The power of thought - what you can change in your life with the power of thought and how to do it

The power of thought is energy containing certain images, radiated by a person into the external environment and creates certain vibrations. Under the influence of vibrations, the human environment changes. Situations that facilitate the fulfillment of desires are attracted. Over time, dreams gain a sufficient amount of energy under the influence of the power of thought and are realized in the real world. Various exercises help speed up the fulfillment of desires: self-hypnosis, meditation, affirmations.

Attraction of positive thoughts

The power of thought and attraction

The Law of Attraction is a cosmic law that governs the Universe. It works on the principle where the visible world is penetrated by the invisible. A person continuously fills the path he travels with images formed under the influence of desires, fantasies, aspirations and passions. Thoughts released by people into space come to life and seek ways of embodiment. Intense and persistent desires materialize faster.

The power of thought and the power of attraction, when a person literally attracts everything that he regularly thinks about. It is advisable to constantly control thoughts, not allowing them to drift.

What is the power of thought in psychology

The power of thinking is a reality created by individuals from within. Attitude to reality determines the quality of life. In the case of fear, apprehension, the concentration of energy is so strong that it attracts the reality that causes fear and vice versa.


Quote from Lamat

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Everything is Thought

My creation is my life. /Suzuki/

The power is in our thoughts, in our desires and dreams. In the question of what do you yourself want to see in your life and what images do you put in your subconscious?

The power of thought is limitless and extends to everything around us. Everything is a thought.

The root cause is our thoughts and images that run through our heads in an endless series.

It cannot be that an event occurs in our lives that we did not think about, reflect on, or assume.

Just as there cannot be relationships that we haven’t thought about. If we constantly concentrate on some image, then it manifests itself in our life.

Keep track of your thoughts and beliefs, because only they create our life.

Everything is just a certain set of images and mental representations. When we constantly concentrate and think about one thing, sooner or later this event inevitably happens in our lives. By concentrating our thoughts and thinking that our world cares about us, noticing those smallest situations that confirm this belief, over time our life will resemble a continuous streak of luck. Everything will begin to happen by itself, in its own time, and so harmoniously and smoothly that sometimes we ourselves will wonder where all this ease and luck was before?

When we constantly focus on our successes, reflect on them, remember, write and rewrite, record growth and changes, then over time such successes become an integral part of our lives. And everything we undertake begins to happen according to a well-established scenario. Miracles happen to us at every step. At the same time, concentrating on our miracles and successes, we, like a magnet, begin to attract and notice positive events in the lives of other people.

When our thoughts are filled with a state of happiness and joy and every day we wake up with a feeling of gratitude and a sense of miracle - this is how our life becomes. For our lives are just reflections of our inner state.

“Everything that we focus our attention on acquires great power in our lives, everything that we deprive of our attention fades, collapses and disappears.” Deepak Chopra “Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” Starting to understand the structure, the system by which this world is structured and functions and we are in it, as an integral part of it, we are filled with a feeling of lightness and inner freedom. We understand that we ourselves create, we create and choose for ourselves this or that experience of Earthly life. And in order for this choice to be easy and harmonious, we study and master the basics of shaping our life, our world, our Universe.

In order for a certain event to happen in our life, we only need to imagine ourselves in it day after day. There is no need to first run around and try to make some huge external efforts and put in incredible labor costs. In order for something or someone to appear and manifest in our world, you first need to imagine it within yourself! Imagine ourselves in the action and process that we want to live. First you need to stop and ask yourself:

- What do I want to live? — What experience of Earthly life will you have in the near future or over the next few years? - And every day for a few minutes to get used to and live the image of who we would like to become and what we would like to do.

Our energy manifests and shapes only what we constantly imagine, where and who we see ourselves as, how we behave and how we speak, how we hold ourselves and how we react. It only reveals what we constantly, with scrupulous persistence, imagine and live within ourselves every day. It's just a matter of time.

