How to excite a pen pal so that he starts licking the monitor

The best words and phrases that will help you turn on a man from a distance.

Most women believe that only the man should take the initiative in a relationship, which is why most often they behave like snow queens, trying not to show their real emotions. In fact, any man will be pleased if his beloved flirts with him.

Moreover, a woman who knows how to seduce becomes many times more desirable to a representative of the stronger sex. In view of this, if you want to surprise your soulmate, then try to turn on and seduce her from a distance, for example, through telephone correspondence.

Sample of Internet correspondence, examples of SMS exciting guys and men

SMS correspondence

As practice shows, a huge number of women seducing their loved one via SMS for the first time make the same mistake. As a rule, they immediately begin to bombard him with vulgar phrases, thinking that this will turn him on. Undoubtedly, there is a category of guys who will definitely like this behavior. But still, most of the stronger sex like to be intrigued.

Therefore, it will be better if you start your correspondence with an unobtrusive declaration of love or tell him that you had an erotic dream that you would like to bring to life. If you see that a man is interested in what you wrote to him, you can safely move on to more intimate messages, and, if desired, support them with relevant photographs.

SMS exciting guys and men:

  • I think about you all day! I want you to be next to me right now, touch me and kiss me tenderly.
  • I miss you so much that I think I can smell you in the apartment.
  • Darling, it’s only morning, and I’m already looking forward to the evening... I hope you can relax me the same way you did yesterday?
  • I’m getting ready to go to bed and don’t know whether to take off your favorite stockings or leave them on. Maybe you can come and help me do this?
  • I'm trying to sleep, but I can't. As soon as I close my eyes, I see your beautiful and muscular body and all sorts of vulgarities immediately appear in my head.

How to quickly get the man you love at home

What to watch with a guy to make him horny

Of course, the most obvious option would be any “adult film.” And yet, it is worth noting that not every girl will decide to offer to watch such a movie even after several years of relationship. It would be more appropriate to suggest watching a feature film, in which “as if by chance” there will be an abundance of erotic scenes. So, what paintings are worth paying attention to? These include such cinematic works as “Chloe”, “Paganini: The Devil’s Violinist”, “Everly”, “Going South”, “Killing Me Softly”, “The Case”. Note that the posters of these films look quite innocent, so if you are embarrassed to directly say that you specifically chose a film with an erotic slant, then you can easily say that someone recommended this drama or thriller to you, and you did not even expect to see something like that there .

However, you are probably already an adult who should not be ashamed of your desires at all! So, what erotic films can you choose, from which it is immediately clear that intimate scenes are coming? These include: “Sleep with me”, “Diaries of a Nymphomaniac”, “Intimate Adventures”, “Wild Orchid” and others.

Excite a guy with your hands, touches, kisses

Guys are usually more excitable than girls, so if you want to excite your lover, it is unlikely to cause you any difficulties. If you are already in bed, then, in general, almost any caresses will have the desired effect. If you haven’t gotten to bed yet, then find an opportunity to be alone with the guy and excite him with the touch of your lips and hands. We can talk about passionate French kisses, light biting, stroking. Your movements should be confident and purposeful - stroke your beloved man not with your fingertips, but with an open palm, lightly run your nails over his skin, press your whole body against him. After such manipulations, the guy will probably immediately want to continue.

A list of pleasant words and phrases that turn on and excite men

List of pleasant words and phrases that turn you on

I would like to say right away that there are no template phrases that will help you seduce a man. Since representatives of the stronger sex, just like women, have different temperaments, one may get an affectionate nickname that only you know, while another must read frivolous phrases with erotic overtones.

In view of this, before sending an SMS to your chosen one, you should definitely think about whether he will like it. If your significant other is very calm and shy, then it will be better if you start to turn him on with relaxing romantic phrases, for example, write to him that only he makes you laugh and rejoice. If your guy is one of those who loves directness, then feel free to start the correspondence with memories of the previous night together.

