How to recognize a sect? 10 signs that should alert you

Author: Dmitry

12 November 2021 10:38

Tags: sect facts  



sociologists have not yet decided on the definition of the word “sect.” Some define it as a religious group that is not widely recognized. Others say that a sect is an ideological association of people under the leadership of a charismatic leader. One way or another, the word “sect” today often becomes synonymous with the word “death.” Here is a list of the 10 most dangerous sects in the world. Let's start from the last place.


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Ho-no-Hana ("teaching of the flower").

Japanese neo-Buddhist sect. Founded in 1987. "Teacher" Hogen Fukunaga is supposedly endowed with magical powers and can read people's past and future from their feet. The top of the sect was engaged in extortion: predicting cancer or other fatal diseases, it forced people to participate in special cleansing events that cost $900 per session. After being accused of fraud, Fukunaga was brought to trial and paid a fine of about $1 million. The sect continues to recruit adherents under a different name: Yorokobi Kazoku no Wa.


Raeliano sect. Raelians.

The Raeliano sect arose in France in the 70s of the last century. Founder Claude Volilhon, better known as Rael, a former sports columnist, said that on December 13, 1973, in the crater of an extinct volcano in the center of France, he met with aliens, one of whom called himself God (Elohim, one of the words in the Torah denoting God). Elohim told him that life on Earth was created by aliens through genetic engineering, including cloning. Rael attracts people to his sect, promising them eternal life, the secret of which he allegedly possesses. The “teacher” preaches sexual freedom. One of the followers of the “church” appeared in the media in 2003 with a statement that she was the world’s first clone. The sensation was soon refuted by scientists.

"Order of the Temple of the Sun".

Some media, for example, the newspaper “Top Secret”, indicate its activities in Russia. Founded in 1984 by neo-Nazi, Belgian Luc Jouret. The teachings of the "Order of the Temple of the Sun", originating from the mystical order of the Templars and some groups of Rosicrucians, are a mixture of astrology, alchemy, mysticism, yoga and cabalism. According to the teachings of the sect, the Earth is inevitably approaching the apocalypse, while death does not exist, being nothing more than an illusion. Adherents believe that rebirth awaits them in the afterlife. On December 22, 1995, in the French Alps, not far from Grenoble, in a forest clearing, there was a mass ritual self-immolation of 16 adherents of the Order of the Temple of the Sun, including one girl and two boys from 2 to 6 years old. One of the children was the child of a local policeman. Some of the victims were shot in the head and then set on fire.

Instead of a postscript

Dependence on a sect is similar to drug addiction, and sectomafia is similar to drug mafia. Sects and drug mafia equally take advantage of a person’s unfavorable psychological state. They hide the truth about the consequences of being in a sect. Both totalitarian sects and the drug mafia have sufficient funds to hire the necessary specialists who can prove the “harmlessness” and “legality” of their activities, and to disseminate this “evidence” in the media. At the slightest threat from the outside, they immediately unite with their competitors for corporate protection, lobbying the legislative bodies to legalize their activities, fearing, for example, that the closure of one sect may lead to the closure of others.

Newspaper “Orthodox Faith”, No. 2 (305), January, 2006

Sect of Bhagawan Shri Rajneesh (Osho).

Rajneesh deeply despised humanity and did not consider it necessary to hide his aspirations; perhaps even more than in the stories of other sects, here the reasons that motivated the newly-minted guru - greed, lust, vanity and thirst for power - are brought to the surface with undisguised cynicism. It is worth adding that the cult of Rajneesh is difficult to attribute even to pseudo-Hindu new formations - it is absolutely an “author’s work” operating in the area of ​​the New Age movement. In 1966, Rajneesh left the university and began to preach his own teaching, which was a paradoxical mixture of bits of Jainism, Tantrism, Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Sufism, Hasidism, Nietzscheanism, psychoanalysis, popular “psycho-spiritual” therapies and the teachings of Krishnamurti and Gurdjieff. Having no initiation into any of the mystical traditions, he reinterpreted everything in his own way, adapting it to his own needs. The main postulate of Rajneesh’s “only religion” can be expressed by paraphrasing the famous patristic saying: “Love God and do what you want.” The sect became especially widespread in the USA. Presumably, it was he who poisoned hundreds of people in Dallas in 1984 using the Salmonella bacterium. After being deported from the United States, Rajneesh tried to stay in any country where he had followers, but 21 countries either banned him from entering or expelled him without any particular explanation (such as Greece). There are now about 200 Osho meditation centers in the world. On the territory of the former Soviet Union there are Osho centers in St. Petersburg, Voronezh (operating since 1996 under the name “Tantra Yoga”), Odessa, Krasnodar, Minsk, Tbilisi, Riga and Moscow, where, in addition to the “Osho Rajneesh” center , there is also the “Eastern House” center, created by the Russian Igor. In the early 90s, he completed a course of study in Pune and returned from there as a sannyasin, Swami Anand Toshan.