If until now we have lived in one way or another and now we want to change everything in our lives, then we need to be patient and persistently, day after day, scroll through, live and feel ourselves in the circumstances and situations that we want to see in our lives. And our lives will begin to change.

This is inexplicable, but magical, amazing, amazing miracles begin to happen in her. — The main thing is to start acting not in the outside world, but to act within yourself, asking yourself questions, answering, forming and creating new thoughts and new images of yourself and your desired life. And then relax and every day joyfully and with pleasure begin within ourselves to be who we so want to be. To live and do what we have long dreamed of.

Exercise: If you want to dance, but at the moment you don’t have the necessary finances and other opportunities? We begin to create, shape that image, but what does it mean to dance? Here we see ourselves in a classroom with huge mirrors and feel endless joy from our presence there. We feel like our body is ready for training. But we are already standing and stretching out our leg, then our arm, and we begin to feel that even here and now, sitting at home at the table and imagining how we dance, our legs and arms are beginning to obey our image. And we let ourselves go and, with our eyes closed, continue to live there, in that classroom, while here our body repeats what you see inside yourself. We can leave our classes satisfied and joyful, having fun chatting with our dance friends. Or we can feel ourselves on stage, feel how our body stretches and makes graceful dance movements and how the thunder of applause falls on us. You can even stand up and bow and absorb the feelings that we would experience if this event happened in our life.

And then we joyfully and with gratitude to life for the fulfilled desire stretch and let it go, completely trusting the Universe to fulfill it. The main thing to remember is that you need to live what you want every day, but not to cling, but to trust life, that if it is better for us, then in due time everything will happen and happen in the way that is best for us.

If this is a meeting with a certain person, then not just imagine the object we desire, but how we greet him. To feel the feeling that fills us, to feel his touch on our hand, to experience hugs or greetings. Then imagine that we are sitting opposite him and enjoying communication, feeling the warmth emanating from the cup of tea that we are holding in our hands. Feel how it gently spreads throughout the body and we are enveloped in bliss and joy, a feeling of bliss and a feeling of gratitude. The main thing is to feel, experience the whole atmosphere and plunge into the mood and state of mind that we want to experience when meeting him.

The main thing is to see yourself inside this process. Feel, live and experience! For example, stand up and laugh just as joyfully, as if we were walking down the street with him, and he was telling us an interesting and funny event from his life. To live, to get used to the situation in which we want to find ourselves.

It often happens that a person does not feel confident and courageous enough and tries by all possible external means to make the desired impression on the people around him. As a rule, all this only reinforces his unsuccessful attempts to be bold and confident, since it is hardly possible to achieve a deep and permanent result through external efforts. In order for behavior to become confident and to feel inner freedom and courage, it is still necessary, every day, relaxing and closing your eyes, to scroll through and experience courageous and calm behavior within yourself. Understand:

- What does it mean to be confident?

—What would I like to become and how would I feel?

— What does a feeling of confidence and calmness, courage and strength mean to me?

Sometimes we want and dream about something for a long time, then we get tired of thinking about it and we almost forget about our dream. And at some completely unexpected moment, everything “suddenly” happens in the best way for us. We have the resources, opportunities and people necessary to realize our dreams. And here we remember that just recently we couldn’t even believe that this was possible in our lives, and now it happened.


The power of thought can only be increased by constant and persistent exercise; muscular development depends on the exercise of those muscles that we already possess, just as mental development depends on the exercise of the mind that we already possess.

It is a law of life that growth is the result of exercise. Life - our Higher Self - constantly strives to manifest itself more and more fully in the external world through the medium of the form in which it is enclosed.

Its pressure on the mold, resulting from the exercise, causes the latter to expand and new material is introduced into the mold, thus giving stability to the expanded part. When a muscle is tense, its vitality increases, the cells multiply and the muscle thus becomes larger.

