Is it possible to get my wife back? Do ex-wives come back after divorce? Reasons why women leave families

If a man loses a family with children in common, it is doubly more difficult than simply leaving his wife. But you need to understand that such a decision is stressful for both partners; there are always good reasons for this. Understanding them, you can find ways to get your ex-wife back after a divorce with a child and soberly assess your chances, how realistic this is in principle.

Let's talk about where a man needs to start, how to act depending on the circumstances, what first steps can be taken. Advice from psychologists will help you win her favor and trust again, preventing a number of mistakes.

How to quickly get your wife back after divorce

Despite the fact that almost all men are confident that they are ideal husbands, a woman will find a lot of reasons for dissatisfaction. Therefore, the first thing to do after a beloved woman leaves her husband is to think about the reason. Women are very reasonable and patient creatures, so before making a final decision, they express their complaints to the man. Another question is that it’s rare that a man takes this seriously, considering it “feminine nonsense.”

So why are women leaving? There can be many reasons for divorce, but the main ones are:

  • lack of attention from the spouse;
  • jealousy that goes beyond the bounds of reason;
  • man's cruelty;
  • mismatch of sexual temperaments;
  • financial difficulties;
  • problems with alcohol.

Often men complain that their wife has left and do not understand what she was missing? At first glance everything is fine. The husband works, earns good money, the wife should be happy and understand that the husband wants to relax on the couch with a bottle of beer on the weekend, and not go with her to the cinema, theater or park. But many men forget that when they were courting their future wife, they were completely different.

They were ready to walk for hours in the park and listen to the problems of their chosen one. They gave flowers and bought theater tickets, as well as all sorts of cute trinkets, which the girl was delighted with. But after a marriage stamp appears in his passport, the man believes that the mission to conquer a woman is over and he can relax. And she still wants to be loved and desired.

Drunkenness is the scourge of modern families.

Given the crazy work schedule, many men try to relieve stress in this way. They are confident that this cannot be a problem. They come home, the police do not take them, but at the same time the men forget that when they drink, they lose their human appearance.

In many families it is not customary to talk about sex, and many members of the stronger sex are raised in such a way that only they can experience sexual desires, while a woman should be modest. But emancipation is rapidly sweeping across the planet and women have realized that they, too, may be dissatisfied with rare marital relationships. And this dissatisfaction often causes divorce, especially if a woman finds someone who is more attentive in bed.

Unfortunately, money is also a very important parameter of family well-being. Their absence is a serious drawback. Often men, in pursuit of finances, forget about their family. Therefore, you should not try to earn all the money, it is better to find a middle ground. But if it happens that a man loses his job, then it is his duty to convince his wife that this situation is temporary and he will make every effort to change it and restore financial well-being.

In what case is it necessary to return a wife who left?

To understand whether it makes sense to return your beloved woman, you need to find out why she left, why the divorce occurred. And from this you have to think about what to do. The reasons why people leave their family are very different. Let's consider what pushes the wife to leave and the husband's actions to return her in each case:

  1. Husband's bad habits : alcohol, drugs, gambling addiction, etc. This is one of the most common reasons. Sometimes women endure and endure, and then at some point they just leave. And the unfortunate spouse continues to drown his grief with vodka or is in a narcotic sleep, because in moments of grief all the most serious vices become aggravated, and the passion for them increases significantly. We are talking about those men whose bad habits went beyond the bounds of reason. Although there are often cases when a wife leaves because her husband began to abuse alcohol, she has not yet completely fallen into the abyss of alcohol addiction. Apparently, the woman believes that there is no turning back, and her husband’s need for drink will become insurmountable at some point. If you consider yourself one of those people (who have not lost everything yet), then you, of course, simply need to try to return your beloved. Of course, to do this, you must first give up your habits and make your wife understand that your intention is final.
  2. Jealousy. If you are a terrible jealous person and have driven your beloved to the point of exhaustion and the intention of leaving you, you also need to try to get her back. Almost every second reason for leaving is related to the jealousy of the spouse, and, as a rule, unfounded. Why a man becomes like this is difficult to answer: this question must be attributed to his childhood psychology. But a fact is a fact. Any delay of the wife from work or other events turns into a scandal. In an attempt to “catch” his beloved at the scene of the crime, the jealous person is constantly occupied with this very issue. Sometimes these manifestations take on the character of pathology. The husband monitors his wife’s phone, calls and SMS messages, always checks her pages on social networks, and tries to control her time. Some women reassure themselves that such jealousy is supposedly a manifestation of love. However, do not be deceived. This feeling is destructive and has nothing to do with love. Most often, on the contrary, it speaks about the internal problems of the man himself, his painful perception of himself in the first place. After all, jealousy is also an inferiority complex. Therefore, those representatives of the fair sex who try to stay away from jealous people are doing more than right. Firstly, a jealous spouse poisons life, and secondly, jealousy is blind, and a person subject to its attacks is even capable of murder. So if you belong to the category of jealous husbands, first get rid of this feeling (even with the help of a psychologist) and only then try to return your beloved.
  3. Frequent quarrels and misunderstandings. If irreconcilable contradictions suddenly begin to appear between you in your marriage and you cannot come to an agreement, and then for this reason your spouse leaves you, it means that she is quite tired of your stubbornness. This also happens in the lives of couples who have been living together for many years. Monotony and everyday life attack, mutual claims accumulate, passion gradually cools, and internal problems come out, and no one wants to put up with anything at some point. Learn first of all to yield to a woman - not always and not for every reason, but a man should be above stubbornness - this is a fact. And if your divorce took place precisely for this reason and you are suffering, try to prove to your wife that you have reconsidered your plans for life, your position in life and realized that standing your ground is not the most important thing for you. That there is something more important - love and she herself, your spouse.
  4. Lack of financial support for the family. The reason for the divorce could be that you did not try to meet the needs of your family (note: not your wife, but your family!). And, perhaps, your wife was forced to do part-time work, look for some other income so that the needs of the children were fully met. Of course, a woman is unlikely to leave simply for this reason. Here, most likely, something else was added: inattention towards his wife, perhaps rudeness, etc. At such moments, the woman suddenly begins to think and thinks like this: “Why do I need him? Not only am I burdening the family’s budget, but he will also insult and offend me!” It's hard to blame her for this. But if you decide to return your beloved, having realized what exactly you did wrong, first change your attitude towards life and towards your spouse. Understand the main thing: no one leaves good husbands.
  5. Selfishness, unacceptable behavior : rudeness and cruelty of the husband, inattention to his wife, preference for his own leisure time (fishing, hunting). In this case, if you truly regret what happened, you will have to prove to your ex-wife for a long time that you repent and are ready to improve. The fact is that women in general most of all do not tolerate neglect of themselves. Even if they are completely immersed in family life and children, internally any representative of the fair sex wants to be shown signs of attention. And, if a man blatantly violates this rule, she begins (sometimes even unconsciously!) to look for attention on the side. This is where so-called flirting begins. A woman almost never flirts if she has enough male attention at home! In the event of a divorce for this reason, decide: are you ready to give up your own selfish position, reconsider your views on the family, on the time you spend with your wife? Only after this start taking action.
  6. Treason. Did you cheat on your wife or did it just once and she found out and left? Perhaps her departure came as a surprise to you. But first of all, you should think: why were you looking for something on the side? Are you like this in life or were you missing something specifically in your relationship with your spouse? And then, if she returns to you, won’t it all happen again? If your life principle is “it is impossible to live with one woman and be faithful to her,” then there is no point in trying to return the marriage. But “accidental” cheating will help you, in a sense, find redemption with your wife, but only if you sincerely repent. Do everything possible and impossible to get your loved one back if you foolishly cheated on her.

See also:
How to get out of depression after divorce

How can you return your wife to the family with prayers?

