How to make a womanizer fall in love with you. 5 practical tips

Category: Dating and Dating

In this article we will look at how to make a womanizer fall in love with you and build a serious relationship with him. You will learn what methods are most often used by womanizers and what simple and effective ways will help you win the heart of such a man. As a result, your chosen one will not only focus on your personality, but will also want to be only with you.

What you need to prepare yourself for

It is important to understand that a relationship with this man for a long time will resemble a competition “who is more professional.” He will strive with all his might to control the situation and get the desired result, and the woman, in turn, will destroy the “worked out scheme” and make him fall in love with her.

During the relationship, a woman will have to face the following trials:

  1. There will be many loving fans around him.
  2. He will often show attraction to other women and may even flirt with them (to make them jealous and demonstrate his success).
  3. Cheating is a common thing for this type of man.
  4. At any moment he can lose interest and switch to another passion.
  5. At the beginning of the relationship, he will not be puzzled by you, the only thing that will interest him is his huge and magnificent “I”, which was not appreciated.

People tend to change, and perhaps a long and professional game, with precise adherence to tactics to win a man, can win the heart of a noble womanizer and change him. But it is important to prepare yourself for a completely different result. After a long time of playing by your rules, he may get the desired result and leave you.

Don't take a negative result to heart. Just enjoy this time and leave this novel in your memory as something bright and unusual. The fact that you were able to make a womanizer run after you is already an achievement.

Rules for skillful communication with a ladies' man

Womanizers choose accessible and cheerful girls. The easiest way to get acquainted with them is to get them into bed. If a woman reacts coldly to seduction, he will not waste time on her, because his goal is to “put another star on the fuselage.” However, he does not have serious feelings for the woman. He may just like her outwardly, but her inner world remains beyond what he wants to delve into.

To make a womanizer chase a woman, it is important to maintain a balance between approachability and coldness. This means that you need to maintain a line of communication in such a way as to remain a mystery to him.

To be the ever-elusive prey

In such a young man, two contradictions are struggling - the desire to get a woman the easy way and the instincts of a hunter. Knowing this detail of the psychology of a young man’s thinking, you can play an exciting game with him.

Staying close, but not letting anyone get close to you is a communication formula that must be followed. This man wants to get his way, but there is no need to give him this opportunity. As soon as communication crosses the line of the permissible level, you need to sneak away.

Remain a mystery

Easy inaccessibility is the main trump card when communicating with a womanizer. It is necessary to show that the girl is engaged in establishing her personal life. She might post photos with friends at a bar or post on social media about her interests. There is no need to answer calls immediately after the first ring. He must understand that he simply cannot achieve what is on his mind.

READ Nonverbal signs of a man in love hiding his love

Always be attractive

What matters is how a woman looks. Appearance should attract men. However, it is important to maintain a balance - a girl should be sexy and light at the same time. It’s best if these are evening outfits. However, if you are going to meet a guy during the day, then it is better to stick to casual style looks.

Makeup should not be flashy. It is important to remember the main thing correctly - you need to focus on the lips or eyes. The image should complement the natural sexuality and attractiveness of the girl. Her appearance should not awaken in a guy a rude desire to pick her up and take her to the far corner of the club to have sex with her.

Looking at a woman, a man should want to hug her and protect her. Therefore, one should emphasize tenderness and defenselessness in appearance. Dresses that will slightly reveal the neck, chest and shoulders, soft but bulky sweaters, long skirts with a slit, complemented by high-heeled shoes - this is what will become the basis to impress a man with your appearance.

Build interest in yourself

All information must be presented to the womanizer in portions. Think about what will pique his interest?

You need to carefully focus on this, but you need to do it carefully so that the man understands that he and the woman have a lot in common. But he must understand this himself. And only after he comes to this himself, the guy will begin to show interest. After that, just maintain communication, but so that it’s not enough for him, and he wants to talk to the girl more and more often.

Is it possible to change a womanizer?

It is possible to change a womanizer, but it will cost you a huge amount of time and effort. It is important to understand that enjoying a relationship and not worrying about him finding someone else will be simply impossible at first.

Every man has stages that he goes through when he falls in love with a woman. To be fully armed and know how to make even a womanizer fall in love with you, read this article.

As a rule, arrogance, professional play and manipulation hide psychological trauma resulting from improper upbringing, difficult family relationships and other life circumstances.

Most men do not want to delve into the essence of the problem, bring it into the light and work on it, and therefore agree with their lifestyle and enjoy frivolous relationships.

