Top 10 signs by which you can recognize pride in yourself

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Hidden and obvious signs of pride is the third article in the series “Man and Selfishness.”

Article 1 - Selfishness and its manifestations Article 2 - Selfishness in human life: what strengthens and weakens Article 3 - [you are here] - Hidden and obvious signs of pride

To begin with, we suggest deciphering the words pride and arrogance in order to understand exactly what we are talking about.

Pride - Striving for God - Spirit through internal development and self-knowledge. Overcoming your own weaknesses with the power and light of the Spirit.

Pride - Cultivation of the Ego and rejection of God and self-development. Concentration on achieving material wealth.

Pride manifests itself through comparing oneself with others and finding oneself higher, better, more worthy, more significant than other people and living beings, and even the world as a whole.

We dare to say that pride is the first and most striking manifestation of the virus of egoism in a person. Where there is pride, there is definitely selfishness.

And everything would be clear and simple if we - people - were able to distinguish between our behavior and motives in order to detect signs of pride and get rid of them in time. But everything is not as easy as it seems, because very often pride cleverly hides and disguises itself as plausible motives and explanations.

In this material, we propose to consider hidden and obvious types of manifestations of pride.

For those who want to correct something in themselves that leads to problems in relationships, we suggest downloading the book

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