Reading between the lines, or What handwriting can tell you

On what basis do we form our opinion about a person, his character and abilities? Of course, for many reasons, among which the most significant are usually behavior, speech and appearance. However, appearances, as we know, can be deceiving, speech can be a product of learning, and it takes time to recognize people by their actions.

This is probably why there is great interest in methods for faster and more accurate analysis of a person’s inner world, not only among psychologists, personnel selection specialists, etc., but also among a wide range of readers.

There are, of course, a large number of specially created tests that allow you to identify certain personality traits. But their use (we are not talking about popular, but about professional tests) and correct analysis of the results require professional psychological knowledge and skills, so it is better to leave the possibility of their use to working psychologists. We will consider another method of obtaining information about the inner world of a person - analysis of the products of his activity. You can examine the results of creative activity (drawings, poems, stories, etc.), but not everyone has them, and besides, their analysis cannot be carried out according to a clear, unambiguous scheme. Therefore, in this article we propose to focus on adult handwriting - a product that is easy to “obtain” for analysis or even take your own sample.

Graphology, or the science of handwriting, reveals the individual characteristics of a person, which are reflected in the specific writing of letters and lines. Over the years, a certain algorithm has been developed for conducting a comprehensive analysis of handwriting. It should be noted right away that the ideal piece of text for analysis is written on an unlined sheet of paper and contains a signature.

So, before moving on to a detailed consideration, it is necessary to evaluate handwriting in three basic areas:

  1. harmony is the degree of harmony between the individual letters that make up words. Pay attention to the overall impression of the handwriting: does it create a sense of unity? If you are inclined to favor a positive answer, then the owner of the handwriting probably has good taste and internal culture.
  2. Geometric consistency of writing - evenness of lines and margins, equal distances between words and lines, uniform pressure. A high degree of this symptom indicates that a person has a large supply of internal energy, developed volitional efforts, allowing him to always maintain internal balance, inhibit unwanted emotions, and act deliberately.
  3. Graphological - the degree of deviation from calligraphic handwriting (which we were all taught at school). The greater this difference, the more the owner of the handwriting is inclined to show his originality and individuality in life.

Now we can move on to considering individual handwriting indicators. In general, there are a great many such indicators (including the writing of individual numbers and letters), so we will focus only on the main ones. It is important to keep in mind that you cannot draw conclusions about personality traits based on just one trait. It is necessary to take into account the entire range of characteristics being studied and the degree of their severity (just as a doctor never makes a diagnosis based on only one symptom).

Pressure when writing.

Strong pressure is usually observed in people who are energetic and enjoy showing their strength and overcoming resistance on the way to what they want.

Light pressure (thin lines, similar to intertwining threads, not noticeable from the back of the sheet) indicates the sensitivity of nature. Such people are prone to idealization and are influenced by other people's opinions, although they may well be critical. If light pressure is combined with straight lines, then this may be an indicator of a disciplined mind and the ability to generate creative ideas. If, with little pressure, the lines are uneven and individual letters are illegible, then this indicates low initiative and an inability to take deliberate volitional actions.

Sometimes there is unevenness of pressure - some words, letters or even their elements are written with strong pressure, while others are written with thin strokes. This is an indicator of imbalance, impressionability, impulsiveness of volitional acts, and the presence of internal conflicts.

If the pressure when writing is weak and, moreover, uneven, then we are most likely talking about a person who is insecure, prone to constant doubts, for whom making decisions presents significant difficulties.

If the analyzed handwriting is characterized by uniform pressure, then one can expect from its owner stability in the manifestation of his emotions, the ability to work systematically (without bursts of activity combined with periods of idleness).

Of particular interest are cases of combining different pressures when writing text and signatures. If the text is written with strong pressure, and the signature is written with light pressure, then we can assume that this person has a strong character, but for some reason wants to appear soft.

Text Scanner text recognizer

Another simple application with which your smartphone will become both a scanner and a translator. The application supports more than 100 world languages, recognizes characters and texts with high quality, which is why it is so popular.

