The husband left for his mistress - how long will it take for him to be drawn home: analysis of the situation, how long to wait, what to do if he does not plan to return

According to statistics, 95% of cheaters prefer not to leave their family for their mistress, because they perfectly understand their benefit. On the one hand, there is a loving and caring wife who will feed and wash, and on the other, a passionate and attractive lover, next to whom a man feels like a hunter. But some representatives of the stronger sex still decide to leave their wife for another woman. The reasons why husbands leave for their mistresses are very multifaceted, but we will look at them all.

Does a man leave his family for his mistress?

Most often, the initiator of divorce is the wife who learned about her husband’s adventures. Husbands themselves rarely decide to break up for many reasons. Basically, they are held back by their common children, the presence of loans and mortgages, the reluctance to start everything from scratch and lose a reliable rear in the form of a wife.

  1. There are no families where quarrels do not occur. But if scandals and swearing become common occurrences that do not allow one to live in peace, a man can move to a place where affection and comfort will await him.
  2. The wife is perceived by the man as a reliable support and support. For him, she is the dearest and closest person who will accept him as anyone. If a woman turns from an affectionate and tender wife into an unbearable, eternally dissatisfied vixen, the relationship in most cases is doomed to failure. And neither children, nor money, nor even love can heal the cracks between partners.
  3. A mistress can become a light in a person’s window, a lifeline that will pull the poor fellow out of the abyss of negativity. By offering her lover a delicious dinner, attention and high-quality physical intimacy, a rival in a man’s eyes looks more advantageous than his missus.

In this case, the mistress has every chance of acquiring a new status - wife, but it is not a fact that the situation will not happen again. There are often couples where the wife was once the mistress of a married man, but after reuniting with her chosen one, she herself experienced all the “charms” of life with a wandering and cheating husband.

If a man has cheated on his women in the past, there is a high probability that he will not give up his old habits and will continue to look for more interesting and attractive companions.

Riot again

At the age of 14-16, a young man experiences the peak of feelings, and not the peak of sexuality, as some people think. A man reaches his sexual peak by the age of 25. After 30, maturity sets in: romance and sexual violence become a thing of the past, and normal family life begins. A man, without much worry, follows the well-worn path until he suddenly stumbles upon approaching old age. The appearance of gray hair in the beard is one of the signs of the onset of male menopause, which occurs approximately at the age of 43-50 years. The man suddenly realizes that life is passing, and the dreams of his youth remained unfulfilled and now it is too late to change anything. The terrible thought “spring will not come for me...” torments his soul so much that he can decide to take a desperate step - “get into the last carriage” in order to try to go through life in the second circle.

It is believed that, having lived about two-thirds of his life, a man relives his teenage rebellion against everyday life. Hence the frequent need in both cases to escape from home. The decision to start a new life “in old age” was previously condemned by society. But nowadays society is loyal to this. If a person takes such a step, risking being left broke, it means he really needs it.

What kind of mistresses do men go to?

To win the fight for love, the mistress must be better than the spouse in several aspects. Anyone will envy the determination and perseverance of a woman in love who decided to conquer a man. For the sake of women's happiness, she is ready for any external and internal transformation. Someone even decides to undergo serious plastic surgery so that the chosen one will pay attention to her.

The only thing that married men should remember is that a mistress, having become a wife, can relax and stop being such a breathtaking beauty that she was before marriage. And sensuality and passion will be replaced by the old familiar everyday life, which colors bright days in gray.

Soul mates

Why are “gray-bearded” guys attracted to young girls? After all, mature ladies are more experienced, more relaxed and sometimes much sexier than young ones. If aging men were looking for sex first, they might think the same thing. But something else is more important for them. In young creatures they are attracted, on the one hand, by the freshness of the body, on the other, by the freshness of feelings.

It has been known since ancient times that the best means of rejuvenation for an aging man is the proximity of a young maiden. Not even necessarily a sexual relationship with her, but intimacy in the literal sense of the word. In many countries, it was the custom of elderly rulers to place young virgins in their beds, and this did not always involve anything other than an innocent (or almost innocent) lying next to each other, which was quite enough to make the old blood flow faster. Even the mere presence of a young lady and communication with her has an invigorating effect on an elderly gentleman, allowing him to at least mentally lose a few years.