A list of pleasant words and phrases that will help you find your loved one:

  • You were so sexy this morning that I've been thinking about you all day.
  • I remember our morning sex, and my skin breaks out in goosebumps. Maybe we can do it again tonight?
  • I dream of caressing your body again and enjoying the beating of your heart.
  • If you want to see the most beautiful and mesmerizing striptease, then come tonight
  • Tonight I need a handsome and sexy man to help me relax... I hope you are not busy?
  • I want to give you a night that you will never forget... I’m waiting for you today at eight
  • Honey, can we take a shower together tonight? Just you and me, and, of course, without clothes
  • I want to handcuff you to the bed and do everything I’ve been dreaming about for a long time.

What is prohibited in intimate correspondence?

What messages are best not to send to a man in intimate correspondence? Inexperienced people can make some mistakes in sexting, which not only will not excite their partner, but will also offend him. Make sure your communication does not include the following:

  • inappropriate jokes about appearance, sexual abilities or “failures” in bed;
  • distractions by calls, messages from other people in the midst of passionate correspondence;
  • comparisons with former lovers.

Other topics that should not be raised in SMS communication are given in the article “What you should not write to a man in private messages - 9 taboos!”

Exciting SMS for a guy or a man when he is at work

Exciting SMS for a guy

If you plan to write a couple of exciting SMS to your lover while he is at work, then be prepared for the fact that he will not be able to answer you very quickly. Therefore, if you see that there is no answer after 5 or 10 minutes, then you should not start writing the next one. Be patient and wait until he can give you an answer.

If you start unilaterally bombarding him with erotic phrases, then your persistence may give a completely different result than you wanted. As practice shows, in order for a man to get excited and think about his soul mate all day long, he needs to constantly feel her desire. This means that you will have to play erotic verbal ping-pong the entire time he is at work.

Exciting SMS for a guy:

  • I want to see your naked body on my bed again
  • Dear, should you warm up dinner or bed in the evening?
  • I really want to know if I can count on us getting a little naughty tonight
  • Honey, get ready, tonight you will have an unforgettable erotic massage with a pleasant continuation
  • Darling, close your eyes and imagine me in your favorite red lingerie. In the evening I will meet you only in it...
  • If you think about me then come and do everything you dream of
  • How about tonight? Wine, candles and unforgettable sex guaranteed

How to choose the right key to your heart

Not all girls know how to excite a guy with erotic correspondence so that his emotions are filled with passion, and he wants to continue communication on this wave. In the process of communication, you need to use not only messages of an erotic nature; you can focus on personal intimate photos, hiding your face if you don’t trust your partner.

READ The guy says he wants me: how to understand male psychology

To liberate a guy by correspondence, you should try to prepare him for such a conversation. Men usually favor such communication, but in order not to seem vulgar and promiscuous, you should first clarify with your interlocutor what he would like.

It's much easier to communicate with your boyfriend while at a distance. In this case, you know how to turn on your man, what he likes, what he pays attention to. If this is an unfamiliar interlocutor for whom you feel sympathy, you need to be extremely careful, without making sudden urges and using communication in a favorable manner.

How to choose a time

Intimate correspondence with a guy should be carried out at the appropriate time and in a comfortable environment. For example, very personal messages are best sent in the evening, when the interlocutor is at home in a free environment. There is no need to put your partner in an uncomfortable position so that problems do not arise in future communication.

You can start exciting correspondence only if you are convinced that the man is ready for this. If he communicates with you while driving, in traffic, or at work, then this is not the right time.

Try to find out your lover’s daily routine so that the exciting messages are truly appropriate, have the right effect on your partner, and do not irritate him. You need to try to hide your emotions in correspondence, giving them free rein only when it is really necessary.