When the mental body vibrates under the influence of thought, new material penetrates into it from the mental atmosphere and it thus increases in size and becomes more complex in its composition. With constant exercise, the mental body grows regardless of whether good or bad thoughts are introduced into it. The number of thoughts determines the growth of the body, their quality is the type of substance that is introduced during this growth.

The cells of the gray matter of the physical brain multiply due to the exercise of the brain in thinking. Post-mortem autopsies have shown that the thinker's brain is not only larger and heavier than the plowman's brain, but also has a more significant number of convolutions. And these convolutions significantly increase the surface of the gray nervous matter, which is the direct physical instrument of thought.

So, the mental body, like the physical brain, is increased by exercise, and those who wish to improve and develop them should practice correct daily meditation with the conscious purpose of improving their mental faculties. It is unnecessary to add that the forces inherent in the Cognizer, thanks to these exercises, also develop faster and act more intensely on the conductors. In order for the exercise to lead to complete success, it must be performed regularly. You need to choose an interesting book, written by a completely competent author and containing new and strong thoughts.

You should read one or more sentences slowly, and then think intensely and carefully about what you read. A good rule is to spend twice as much time thinking as reading, because... The purpose of reading is not only to acquire new ideas, but to strengthen thinking abilities. You should set aside half an hour for this, but a quarter of an hour is enough to start with, because... unflagging attention will be a little tiring at first.

Anyone who takes up such an exercise and performs it regularly for several months will, by the end of this time, feel a clear increase in mental strength and will be able to solve the ordinary problems of life with much greater success than before. Nature is a fair payer: it pays everyone what they deserve, but not a penny more. Whoever wishes to receive the reward of increasing ability to think must earn it through hard work.

This task is twofold, as we have already said. On the one hand, the forces of Consciousness are extracted, on the other, those forms through which Consciousness manifests are developed; and the first of these points must never be forgotten. Many people recognize the value of accurate thinking as it affects the brain, but it must be remembered that the source of every thought is the uncreated and immortal Higher Self, and that therefore they are only extracting what they already possess.

Every power lives in them and they must only learn to use it, in view of the fact that the divine Self is the root of life, and knowledge - an aspect of this Self - lives in each of us, constantly looking for an opportunity for its fuller manifestation. Power - uncreated, eternal - lives within every person; form is created and changed, but life is the Higher Self of man, and his abilities are limitless. This force within us is the same force that created the universe; This is divine power, not human, it is part of the life of the Logos and is inseparable from Him.

If people always realized this and remembered that difficulties arise not from a lack of ability, but from the imperfection of a tool, then they would begin to work with greater courage and hope, and therefore with greater success. We must always be aware that the essence of our nature is knowledge, and that it is in our power to give it (more or less perfect) expression in this incarnation. This expression will no doubt be limited by the thoughts of our past existences, but can now be improved and strengthened - by the same force that created the present in this past. Forms are plastic and - albeit slowly - can be remade by the vibrations of life.

But most of all, we need to remember that regular exercise is essential for continuous growth. If one day is missed, it will take 3 or 4 days to equalize this step back, especially in the early periods of growth. When the habit of precise and stable thought has already been acquired, then the correctness of the exercises does not matter so much.

But until this habit is finally established, regularity is extremely important, because... the previous habit of allowing thoughts to flow freely is spontaneously restored and the substance of the mental body takes on its previous forms, which, when the interrupted exercises are resumed, will need to be destroyed again. It is better to exercise for five minutes every day than for half an hour on some days and not at all on others.

How to develop intuitive hearing

This mudra is known in many Eastern countries. By connecting the ends of your thumb and index finger, you form a circle.

It is believed that this position of the fingers closes your energy circuit, and then you cannot transmit energy, but you can receive it.

Symbolically, this mudra connects your will with the Universal will, attuning you to this highest of all “transmitters” and stimulating intuitive perception.

There is a simple finger position ("mudra") that, when properly programmed by the mental computer during a guided imagery session, acts as a trigger. It develops your ability to listen to your inner intelligence, which we call intuition.