Psychological coincidences also play a large role in the emergence of a romance between a man over 40 and a woman under 25. A woman at this age has not yet left the romantic mood, but the man has already been re-possessed. In terms of their state of mind, they are in many ways closer to each other than to their peers. The brighter a man’s personality, the higher the interest of young girls in him. It’s not for nothing that there are so many versions of the “love story” between a teacher and his enthusiastic student. In addition, a mature man who has reached a certain financial level and position in society is a very attractive candidate for some young ladies who crave “confidence in the future.” It cannot do without the influence of fashion: in high society, respectable men appear here and there in the company of young and beautiful companions, leading any vain man to think: “Why am I worse?”

Why do husbands leave the family?

As the great classic Leo Tolstoy said: “All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” This quote perfectly characterizes the relationship between two partners who decided to reunite in marriage and encountered obstacles.

Divorce is a radical way out of a difficult situation. Usually people still try to get used to it, come to an agreement, and some are even ready to endure and push their interests into the background for the sake of marriage.

But if the phrase “I’m leaving you” was nevertheless heard from your chosen one, know that you missed not just the very moment the conflict arose, but also the peak point to which the man probably reached for several years. Sooner or later, even the most patient person’s patience runs out. And the accumulated problems and complaints provoke the man to leave the family.

The reasons why families break up are different each time, depending on the situation in a particular union. But there are a number of reasons that occur most often.

A man's unpreparedness for responsibility

Marriage is not only about the honeymoon, romance, happiness and joy. Marriage imposes certain obligations on a person and, as a result, great responsibility. Unfortunately, not all men are ready for such radical changes in their lives.

Don't think that just because you've been in a relationship with your spouse for many years, that means he's definitely ready for marriage. It happens that young guys take the issue of marriage more seriously than 40-year-old men who are burdened with responsibility for relationships, children and everyday life.

He realized that family life was not for him.

Adultery is an ideal option to relax, feel free and desired, and recharge with positive emotions. But by going to his mistress and leaving his wife, such a psychologically immature man will not find happiness. As soon as the new passion begins to curtail his freedom, he will again “go on the run.”

Negativity in the house

The most important thing is the weather in the house, but if sunny days in the house can be counted on one hand, and constant thunderstorms and downpours poison life, any person will ever want to stop this.

Calmness and comfort are what a man looks for next to a woman. And the rival may well take the place of the wife, becoming not only a partner in bed, but also an ally and best friend.

The loss of a husband is likely if the wife is incapable of conducting a constructive dialogue and literally extracts a reason for a scandal from literally any topic.

Different life values

Whether a man will leave his wife also depends on how well they managed to get to know each other before the wedding. Couples who at one time made a hasty decision to get married without having time to really get to know each other suffer from the problem of different life values. Over time it becomes clear that:

  • the wife does not plan to have children;
  • husband is not ready to give up business trips;
  • the couple has no common topics of conversation.

It’s good if people managed to find a common language and come to a consensus, but such situations only happen as an exception. Most marriages break up within the first 3 years for the notorious reason - they don’t get along.

It is important that people can get to know each other as best as possible before marriage, understand what kind of person is in front of them, what views he holds, what life goals he sets for himself.

Family routine

The regularity, stability and tranquility of family life makes some men sad. Not everyone will agree to live with one person for the rest of their days without the possibility of variety and interest.

It’s as if he is serving time in prison, and his wife is the overseer.

Vivid emotions, adrenaline and something new - this is what attracts men to their mistresses. Married men begin to cheat and their adventures can become something more than just entertainment. They decide to leave their family in the hope of somehow shaking up their own lives.

Marriage is a job for both partners. And while some men go through all the crisis stages in a relationship with dignity, others prefer not to strain themselves and leave the family.

Conflicts with relatives

Can a disagreement with relatives cause discord in the family? The answer is obvious - bad relationships with parents, brothers, sisters, etc. are one of the most common reasons for partners to divorce, even if everything is relatively normal within the marriage.

It is easier for a man to break up with his beloved and find a new girlfriend than to improve relationships with members of her family. He can also change his wife in a situation where his wife does not get along with his mother. Mom cannot be replaced, but there are already applicants for the wife’s place.


While the relationship is at the romantic stage, the partners seem ideal to each other. But as soon as you get married and share the same roof, bed, dining table, everything changes. Shortcomings, bad habits, and “infuriating” character traits come to the surface. The result is complete disappointment in each other.

When a man realizes that he did not get the woman he was looking for, he continues to search for his ideal soulmate despite the fact that he is still married.