Those "escaping" had to be rescued

At the beginning of September, a family disappeared in the village of Zadvorye, Stolbtsovsky district.
Pavel Mishuk, Svetlana Shutko and their teenage sons Ruslan and Yaroslav disappeared, leaving a note at home: “We left to travel around a big country.” For two months, police officers, Emergency Situations Ministry employees, and volunteers searched for them. They even launched drones over forests. But the “travelers” clearly covered their tracks. And a couple of weeks ago it turned out that they had gone not far away - to the Novogrudok region.

They set up a tent in a forest area near one of the villages, where they led a reclusive lifestyle. They tried not to be seen by the locals, but when food supplies began to run out, they came out into the open. Or rather, to a store in the village of Bor. The sellers immediately noticed the strangers’ resemblance to the faces in the landmark and informed law enforcement. A couple of hours later, the fugitives’ camp was discovered.

We settled down thoroughly. A large military tent with potbelly stoves and wooden bunks inside, a log toilet, a fireplace and even a mini-garden.

At first, the mother refused to tell me the reason for going into the forest. And then she said: she found out that with coronavirus vaccines, people will be implanted with chips through which they can influence consciousness. They say she got scared and persuaded her husband and sons to “run away.”

However, neighbors in the village say that the family began preparing for the hermitage long before the pandemic due to “religious beliefs.” No one really knows what exactly. Children told their classmates strange stories about the coming end of the world. And two years ago, her mother’s colleagues began to notice changes in her behavior: she began to learn to bake bread, asked to borrow cast iron.

Who knows how this story could have ended if the family had not been found. Now the “hermits” have returned home, doctors and psychologists are working with them.

Manson sect.

A maniac who imagined himself to be a prophet declared war between the black and white races. Charles Manson was accused in 1969 of several murders, including of director Roman Polanski's wife, actress Sharon Tate. According to the court's verdict, he was supposed to be executed in the gas chamber, but in 1977 the California Supreme Court declared the death penalty unconstitutional, so it was replaced with life imprisonment. He was denied parole last year.

Heaven's Gate sect.

In 1997, Applewhite managed to persuade 39 followers of his sect to commit suicide due to the imminent collision of the Earth with comet Hale-Bopp. He promised his followers that they would leave their earthly bodies and travel on a spaceship. Members of the sect dressed in hoods and gloves, so as not to even accidentally come into contact with each other and not be inflamed with sinful desires, obeyed thousands of rules, and intensively studied the Bible. There were also periods when they could only communicate with each other in writing. The family had to be forgotten once and for all. Each had a “watching partner” and, in turn, also watched someone else. After the Internet became widely available, a corresponding website for a sect called “Gates of Heaven” appeared on it. In preparation for suicide, they drank lemon juice, thereby ritually cleansing their bodies. They also believed that their mass suicide would contribute to the popularity of the Internet (many members of the sect worked as web designers). The bodies of 39 people were found on March 26, 1997 at their villa in Rancho Santa Fe (near San Diego, California). 18 men and 21 women sedated themselves with phenobarbital mixed into pudding or fruit jelly. All this was washed down with vodka; Then they pulled plastic bags over their heads in such a way that they would suffocate in their sleep. The faces and upper bodies of the "monks" (as they called themselves) were carefully covered with a square purple blanket. All 39 people were dressed identically - black shirts, black trousers and black sneakers.