What we get with OCR Text Scanner:

  • extracting text with pictures;
  • cropping and adjusting images for better recognition of what is written;
  • text editing;
  • the ability to share text with other users;
  • saving scan history;
  • extracting phone numbers, email addresses, URL links from images.

Based on this, in order to convert handwritten text, just like in the previous case, you need to photograph it with a mobile phone camera on Android or iOS.

The result is issued in the same location as the original, which reduces the time for text processing.

The application is suitable for both book format and small inscriptions.

Line consistency.

A “straight” line (an almost straight line can be drawn along the bottom of the letters) testifies to the balance and restraint of the writer, his ability to bring the matter to the end.

"Wavy" lines indicate that the person has flexibility of thought and diplomacy, which allows him to circumvent difficulties, although he may lack determination.

The lines that rise towards the end belong to people who are energetic, self-confident, proactive and striving for success. They may worry about their failures, but usually find the strength to make a new push towards the goal.

If the lines, on the contrary, fall towards the end, then the owner of the handwriting is characterized, accordingly, by a lack of energy to complete the task.

The meaning of margins and indents

Forensic scientists use handwriting examination to identify a criminal, and psychologists use it to analyze personality. Kurt and Anna Bartol write about this in the book “Modern Perspectives on Forensic Psychology and Criminal Behavior.”

Indents from the edges of the sheet are important in determining a person’s character:

  1. If there are wide margins on the left, then the person is characterized by a breadth of soul. The person is active and does not like monotony.
  2. Narrow margins on the left are a sign of pedantry, frugality, and nepotism. Such people make good spouses.
  3. If the fields expand downward, then the person is thrifty and likes to save. However, this does not mean that he does not like to share. Such a person generously gifts loved ones.
  4. The widest indentation on the left is extravagance, boastfulness, desire for luxury, pride and familiarity.
  5. The left edge tapers downwards - self-control, secrecy, stinginess and selfishness.
  6. If a person leaves wide margins on the right, does not break words, but starts on a new line, then he is very cautious, secretive and even cowardly.
  7. A large distance between words means a desire to stay at a safe distance from people.

Maximalists leave no margins at all; they love to express themselves, attracting people's attention. Such people strive to live according to the laws of conscience and honor and achieve success.

Slant handwriting.

Most people typically have handwriting with a 45-50 degree slant, but the slant can be greater (i.e., an angle less than 45 degrees). There are also upright (90 degrees) and inverted (up to 125 degrees) handwritings.

If the handwriting is too slanted, almost lying down, then its owner can be expected to display extreme traits and flaunt his feelings and preferences, as well as enthusiasm for the perception of everything new.

Handwriting tilted to the left often indicates a discrepancy between a person’s personal inclinations and the external conditions of upbringing and life. According to our observations, it is most often found in left-handed people, which, however, does not contradict the above. In right-handed people, such an inclination may indicate willfulness, stubbornness, demands on others, and distrust.

If the handwriting is vertical, i.e. has no inclination either to the right or to the left, then this indicates a balance between the mind and feelings and at the same time the restraint of a person in whose manners you will not see changes under the influence of sudden feelings or thoughts.

Variation in inclination (the presence of letters written with different inclinations) characterizes a person as capricious or subject to rapid mood swings, whose mind and emotions are in conflict.


How to find out your occupation by handwriting

The way doctors write is legendary. But not only representatives of this profession can be identified by their handwriting. There are a number of other examples:

  1. Uneven, sloppy - pharmacists, businessmen.
  2. Jerky, running - linguists.
  3. With strokes - those who are engaged in mental activity, professors.
  4. Descending - poets, dreamers, philosophers.
  5. Vertical - mathematicians, engineers.
  6. Wavy handwriting is most often found among artists, sculptors and other creative people.

Connection of letters in words.

If all the letters are interconnected, then this type of writing reflects a person’s ability to approach problems from a logical standpoint and critically evaluate them. Such a person rarely trusts his intuition.