You need to take stimulating correspondence with a guy casually. Don’t make any plans, let everything go as usual and bring pleasure to both partners. You can simply mentally say the initial phrases and SMS that will interest the interlocutor, evoke genuine emotions in him and make the correspondence more intense.

What exactly should I write to a guy?

If you want to interest a man in correspondence, you need to try to be versatile. Create a new image for yourself every time, be a shy virgin, touchy, bitch, heartbreaker, etc.

To excite a young man, you need to compliment him, write words of love, and admire him. Men like to be praised and want to be asked about their desires. If your interlocutor likes frank conversations, even virtual ones, give him this opportunity. Let him go crazy just from your messages and look forward to the next day to continue communication.

Men very quickly get used to intimate conversations, become attached to their interlocutors, and try to devote their free time only to them. Use erotic messages that will further interest and excite a man. Messages of an intimate nature can be written in prose, poetry, or short messages. If you are close with your interlocutor, you can additionally send intimate photos. The main thing is that they are not very vulgar and do not arouse hostility in the young man.

READ How to seduce a girl: classic and new ways

It is enough to bare your shoulder a little, take a beautiful photo in your underwear, which will only enhance the aesthetics of communication. There is no need to take provocative pictures; they are only permissible when corresponding with your man.

Obscene language should also be removed because young people do not like rude girls. Be restrained, only in this case you can attract male attention and excite your partner without physical contact.

If your partner hasn't responded to your messages, don't be upset. Men can have their own affairs, meetings, work moments. Invite him to have a little fun in the afternoon and engage in virtual sex. Write a few words, look at the reaction of your interlocutor: if you notice interest in his SMS, then you can move on to more decisive actions, agree on a time for intimacy, discuss the presence or absence of mutual photographs.

Erotic pictures

Erotic photos for a man via SMS can only be sent if you really trust him. Remember, if your face is visible in explicit photos, you risk ending up on porn sites and causing problems for yourself. Think carefully before sending naked photos of yourself to a stranger, even if we are talking about long-distance correspondence.

There are some rules that must be followed:

  1. Do not engage in erotic communication with photographs while intoxicated. In this case, it is difficult to control your actions, you can make many mistakes that on the second day it will be impossible to remove from the interlocutor’s phone.
  2. Do not send your intimate photos to anyone unless you have been asked to do so. Excessive intrusiveness will only spoil communication and give the interlocutor the wrong impression of you.
  3. During intimate correspondence, there should be no stupid jokes, emoticons or expressions that could ruin the atmosphere. Also, remove any phrases that go beyond the topic under discussion; they will only show the man that you are not interested in him.
  4. Don't keep sex messages, even if you're in an open relationship. Time will pass, you will forget about their existence, and your future man may perceive everything incorrectly. Delete everything right away so that he doesn’t see the dark side of your past life.
  5. Check the recipient's name several times and only then send your photos. If you communicate with different people at the same time, there is a chance that you will mistakenly send pictures to another person. To prevent such incidents from happening, carefully watch who you send photos to.
  6. If the communication is with a stranger, and you are in a relationship or married, then avoid intimate photos. From the outside it will look extremely stupid. Whether or not to cheat on your lover is everyone’s business, but sending intimate photos is stupid. They will only be further proof of your infidelity and will cast doubt on further family happiness.

READ Simple and effective conspiracies for sex

It is useful for girls to know how to excite a man by correspondence, what secrets and subtleties to use. You also need to remember the rules for using intimate photographs, because they often play a cruel joke on their owners. Before agreeing to such games, study the rules for arousing your partner and safety measures.

Affectionate words for SMS that excite men with your own words

Kind words for SMS

There is an opinion among women that men do not like affectionate words and that only vulgar phrases are acceptable to them. In fact, men also love when they are called affectionately, it just needs to be done not in public, but, for example, in personal correspondence. The right words will help you relax your partner and help make the next night unforgettable.

