Payback for treason: the most severe punishments for infidelity in different countries

  • Ways to punish a wife for infidelity
  • How to properly punish your wife?
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When your significant other cheats, the first thing you want to do is take revenge. It is quite difficult for men and women to endure betrayal, since their relationship should involve fidelity, not betrayal. If the wife went to the left, then the man may want to somehow punish her for this, which will allow him to experience some sense of satisfaction. The men's site will tell you what you can do to satisfy your desires.

What is treason? This is the transfer of one’s resources not to the person who is considered the official partner in love or marriage, but to a third person. Often, betrayal refers to the sexual relationship of one of the spouses with a lover or mistress. However, this is not always a complete definition. There are situations when mistresses and lovers are made for moral satisfaction, entertainment and general pastime. Sometimes a woman can begin to cheat sexually in order to thus improve the financial situation of the family. On the one hand, she physically betrays, and on the other hand, she solves a money problem in the family that her husband cannot solve.

Cheating in any form is unpleasant because:

  1. A person who cheats directs his positive forces, emotions and resources to a person who is not part of the family. That is, the wife gives her love, smile and tenderness not to her husband, but to her lover. I wonder how a husband would begin to treat his wife, who over time never ceases to give him love and affection? Most likely, everything would be good and wonderful in their relationship.
  2. A person who cheats gives a third party something that should be received exclusively by his other half. Here we are talking about love, body, money, flirting and other components of any love relationship.

A husband may feel aggressive and angry that his wife is cheating because it hurts his self-esteem. The wife secretly says that her husband is somehow not up to the level of the lover she is sleeping with. And since the husband is imperfect in her understanding, this infuriates him.

Some men go to deal with their lovers, so to speak, like men. However, psychologists do not consider this option the right solution. A lover is, by and large, a pawn in a game played by a woman. Yes, he looks after her, sleeps, touches her. However, if the woman did not allow him to do this, then there would be no betrayal.

Dealing with your wife's lover is considered the wrong approach. The lover might not even know about the presence of a husband. The lover himself could become a victim of a woman who began to “creep” in front of him and beckon to her. A lover owes nothing to a husband who is offended. But the wife... It is she who needs to be dealt with by a man who finds out about the betrayal.


Who would have thought that Mali would be the most tolerant state towards betrayal. The territory of this African state is home to a huge number of different tribes, which have very unique sets of laws. But here we want to draw your attention to the liberal Dogon tribe. They allow adultery, except in cases of incest. But even in this case, lovers will only face expulsion from the tribe.

What is the meaning of women's revenge

In the understanding of a betrayed wife, revenge is the best way to hurt her husband. Many people believe that only by retaliating can they annoy their spouse. However, such punishment will not make the woman herself happier. A casual relationship motivated by revenge will only disappoint the insidious avenger; she will become on an equal footing with the traitor.

Some friends advise kicking the unfortunate spouse out of the house and not allowing him to see the children, others advise disgracing the husband in front of friends, and still others advise damaging his car or other property. However, most psychologists on thematic forums assure that this should not be done.

The worst revenge is to show the husband that his wife is much better than other women and that she can be happy without his presence.

Punishment for treason in different countries of the world

  • In Algeria, they are thrown from a bridge or from a cliff.
  • In Turkey, a naked woman and a wild cat are tied in a bag and beaten so that the animal will injure the traitor. The execution ended when the unfaithful woman died of pain.
  • In ancient times, in the Kingdom of Denmark, a woman was killed.
  • In Indonesia, women face up to 15 years in prison.
  • In Korea, they force you to drink vinegar until you die, and if that doesn’t help, they beat you to death with sticks.
  • In Pakistan, the traitor faces the gallows.
  • The Mongols cut the woman into two parts, and a little later they began to put her in boxes with slits for the head, in which the women slowly died from the inability to move, cold or heat.

  • The ancient Bretons were flogged to death.
  • In Papua New Guinea, a woman's finger was cut off to be eaten by her seducer. After the meal, his head was cut off.
  • The Gauls smeared the woman in slop and dragged her along the ground through the village. And people along the way could do whatever they wanted with the body.
  • In China, a traitor was coated with lard and thrown to hungry dogs. Now the execution has been replaced by two years in prison and confiscation of half the property.
  • The aborigines who lived in ancient times in North America scalped traitors.
  • In Islamic countries they are stoned to death.
  • In the east of the Roman Empire, the traitor was sold. If no one bought it, then they killed it.
  • In the East, women are cut in the most sensitive places and molten lead is poured into the wounds. Sometimes nails soaked in sulfur are driven into the body and set on fire.
  • In Singapore, they beat you to death with sticks.
  • In ancient times, the Germans quartered traitors.
  • According to the Spanish code “Seven Partidas” (13th century), an unfaithful wife was burned.
  • In medieval Europe, noses, ears, and lips were cut off.
  • In African tribes, women are castrated.

Advice from psychologists

Experts recommend taking the news of betrayal with dignity. The best way is to help your wife pack her things with an understanding face. For a girl who is accustomed to having to fight for her, such behavior will be a shock. She has suffered a severe blow to her pride, she will begin to doubt her actions and may want to stay.

Also, psychologists do not recommend damaging your wife’s property. It is better to avoid such methods of solving the problem, since such behavior can lead to problems with the law.

The most important question is whether to forgive betrayal. The answer to this must be individual. People are different, so not everyone is able to forgive betrayal. For example, guys with high self-esteem usually get divorced. They understand that they do not want to continue living with a traitor.

