More than 30 proven ways to get a person to call or write

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Is it possible to transmit thoughts at a distance? In the 20s XX century Academician V.I. Vernadsky introduced the concept of the noosphere, defined as the “intelligent” shell around the earth.

In my understanding , the noosphere is a kind of field in which all the thoughts of all people on the planet are located. I would NOT call it collective intelligence or social consciousness, no, it’s more like a field where thoughts fly around indiscriminately.

Essentially, the thoughts you think do not originate in your head. They come to you from outside. Just from this field. This feature could easily be observed by those of you who, in order to “strengthen the power of thought,” engaged in the practice of “no mind,” that is, stopping their thoughts.

When I observe my silent mind, I notice how various thoughts literally attack my head, trying to break into my space, into my mental shell.

Remember, you probably have had situations when some thought directly bombards you beyond your desire. Has it happened? Our mind generally has two functions: to receive thoughts from the outside and to create them independently. You and I, people who strive to fulfill our desires, very often tune our minds precisely to create OUR thoughts and images.

We do this by writing down our desires and speaking affirmations, we visualize our desires. That is, we, through an effort of will, create our own thoughts and transmit them to the noosphere.

But who can catch this thought from the noosphere? Anyone! Now let's move on to practice and see how you can transmit thoughts at a distance to other people.

In what cases to use a conspiracy?

Conspiracies, as a tool to influence fate and to get a man to call, have been used in love magic from the very moment of the inception of both feelings and ancient knowledge. Not all women decide to pronounce (in magic this is called reading) or simply memorize a modern spell to ring a bell.

The magical effect during the sacrament is performed at the energy level. A person perceives sent signals subconsciously.

You can use a spell to receive a call from a man, but this is not done all the time, but only when cases occur:

  • When you are overcome with longing for a person, which simple physical strength is not enough to overcome, but your emotions overwhelm you.
  • I unbearably want to hear the words, the melody that attracts in the voice.
  • After a short-term relationship, you want to renew it or continue it, strengthening the connection with the invisible threads of fate. You can equate this to love at first sight.
  • After a quarrel, if there is a desire to improve the relationship.
  • In the case when you want to hear the voice of the man you like, but the woman is shy or afraid to call first.

Also, methods of magical influence are used in cases where a lover or simply a person who has aroused sympathy, which one would not like to lose, to lose the connection that has arisen, has left and does not show any impulse to return or desire to communicate. A separate group are those rituals, the purpose of which is to encourage a man to be the first to call a woman (witch).

The technique of magical influence can also be used in cases where a call is not a way to start a love relationship. Example: a call from a doctor, during which the results of the examination will be known.

Let's turn to the knowledge of the past

There are many examples in history of how the desire power technique works. In most cases, it is identified with many fairy tales of the peoples of the world. Such an association with a clear example allows you to feel the possibilities. It’s worth remembering any of them, where the hero says the words: “I want!”, “I wish!”. They are the ones who push us to realize our plans.

Both in legends and in reality, the main method of the technique is visualization, which allows you to compare three stages in chronological order: plan-thought-result. This is how you work on yourself. Indeed, in a particular case, the intention is the desire to hear a man; a thought is a force that forces another person to a certain extent to do something, and the result is a ringing bell. If you do not create three key stages, then there will be no result.

From the point of view of science, we are committing a kind of deception on the brain; we allow the possibility of not distinguishing the real from the unreal. This is beautifully presented in the words of the great Albert Einstein, who pointed out that “Imagination is the display of the upcoming events of life.” He knew what he was talking about, just as a woman knows that the call will take place. But not only visualization matters; there are several other important processes that affect the power of thought. Each of them has an effect that corrects the power of desire and suppresses uncertainty.

Why doesn't the man call himself?

In some cases, the person you like may not call. The negative development of events is preceded by several reasons:

  • Reciprocity did not arise between people after a short acquaintance - as a result, the man does not have the thought of continuing communication, but the woman realizes that she cannot live without him.
  • A person does not feel feelings of affection for a woman - in this case, the call spell will not work (a strong love spell is required, but it is not recommended to perform it without the necessary set of knowledge).
  • The man belongs to the category of quiet individuals. Magical influence can “stir up” indecisive, timid individuals. Excessive modesty is the reason for the lack of a call on his part. He is afraid of a possible refusal or other negative turn of events. In this case, after the ceremony, your loved one will call within a few hours, as he will feel positive energy on a mental level.
  • A quarrel or other conflict situation has occurred (misunderstanding on everyday basis, disagreements in interests or life views are common causes of discord between lovers) - lack of communication in this case may be associated with resentment, fear of receiving additional negative emotions, shame for misbehavior. Sometimes pride prevents a man from taking the first step. In such a situation, calling a loved one using magic will solve the problem.

