionaires, or great scientists? How, then, to develop qualities to achieve success in life?

You can read books by great authors. Imagine, you pay roughly 400 rubles for a book and get the opportunity to be in the company of great personalities of the past or present, receive advice and recommendations directly from them.

There are also many interviews, lectures and free webinars on the Internet, where you can also learn the rules of life of successful people and absorb their qualities to achieve success in life.

Classification of personality traits

The characteristics of people are assessed according to 2 parameters: internal and external. To consider the first ones, you need to talk with the person for some time. The second qualities are nothing more than a “signboard”; they do not always convey true information.

Inner world

Volitional personality traits - what is it in psychology, their formation

It can be rich in content or primitive. In the first case, people will be drawn to the person, assessing his personal qualities. In the second option, there is unlikely to be a desire to develop relationships. To become in demand in any environment, an individual must:

  • look at the world positively;
  • be able to think freely;
  • do not depend on other people’s opinions (be yourself);
  • take care of others;
  • easy to make contact;
  • realistically assess the situation.

Note! A person needs to develop his inner world, constantly absorbing new knowledge and applying it in practice. It is more interesting to communicate with a versatile, friendly personality.

External surroundings

People are greeted not only by their clothes, but also by their ability to present themselves. A beautiful sign is formed from the created image and behavior of a person. They work on the surroundings:

  • attractive appearance;
  • ability to choose a clothing style;

Image works for success

  • beautiful body language;
  • artistry;
  • ability to conduct dialogue.

You can have a beautiful sign and at the same time have negative internal properties. Such disharmony cannot lead to real success.

Leverage your strengths

Everyone has them, and you too. Perhaps you don’t notice them or consider them commonplace. But this does not change the fact that you have strengths and talents.

Perhaps you buried them deep because no one was paying attention to them. Maybe in childhood your poems were called frivolous, and your hobbies for tailoring and tailoring were called stupid? Or did you want to play football like damn Maradona, but they sent you to ballroom dancing?

Start doing what you liked as a child or like now, even if the voice in your head tells you that it’s stupid. Send that voice away and do what you love, what brings you joy.

And may you not become the second Maradona, but by doing what you like, you will open a real source of additional energy and positivity in life!

Please note that this is not advice to quit work tomorrow, but only a suggestion to spend 30 minutes a day doing something you enjoy. You can sign up for dancing or boxing, you can take courses in floristry or calligraphy, even if you live in the outback (glory to the Internet - it makes our learning opportunities wider!).

You can write fairy tales or entire books, learn to knit, sing, play chess, grow orchids or jump with a parachute. Your possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

If you are in a stupor and don’t understand what fascinates you, then you can just walk in the park and feed the ducks. At the very least, this meditative activity will relax you and may give you ideas about what activities you might enjoy.

It’s funny to imagine, but many people not only sit in jobs they don’t like, but also spend their free time in bars with slob friends, watching TV shows that look like chewed gum, flushing their time down the toilet. Their qualities for achieving success in life are atrophied.

Volitional personality traits

Personality orientation - what is it in psychology, its types

In the process of life, a person gains certain experience. Depending on what processes you had to go through, your character is formed. Overcoming obstacles helps to realize the will of the individual.

Basic volitional qualities

DeterminationActive, conscious, motivational movement towards a certain result. It is divided into 2 types: • strategy – the ability to be guided by beliefs, certain values, ideals; • tactics – the ability to set clear goals and not be distracted in the process of achieving them
InitiativeHe is a certain “pusher” of determination. Initiative helps to overcome inertia and direct will in a specific direction
IndependenceAn active conscious attitude to act from the standpoint of one’s own beliefs and views, without being influenced by external factors
ExcerptAbility to overcome obstacles in achieving goals. Requires self-control and self-control, the ability to choose the best course of action
DeterminationManifests itself in the ability to quickly make firm, informed decisions and implement them. At the same time, thinking about your actions from different positions, going through antagonism of motives and internal struggle with yourself is not excluded.
CourageThe first step in developing determination is determined by the ability to overcome fears and the ability to take justifiable risks.
EnergyManifests itself in the concentration of internal forces necessary to obtain results.
PerseveranceIt is a character trait that complements energy and allows one to mobilize strength for a long process of moving towards a goal.
OrganizationA necessary quality that helps you intelligently plan and streamline your actions.
DisciplineManifests itself in the conscious subordination of personal behavior to socially accepted norms and orders, taking into account the requirements of action
Self-controlIt is a derivative of the component of discipline. Expressed in the ability to control one’s actions and direct behavior in the right direction, without succumbing to momentary impulses