From the ideas that come to your mind when you make a circle with two fingers, you can make a decent fortune. Therefore, it is really worth listening and remembering. Then write down these ideas and introduce them into your guided imagination. You will experience more insights.

Your gut may not tell you the name of the horse that will win the race, but it can tell you exactly what you need to do to double your trading.

Here's how to program or trigger a trigger so that it works as an amplifier for your spiritual messages. Action Plan for Intuitive Sensitivity

1. Go as usual to the garden in Magic City. Previously, we looked at how to enter the Magic City.

2. Form a circle by connecting the tips of the thumb and index fingers of your left hand (if you are left-handed, then of your right hand), extending the remaining fingers forward,

3. Mentally say: “Whenever I connect these fingers, I am able to automatically and easily concentrate on what the other person is saying, while I understand him and remember what was said. I am also able to listen to intuitive messages from the Universe and receive them clearly.”

4. Leave the Magic City as usual.

5. Repeat daily for several days.

6. While listening to another person, form a circle with your fingers.

7. While at rest, in moments of relaxation, put two fingers together and listen sensitively to the ideas that come to your mind.

Making wishes come true with the power of thought

Positive thoughts

Desires are strong thoughts and aspirations generated by consciousness and revealing positive energy. Exercise, fresh air and reading useful literature develop the power of thoughts. People should be physically and spiritually prepared to fulfill their desires, because:

  1. Successful people do not fall into a stupor, they open up to new knowledge, skills, and begin to act.
  2. Don't panic if there are no resources. When faced with another challenge, they begin to work on a plan to obtain the required resources to achieve the goal.
  3. They don't envy. Observing a person who has achieved more, properly minded individuals set out to find ways and means to obtain high results.

Important! On the way to the goal, you need to take your intentions seriously, eradicating negativity. Doubts, fears, and anxiety prevent you from thinking rationally and take away your strength and energy.

How the power of thought works

A thought is a kind of encoding of an image or feeling. To generate thoughts, images are exchanged between consciousness and unconscious processes. Consciousness transforms the received information into coded formulas that flow into feelings and sensations.

For an experiment to determine brain activity, an electroencephalograph is used, which recognizes the impulses of billions of neurons in the operator’s skull.

Electroencephalographic device

The operator's task is to calibrate mental activity, allowing the computer to read his commands from a distance. The screen presents four scales, symbolizing the execution of operator commands sent to the computer. When receiving the first command, the first column grows, the next - the second. Four columns show on the monitor how much the intensity of the power of thought increases.

Developers plan to create robots that read the biopotential of the brain. Machines will use the power of thought to carry out commands. It is also possible that new interfaces controlled by the power of thought will emerge.

Placebo effect

Modern people are accustomed to this phrase and take its properties for granted. But by the standards of history, this is a rather young discovery, he is only a little over 70 years old.

According to the latest data presented in the work of Italian scientist Fabrizio Benedetti, the placebo effect works in several directions. In particular, at the first stage it causes a feeling of calm in the patient and a decrease in anxiety. And then the pleasure center in the human brain is activated, the production of dopamine increases.

And finally, the most obvious effect is learning. It manifests itself when a dummy is given after real pills, but the effect remains. This is important when the dosage of the drug is already at the maximum, but treatment must be continued. Then, at certain intervals, the medication is replaced with a pacifier.

So to whom do we owe the discovery of such a remarkable property of the brain?

Atkinson "The Power of Thought"

Obsessive thoughts - what they are and how to get rid of them yourself

The original source of the famous Law of Attraction is the book “The Power of Thought” by William Atkinson (Yoga Ramacharaka). What a person fears or desires attracts to himself. The author proposes to master the power of gravity and make it serve for the benefit of every person. The source tells you how to achieve harmony with the world, attract happiness and success. Many writers also cite a source whose ideas are borrowed for new works. Psychologists recommend Atkinson's work to people who prefer to live an active life and not go with the flow.