Ritual actions will help a person quickly understand his feelings. If a woman chooses the right option for magical influence, then her lover will begin to yearn and feel a desire to hear the voice. Such emotions are guaranteed to overcome fear, indecision and even resentment.


As soon as you start using the technique, you may see or hear the following words: “in order to get something, you have to sacrifice something.” This is true. In order for a person to want to turn to you, he will have to sacrifice his old limiting beliefs. The main thing is to be confident in yourself and feel that you will succeed.

Since thoughts call a person to action, the only thing you need to be careful with is what you think about. Negativity attracts negative situations and, conversely, a person who thinks positively also has a positive effect on the outside world. All dreams can be fulfilled, and any desires can come true. Everything is hidden inside the head.

Rules of love magic

A person’s mental challenge is not just an action, but an influence on the world of the mysterious and unknown. By her actions, a woman changes the flow of energies, changes the lines of fate. That is why the bell spell should not be pronounced in the form of a memorized verse. The text must be felt so that the words flow from the heart.

Your consent

In order for your loved one to call, the fortuneteller’s consent to perform the ceremony is required. Additional requirements that a woman must agree to before starting the ritual:

  1. Do not cast spells or try to perform even the most simple rituals unless absolutely necessary.
  2. Carry out actions in a positive way - love is a bright emotion.
  3. Do not wish harm to a person, even if the initial offense was strong.
  4. Do not tell others about the ritual performed.

Anyone who learns about the ritual will weaken the power of its impact.


In order for a spell to receive a call from a friend or loved one to work, it is important to meet a number of prerequisites:

  • The desire for communication should be pure and sincere; simple satisfaction of one’s own female ambitions, momentary whims or selfish desires should not be present here even in insignificant quantities.
  • The heart and soul must be open to love and positivity, excluding selfish motives or attempts to offend, offend or do something bad to someone at the subconscious level.
  • Doubts and negative thoughts should be eliminated.

You need to clearly and clearly imagine the image of your loved one. Only then can the plot work quickly. It is highly desirable to imagine not only the appearance, but also to reproduce the manner of communication, characteristic external signs (hair color, eyes, height, clothing).

All magic words must be learned by heart. Errors or deviations from the text are not allowed.

Reading rules

Reading a specific text must obey certain rules:

  • Beginning: the voice is quiet and calm, it is better to read in a whisper. Can be compared to the growing strength of a wave in a storm.
  • Middle: liberation and release of emotions, putting all love and tenderness into the tone. You can raise your voice.
  • Completion: switch to a whisper again.

The last phrase in the chosen spell should be pronounced clearly, distinctly and with maximum confidence in the voice.

Consequences of incorrect execution

It is important to consider that during the process of performing the ritual, a mistake may be made. In 90% of cases, a beginner in ritual, love or household magic faces a similar problem. The consequences will be as follows: a conspiracy aimed at getting the guy to call will not work. If special spells were used or negative thoughts or emotions were allowed in the process, then the result may have the opposite of the expected meaning - a new acquaintance or lover will completely lose interest in the witch. It is often noted that the beloved’s health deteriorates significantly.

Result from rituals

If a conspiracy is chosen and carried out so that your loved one calls, you can expect several results:

  • The man will constantly think about the fortune teller and will literally stop sleeping, counting the minutes until the upcoming meeting. He will not have the usual peace, but he will not suffer from nervous exhaustion or illness, since this is not a love spell. In cases of conspiracies, exclusively white magic methods are used.
  • The attractiveness of the personality, femininity and attractiveness of the image will increase. Love spells will work stronger. With a high probability of achieving the desired goal.
  • A strong charge of positive energy is the effect of a magical event.

Depending on the chosen plot, you can make sure that the result is a call from a man, even if he did not want to communicate before or was offended.


What restrictions can prevent you from achieving what you want?