Therefore, do not be shy and give your loved one a couple of compliments that will definitely melt his heart. But remember, too sweet speeches or poems in this case are still unacceptable. Therefore, telling him that he is divinely beautiful, like a rosebud, is still not worth it. It will be better if you tell your loved one words that will definitely raise his self-esteem.


  • Darling, you are so sweet everywhere!
  • Darling, I feel so good with you that sometimes it seems that you are unreal
  • I love you so much that I can't wait for you to ring my doorbell.
  • My only one, no one has ever given me as much pleasure as you
  • Every minute spent with you makes me very happy
  • I love it when you kiss and hug me... And your hands caressing my body make me lose my mind
  • When you leave the bed of our love, I feel very sad
  • I want you so much that I think I'll go crazy
  • Darling, how would you like to continue in the evening what we started in the morning?
  • How I want your lips to caress my body right now

How to make sure that a man does not find rest in his wild imagination?

When you open up in front of a young man, he has no room for imagination. To excite a guy in correspondence as effectively as possible, you need to make his imagination work. What do I need to do:

  1. Provoke your man to think with a playful message. “Remember, we watched a movie where a couple had sex in the shower. What do you think about this?". You hint to him to diversify your carnal pleasures, but there is no direct indication of this. And the scene from the movie will immediately appear before his eyes, the man will only think about you.
  2. Don’t write him a detailed report: “I undressed, went to bed, it’s warm here, I’ll go to bed soon. It would be nice to make love to you.” Write briefly but succinctly: “I’m already naked, I really want to pamper myself in the crib. And you?".
  3. Don’t write in plain text: “Come, I want you!” The guy will probably come, but this way you won’t ignite his imagination. And the longer he fantasizes, the sweeter the time you will spend together.
  4. Avoid callous phrases: “I want us to get into bed and start kissing.” Try to diversify your messages with more detailed descriptions of your specific feelings:
      “I get goosebumps when I imagine you caressing me with your strong hands,”
  5. “When I feel your soft lips, I just want to scream with pleasure.”

Such detailed messages will make the guy imagine, as if in reality, what could happen between you if you were nearby.

Trust your innate sexuality, and every woman has it, you just need to wake it up. Therefore, cast aside doubts and plunge headlong into erotic flirting. Become a provocateur of variety in your sex life.

Intimate stimulating SMS and phrases for correspondence with a guy, a man

Intimate stimulating SMS

As you probably already understood, SMS correspondence can be a wonderful prelude to a stormy night. But still, when deciding on this method of arousing your chosen one, you must remember that the phone cannot convey your emotions. In view of this, it will be better if you try to do this using punctuation marks and emoticons. For example, you can write, darling, I want you very much, and instead of a period, put an emoticon in the form of beautiful scarlet lips at the end of the sentence.

In general, do not spare emoticons, put them in the middle of a sentence or after every word. As practice shows, the less formally a proposal is written, the more emotions it evokes in the person who reads it. Remember, intimate SMS does not have to be vulgar. In order to excite a man, it is not necessary to write to him all the time about his manhood. You can tell him how beautiful, gentle and sexy he is.

An example of intimate stimulating SMS:

  • If you liked last night, then I'm ready to repeat it today
  • My beloved fireman, today I want you to put out the fire that is raging inside me.
  • Maybe you will come to me tonight and I will tell you about all my erotic fantasies
  • I dream of how tonight you will lift me again to the very pinnacle of bliss
  • Honey, maybe we can go to bed this weekend?
  • In half an hour I will take off all my underwear... Be careful not to be late, otherwise you will be left without sweets
  • My body yearns for your hugs and kisses...

Rules of erotic conversation

Erotic conversation is necessary to create trust between a man and a woman and to be in contact with each other. Exciting words from a girl are important for a young man; they make him feel like an alpha male.

In a relationship, it is important to have a sincere desire to talk about intimate topics, to be open and sensitive, to treat your partner with understanding and empathy. At the same time, the attitude and desire of both are important. Nothing should distract you.