If there are practically no connections between the letters, then the person who wrote them is not a very practical person, prone to daydreaming. It would be difficult for him to work systematically, but he can work well when inspired, especially when it comes to creativity. Such people often rely on intuition rather than logic, so the motives for their actions are not always clear to others.

What causes bad handwriting?

If you or your child's writing is unsatisfactory, the first step is to examine the root causes of poor handwriting. Thanks to this, you can get rid of the problem as soon as possible.

The most common reason for poor handwriting is unnatural body position. If poor spelling of words is associated with incorrect tilt, then it is caused precisely by discomfort when sitting. In this case, in order to correct poor handwriting, you will need to take the correct posture for writing. Your posture should be straight, your shoulders should be straightened, and your elbows should never hang off the table.

Problems with writing clarity are most often associated with improper placement of the notebook. It should lie at an angle of 10-15 degrees. This arrangement allows you to sit correctly and move your arm quickly.

Often, poor handwriting is caused by using a low-quality pen. It is important to pay attention to many factors when purchasing. The optimal handle length is 15 centimeters. Its diameter should not exceed 7 millimeters. Its shape should be round. It is advisable to stop using gift and promotional type pens.

Quite often, a child’s poor handwriting is characterized by the presence of overly broken lines or letters that have different heights. This problem is associated with a disorder in the development of fine motor skills. To eliminate it, it is necessary to devote a large amount of time to the child, namely making crafts and playing finger games.

Another problem is non-compliance with the interval. Its occurrence is associated with a low level of development of spatial perception. As a rule, such a problem is not serious and goes away over time without outside adjustments. In this case, there is no need to force the child to rewrite a poorly written text several times. Our article describes basic recommendations that will help you understand how to correct bad handwriting. It is worth noting that in adulthood, the tips listed are most often ineffective, and it is almost impossible to change your writing style.

Letter size.

The average height of letters is 3-4 mm; accordingly, large handwriting is considered to be one in which the letters are higher than this size, and small handwriting is lower. The width of an individual letter is usually approximately equal to its height. If the width of the letter is greater than the height, then the handwriting is called elongated, and if it is less, then it is compressed.

Large handwriting often indicates sensuality of desires, energy in communication and impracticality in life, as well as a lack of objective self-esteem.

Large and elongated handwriting may be an indicator that in life this person neglects far-fetched rules and restrictions and strives to realize himself in various types of activities.

Small handwriting is more typical for people who are reserved, observant and at the same time very private, not inclined to talk about themselves.

Concise handwriting characterizes its owner as very thrifty, economical and reserved.

Advice for adults

It is difficult for adults to relearn writing. If a person is used to writing quickly in an incomprehensible handwriting, then it will be difficult for him to switch to smooth calligraphy with every line drawn.

Note! Many people think that it is easier for girls to learn beautiful handwriting. This is due to perseverance, diligence and desire. Guys often give up halfway, although everything comes much easier to them.

Writing Tips for Adults:

  • Choosing a pen that will fit perfectly in your hand.
  • There should be a sheet of paper and a pen at the workplace, nothing more.
  • The correct position is a straight back, hands on the table.
  • The leaf should be 30 cm from the eyes.
  • When writing, you need to write letters several times to choose the most successful option.
  • Daily writing. You need to write every day. It is better to keep a special note with articles and essays written by hand.

Not many people are gifted with beautiful writing, but if you try, you can learn it. In order for it to be literate and without errors, it is important to read different books and poems.

A well-read person does not make mistakes on a subconscious level and writes words correctly.

Remember that beautiful calligraphic handwriting can create a good impression of others about you.

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Roundness of letters.

“Round” handwriting indicates a person’s tendency to soften contradictions, make compromises, and be stable in his opinions and tastes.

If you come across angular capital letters in rounded handwriting, then you are probably dealing with a rather soft person who can be persistent and aggressive in certain situations.

“Angular” handwriting indicates that its owner is characterized by harshness, demandingness, and stubbornness. However, at the same time, he has such advantages as determination, energy, and the ability to work hard. Such people often show a desire for leadership.