Henry Beecher Methods

The word “placebo” was first introduced into medical use by the American military doctor Henry Beecher. The incident that gave Beecher the idea of ​​the influence of a person's confidence on his physical condition occurred on the battlefield in 1944. Beecher was preparing to amputate a soldier's limb when he realized that morphine (a common painkiller at the time) had run out and there was nowhere to get it. Then he injected ordinary saline into the soldier’s body, assuring the patient that the morphine would now begin to act and he would not feel anything. And so it happened, the soldier did not make a sound during the operation.

How to attract positive energy into your life

Visualization of desires - what is this method, how to properly materialize thoughts

Lack of the right mood can turn even an ordinary weekday into a cloudy night. Conversely, energy charging can change the situation for the better under negative circumstances.

Psychological method

By initially setting yourself up for failure, your chances of achieving success are reduced. Psychologists explain this simply: thinking ability deteriorates during experiences. The brain is deprived of the incentive to work at full capacity and begins to make mistakes. The right attitude, even in difficult situations, will ensure a positive outcome.

On the way to your goal, self-hypnosis will be useful. The exercise includes three steps:

  1. Formulation of the request;
  2. Determination of the feelings experienced when achieving a plan;
  3. Achieving an emotional state as if a wish has come true.

You need to practice the exercise daily. If you learn to enjoy positive feelings, the Universe will create the conditions for your desire to come true.

Girl meditating


If you have free time, you should give preference to meditations that help attract positive emotions. The results of building positive images in the mind are stunning. People feel better, increase their chance of success at work, in business, in love. Positive change is caused by a stable, positively charged aura of individuals.


Af, “I am the richest”) serve as a prototype of thoughts, they should be known and repeated daily. In the morning and before bedtime, motivating phrases are remembered best.


So what conclusions can be drawn from all that has been written?

Let's try to put it briefly:

1 It is necessary to constantly control your thought process.

2 If you want to achieve success in any area of ​​life, it is important to imagine its result as clearly as possible, experiencing the positive emotions that will accompany it.

3 The percentage of pessimistic thoughts and dissatisfaction with something must be minimized. But an optimistic attitude should become common for every new day.

If everyone follows these simple tips, the number of people dissatisfied with life will decrease, and there will be more happy and smiling faces.

Barrier between man and the Universe

The barrier between man and the Universe is an incorrect attitude. For example, an attractive person considers himself not beautiful enough. She dreams of traveling more, although she goes abroad up to five times a year. It is important to thank fate more often for the blessings you have and focus on the missing needs.

Important to remember! Before using the power of thought, you need to be positive; your desires should be harmless to others. The measure will help remove barriers between the Universe and people for their implementation.

Be bolder

It doesn't matter what your life is like now. Start from scratch

Formulate in the most precise terms everything you would like. Don't worry, you don't have to go over your head or betray people to do this. To begin with, a daily five-minute concentration on what you have planned will be quite enough.

Managing the power of thought is now more important than ever. For example, you need new housing. It depends on you what exactly it will be. Think through everything down to the smallest detail - floor, location, footage, view from the window, furnishings. You can even imagine what the neighbors will be like. The subconscious will already begin to work on how you will get all this. Without risking anything, try this exciting experiment to feel how it works for yourself.

The Science of Attraction in the Modern World

If you want to change your own life, you need to act. The new experience will cover the old one. A person cannot deceive himself: act like a wealthy person if there is not enough money from paycheck to paycheck. If you visualize desires in the absence of previous experience, they become unrealistic.

A person can convince himself, slowly, gradually, in small steps. However, evidence will be required as a result of actions that can provide new experience. According to Albert Einstein, “The greatest folly is to do the same thing and expect a different result.”

This is how the Law of Attraction works in practice. People attract circumstances into life that correspond to their experiences. To speed up the process, you need to focus on the positive aspects of new circumstances and believe in a miracle.