Religion appeared many thousands of years ago almost immediately after the appearance of man. At first it was a belief in animals, then in paganism. Then came Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. These religions developed cults and doctrines and created worldviews. But there were always those who were not satisfied with existing dogmas and did not accept the imposed, as they thought, views on surrounding things and phenomena. These people changed the doctrine in a way that they thought was acceptable or that was convenient for them. Thus, new religions and sects emerged.

The problem of cults is very relevant today. Many young people who do not know enough about all aspects of this issue join these religious organizations. This leads to broken families and broken lives. Before breaking cults and magical cults, you need to know the reasons..... “Why do we need all this, why do people go to religion, to a cult?” In my opinion, the answer lies in one simple word: faith.

Faith is a deep belief in the existence, truth, or inevitability of something that does not require proof or justification. Faith is determined by the peculiarities of the human psyche. Unconditional information, texts, phenomena, events or one’s own ideas and conclusions can later serve as the basis for self-identification and determine certain actions, judgments, norms of behavior and relationships.

In other words, a person cannot exist without faith; he needs it to support actions, search for meaning and definitions of truth. The human need for faith gives rise to the development of religions, movements, sects and cults. All that remains is to understand what is bad and what is good and why.

"Aum Shinrikyo"

The sect was formed in Japan, and separate groups also operate in Russia, although its activities are prohibited in many countries. The teachings of Aum Shinrikyo, supposedly based on the texts of Buddhism, essentially combine a perverted understanding of the views of Buddhism and yoga. Shoko Asahara, the leader of the sect, came to Russia several times and met with political and religious leaders. Aum Shinrikyo prepared several terrorist attacks in Japan, including in the Tokyo subway, which killed 12 people. The court found Asahara (whose real name was Chizuo Matsumoto) guilty of 13 of 17 charges and sentenced him to death in 2004. However, according to Japanese law, it is not announced when the sentence will be carried out. The crimes of Aum Shinrikyo caused shock throughout the world, but the Japanese authorities failed to outlaw the apocalyptic sect. Currently, it has changed its name to “Aleph” and, along with the “Circle of Light” sect that broke away from it, continues to exist under the open supervision of the special services. According to official data, more than 6 thousand people are members of these religious associations.

"The Promise of Elite"

The algorithm of action of destructive sects is almost the same - it does not depend on whether the sect is religious or atheistic, says Elizaveta Balabanova, a medical psychologist, psychoanalyst, full member of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League, who advised the creators of the series “Sect”. Destructive cults must constantly attract new adherents. This is at the same time a way of developing, enriching the organization and methods of securing adherents who turn into missionaries.

“The promise of elitism, some kind of access to special knowledge, practices, beliefs that are inaccessible to others,” she says. — A feeling of being chosen and being close to a group of like-minded people is cultivated here. Leaving this group is associated with losing access to something unique and meaningful. People are held back by a sense of belonging that plays on the fear of loneliness and rejection.”

The risk group includes people with a high degree of self-doubt, a fear of loneliness, socially unsettled people, and those who do not feel safe. “The sect is like a maternal environment, providing long-awaited security and love. The attitude is that you are loved here, you are not alone,” explains the expert.

Pyotr Kuznetsov (right), leader of the sectarians who awaited the end of the world in an underground shelter in the Penza region

Photo: Maxim Bogodvid / RIA Novosti

Classes in destructive “personal growth trainings” are held in much the same way as “spiritual practices”: they take place throughout the day to put people into a state of exhaustion and turn off the protective mechanisms of the psyche. Students may be forced to go long periods of time without food or given only light snacks. To make a person lose the passage of time, sessions can take place in rooms deprived of sunlight. In a person’s head, even for many years after leaving a sect, the attitudes received there, the images adopted, may periodically emerge.

The sequence of “exercises” used is created so that a person constantly experiences strong emotional overload. All this is aimed at making a person enter a trance state and completely turn off critical thinking. Such training can cause a state of prolonged euphoria, which is replaced by severe depression.

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