For believers, family discord is always a serious test. If a couple was married and swore their love before God, then such bonds are much stronger than worldly ones. But sometimes even those who believe in God have a hard time.

If it is necessary to return a wife to the family after she has left her husband, then a believer will go to church to confess and ask for advice. There are special prayers that address Saint Matrona as the patroness of marriage. It is her who turns to people who need help in family matters.

But sometimes it happens that even people who were previously non-believers, in a difficult situation, turn to God, as with the power to guide them on the true path. Such people do not know prayers, but if there is a need to turn to the Almighty for help, then there is no need to be shy. There are always those in the church who are ready to help. The most important thing is that the prayer is sincere and comes from the heart.

I would also like to warn those who dream of getting their half back with the help of magic. There are many witches who are ready to charm a woman for money and force her to return. But such conspiracies always have a downside and no one knows how the magic will hit the person asking.

How to rekindle the feeling of love?

First of all, after a divorce, you need to give your spouse time to put her thoughts and feelings in order. Let her miss you and remember the pleasant moments of your life together. During this time, it is worth drawing up a plan for further actions so as not to commit rash actions.

The following can help you regain your ex-wife's feeling of love after a divorce:

  • compliments - every lady needs to feel beautiful and desired, because it’s not for nothing that there is an opinion that women love with their ears;
  • gifts - present surprises to your wife based on her preferences: useful things or romantic trinkets can bring back old feelings;
  • flowers - after the stamp appears in the passport, men often forget or do not consider it necessary to spend money on useless bouquets;
  • attention - show care and attention towards your spouse, push all possible matters into the background;
  • actions - you shouldn’t shout everywhere about your desire to return your ex-wife, let actions worthy of a real man tell about it.

Important! Your ex-wife will have to learn to trust you again. Help her with this in every way possible. After all, if you disappoint her again, there is a possibility of losing your beloved forever!

Conversations and support

Of course, it is better not to go through with divorce if you want to save the family. As a rule, women, having ended one relationship, tend to forgive a man, so there is every chance to remind her that she once chose him from many others.

In order to return the wife to the family, it is necessary to restore the relationship and help her remember all the good things that once happened.

Just don’t immediately rush to her with offers to start all over again. Since a woman has decided to divorce, it means she has certain grounds.

It's worth giving her a chance to think. Often in such reflections it turns out that the husband is not so bad and then it’s time to go on stage. But in order not to miss your exit, you need to be aware of what is happening with the woman you love. There is no need for passionate confessions, unless, of course, you see that the woman herself is ready for such a development of events. It’s better to just have a coffee and chat in a friendly way, thereby showing the woman that she cares. And in this conversation, find out how she is doing and whether she needs help.

According to statistics, women tend to return to their spouses after realizing that this was not the worst option. Therefore, there is no need to rush, but you need to show your best side.

How to achieve success in this difficult task?

It is important not only in words, but in deeds to show your wife that her ex has really changed:

  • changed job or occupation;
  • quit drinking alcohol;
  • maintains friendly relations with colleagues or childhood friends, but without fanaticism;
  • made or started renovating the apartment;
  • changed his image, becoming more neat, etc.

These changes should not be temporary, only until the wife returns, no - changes for the better will help improve the quality of life in any case. The house should always be clean and tidy. Having decided to return, a woman must make sure that everything is no longer the same as it was before.

The returning wife can be kept only by assuring her that the husband is ready to make great sacrifices for the sake of the family. Compliments are never superfluous, only in moderation; an offer of real help, attention, a desire to listen and understand will help to return and retain old love.

Changing a child's surname without the father's consent is possible only in a few rare cases. Are you planning to draw up a prenuptial agreement? We've covered this in detail here. We have an interesting article on our website about the historical forms of family and marriage development in different countries of the world.

What else you should know

Of course, the most reasonable thing is to prevent the wife from thinking about leaving. Women rarely make decisions based on emotions and prefer to seriously consider the pros and cons. This is due to the fact that the girl still perceives the man as a breadwinner and protector. And in all cases, except for the appearance of a new worthy chosen one on the horizon, the woman will hesitate until the last moment.