How to determine appearance by handwriting

As you can see, recognizing character from handwriting is not so difficult. It is enough to study the shape and appearance of the letters, the direction of the lines and other parameters. What can you say about your appearance? You can tell about height, fullness, and even hair color by looking at your handwriting:

  1. Short stature. The letters seem to want to grow. They are elongated and sweeping. Those at the end of a word are often not completed completely.
  2. High growth. Letters with strokes, but not elongated. The lines are like a fence. In general, the handwriting is unsteady. The pressure is uneven.
  3. Average height. The letters located at the beginning of the line are compressed, and at the end they are scattered. The last characters are often dropped down.
  4. Slenderness. Periods, commas and other punctuation marks are small. And the letters, on the contrary, are elongated.
  5. Completeness. Pressure may vary from letter to letter. Some characters are not fully spelled out.

As for blondes and brunettes, the former write legibly, in narrow, medium-sized letters. People with dark hair raise the words above the line. Capital letters are often decorated, with a beautiful shape. The lines go up in most cases.

Writing lowercase letters.

Vowels open at the top (a gap in the writing of the letters “a”, “o” at the top) are an indicator of peacefulness, gullibility and the ability to empathize, and the presence of deep attachments.

Vowels open at the bottom, on the contrary, speak of possible hypocrisy, insincerity and superficiality of feelings.

Long loops of letters (for example, “u”, “d”), reaching the bottom line or even overlapping it, indicate an intuitive beginning in a person, whose trust sometimes obscures the ability to think logically.

Small loops are evidence of conciseness in speech and deeds, realism, and the ability to speak only to the point and taking into account the place and time.

Google Lens recognizes handwritten text

So you've taken notes, and now you want to digitize them. To this end, Google has introduced an updated Google Lens application, which helps transfer handwritten text to the editor through the gadget.

The application is available in several languages, but Russian is not yet supported. Therefore, to work with the service, specify English as the system language in the settings. To do this, go to the “Settings” of your smartphone, select the “Language and Keyboard” section.

  1. On iOS devices, open “Settings”, “General”, “Language and Region”, “iPhone Language” and check English.
  2. You now have a working Google Lens app enabled on your gadget and available in the Google Photos menu.
  3. All that remains is to select the text section.

  4. Point your mobile phone camera at them and highlight part of the text on the screen. Select the "Copy to Computer" option.

Transferring text from one mobile device to another is only possible using the latest version of the Chrome browser. The same account must be opened on the smartphone and PC. The application also has other updates, for example, translation and voice-over of foreign texts (only on Android devices), search for words and phrases.

Writing capital letters.

If the capital letters are noticeably enlarged, this indicates a person’s pride (maybe even excessive), his self-confidence and independent thinking, and his desire to stand out. The desire to attract attention and sociability is also indicated by a large loop in the capital letter.

If the capital letters are relatively small in size, the person does not seek to be noticed, takes small and careful steps in life, always adhering to his convictions.

The use of printed capital letters in handwriting characterizes a person as creative, inventive, with a flexible mind and good sensitivity.

Adding eye-catching curls and other decorative elements to capital letters indicates either a need to attract attention or a romantic mindset.

What is graphology

Graphology is a science that studies human personality based on handwriting. This name was given to it by the clergyman from France Flandren. The word graphology is made up of two Latin words: grapho and logos. The meaning of the first word is writing, and the second is science.

Today, character based on handwriting is studied in psychology, criminology, business and pedagogy. The information obtained allows specialists to see people’s inclinations, determine their strengths and weaknesses, choose the most suitable method of training, etc.

The character of a person is determined by handwriting based on several parameters. Let's look at the analysis of handwriting in graphology with examples in more detail.


According to experts, the size of letters directly depends on the age of the person writing and his state of health:

  1. Middle-aged or elderly people, as well as very tired people, write large.
  2. Large letters also indicate that the individual always strives for leadership positions in everything. His main characteristics are emotionality and sociability. It is not difficult for him to make new acquaintances.
  3. Small letters indicate purposefulness and restraint. They also indicate that the person is secretive and reserved.