If you have children

If you study the statistics, abandoned women are very fond of blaming their rival for their husband’s departure and do not hesitate to manipulate with the help of children.
They forbid the cheater to communicate with the children, remind them how bad they feel without their dad, and constantly demand money. The return to the family of a man who left for another woman, only because of children, can suppress a woman. Her thoughts will be occupied by the fact that her lover has lost interest in her, there is another in his heart. As a result, the wife will set herself up to leave the unfaithful spouse herself. This will escalate the situation in the family to the limit.

The life together of spouses should not be built only for the sake of the child. A happy marriage requires love, understanding, and respect from both partners. It is unlikely that spouses will be able to live together for a long time if they are connected only by children.

During a divorce, you should not refuse alimony, even if your ex-spouse assures you that you will help the children voluntarily, and all the property remains with you. Who knows what demands the new chosen one will put forward.

It often happens that it is the mistress who turns a man against his former family and children, convincing him to stop helping the children financially. You shouldn’t show your pride as if you can completely provide for your children yourself. Whatever your income, there is no such thing as too much money.

How should a mistress behave in order to take away a married man?

When there are problems, discord and a turbulent situation in the family, it is not so difficult to take a married man away from the family. The mistress only needs to follow a few steps, and then the treasured man’s heart will belong only to her.

Step 1: Intimate life leaves marriage for mistress

The average person needs to have sexual intercourse 3-4 times a week. Therefore, the mistress must ensure that their meetings with the man take place at least 3 times a week and always with a spicy continuation. Gradually, the husband ceases to be interested in his wife, their physical intimacy occurs less and less often.

Even if a wife manages to seduce her husband, he fulfills his marital duty quickly and without any enthusiasm.

Step 2: Family loses weekends and holidays

One of the days when lovers need to meet always falls on weekends or holidays. The wife begins to get nervous and suspect something is wrong, because on such days they usually plan to go to the movies or a restaurant, meet with relatives, or banal spring cleaning.

The constant absence of the husband from home on weekends violates the traditional order of the family structure, understatement and tension arise.

Family harmony also collapses because, due to the constant absence of the husband, everyday life collapses and important tasks remain unfulfilled. The wife begins to put pressure on the head of the family, which further strains the relationship.

Step 3: Formation of the husband’s shadow budget

Having a mistress comes with expenses:

  • trips to various establishments;
  • buying flowers and gifts;
  • renting a hotel room.

All expenses fall on strong men's shoulders. And if a man has a family and his income is closely controlled by his wife, then the man risks running into a completely logical question: “Where does the money go?”

If a husband’s income decreases, a scandal cannot be avoided.

Husbands go to great lengths to get out of such situations. Some people hide bonuses from their faithful ones, some find a part-time job, some borrow money from friends.

Over time, men get used to living with two women, in fact, two families. This situation suits them completely, although sometimes it is hard. A person can leave home or leave his mistress at any time, but deciding to take such a serious step is much more difficult than it seems.

Step 4: Formation of an alternative family nest

Without knowing it, a man after a year or two begins to take upon himself the material issues of his mistress and lay the foundation for a future family with her:

  • rents or buys an apartment for his girlfriend;
  • helps with repairs and arrangement;
  • gives household appliances, a car, fur coats, trips to resorts, etc.

The man may not yet realize it, but through his actions he creates a cozy nest for himself, which he plans to share with his mistress. Whether after this his divorce from his wife will occur or the man will continue to be torn between two women for many years is another question.

But it is worth considering that having a second family is a blow to the first family. Many wives are perplexed why their husbands spare every ruble for them, while at the same time they dress their mistresses in furs and take them to dinner in the most expensive restaurants.

The answer is simple - a man perceives spending on a woman as an investment in himself. If a man has serious plans for his mistress, it means that he will automatically perceive her house as his own. Therefore, he will be happy to invest in improvements.

A man is no longer interested in a wife, as a woman and companion, he does not associate his future life with her, and therefore he spends money on her and even on their common children with great reluctance.

A man is torn between two ladies.

It is appropriate to note that mistresses do not share the beliefs of their chosen ones and consider everything given as theirs and only theirs. Hence there are so many misunderstandings, mutual curses and claims after lovers break up. After all, the man is convinced that all investments in his mistress belong to him, but the young lady has a completely different opinion on this.