Divorce is the last straw, so you shouldn’t let it get to the point where your wife goes to the registry office with a divorce petition. It is much easier to think about how to get your wife back without leading to a divorce. Moreover, the prerequisites for a break are always visible. Another thing is that men rarely want to notice them. But first, you need to remember that once the wife was loved and for her the man was ready to move mountains. That both were beautiful and athletic, but what now?

Unfortunately, many men are so confident in their indispensability that they stop taking care of themselves. Alas, this can only be tolerated, so when thinking about returning a woman, you should start to be more critical of yourself.

Therefore, answering the question of whether it is possible to return your wife and avoid divorce, there is only one answer: it is possible, but this will require a number of efforts. We will have to remember that a woman needs someone nearby whom she can rely on in difficult times, who is ready to support and reassure, who is not afraid to open her soul. That is, exactly the one she chose when the man proposed to her.

There are situations when relationships have exhausted themselves.

Both understand that love has passed, but at the same time the man considers himself wounded and wants to regain the woman as his property. In this case, you need to think carefully about whether it is worth saving a family that no longer exists. You can convince your ex-wife that the whole world will collapse without her. But having returned to save her husband, the girl will sooner or later realize that this is a mistake. And will a man be happy living with the one who returned to him out of pity?

Sometimes it is easier to let a woman go and remain on good terms with her, especially if the couple has children. After all, what a child sees builds for him a model of future behavior in the family. And is it necessary to see constant quarrels and assume that this is the norm in a relationship? Of course no. A child much needs a Sunday dad who is interested in his life and is ready to help than a person who is mired in quarrels with his mother.

Remember, everything is in the hands of a man and if he really wants to get his woman back, he will achieve it.

Alimony will have to be paid

At the time of the breakup, the woman, experiencing guilt for her decision, promised to do without alimony. Then the feeling of guilt dulled and ceased to prevent her from demanding legitimate monthly payments. Any emotional decision has an expiration date; it is naive to rely on an oral agreement. Your ex will demand alimony from you, sooner or later. An infantile man believes in his chance of falling under a meager percentage of exceptions. And then this simpleton turns out his pockets in tears and curses the deceiver. A mature strategist plans ahead: transfers money to a card, saves receipts and is always ready for invitations to official establishments.

You miss your children and want them to love the generous father. The runaway spouse may begin to put pressure on this, instill pity or guilt. If you let your emotions get the better of you, you will become a wallet with legs. Before you know it, she’s already on the seashore with Vasily, whom your children call “daddy.”

How does this happen? Guilt and nostalgia for children prevent a man from understanding that the relationship is over. It is necessary to soberly reconsider your perception of your ex-wife's requests. How ready are you to help a woman who has decided to make you a stranger? When you accept the truth, there will be anger. Stay strong, don't blame your ex, maintain the moral high ground. And you can always take care of the children personally.

How to get your wife and child back after a divorce if she has someone else: advice from a psychologist

In marriage, people go through many trials together, so the decision of one spouse to leave the family comes as a surprise to the other. In fact, the decision takes a long time to mature, each time the spouse hesitates, coming up with an excuse to stay. Assess the situation, observe the other half over a period of time. Such a decision is not easy, but if a person decides to leave, then there really are good reasons.

What to do if your spouse leaves the family? She left not alone, but with her child. Divorce, she met another man. After some time, the ex-spouse begins to realize the severity of the loss and regret his actions. How to get your wife back after divorce and is it possible?

How realistic is it to get your ex-wife back?

Most women who have been married for some time, and especially with children, are very reluctant to break off the relationship. Surely, she was driven by serious reasons, circumstances that she endured for quite a long time.

Psychologists emphasize that divorce is always a consequence of the wrong behavior of both partners. And the first thing a man should understand is how high the chances of reunion are.