  1. Lack of faith. Even if you practice using the correct technique, proven over the years, and don’t believe, it’s unlikely that anything will work out. As Vadim Zeland wrote: “If you decide for yourself that fate is something predetermined that you cannot change, then so be it.” Believe in yourself and what you are doing. Then success is just around the corner.
  2. Look at the world negatively. It is our brain that is responsible for managing reality. Fear, doubts and anxieties are the main limiters to the fulfillment of plans.
  3. Criticize yourself. Get rid of “I won’t succeed” or “I’m not worthy of anything” from your head. Why use every slightest excuse to scold yourself and remind yourself “I will never achieve anything.” All these “not young enough”, “not rich enough”, etc. prevent you from truly enjoying life and letting technology work.
  4. Advice from others. We are accustomed to asking mothers, friends, and colleagues for advice, thereby depriving ourselves of hope for success. They can simply tell us “leave this matter”, “nothing will work”, “this is impossible”. Why consult with people who do not have what we want?
  5. MASS MEDIA. The Internet, television and newspapers all greatly influence our lives and just as easily add doubts and instill apathy.

How to make a person call immediately, conspiracy

For your loved one to call, it is not enough to just think about it and suffer in secret from others. There are many methods that can make what you want come true.

To do this, special words are read that will reach the addressee. They are called conspiracies (less often prayers). As a result, even if a man has turned off his phone, he will want to dial the fortuneteller’s number and hear her voice.

From Natalia Stepanova

In this case, an immediate call to the man is made with the phone in his hands. A woman must learn the text and say it three times in a confident voice. The name of the beloved is always mentioned, which allows you to direct magical energy in the right direction. This is a powerful spell that will work within 1-2 hours after reading.

Personal challenge

To carry out the action, you need to prepare tools for divination:

  • A candle made of red wax, preferably thick (shades are unimportant).
  • Paper.
  • Pen (pencil) for taking notes.

The method assumes that simple manipulations will be performed:

  • The name of the person from whom the call is expected will be written on the paper.
  • The candle will need to be lit. It would be better to choose a match than a lighter as a source of fire to begin the ritual action.
  • Bring the paper to it and burn it.

While it is burning, you must cast a spell.

Best answers

Seriously, my method is to concentrate on this person in the evening and say before going to bed in a whisper, come to sleep with me tonight, give the full name, and make the sleeping place as if you are waiting. even if this is not your boyfriend, but a stranger, of the same sex, he will still help you - he will dream about you. Whether it's fleeting or all night is up to you! I had dreams like this with my friend, and now sometimes I torment my ex with this.

it depends on you .. is it worth thinking about you at all?

think about me think about me think about me

Go to the witch.:))) (joke)))) You can’t force anyone! Treat people the way you would like them to treat you! (wisdom)

No way. Everyone has a choice, differently, only with the accumulation of karma.

means lend him money)))

no need to force... we must learn to show pure feelings towards him…. not about sex... it scares you away... you will fall in love... and think about it... a channel is created... to this person.... and it occurs as the impregnation of his aura with yours... pure energies... they are not rejected... but take root.... and he starts... smoothly... and calmly... already thinking... about you... then it depends on his type of character.... how will he act… . Well, if you are so capable of feeling strongly... then you can... depends on your soul... And if all this is already difficult for you?... then you do not follow the path of magical love spells... imagine... that someone is taking your soul captive in chains... it's all lies... and if you respect yourself... then you will desire real love... and not an artificial world.... I may have an illusion that I said too much... Sorry.

Yes, you can not borrow money, but just throw a brick at him, and believe me, he will think about you :)

Become his enemy and he will think about you all his life))

Simple call spells

In most cases, people are accustomed to quick results. There are simple conspiracies that can return a person’s attention and force him to call. The choice of option depends on the circumstances and desires.

To a recent friend

In order for a new acquaintance to call, a simple ritual is used. Special moments:

  • At the initial stage, be sure to pick up a phone.
  • Find the number of the man whose identity the fortune teller is interested in.
  • Open it so that the numbers are visible (but not ringing).
  • Bring the phone to your ear.
  • Mentally say any simple phrase that good acquaintances, time-tested friends can say to each other.

Recall the man's voice in memory. Then say the text of the spell and turn off the phone. After that, turn it on immediately. Feature: 90% of the ritual has an immediate effect.

If a man is offended - reconciliation

A simple method will help when you need to not only hear a person’s voice, but also make peace with him. Works for any quarrel or misunderstanding. The ritual involves the use of:

  • Red candle.
  • A pencil.
  • White paper.

The process is similar to that required to make a name call. Only the words of the spell differ, which should indicate sadness and a desire to hear a voice. Repeat it 3 times in complete silence.

For new relationships

If you want to start a new relationship, then at night (preferably at midnight), you should pick up the phone and reproduce the image in your memory. This must be done in complete darkness. After this, you need to hold the phone to your ear and say the words of the conspiracy.