The girl influences negative circumstances with the power of thought

Richard's Big Eight

Richard St. John (this is the full name of the author of the book) is an example of the American dream, that is, he is a self-made man. While studying at school, he asked a psychologist what he should do with his life? And the answer he heard predetermined his entire future fate. The answer was surprisingly simple: “What do you like to do? Work in this direction.” The author's further life was eventful and interesting, but he always tried to adhere to the advice of a psychologist.

How to develop the power of thought

When realizing desires, it is important to remember the existence of the Universe, which materializes thoughts subject to the following principles:

  1. Attraction. The strongest dreams attract circumstances to make ideas come true. For example, a person decides to buy a PC, and advertisements for interesting offers appear everywhere.
  2. Vibrational matching. Thoughts create certain vibrations. By tuning into the negative, a person pushes away positive events that could appear in his life.
  3. Adoption. The Universe has prepared ways for individuals to realize their desires; all that remains is to accept the gift. Lack of faith in the realization of dreams closes the door to desires.
  4. Visualization. Psychologists recommend imagining dreams in bright colors. The speed of execution of the idea depends on the reality of the picture in the imagination.

How to make the power of thought work, tips:

  • you need to clearly formulate your desire (use numbers, numbers, images);
  • focus on one dream, it must be achievable;
  • set a time frame (in months, years);
  • preserve the mystery of desire;
  • use a vision board depicting gravity.

Vision board

Many people are familiar with the expression “Poverty of thoughts creates a lack of action, and idleness creates poverty in life.” Thoughts determine actions, and steps taken contribute to obtaining results. The broader and bolder your thinking, the more success you will achieve.

Evidence of the effectiveness of the methods

Let us turn to the experience of clergy, to whom, even in ancient times, people came with their sorrows and joys. They can confirm that very often people who came to church with some kind of sadness continued to come with similar problems over and over again. And vice versa, those who came to thank God for something returned again with new joy.

Such people over and over again had a new reason to be grateful to the Almighty. Amazing events took place in their lives: illnesses passed them by, their prosperity increased, family ties strengthened. Such cases are known all over the world. They show that the materialization of thoughts works always and everywhere.

Let us take as an example a documented case where a woman defeated one of the incurable diseases, cancer, with the help of the power of her thoughts. She almost protected herself in life from any thoughts and worries about this illness, she supported all the bright and kind thoughts in herself. Thanks to materialization, she was able to create in herself the mood necessary for healing. And after three months, her complete recovery was recorded without the use of chemotherapy.

Another example that we want to share is not unique in itself. Similar stories happen everywhere from time to time, reminding us of the opportunity available to each of us to change our lives for the better. So, one young man did not have a very well-paid job, but he knew that he needed a big salary to be happy with his wife.

Efficiency of methods

He took one banknote and wrote on it the amount that he would like to see as a reward for his work, and hung it on the ceiling above his bed. Thus, his day began and ended with the visualization of his dream. And soon events occurred in the man’s life that led him to exactly the income he dreamed of. And then he realized that he was ready to conquer new heights and glued a new banknote with a new amount to the ceiling of his bedroom. As a result, he became a millionaire and achieved what he wanted.

There are many such stories about how people became extremely successful in business, opened the business of their dreams and won in their chosen path. And all these people were not initially remarkable for anything. But they managed to correctly materialize their thoughts: they formulated, visualized and filled them with sufficient power so that they fell into the very heart of the universe.

Method one

First, decide on the object of your experiment. A person waiting for someone or doing nothing is ideal for these purposes. Concentrate your thoughts in the area between his eyebrows and imagine how an information flow enters the brain through this point. Send a request something like this: “Please turn back.” Perform this manipulation with respect for the subject. Don't try to make fun of him this way. Do not take this process lightly, because as a result of luck you will move up one rung on your own evolutionary ladder.

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