If suddenly, for some reason, one of the partners does not have the opportunity, time or desire to participate in an erotic conversation, it will work against you and your relationship may suffer.

Before starting such correspondence, it is necessary to test the waters. Find out what sexual fantasies and habits your chosen one has. This will help avoid unexpected and unpredictable effects. Try to predict how a man will react to your erotic message. First write something veiled with a sexual hint, for example: “Can you imagine, today in a dream we had sex with you.”

If a man is interested in continuing such communication, he will certainly be interested in how, under what circumstances it all happened and how it all ended.

Also, you should not send the message right away, but pause, waiting about 10-15 minutes after the response. The main purpose of sexual correspondence is to excite your chosen one and provide an opportunity to fantasize and make fantasies come true.

Therefore, if he asks what color underwear you are wearing, wait 5-10 minutes - let him think and dream. Here's how to turn a guy on through texting.

Also, you should not deceive his expectations and make a promise to do something that you will not do when you meet. Therefore, if you are not a fan of sexual role-playing games in the BDSM style, do not write about how you are tied up lying on the floor.

If you have already confidently entered into erotic correspondence, then do not forget that here, as in any other matter, there are rules that must be followed:

  • do not be shy;
  • You cannot use emoticons;
  • send photos and rate them;
  • observe the form of dialogue;
  • do not hurry;
  • be open and frank.

An example of a beautiful erotic letter to excite a man, a guy from a distance

An example of beautiful erotic writing

If you want to really surprise your soulmate, then write her a short erotic letter. Usually men react very violently to such messages and literally immediately after receiving them enter into a very warm and intimate correspondence with the person who sent them.

But still remember that you are not writing a completely standard letter, so in this case you can move away from the welcoming introductions and immediately start writing about your desires.


Honey, you have no idea how much I miss you! Every evening, going to bed without you, I remember our hot nights, and my body begins to ache with desire. I'm counting down the minutes until we can spend our days and nights together again. Just imagine how good it will be to fall asleep and wake up together, and love each other until exhaustion. I can already imagine you walking through the door, picking me up and carrying me into our bedroom, while covering my face and neck with kisses.

Oh God, you can’t even imagine how much I want to quickly feel how your strong hands are pressing my body to you. Beloved, how I want to feel your smell, hear your voice... You may think that I have gone crazy, but in fact I am an ordinary woman who wants her beloved person to fill her body with his body and love again. Come soon, my dear, and you will know how much I miss you!

How to learn to excite your husband with renewed vigor if passion has subsided over the years

Unfortunately, many married couples are forced to admit the fact that passion fades over the years, and intimate pleasures become quite predictable, accordingly, bringing less and less true pleasure. Often, it is for this reason that infidelity begins in the family; spouses are looking for novelty in sexual relationships on the side, having ceased to be surprised by anything in bed with a long-time partner.

You can maintain passion in a relationship for a long time or revive it if you adhere to certain nuances.

So, what should you pay special attention to?

Intimate messages throughout the day

Start introducing into your daily communication not only the usual messages with a list of groceries and small errands, but also words with intimate overtones.

Sexy SMS, phrases to excite a guy, a man

Sexual SMS

If you decide to surprise your loved one with sexy phrases, then don’t be shy and try to beautifully tell him about your feelings and sensations while having sex with him. Believe me, if you do this correctly, the man will have a desire to give you even more pleasure. But don’t overdo it, if you see that a man responds quite calmly to your frank messages, then try to use less frivolous phrases.

It is likely that he is not comfortable conducting open correspondence at the moment, or he is simply busy with work. If you want your SMS of a sexual nature to become a prelude to the evening, then wait until the guy makes contact and only after that start telling him about your secret desires.