The most accurate handwriting analysis will be between the ages of 25 and 45.

Pen pressure

What does the pressure with which he writes say about a person’s character? Strong - energy, determination, determination, optimism and high performance. If we add a strong slope to this indicator, we can say that the person is overly principled and strict not only towards himself, but also towards those around him.

If a person writes with soft and weak pressure, he is characterized by weakness of will, lack of his own opinion and life position. Such people are very dependent on the opinions of others, they are easy to win over to their side. Most of them are romantics living in a fantasy world. They are characterized by vulnerability, frivolity, and slowness. It is difficult for them to make decisions, so they are often very thoughtful.


Narrow margins indicate frugality or pettiness. The narrower they are, the more developed these human character traits are.

Wide brims are a sign of generosity. Excessively wide margins when writing text speak not only of this quality, but even of wastefulness. It is also a “symptom” of vanity, boasting and love of luxury.


The direction of the lines will also help determine a person’s character by their handwriting. It will tell you about self-esteem, how an individual approaches work and solves problems. Here are some examples:

  1. Straight and even letters - correct self-esteem, practicality, self-confidence, prudence, responsibility and well-developed willpower.
  2. The lines that smoothly creep upward characterize the writer as an ambitious and vain person. However, he also has good qualities: optimism, energy, determination, sincerity.
  3. If words descend, a person is pessimistic, he lacks confidence in himself and his abilities, he often experiences apathy and melancholy. Such people are overly sensitive and vulnerable. They lack initiative and have neither the desire nor the ability to be leaders.
  4. Uneven lines, no matter how surprising it may sound, are evidence that a person easily adapts to new conditions and circumstances. He is distinguished by a high level of intelligence, cunning, quick wit, quickly resolves conflict situations and knows how to negotiate.

If, when writing, words are lowered and immediately raised, a person is able to complete the work he has begun. In the opposite case (the line rises and immediately falls), the ability to complete things is absent.

Letter shape

How to determine character by letters? You need to pay attention to the form of both uppercase and capital letters.


Round letters indicate that a person is responsive, does not like conflict situations, is always ready to compromise and resolve problems peacefully. These are born diplomats.

If the letters are sharp, the person is selfish and at the same time always shows his independence, he will not obey anyone and follow the lead of someone else’s desires.

Graphology experts believe that letters of different shapes signify imbalance, anxiety, indecision and a lot of internal contradictions. The individual does not have his own opinion and often changes his views.


Like the direction of writing, the shape of capital letters communicates self-esteem:

  1. It is no different from capital letters either in size or in appearance - a person does not strive to occupy a leading position and stand out from the crowd.
  2. A capital letter whose size is smaller than that of uppercase or lowercase letters indicates low self-esteem. Such a person does not believe in himself.
  3. If the capital letter is decorated with some kind of curlicues, the person who wrote it is vain, seeks recognition from the people around him, and knows how to make an impression.


If all the letters are written together, the individual has well-developed logical thinking, knows how to analyze what is happening around him and reason.

Letters standing apart from each other indicate that a person always blindly follows his intuition and never relies on common sense. He lives in a world of his own invention, is impractical, and prone to impulsive and extravagant actions.

There is also fluent handwriting, in which the letters are sometimes connected to each other, sometimes not. This is a sign of intelligence, initiative and enterprise.

It also happens that narrow-shaped letters stand close to one another. Such handwriting suggests that the person writing still has not understood himself. Because of this, he often faces problems in both his personal and professional life.


Determining character from handwriting also requires studying its inclination. There are several options:

  1. Weak - a person likes to criticize others, while putting his own interests above those of other people.
  2. To the left - the author is stubborn, considers himself right in absolutely all situations.
  3. A slight right says nothing at all about a person, since this is how children are taught to write in school.
  4. A strong tilt to the right characterizes a person as a strong, purposeful person. Such people are often jealous and amorous.