Night spell for an urgent call

It can be vital to hear a person’s voice urgently. There is a magical ritual for this. To carry it out, you will need to get up at 2-3 am, take the phone, as well as any thing that belongs to your lover. In order for the energy to start working in the right direction and be able to pass through all obstacles, the fortuneteller must approach the window.

Say the text of the plot 7 times. You will then need to place the item under the pillow of your bed, but do not let go of the phone and continue to hold it in your hands. There he should remain during the rest of his sleep. In the morning you need to give the item to the man.

Like a guy

The ritual is performed early in the morning (before sunrise). You need to imagine the image of a person, look into the distance. It is important, while reading the text, to imagine how your lover dials a number to call.

Repeat the spell 3 times.

If a person doesn't answer the phone

There are difficult and exciting situations when a person does not answer his phone during an incoming call. In a normal situation, this is associated with being busy, but in matters of love, doubts and suspicions immediately arise. In this case, it is recommended to use a simple but mysterious method.

At night (since only then does magic intensify its effect) pick up the phone, imagine an image and mentally ask your lover or good friend to answer the call or dial the number yourself. Repeat the text 3 times and go to bed. The text should come from the heart, you can use your version and go to bed.

On a call from an ex

In some cases, you need to contact your ex-lover. There are different reasons: you want to understand what feelings remain, solve a difficult issue, or simply hear a person’s voice again. In this case, a telephone and a candle are used. The fire should burn while the sorceress reads the text of the spell, pronouncing the name of the ex. The phone must be in your hands, the person’s number must be open.

The text is repeated 3 times. Once completed, turn off the fire.

For a married man to call

In order for a non-free person (in a couple) to call, at night, looking at the phone, say a secret request 3 times. The text must include the person's name.

So, example one

The situation when you are waiting for a call is a completely standard and common case. Here we need to focus on two points. The first option is when you want to see attention from a stranger. This case is more complex, since it is quite problematic to capture vibrations and energy. An unfamiliar person is always closed to us; he is not a simple object for manipulation through the mind and subconscious.

The first thing you need is to concentrate on the image of the man whose call you are waiting for. It must be presented in as much detail as possible. You should free your mind and plunge into the flows of energy that the Universe sends. The best time for this is in the evening, when all worries fade into the background.

Having relaxed and calmed down after a working day, a woman should project the image of her future gentleman. It is best to imagine it in full growth; every detail of clothing should be in your imagination. It is very important to focus on the face and facial expressions; it is forbidden for it to be sad or sad - because these states can block the relationship. A person should appear in front of you in a good mood and beautiful clothes - then you need to move on to the desires themselves.

Set a goal for yourself, put your mobile phone next to you and combine all your wishes into one whole. Imagine the emotions a man must experience before picking up the phone. When looking at a means of communication, do not stop projecting an image in your fantasy and think about how you want to hear its voice. Many scientists have already proven that this method is effective. It is popular in different countries and, importantly, does not violate any rights or laws. This simple practice is used to continue the traditions of existence; it accompanies all the laws of nature.

Of course, it has results, but it will not be immediate. You should not expect that the treasured call will ring in the first minutes of your concentration.

Remember that desires are material when they are sincere. Do not try to turn this method into a game, since all manipulations with energy, thoughts, brain and subconscious are complex processes, they not only take energy, they are a unique opportunity to penetrate into forbidden zones of existence.

Therefore, stock up on time and patience. Fantasize and imagine, focus on your thoughts, don’t move away from them, and don’t overwhelm your mind with secondary concerns. The purity of the flows is important, and this can be ensured if you have three important components:

  • clear mind;
  • open biofield;
  • subconscious freed from all worldly worries.

They will provide you with a reserve of opportunities to implement your plans with the help of thoughts and reflections. If you practice this method for several evenings, the bell will ring.

Conspiracies by phone number

There are conspiracies for a loved one to call, but they need to be read only when the person knows the fortune teller’s number. The text is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the situation.

For a guy to call

To perform the ceremony, you should hold the mobile device in your left hand. This way it will be closer to the heart. You need to cover it with the palm of your right hand and say the text, which is learned by heart.

In most cases, the answer will arrive within half an hour.

If the number is not known

You can magically force a person to call, even if his phone number is not known. The ritual is carried out in a room (it is better to lock the door). During execution:

  • Stand in front of the mirror.
  • Say the text of the spell 3 times.
  • Cover the mirror with thick cloth.