Step 5: Married Man Gets Tangled in a Web of Lies

A long-term relationship with his mistress leaves a significant imprint on a man’s family life. Every time, in order to meet a girl, steal money for a gift, or simply remain unnoticed, the husband is forced to lie to his wife. In the end, there are so many lies that a person begins to get confused in his testimony, catch the reproachful glances of his missus, and decides to shut up completely so as not to blurt out too much.

After this, the husband gives his wife even more reasons to worry. She remembers everything her husband says and tries to find out the reasons for his strange behavior. Of course, the relationship between the spouses becomes tense, and life with his mistress begins to seem to the husband as an ideal way out of this unpleasant situation.

Step 6: The man feels guilty

When a relationship between lovers lasts from 1 to 3 years, a man may feel guilty before a girl for wasting her time and not giving her full female happiness. During the time she is with him, she could easily get married and have a child.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, only responsible and decent men, who themselves do not understand why they need extramarital love affairs, are capable of pangs of conscience for stealing time from a woman.

Smart women do not pay attention to another category of men, who are not burdened with a sense of duty to anyone and are accustomed to taking rather than giving. If a lady does get involved with such a scoundrel, she soon breaks off relations with him.

This is why girls are so willing to fall for good husbands, because they are the best, most understanding and wise lovers who will take care of their partner.

A man showers a girl with gifts to make amends.

It often turns out that the feeling of guilt in responsible lovers towards their mistress for wasting time turns out to be stronger than the feeling of guilt before their wife, who also gave her husband the best years of her life. This is especially evident in marriages where spouses do not have high-quality intimate intimacy, and conversations are reduced only to everyday topics.

A man feels more sorry for the one with whom he feels comfortable and pleasant to be around. If his wife evokes more negative emotions in him than positive ones, then the husband will blame her for ruining the relationship between them.

As a result, the man develops a feeling of guilt in front of his mistress, and the feeling of guilt in front of his family is dulled. The scales are increasingly tilted towards the mistress.

Step 7: The man realizes that he is at a dead end

Living in two families somehow worries a man, even if at first glance he is quite happy with everything. He is in no hurry to leave his wife, although he promises his girlfriend to do this in the near future.

Such a moment, when the relationship between lovers has been dragging on for several years, but has not received any development, is the peak for determining the fate of this love triangle.

If the wife behaves wisely, makes the right decisions, and the mistress only causes problems for the man, he will leave his passion with peace of mind and return to the family. But if the wife behaves bitchyly, dumps all the negativity on her husband, and the mistress does everything the opposite, she will look more advantageous compared to her wife. Although the man will continue to drive away thoughts of divorce, they will still begin to haunt him. Sooner or later, the husband will decide to leave the family.

As soon as the lover begins to pull the cat by the tail and feed his girlfriend “breakfasts” about the breakup with his wife, the situation, as a rule, further develops according to one of the following scenarios:

  • the husband, without knowing it, begins to commit actions that reveal to his wife his nature as a traitor, which provokes a divorce;
  • the mistress takes the situation into her own hands and either leaves the irresponsible man herself, or does everything so that her beloved’s wife finds out about his betrayal.

The last point will be discussed in more detail in step No. 8.

Step 8: The wife finds out about her husband's infidelity

One of the most unforgivable mistakes of a mistress, because of which she can lose her loved one, is an attempt to take a man away from the family to her too early. It takes time for a man to get used to a new woman and feel deep affection for her.

Often a wife directs her anger not at her husband, but at her mistress.

A smart mistress will never take a man away; she will make sure that the wife herself throws out her husband. Thus, the initiator and culprit of the breakup will be the spouse, the husband, of course, is the victim, and the mistress is completely out of business.

Getting your wife to have a frank conversation, calls and threats is the lot of inexperienced, overly emotional and hysterical young ladies, from whom any man would prefer to stay away.

The plan will work when the wife herself, based on indirect evidence, understands that her husband is cheating on her. Be more subtle:

  • restaurant receipts slipped into a man's jacket,
  • a hairpin “forgotten” in his car or a cigarette in an ashtray with lipstick;
  • a few hairs from the head of the mistress on the marital bed.

One way or another, the discovery of a mistress should look like a pure accident and the man’s carelessness.

When the difficult conversation with your spouse has taken place, the tears have been cried, and your things have been collected, it’s time to move on to the next step.