  • I want to feel the heaviness of your body and the tenderness of your hands...
  • As soon as you return home, we will immediately have rough sex in the hallway
  • Just the thought of feeling you inside my body tonight is driving me crazy.
  • I lie there and remember how your tongue wandered along my thighs
  • I've already been waiting for you, my sweet candy. How I love the taste of your body
  • I want to touch your tight ass with my hands right now
  • I bought sheer underwear and I want you to help me take it off

Remember to have a sense of proportion

Remember the phrase: “Too much taste kills the taste.” There is no need to overuse intimate photos, because such intrusiveness sooner or later gets boring for a man, and the “dessert” becomes tasteless.

READ How to seduce a girl for sex: secrets of seduction

Try to send photos to your boyfriend occasionally so that every time they are a holiday for him. Don’t make it a routine thing, because after a short period of time, discomfort in communication will appear.

Do not base your communication only on an intimate topic, otherwise the young man will decide that there is nothing else to talk to you about. Try to be comprehensively developed, talk about different things.

How to excite a guy by talking on the phone or Skype: an example of a conversation

It's much easier to excite a guy over the phone than via SMS. Since in this case you have the opportunity to show emotions more clearly, you can achieve the desired result much faster. Just in order for your conversation to have the desired effect, try not to talk to your loved one for a couple of days before.

Since he misses you, he will perceive everything you say much more acutely. And remember, an exciting conversation should be as intelligible as possible, which means that in this case it is absolutely forbidden to post information very quickly, clumping up the endings of words. It will be better if you pronounce phrases in a languid voice, sometimes allowing yourself a little playfulness.

Phrases that will help excite your loved one:

  • I looked at our photos together and got so excited that all my thoughts were only about sex with you
  • As soon as you're in my arms, I'll kiss you until you're exhausted.
  • Let's stay in bed for ages
  • I love looking at your body when you walk around naked
  • I want you to take off my clothes right now and take me to bed

Video call

If you fail to excite a guy using SMS, use another modern method of long-distance communication - video calling. You can use the camera on your phone or computer. The format of such a conversation assumes that both partners are relaxed and approach virtual without hesitation.

So, you can start the game like this:

  1. Call your loved one on Skype.
  2. You can be naked, in your underwear right away, or do an online strip show.
  3. Give the man a couple of compliments, remember a great evening or night.
  4. Say that you are looking forward to the continuation and are burning with desire right now.
  5. You can demonstrate your charms, tell what kind of caresses you are expecting.
  6. Look at the camera without fear or embarrassment, touch your private parts, flirt.
  7. Before saying goodbye, do not forget to arrange a meeting and invite the boy to visit if he is not yet on the way to your house.

On a note! Psychologists often recommend Virt via Skype to established couples and spouses. After all, passion fades away in a long-term relationship. New impressions, the experience of intimacy at a distance revive love.

Poems that excite men

Poems that excite men

Poem for a loved one

If you want to tickle your soulmate's nerves more seriously, then send her erotic poems. If you have the skills, you can try to put them together yourself and try to use them to show how desirable your chosen one is to you. If you are not good with rhyme, then choose one of the poems that we have selected for you.

Yes, and if you send a poem via SMS, then be sure to add emotions to it with emoticons. Well, if you have the opportunity to say the cherished words over the phone, then remember when reading an erotic poem, laughter and embarrassment are inappropriate. Pronounce all words as correctly as possible, trying to convey your feelings with intonation.

Voice communication

A charming female voice can excite a man in a matter of seconds. You don’t have to have sex over the phone: you can record a message in any modern messenger (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram). Before recording, please note the following important points:

  • timbre: speak in a low voice with a sexy breath, but without pretense;
  • volume: switch to a sexy whisper, then speak at a normal volume;
  • ambiguity: use half-hints, metaphors, do not always speak in plain text.

Do you want to understand how to broadcast feminine charm through sexting? Read the article about the sexiest female traits according to men.

What should you not write to a guy or a man?