Statistics say that about 40% of women who left their husbands regret their decision. You can return it, this will be confirmed by the following facts:

  • your love story, which you won’t be able to forget right away;
  • a decision can be made on emotions, and they are known to be fickle;
  • common children, the connection with which no divorce can destroy;
  • financial support that she was accustomed to in marriage and which she will need later;
  • joint property, where every thing is dear to her, as a condition of comfort.

Even if she is driven by resentment, pain, disappointment, divorce will be painful for her almost as much as it is for you. This means that there is a chance to bring her back, all that remains is to analyze the situation and build a new strategy of behavior.

How to win the attention of your ex-wife?

In order to attract the attention of your ex-wife, you need to surprise her. There are a huge number of ways. The choice should be based on the reason that became the basis for the divorce. The reason can be determined through awareness and reassessment of one’s values. Of course, some time passed after the divorce, and the wife changed in some ways, but the husband also changed his views.

If the cause of the breakup was alcoholism, you can get rid of this addiction using coding. If your husband's laziness was the determining factor, it is advisable to learn how to do something with your own hands. For example, repair a lock or renovate a bathroom (preferably the entire apartment). If your wife didn’t like the perfume, you need to change it.

Remember what you were like when you were courting your spouse in the years before marriage and how you tried to win her. It is possible to attract attention with expensive gifts or a million red roses, but this is a temporary measure that can cause both positive and negative reactions. Not all women perceive gifts as a sincere sign of intimacy and interest. Some may see this as buying attention or a relationship that is difficult to return.

Invite your ex-wife to a romantic dinner at a restaurant or cook her favorite dish yourself. You must come to the meeting in clean clothes to look well-groomed and attractive. You need to arouse your wife's interest in you. If the reasons for her leaving were only something that you can correct, correct the situation and do not repeat your mistakes again.

The main mistakes of men

Most men after a breakup often become flexible and pliable when talking to their ex-wife, which should not be done. If you agree with absolutely everything she says, without expressing your own opinion, then her ex-husband will become boring to her, and this will not help return the previous relationship.

There is no need to try to establish old relationships using some logical arguments. Love defies logic, and in this case, a better solution would be to evoke an emotional response, even if the relationship has been broken. You need to be more romantic and show as little coldness as possible towards your ex-wife.

There is no need to pay excessive attention, giving your ex-wife flowers, sweets or any other gifts in the hope of returning her love. This feeling cannot be bought, and gifts should be given as gratitude, as a sign of sympathy and as a sign of love from the heart. If you try to give her gifts, the woman may think that her ex-husband is trying to buy her with money.

You should not fall into despair and give your ex-wife power over your own life, since in her eyes the man will appear as a nonentity that you can only wipe your feet on. If she manages to get her back, she will want to see her husband as a strong and independent head of the family.

You should not attempt to prove your feelings only through beautiful words. Excessive declarations of love will only harm an already damaged relationship. The best solution would be to try to prove your words in action.

You cannot reject the help of loved ones who try to point out mistakes made in marriage. You will need to analyze everything and possibly accept their opinion, drawing your own conclusions.

How to fight for your happiness: practical advice from a psychologist

The recommendations of psychologists in this matter are clear: in order to return your wife and child to the family, you need to change your behavior by analyzing your actions. It is necessary to establish partnerships based on equality, not to adapt to your wife and her whims. Behave in a balanced manner. Often a man puts in a lot of effort, but does not achieve results because he makes one mistake after another. As a result, he fails to return his ex-wife.

Practical advice from a psychologist, based on many years of experience as a specialist in family issues, will help you avoid such mistakes. So, what irreparable mistakes does a man make when trying to get his ex-wife back?

Trying to attract the attention of his ex-wife, the man decides to change and becomes too accommodating. He tries to smooth out the rough edges, please her in everything, agrees with her opinion and indulges her in everything. This behavior will not lead to anything good. Firstly, it is unpleasant for the wife to see her man, whom she knows, in a completely different guise; the wife will have suspicions and doubts - is this really so? Has the man really changed? With this approach, women do not return.