Handwriting that is not slanted indicates stubbornness. A person who writes like this plans his every step, knows how to quickly assess the situation and make the right decisions.

Signature graphology

You can also understand the character and create a personal portrait of a person by his signature:

  • plain, without decoration - courage, self-confidence;
  • with underlining - enterprise;
  • with loops - observation;
  • circled - cowardice, the author is an introvert.

If the signature is crossed out, its owner is impulsive and takes an active life position.

Handwriting tells you about a person’s level of responsibility

The topic is serious, pressing, and analysis of a person’s handwriting can be a significant clue for you in the question of how much you can trust him with important matters.

Did you know that there are two types of responsibility? And, of course, by looking at a person’s handwriting, you can understand what kind of responsibility he has.

  • Responsibility-reinsurance. Responsibility is not mature, not of one's own free will. Those. a person shows it knowing that they are looking at him. Otherwise, it will be as it happened.
  • Adult responsibility. The responsibility of a mature person does not depend on whether people are looking at you or not.

Let's look at two handwritings as an example.

The first handwriting is male, right-handed, 40 years old.

The handwriting looks much younger than the author's age.

The letters are standard, as prescribed. No own inventions. No simplifications, everything is very standard.

Note the emphasis on the middle zone of the letters. Less attention is paid to the upper and lower zones (By the way, let me remind you that we also look at IQ based on them!), everything is focused on oneself.

Round, plump, slightly awkward, banal letters.

The movement is slow.

Is there a feeling of flow, wave, dynamics? No! (+straight tilt, strong pressure).

There is no movement, everything is frozen. Lots of tension.

The strokes are bold, even a little intrusive. There are no thin ligaments at all.

High degree of homogeneity. There is no liveliness, lightness, fluency.

Can you already guess what type of responsibility this handwriting indicates? Yes, “responsibility when someone is watching. Reinsurance.”

And then consider the second handwriting sample:

Girl, 31 years old, right-handed

Tension alternates with relaxation.

Subtle strokes and light connections appear. The text is no longer so bold and intrusive.

The flow of thought is visible (the tilt is already to the right). An undeniable feeling of movement.

This movement takes away the readability a little, because of this the letters are not written out as well. They no longer remind us of copybooks.

The handwriting seems mature and individual.

The level of Personality Development is significantly higher than in the previous version.

Of course, the girl is a truly responsible person.

Calligraphy courses

Many people want to change their bad handwriting. The sign and reason for its appearance can be easily determined in calligraphy courses. It is there that, with the help of specialists, you can change your handwriting in the shortest possible time. There are individual, group and distance courses. Here, experts use the most effective methods of teaching calligraphic writing. All exercises are selected individually.

Doctors have poor handwriting

What does bad handwriting in doctors indicate? Many people have thought about this at least once. Surprisingly, illegible handwriting is a hallmark of doctors all over the world. Often the entries in the medical record are almost impossible to make out on your own. There are many cases where illegible handwriting has led to incorrectly dispensed medications. Some of them were fatal.

Poor handwriting in doctors arises from the need to write quickly. Few people think about it, but a specialist should spend no more than 10-15 minutes seeing one patient. During this time, he must not only have time to carefully examine the patient and make a diagnosis, but also make an entry in his medical record and special forms. All details must be recorded in full.

There are cases where doctors are involved in legal proceedings due to the fact that the diagnosis was written down illegibly. In this case, the specialist will be required to pay a fine. Depending on the severity of the medical error, he may also be convicted and suspended from work.

How long will it take to correct handwriting deficiencies?

In order to change your handwriting on your own, you need to systematically train. Every day you will need to devote at least 20-30 minutes to this activity. First, it is advisable to practice in notebooks with oblique lines. You need to write thoughtfully in order for the letters to be neat. It is impossible to determine exactly how many days your handwriting will change. For some it will take a few weeks, while for others a year may not be enough. It depends on the regularity of training and the personal qualities of the person.

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