Step 9: Moral support for a man in his conflict with his wife

According to statistics, every third betrayer who is exposed packs his things and leaves his wife for his mistress immediately. Approximately 20% of men leave home after a few days or weeks. But half of the spouses continue to stay with their wife. Some of them decide to divorce, but the majority are trying to earn the forgiveness of their missus.

No matter how the circumstances develop, no matter how the man behaves, his mistress must support him in this difficult period of life. Of course, it is much easier when a man leaves the family for his mistress, but even if he stays at home, the man will appreciate the attention and caring attitude of the woman he loves. Perhaps the man is torn between two fires, but feeling a surge of energy from the support of his mistress, he will still make the final decision to defect to her and separate from his wife.

Even cheaters have a hard time with divorce.

There is only one point - to convince a man that divorce is not the end of life, but the beginning of a new, happier and more interesting one. And if the circumstances turned out this way, then it’s for the better. The fact that he leaves his family does not make him a scoundrel or an unworthy man. He, like any person, has the right to personal happiness.

The more aggressive and rude the wife behaves, the easier it is for her rival to lure her husband to her side. A man convinced of his innocence will cover up his behavior with the inadequacy of his wife. How long until the long-awaited divorce process takes place is only a matter of time.

It would be noble on the part of the mistress to invite her chosen one to her home after leaving home. It doesn’t matter whether it’s his own apartment, rented housing or even a hostel, a man will appreciate the fact that his beloved did not abandon him and helped him during such a difficult period for him. And from here follows the next, final step of luring someone else’s husband to yourself.

He left completely: how to survive the breakup?

Regardless of the real reason for the divorce, you will have to somehow establish a friendly relationship with your husband (at least for the sake of the children), cope with your own depression and apathy, and solve everyday problems alone.

What to do if the husband wants to leave the family forever?

  1. Realize what's happening to you

According to psychologists, coping with a breakup can be compared to grief after the death of a loved one. A woman goes through the same stages:

  • Shock - disbelief at what happened.
  • Anger - attacks of aggression, anger and hatred towards the husband and his new passion.
  • Bargaining is trying to do everything to get your loved one back.
  • Awareness - apathy and depression, when an understanding of what happened finally comes.
  • Acceptance is coming to terms with reality.

Think about what stage you are in right now. All further “therapy” depends on this. When there is an understanding of the emotions being experienced, it will be easier to cope with yourself. [2]

  1. Take a time out

When a husband leaves the family, the first 2-3 months are the most difficult. This is the shock phase. And in such a state, when anger and resentment rule the roost, you can commit a lot of rash actions.

Try to be calmer without being influenced by negative emotions. Take yourself a time out. And during this period, do not make any serious decisions. Let your psyche return to a stable state after the shock, then you will be able to think rationally.

  1. Get rid of the victim complex and guilt

How does a woman usually react to her partner’s announcement of divorce? She begins to think that she did something wrong, feels more acutely all the mistakes she made earlier, and becomes unsure of herself.

You need to get rid of the victim complex and feelings of guilt. This interferes with personality development and provokes the development of depression. It is important to understand that breakups are rarely anyone’s fault. Try to accept the fact that your husband preferred another woman not because she was better or more beautiful, but because circumstances developed that way. You both couldn't hold on to what you had. [3]

  1. In times of despair, return to the here and now.

Thoughts about the past, and even more so about the future, after parting will be depressing. As soon as you feel negative emotions rolling in, try to immediately return yourself to the “here and now” state. This will allow you to maintain your ability to work when suffering and guilt take literally all your strength.

This does not mean that you need to completely protect yourself from negativity. Why run away from yourself? You won't get through a breakup unless you rethink everything that happened. But sadness doesn't have to last forever.

  1. Don't be shy to ask for help

What prevents a person from seeking help and support from loved ones during difficult periods of life? Fear of appearing weak. You need to get rid of it. Don’t close yourself off, don’t try to heroically get out of the crisis alone.

Ask and accept help, listen to the sensible advice of close friends who do not leave you in difficult times.

  1. Take care of your personal life

There will be more free time after the breakup. Dedicate it not to suffering, but to working on yourself. How long have you put off going to the hairdresser or shopping for a new dress? It's time to do this. Try to lead an active lifestyle. Find an interesting hobby. It doesn’t matter what exactly it will be - dancing, beading, knitting - the main thing is that you enjoy the activity and bring positive emotions.