Words that are inappropriate in SMS correspondence

If you want your man’s feelings for you to grow stronger every day, then try not to turn SMS flirting into something ordinary. This means that such correspondence should not contain even the slightest hint of a showdown. In addition, such correspondence cannot contain any caustic jokes related to appearance.

Believe me, if you even jokingly start discussing, for example, your significant other’s belly, she will not react to it very well. In view of this, if you want to make some kind of joke at the address of your chosen one, then do it in person so that you have the opportunity to tactilely show him that you like him.

Another taboo in this case is SMS, which will cause jealousy. If you try to tell a guy in this way that you like someone, then with a high probability you can say that he will become very angry.

Rules for correspondence with a man - TOP 5

1) Don't write too long messages

If your interlocutor writes you 2 words in SMS, and you write 100 words to him, then this is unattractive. I once talked to a girl who immediately started writing very large messages, in response I wrote a few words, and she continued to write me a poem (a screenshot of this dialogue is below). Such a girl immediately upsets the balance of values ​​and one gets the feeling that she needs this communication much more than I do. After a couple of giant messages, my interest in communicating with her instantly disappeared.

To avoid getting into such situations, just use the following rule: write a message approximately the same in length as your interlocutor. If a man writes you a few words, then it is also wise to answer him succinctly. If a man writes a long story, then in this case you can also write him a detailed message.

Use the principle of reciprocity!

2) Do not write more than 2 messages in a row

There are many girls who write one SMS, then a second, a third, and so on. And the man still didn’t have time to answer the first one. Ideally, write 1 message, and then wait for a response from the interlocutor. If your dialogue is filled with messages from your side, then you risk losing interest on the part of the man.

The same goes for questions. Don't ask more than one question at a time. As you saw in the screenshot above, the girl not only wrote huge messages, but also asked a bunch of questions at once. Remember the rule: 1 message = 1 question (maximum 2 questions, but no more).

3) No complaints

If you complain in correspondence about your hard life, fate, failure, then you begin to demonstrate to a man your low value. A normal man will immediately be put off by a girl who dumps her problems on him at the very start of communication. Problematic women may only appeal to abusers or strange individuals who are unlikely to attract you.

Remember that other people's problems are of no interest to anyone, this is the truth of life. Everyone wants to communicate with cheerful, positive and successful people.

4) Emotions

We already know that great flirting is possible thanks to emotions. Your communication should be rich in them. There is no need to communicate with a man in a dry and boring way. Use emoticons (but don't overdo it), joke around, have fun. Feel like a child while texting. Men feel well the emotional state of a girl not only during a live meeting, but also during correspondence. So be positive and in a playful mood.

Even the banal question “What do you do?” you can answer in an interesting way, evoking emotions in the interlocutor (example in the screenshot below)

Currently I work in marketing. Therefore, the definition “I am in the business of taking money from people” is perfect. And it doesn’t matter what your profession is. Whether you are a cashier or a doctor, it doesn't matter. You can come up with an interesting and funny description for any activity.

Well, you see, if I answered: “I’m a marketer,” it would be boring. But the phrase “I take money from people” gives rise to a bunch of questions and slight surprise in the girl’s head. In this simple way I evoke emotions in my interlocutor and he remembers me.

5) You are a buyer

This is one of the main rules when communicating with the opposite sex. Remember that you are the buyer. What does it mean? It is you who chooses, not you. Many girls (and men too) try with all their might to please their interlocutor and are afraid of losing his affection. But this desire to try to please is fundamentally wrong. Because it puts you in a position where they choose you, not you. But it is beneficial for you that you choose men, and not vice versa.

Every time you communicate with the opposite sex, always evaluate the interlocutor and filter him (if you don’t like him). In order for you to be in the position of a buyer, you need to clearly decide what kind of man you want to see next to you. After all, if you go to choose a laptop in a store, don’t buy the first one you come across. Certain characteristics will be important to you. The same applies to men. Understand what qualities are important to you in the opposite sex and start choosing among the most worthy ones.