READ Why men need lovers: the psychology of betrayal

A man should not pester his ex-lover's friends. Such methods aimed at hurting the offender look pathetic and repulsive.

A person must be able to forgive. This is difficult to do, but this is the only way to truly teach a cheater a lesson. Men are proud creatures, so they must face difficulties along the way with dignity.

Why such cruel punishments for women?

This is not simple barbarism - it is a necessity, unfortunately. The tradition of cruelly punishing a woman for adultery dates back to ancient times, when there was no DNA test and no way to check paternity. Therefore, the only way for a man to know that the heirs are his, and not a conventional neighbor or gardener, is the fidelity of his wife. That's why they dealt with unfaithful wives so cruelly - in order to intimidate the others and discourage them.

How to properly punish your wife?

What psychological methods can be used to correctly punish your wife:

  1. Spreading gossip. Here you need to be extremely careful so as not to expose yourself to the fire of indignation. You can place an advertisement offering sexual services and indicate your wife’s number. You can create a fake page where you can post photographs of your wife in an unflattering light. If her lover comes to this page, he himself may want to not meet with her again. You can also invite her friends, relatives, etc. to this page.
  2. Treason. Since the wife is cheating, then the husband has every right to do the same. Moreover, for greater moral satisfaction, it is better to choose her friend as a mistress. This will hit her self-esteem very hard. If your friends don’t take the bait, then you can just have an affair with some beauty. Do this so that your wife definitely finds out about your relationship and even sees your mistress, who may be younger than her, more beautiful.
  3. Damage to property. Here you should act within the law when you damage things that are not too expensive. This will allow you to vent your anger.
  4. Cooling towards the spouse. You can simply arouse suspicion in your wife that you have someone. Stop sleeping with her. Start playing sports and getting yourself in order. Start going somewhere in the evenings, without saying where. Behave coldly towards your wife, which will not be very difficult to do, since you have already cooled off towards her a little because of the betrayal.
  5. Cutting your financial costs. If your wife lives at your expense or spends your money, then you can deprive her of such a privilege. Now let her lover pay for everything for her, which you can tell her directly. And you are not going to pay for her entertainment.
  6. Refusal to spend time together. If the wife continues to publicly play the role of a submissive and faithful spouse, then you can use this option. Since everyone thinks your marriage is perfect, start busting this myth. If you need to go somewhere with your spouse, where your mutual friends and relatives will be, then don’t go. Stop going anywhere with her at all, which she already compensates for with her lover.
  7. Termination of cohabitation with her. You don't have to get a divorce if you're not ready for it. You can simply stop communicating with your wife and spend time together. If you have a separate home, then you can go there for a while so that your wife can live without you and think about her behavior.

Of course, the best way to punish your wife is to file an application for divorce with the registry office. Here your wife, if she doesn’t want to break up with you, will get very worried. She will not want to divorce you because if she does, she will lose something. For example, you constantly provided for her financially, but she did not work and lived for her own pleasure. If you are a rich man, and she chose a poor man as her lover, who just happened to be handsome and passionate, then she will definitely be afraid of this turn of events.

If a woman has something to lose in connection with a divorce, then she will be ready to part with her lover, as long as her husband does not leave. The more a woman is afraid, the better. It’s good if you don’t pick up applications from the registry office for a long time. You may even consider the option that you will follow through and divorce your wife, in whom, most likely, you have already lost trust. However, you can offer her to be your mistress, which she was for her lover while she cuckolded you. If she doesn't want to lose you, then invite her to be your lover until you are single and have not found another woman to love. This will greatly humiliate and insult the ex-wife, although she does not deserve any other role.

And it’s worth considering another way to punish a wife for her own humiliation - divorce and improving her life.

The assumption here is that you will divorce your wife, and after that you will simply begin to improve your life:

  • Go to the gym and update your wardrobe to get yourself in order.
  • You will begin to climb the career ladder or increase your material income in other ways.
  • You will start dating beautiful women. It’s better, of course, to just find one beauty with whom you will build a new relationship. You can even get married, but not to spite your ex, but because you really found a good match for yourself.

Your ex-wife should know about all your achievements. How this will happen does not matter. The main thing is that your ex sees how your life is improving after she lost you due to her own stupidity. And now some other young lady is enjoying all these benefits.


Indonesia has not passed any special law punishing cheating spouses. However, since the majority of the population is Muslim, and Sharia law punishes adultery, residents of the country try to remain faithful to their spouses. The punishment for traitors is quite severe - up to 9 months in prison.


In 1913, unfaithful men began to be punished in this country. For a relationship with a free girl, one hundred strokes of the cane were due, with a married girl - up to eighty. For open flirting and hints at sex, the man was again subjected to a hundred blows. Modern Chinese believe that the desire to cheat is “cured” by two years in prison or confiscation of property.

What not to do

After cheating it is not recommended:

  • change the locks in the apartment;
  • keep an eye on your husband and mistress, arrange public showdowns;
  • manipulate children and prohibit them from seeing them;
  • block credit cards to force them to ask for money;
  • cause harm to health.

Psychologists unanimously claim that indifference and absolute ignorance offend men much more than the most sophisticated methods of revenge. It’s better to smile more, enjoy the new day and love yourself than to spoil your nerves for the sake of someone.

If you have a child, you need to act gently and carefully so as not to hurt his psyche. It’s better to tell the truth, but not to turn him against his father. When a child sees that his beloved mother is suffering, he unconsciously wants to harm the offender. This can lead to extremely dangerous and unpredictable actions.

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