Different views on life

When starting a relationship, a husband and wife in love see a lot in common with each other. But over time, they may discover that both have changed, and in different directions. And there are no longer any common interests. You get the feeling that a complete stranger to you lives next to you, with incomprehensible interests and beliefs. This happens especially often with couples whose relationship began in their youth.

And when a man meets a woman with whom he is ready to talk about everything, he suddenly realizes that his previous relationship is weighing him down. And he leaves.

"Farewell" or "goodbye"?

After the door has closed behind the departed, few people will not have the question “Will he return or not?” This cannot be predicted in advance. Some, having “rebelled,” return to their former family bosom, others spend the rest of their lives wandering around the bush restlessly, and still others build successful marriages and never look back (especially if their new wife gives birth to a child). It's hard to say which happens more often. But in any case, if your husband is already packing his suitcase, you shouldn’t throw things in his face shouting: “Don’t ever come back!” If his departure is truly not a joy, it is better to make it clear that he is always welcome here. And then whatever happens.

Escape from the relationship model4

Living with a mistress is not always a good decision. New happiness ends very quickly when everyday reality begins. Some men wake up from sleep after a year or two. They claim that they are in another marriage and are starting to miss their previous wife and family. Often, unfortunately, it is too late to save the old relationship.

A man is running away not from a woman, but from a relationship model that he cannot change. It is not the woman, but the relationship that becomes a prison for a man. He is enslaved by his internal blockages and limitations. He feels depressed, used, enslaved, criticized, underappreciated.

Emancipated women and free men are an example of modern culture. You can hear it everywhere - let's not limit ourselves, let's enjoy life. Relationship difficulties increasingly affect those who live with intense internal conflict.

On the one hand, life is full of images of the freedom that people should enjoy, so many opportunities, so many adventures around. On the other hand, being with someone for a long time has also become fashionable. However, this is not easy, so when men destroy relationships and leave, they blame their partner for everything. This is a rationalization so as not to feel bad, not to feel guilty.

Analysis of the situation

Men, in principle, have never been particularly faithful: neither in ancient centuries, nor even in recent centuries. Numerous stories about dozens of mistresses among rulers of different countries only confirm this idea. However, we now live in the 21st century - and we reasonably expect more restrained and sensible behavior from our faithful.

Their sudden move to the left seems all the more illogical and even unexpected. From whom? From you? A devoted and loving wife? Can't be!

This is roughly what most women think, without bothering themselves at all with a more or less sober analysis of the current situation. A sober analysis, we recall, includes a deep and methodical search for the true reasons for a bad act:

  • Was your relationship really that rosy?
  • What was your spouse most often dissatisfied with?
  • What was the most common cause of your quarrels?
  • Is it your fault that he left?

Alexander Evstigneev, educational coordinator, educational psychologist of the highest category:

— One of the main mistakes of most women is creating the most greenhouse conditions for their man and the absolutely unfounded confidence that no one is running away from such a “paradise.” In fact, there is a hunter inside every man who perceives all women through the prism of the presence of a certain secret in them. A new woman is always interesting, but she appears in his life only when the old one has already been completely solved. Married life involves a complete decoding of the female image. Accordingly, a gap appears in a man’s consciousness, which he successfully fills with a new person of the opposite sex. This is roughly how the thinking works for most men who have failed to control their instincts. Should we blame them for this? Of course you can. But there is an unspoken rule: both spouses are always to blame for the breakdown of a family.

When my husband returns home

After what time will he be drawn home? It's an interesting question because he could actually come back. Everything will depend on certain points:

  • Circumstances due to which the spouse left the family;
  • How good will the relationship between you be after the breakup?
  • What will you do to get it back?

If a spouse leaves for a rival, then according to statistics, with a 98% probability he will return back to the family, to his legal wife. Basically, this period takes no more than 4 months. If you go into detail about why he left for his mistress, a number of reasons will be identified:

  • The other girl is more attractive and sexy;
  • She has a lot of free time, which she devotes to her man;
  • She has no worries;
  • She doesn’t pick at a man’s brain for everyday reasons;
  • Constantly craves sex.

How long does it take to be with your mistress? At the end of approximately 4 months, the illusory world of a wonderful relationship will collapse, and he will see that in front of him is the same ordinary woman, no different from others. Over time, she will also stop wearing makeup at home, start wearing shapeless things and look tired. Requests will appear to take out the trash, help with cleaning, and so on... Realizing that nothing much has changed in his life, the man returns to his legal wife.

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