On the way to the goal

The described basic qualities are interconnected and complement each other. Will is a conscious, acquired personality trait that is developed in the process of setting a goal, the ability to move towards it, overcoming obstacles, and the ability to take responsibility for one’s own actions.

Social and psychological qualities of personality

Personality development - what is it in psychology

The properties and qualities of personality in social and psychological terms in social science do not have a single clear definition. In the scientific works of psychologists there are several different opinions on this topic. Here are the main ones:

  1. If we interpret the term “personality” as a synonym for the word “person,” then qualities mean characteristics. If personality is a component of qualities, then human traits are determined by social properties.
  2. Sometimes the concept of “socio-psychological traits” includes the opposition of basic and secondary properties (from the perspective of differences between personal and general psychological).
  3. The structure of an individual is perceived as a set of traits and properties. Or, on the contrary, as a specific system consisting not of qualities, but of other elements.

Based on this list, it is clear that it is difficult to unambiguously determine the socio-psychological properties of a person. Because, firstly, there is no specific list of such qualities and criteria for identifying them. Secondly, there are contradictions in the relationship between abilities and properties. All these aspects require close attention. Their essence will be studied by sociologists and psychologists for a long time.

6. State of focus on the main thing

This is also included in the qualities for achieving success in life. Every day of a successful person is filled with purpose and focus.

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Answer yourself, how often do you take on something and find yourself glued to your phone screen after a while? If often, then we hope this annoys you, and you are already looking for an answer to the question of how not to waste your precious time on nonsense.

There are hundreds of books on procrastination that will tell you why you choose to put off important and necessary things until later, and also give various tips on how not to fall into the trap of your own mind.

But if you are serious, if you are truly ready...

There is one way. Remember, in the first paragraph we talked about the goal: achievable, time-bound, motivating. When you have it, the question of wasting time disappears by itself.

The method is very simple, but requires your attention. Before you do something, you ask yourself the question: “Does this action bring me closer or further away from my goal?”

This is not about not eating, not sleeping, not going to the theater, not breathing fresh air, not playing the guitar, not dreaming. Not at all. But by learning to ask yourself this question before logging onto a social network and scrolling through your feed, you will learn to catch yourself foolishly wasting a non-renewable resource - your time.

Learn not to spread yourself thin, even if you have many tasks. The secret is that at a given moment in time, only one small goal can be a priority. Focus on it.

A successful person measures his plans and actions against the ultimate goal that he sees in front of him. If you want to succeed, do the same.

Professional personality traits

It is not enough to gain certain knowledge in a particular professional activity. To achieve success in the chosen field, a person must have specific qualities. Regardless of the significance of the profession, a person’s abilities are classified into several categories:

  • verbality – language proficiency, determination of the significance of concepts and words;
  • numerical ability - the ability to accurately and quickly perform standard arithmetic operations;
  • the ability to correct numbers, letters, words;
  • have an idea of ​​objects in 2-3 dimensions;
  • ability to detail objects and graphic images;
  • motor coordination - control of the movements of the eyes, legs and arms; the ability to coordinate them with certain signals;
  • dexterity - the ability to manipulate small objects;
  • perception of color shades, the ability to distinguish and compare them;
  • general intelligence is the ability to learn, which consists of understanding and accepting the material being studied, the ability to reason and draw correct conclusions.

Human abilities

Based on the described properties, a list of psychological qualities necessary for specific professional activities is compiled. To become successful in business, other individual characteristics are also necessary. They are called social temperament and influence an individual’s confidence in certain operating conditions.