Leave it for 24 hours. The day is counted from the moment the magical effect ends. If the plot works, the man himself will find a way to find out the number and call.

Receive a call from someone who does not have the required number

The ritual is similar to the previous one. The difference is that it needs to be done at night and you don’t have to use a mirror. You can cover any thing that is related to the object of magical influence.

Apology call

Sometimes, in order to resume any communication, it is necessary for the guy to call and apologize. You can force him to do this using magical influence. You will need to use the following in the ritual:

  • The thread is red. It can be silk or natural wool.
  • Red candle.
  • Photo of a person.
  • Phone (smartphone, not just a written number).

It is better to start late in the evening, when it is getting dark or at night. First you need:

  • Light a candle.
  • Place your phone and photo next to her.
  • You will need to pick up the thread.
  • Say a text asking the person to make a sincere and heartfelt apology.

After this, you need to burn it over the cutting flame to get 2 halves of the thread. After this, you need to put one part in the photo, take the second in your hand and press it to your chest.

Repeat the words 7 times (text of the conspiracy). They will be about longing for a loved one and the desire to reunite the two halves of a broken thread. At the end of the ritual, it is necessary to tie each part with a strong knot. All elements of the ritual must be securely hidden. The answer will follow within 24 hours.

For the ritual you need to use a photo of a person in which he is alone and depicted from the waist up.

To confess his love

Any girl sincerely wants a guy to call and confess his sympathy, warm feelings, and better yet, love. White magic can help in this case too. To carry out the sacrament you will need plain paper, but preferably without rulers or boxes, and a pencil.

You need to write the person’s name and whisper a spell (you need to indicate the name, pronouncing it clearly and clearly). You will need to wrap the phone in a piece of paper and hold it for 5 minutes. Then you will need to carry the paper and phone with you until the wish is fulfilled.

Confession of cheating

Sometimes there are suspicions that there is deception in the relationship. In this case, a ritual should be performed aimed at getting the man to call and admit to cheating. Required:

  • A black (not brown or red, which is very important to consider) candle.
  • Black wool thread (ball).
  • A photo of your loved one (ideally if he is in it with the homewrecker).

Then you will need to light a candle and place a photo and phone next to it. You need to start unwinding the ball while simultaneously reciting the text of the spell. At the very end, you need to tear off the thread and wait for the candle to burn out. All items will need to be securely hidden.

If there is no photo with a homewrecker, you can use a regular image and additionally a picture from the Internet, where the girl will be depicted from the back.

An important point is the power of people’s energy

According to the theory, you need to remember one point that can become an obstacle to resolving the issue: how to make a man think about you from a distance with the power of thought. Keep in mind that each of you has a different energy, it can differ so much that it was even difficult to imagine. If he (your object of attention) has stronger and more stable energy than you, then there may be difficulties. You need to be able to use your strength proportionately, without unnecessary emotionality.

You and I have already decided that the power of thought works; in the event of such a situation, you will need more concentration and effort. You can’t say that this case is fatal, you just encountered difficulties. If you work on yourself, distribute opportunities correctly, then under any circumstances he will succumb to your command.

Conspiracies on the subject

There is a conspiracy to make him call, for which various objects are used.

Per strand of hair

Time: after sunset. You will need: a strand of hair, scissors and metal utensils. To carry out the conspiracy, you can go outside or stand in front of an open window. You need to cut off a strand of hair and set it on fire. While they are burning, you need to recite the text of the conspiracy. After completion of the ceremony, the ashes must be scattered.

On the stones

To carry out the ceremony, you will need stones (according to the number of digits in the phone number). A small bag and a marker are also used to indicate the numbers. You need to read a spell over the bag containing the stones. Then hide it from prying eyes.

Gypsy love spell

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • Gold ring, possible with engraved decorations, but without a stone.
  • Wine (red is ideal, but you can use any that is available at the time of the session).
  • Glass or crystal glass.
  • Candle.
  • Red thread or ribbon.

You need to light a candle, fill the glass with wine (2/3 of the volume). Tie a thread to the ring. Then bring it to the candle, and then to the glass. You need to wait until the ring hits the glass (according to the number in the names of the fortuneteller and her lover). Then the text of the conspiracy is pronounced.

For coins

In order for the guy to call, you can use coins. You should only use those that show the profile of a man. The essence of the ritual is this: the coin should be held under the left armpit. Then take it to the intersection and leave it there.

Say a spell and leave. The ritual works if there are no strangers nearby. Re-carrying requires the use of another intersection.