Believe me, men immediately begin to feel when they are being appreciated. And they immediately have a desire to please!

Key takeaways from the article:

  • Flirting is about emotions. Evoke emotions in your interlocutor
  • Create intrigue in your correspondence
  • Be sincerely interested in the other person and their life (put them first)
  • Don't invest more in communication than a man
  • Remember - you choose, not you!

Video: How to make a man think about you?

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Advice from psychologists

Communication at a distance creates certain difficulties for couples who are not ready for it. To make it last for a long time and evoke only positive emotions, listen to the advice of psychologists:

  1. Know the limits in communication.
  2. Don't go overboard during intimate conversations.
  3. Have self-esteem.
  4. There is no need for excessive intrusiveness.
  5. Start intimate topics of conversation only at a convenient time for the man.

Advice from psychologists helps build strong and stable relationships, even if they initially arise at a distance.

Examples of strategies

Experienced girls who know how and love to flirt with men identify several strategies for correspondence over the phone. You can adopt any one, depending on who you want to appear to your partner - a cute cat or a dangerous predator.

Strategy #1: Self-confidence

You show that you are confident in your charms and the success of the first date. You also convey your confidence to the guy, let him also “understand” that he liked you. Examples of messages:

  • “You’re cute, we can meet again...”;
  • “What clothes did you wear in your dream today?”;
  • “Are you drooling? Soon you will be able to see me again ;).”

Confidence is confidence, however, you should not make any proposals and make the next date. Let the guy take the initiative in this matter.

Strategy #2: Teasing

Another way to interest a man by correspondence is to tease him with an ambiguous message or a not entirely innocent photograph (remember the absence of nudity).

His rich imagination will complete everything for you, all that remains is to reap the benefits. For example, send an SMS with the following text: “Oh, it’s a pity that you’re not around right now.” If it's getting close to evening, the guy will definitely get involved and write something very bold. You may be a little “amazed”: “Wow! I’ve already decided that we will remain friends!”

When corresponding with a man on the phone, be a little mysterious and natural. And although flirting via SMS is a good way to interest a guy, don’t get carried away with such technologies.

Gain experience and save your energy for a real tete-a-tete “hunt”, when in addition to charm, wit and playfulness, you will need a whole arsenal of feminine tricks - from glance to touch.

The benefits of flirting with a guy via SMS

If you are just preparing for a serious relationship, then your goal is to interest a young man so that he begins to dream about you and constantly flip through all your phrases in his memory. Flirting on the phone with a guy is great for this.

The advantages of such correspondence are as follows:

  • it does not require too much time;
  • you can simultaneously flirt with several young people at once;
  • you are not embarrassed to say things that you wouldn’t say to a man’s face.

If you are determined to flirt with a guy via SMS, let's figure out whether there are any rules that regulate what you can write to your interlocutor and what you need to refuse. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing the attention of the chosen one.


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What not to say

If you have been together for a long time, you will not have any difficulties with communication, even of a sexual nature. You know his tastes, preferences and wishes, which means you are unlikely to make mistakes. But young couples who have been dating for a short time are prone to mistakes. Some mistakes can ruin the intimate part, so listen to a few warnings about what not to do:

  • make jokes during intimacy - laughter is, in principle, inappropriate where there is excitement, it can extinguish the passion between young people in a second;
  • unnecessary conversations - when tuning in to a frank, stimulating conversation, you should not be distracted by extraneous topics about work, affairs, everyday issues, etc.;
  • be distracted by the phone - even if during communication and intimacy you receive an important call, you do not need to drop everything and answer it, this will offend your partner;
  • watching TV is the main enemy of sex, which, one way or another, can distract partners from the action, so it’s better to turn it off;
  • memorized phrases - if you use template expressions in correspondence, the guy will consider this a lack of imagination, an unwillingness to come up with something.
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