Types of individual psychological professional qualities:

  1. Typological properties, including lability of the nervous system, dynamism, mobility, strength.
  2. Perceptual and sensory properties, the level of which develops with the acquisition of skills.
  3. Individual attention, including elements such as switching, distribution, stability.
  4. Psychomotor skills, based on the development of certain operating systems necessary in solving professional problems.
  5. Mnemonics is the ability to remember material, techniques and the ability to develop professional memory.

Note! In any activity you need to be able to think and have imagination; strong-willed qualities are especially important. Without them, it will not be possible to overcome difficulties in the work process.

Ability to delegate

Everyone has a routine. Even if you love your activity more than anything in the world, there are things that you definitely don’t like, take a lot of time and effort, and don’t bring satisfaction.

Write them down on a piece of paper, think about which of them are really important to do yourself, and which ones can be entrusted to someone else? Find someone you can delegate things to.

For example, you buy a dishwasher so that you don’t have to waste time on washing dishes, but spend it with your family. Or you entrust the transcription of the text/drawing of the advertising booklet/drawing of the banner to someone else. You pay money for it, but you free up time that you can spend on more valuable activities.

Start small. But remember, any successful person has this indispensable skill. The greater heights you achieve, the more work you will have to delegate to others.

Also learn to select the people to whom you entrust the task so that you don’t have to redo it after them.

“Great things need to be done, not thought about endlessly”

Julius Caesar

Moral properties of personality

At the genetic level, moral programs inherent in distant ancestors are laid in a person. These properties are adjusted by life under the influence of such factors:

  • family education;
  • the influence of the school and the yard company;
  • social and personal relations;
  • life experience.

Each aspect is subject to certain rules of moral behavior. They form the individual’s attitude towards himself and other people. Based on what values ​​were embedded in the inner world, moral qualities are divided into categories: humanistic, nationalistic, racial, religious-fanatical.

Morality is established in childhood

Only the first category refers to positive characteristics. It is based on respect for all people, regardless of their religion, nationality and race.


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How can a person develop personality traits?

Personality formation begins from the first years of life. Subsequently, the quality can only be adjusted. Work should be carried out in several directions: from establishing body language to developing individual abilities that are a priority in the chosen profession.

Without an active life position, way of existence, direction of actions, control of emotions and desires, it is impossible to achieve the desired level of development. The formation of positive personality traits should be based on the development of intelligence and increasing the level of culture.

We need to start with self-analysis

There are several methods, the first step is always the same - analyzing your own state. It helps you decide on the qualities that should be developed. An adequate assessment of personal significance will help set a goal, decide on a role model and develop ways to achieve results.

You can’t do this without self-discipline and self-confidence. Forming yourself as an individual is a long process, but it is worth putting in the effort.

Habits of successful people

Having examined the behavioral characteristics of many celebrities, we were able to conclude that they have similar habits that largely contributed to the achievement of the result:

  • Early rise every day.
  • Planning each next day, regardless of whether it will be a working day or a rest day. Aimless existence destroys personality.
  • Multitasking is not for a leader. The simultaneous execution of several processes often leads to the fact that none is completed. Set no more than 3 goals a day and consistently achieve them.
  • Sport keeps you active, increases self-esteem, and has a positive effect on health.
  • Correctly set priorities and an understanding that rest and work should coexist in harmony give strength to make decisions on everyday life. Time spent with family on weekends, doing what you love, and going for walks are useful activities that contribute to personal development.
  • 20 minutes of silence daily. This is the period that allows you to sort out the accumulated information and comprehend it.
  • Weekly analysis of actions helps to identify shortcomings that can be corrected in a short time.
  • Charity is a mandatory activity for wealthy people. True, each of them pursues their own goals here.
  • Planning. Businessmen build a schedule for the week, forming goals and expected results.

Today, the division by gender has disappeared, but despite this, it is more difficult for women to reach heights in their careers and occupy leadership positions. For some, this is an obstacle; a strong personality will regard this situation as a challenge and will strive to overcome it. There is a choice of professions to which men do not have access.

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