On a candle

Carried out in the evening. All you need is a candle. You need to light it and say the text of the plot 3 times. Then the fire needs to be blown out.

For water with salt

For the ritual you will need a glass of water, salt, a sheet of paper and a pencil. On paper you need to draw a circle in which the glass is then placed. Add 3 pinches of salt to the water.

While it dissolves, you need to imagine the image of a person and pronounce the words of the conspiracy. After completion, the water must be poured out. It is best under a fruit tree or bush.

Ritual with black pepper

A simple and working ritual. Peppercorns are used in the process. It needs to be heated in a frying pan, taken and left at the intersection. Read the text of the conspiracy and additionally leave 6 coins of 1 ruble each. The number of peppers is calculated by the number of letters in the name of a loved one.

To the ashes

You need to write your lover’s name on paper and burn the piece of paper over a candle flame. Read the words of the conspiracy over the ashes, and then scatter them on the street (best at a crossroads).

On the subject of the chosen one

A personal item of the beloved is used for ritual purposes. You need to read the plot over it 3 times.

Conspiracies on photography

A working and proven way to get a person to call. There are several types of ritual.

If date of birth is known

In this case, a photograph of a person is used and a conspiracy is read above it. Feature: all words should be pronounced clearly, intelligibly, without taking your eyes off the image (which is a photograph in the ritual).

With a sheet of paper

You need to write your lover's name on it. After reading the words 3 times. The photograph is wrapped in it and removed from prying eyes.

Ninefold conspiracy

To carry it out you will need a photograph, a sheet of paper, a red pencil, a metal container and matches. Write the phone number on the photo and put it on a piece of paper. Then wait until evening and transfer the paper to a metal container and read the plot. After this, set it on fire and leave to smolder until it dies out. The resulting ashes must be scattered outside in the wind.

Pronounced 9 times in a row, without stopping.

Examples of phrases to invite a girl for a walk by correspondence:

  1. Sunny weather is predicted for the weekend. I suggest taking a walk around the city. Will you join me?
  2. I haven’t ridden a bike/rollerblades/skateboard for a long time. Are you with me?
  3. I found an incredibly beautiful place in the city, where you can take so many original photos. I want to show you. Will you go?
  4. I think it's time for us to move from the virtual world to the real one. I invite you to take a walk. Choose where we'll go.
  5. Where do you find such beautiful locations for photographs? Let's take a walk, and at the same time you can show them to me. (this method can be used if you are asking a girl out for a walk for the first time).

How to mentally force a person to call or write?

If a call is required today, you can resort to magical influence. To do this, you will need to contact the person using mental energy. This is done in the evening, when you can completely relax. It is important to repeat the request for a call or message several times, imagining the image of the person in every detail and saying his name.

The request comes from the heart, so improvisation in the text is allowed.

Prayers for the call

The religious side of rituals can also help speed up the process of communication or reconciliation between people. There are several rituals where the texts of prayers are conspiracies.

On the water

It is best to use holy water to enhance the effect. Above it you should say a request for a call indicating the name.

The text can be anything - the main thing is that it comes from the heart and is sincere.

With an appeal to the Lord

In this case, no additional items will be required. It is important to clearly imagine the image of your beloved, then sincerely ask the Lord for help. As a result, the guy will start to get bored and will definitely dial the number.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

In this case, the request must be addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to pray in front of his icon. Then, after reading the prayer, indicate the name of your beloved.

Everyone in their life wanted to continue communication, they waited for a call for an hour. In order not to suffer in anticipation or not be tormented by doubts, you need to use conspiracies and rituals that suit the occasion.

Have you had experience using similar rituals? Did spells and prayers bring positive or negative results?

Share your experience and tell your story in the comments.

Additional Tips and Tutorials

Never, remember, never try to work on the power of thought during illness. If a woman feels pain and ailment, fatigue and other unpleasant painful conditions, you will only waste energy and your strength. In such cases, the thought cannot be clear enough; it is more of a blurred sketch. Therefore, work on the power of thought only when you have a charge of energy, time, and opportunity.

As has already been said, words have meanings and therefore you cannot tell other people about your desire.

Other people's energy and thoughts can change the direction of a situation. Think only about your specific thoughts, and better, without strangers.

After the result is achieved and the desire is fulfilled, do not forget about training. Set new goals, increase the volume of desires, and then life will take on a new direction; everything will become the way you wish. No matter what happens in a woman’s life, she should always think only about the good, carry positive energy and follow her dreams. This is the law of nature, these are the facts of all research.

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