Another reason why they strive to keep a distance between themselves and a woman is fear of sincerity and spiritual intimacy. Affection, responsibility, and honesty seem to be a threat to this type of man, and therefore a serious relationship is not for them.

To change a womanizer, you need to force him to take off his usual and popular mask. It's easy to do, let him know:

  1. You are not easily accessible and know how to control your emotions and desires.
  2. You are not interested in cheap pick-up tactics and want to see sincerity.
  3. If he wants to consider you his "property", he must become your husband.
  4. The game will be played according to your rules, and you will not allow yourself to be simply manipulated.

If during the period of communication you can identify the reason for this behavior and try to eliminate it, the result may be positive.

Secrets and advice from psychologists

To understand what to do for a girl who has fallen in love with a womanizer, it is important to restrain her emotions so that they do not interfere with acting purposefully and calmly. There is no need to “hang on a man’s neck.” In this case, he will understand that such a girl is an easy prey that he will simply take advantage of.

In addition, psychologists recommend the following:

  1. Always remain confident.
  2. You can't say how you feel. For such a man, a girl should remain cheerful and interesting.
  3. Don't put pressure or be pushy.
  4. You can’t trust words (especially at first). These men speak beautifully to impress a girl. But more often than not, words remain just words.
  5. First of all, you need to become his good friend, and only then gradually lure him into the net of love.

Forcing an egoist to stay forever with his only woman means winning his heart and directing him on the path of correction. The answer to the question of how to please a womanizer is simple - you need to be a mystery, always look great and stir up interest.

Answers on questions

What to do with competitors?

If you decide to make a womanizer fall in love with you, then prepare for the fact that there will be a huge number of competitors around him. He is used to basking in women's attention and admiration, and therefore will not refuse this from the first day of your relationship.

Don't be jealous and demand attention from him. Remember, jealousy is a sign of falling in love, and therefore after the first scene or scandal, all the work done will be in vain. You must know your worth, highlight your advantages and not pay attention to others.

How long should you wait to have sex?

It is impossible to name an exact period after which you can enter into intimacy, because each situation is individual. Only one thing can be said for sure: the longer the pause, the more he will appreciate his achievement.

An excessively long pause can also harm the relationship, because he will get tired of fighting for your heart, he will classify you as “unavailable” and simply find a new passion.

What is the evidence that he fell in love?

Many women set themselves the goal of “getting married,” and then let everything take its course. This is one of the biggest mistakes many women make. A ring does not change a person; it does not guarantee that he will not cheat, flirt, or look for new fans.

His love will last exactly as long as you keep the appropriate bar. In such a relationship, you cannot just relax and enjoy your family. A woman needs to be in full combat readiness all the time, regularly captivating a man with something new, original and unique.

Perfect Courtship

Men who call themselves professional pick-up artists know a lot about women's weaknesses. If he has decided that you should become the next chapter in his list of achievements, he will do everything possible to make a worthy impression on you. Most often, womanizers act in the style of romantic melodramas, the heroes of which give their girls scarlet roses, write sweet SMS, wait for them from work, make pleasant surprises, etc. Of course, absolutely all men in love want to surround the object of their passion with care and attention, but a womanizer does this too intrusively and quickly.

What to remember

Falling in love with a womanizer and keeping him close is not an easy task, but if you still decide to achieve success, then remember:

  1. You must force him to play by your rules.
  2. In a relationship, you need to maintain intrigue and not predictability.
  3. It is important to enter the category of those women who seem to be “available”, but to achieve success you need to work hard.
  4. His weaknesses are pride and self-confidence, and therefore there is no need to feed them with his fanaticism.
  5. He shouldn’t know about your feelings (no SMS with “I love you”, no need to call constantly, say that you feel bad without him).
  6. It takes a lot of time and effort to change a womanizer, and therefore you don’t need to count on success within a few months.

It is quite difficult to win the heart of a womanizer and tame this type of man, but it is possible. If you are a vulnerable and fragile person who easily falls in love and is ready to shout to the whole world about your feelings, then it will be difficult to achieve success in conquering a womanizer. Such relationships require cunning, restraint and rationality.

Recognition using the Internet

Thanks to social networks, you can find out what a man is like. When he has a lot of photos from parties hugging girls, it is unlikely that he is interested in a serious relationship. Is it possible to recognize a womanizer by correspondence? In most cases, guys don't want to get into a relationship because of the obligations placed on them or the reluctance to become attached to a person. If you notice that a guy, while in company, pays a lot of attention to strangers instead of his beloved, this is a clear reason to think about it. If a man truly loves his girlfriend, he will devote all his time exclusively to her, without noticing the ladies around her.

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