It’s simply not interesting to live with such a person; easy prey does not attract anyone. Secondly, a man cannot stand it in this state for a long time. Sooner or later he will break down, and this will cause an even greater conflict, since he stepped over his ego and did not take into account himself as an individual.

You should never make hasty promises; you need to think carefully about the reality of their implementation. If a man cannot fulfill them, then there is no need to promise. For example, if you promise to get rid of a bad habit, you need to evaluate whether you are able to cope. Otherwise, it will turn out that you will lose your temper once again, and your woman’s disappointment will know no bounds. Reproaches from her will become an irritant for you and a step towards breaking off the relationship, so you should protect yourself from such impulsive decisions. There is no need to throw words to the wind.

You should not give your wife expensive gifts. You cannot buy a woman off with gifts; she needs attention, care and participation in her life, help and support.

Do not try to give your spouse logical arguments about how important it is to preserve family relationships. It is better to be guided by feelings - women are more susceptible to spiritual connections than to understanding logical chains.

The most important thing is to discover the other person in yourself and open it to your wife. Develop yourself, become interesting and irreplaceable for her, show that you are exactly the man she needs. Win her love. Make her fall in love with you! Think about the fact that your “want” means nothing, find out what she wants. Marriage is a constant work in progress, so after your wife and child have returned to you, do not make mistakes that will push your loved one away from you.

Where to begin

First, give each other time for the emotions driving you both to recede into the background. Next, try to find the reasons; it’s good if you have a frank conversation with explanations. Be sure to rethink your behavior, life priorities and values; perhaps you took the wrong path, which led the marriage to ruin.

Find the reason for divorce

So, as mentioned earlier, divorce is always a consequence of the wrong behavior of both spouses. And if the reasons for the separation are not found, no matter how many times you get back together, the outcome will be just as disappointing. Think about why she decided to leave you, what prompted her to take such a serious step.

Psychologists identify the following common reasons:

  • abuse of bad habits;
  • moral, physical violence;
  • early marriage;
  • everyday difficulties;
  • systematic quarrels, disagreements;
  • mistrust, total jealousy;
  • financial instability.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family relations expert. Family psychologist.

These are the reasons that most often motivate women to leave their families. You need to understand that women look at all things through the prism of emotions, which is why they are more prone to impulsive decisions. Even negative emotions, which systematically take her out of harmony, can become an impetus for leaving.

Rethink values

Getting your wife back is possible after you rethink your priorities, life position, and goals. Think about what motivates you to want to return your spouse - pride, fear of loneliness, a sense of possessiveness or habit. Understand that for any action the responsibility falls equally on your shoulders and hers.

Try to step back from the situation, put yourself in your wife's shoes to see the situation through her eyes. Give each other time to soberly assess what is happening. Perhaps, having calmed down, you will understand that this will be better for both of you. Or maybe, on the contrary, you will understand her motives and realize your mistakes. Ask yourself the question: is it worth trying to get her back?

Reasons for the breakup

The future relationship of the former spouses largely depends on how the divorce process took place. The reasons that prompted the dissolution of the union play an important role.

According to statistics, modern couples most often get divorced due to the following problems.

  • Interference in the marriage of friends or relatives of one of the spouses. This situation is far from uncommon. Parents often interfere the most in a couple's life. Often, the husband’s mother may not like her son’s chosen one. Because of this, she does not seek to establish communication with her, but, on the contrary, provokes conflicts and sets her son against his wife. Also, the cause of divorce can be the machinations of friends.
  • Spouses may not agree on their characters, interests and outlook on life. Living next to a person who practically does not support you in anything and constantly criticizes you is very difficult. Differences in hobbies deprive a couple of the opportunity for joint leisure and interesting communication.
  • A woman can leave her husband, unable to stand his behavior or bad habits. Living together imposes certain responsibilities and distribution of responsibilities. If a man is not used to being neat and does not respond to his wife’s requests for help around the house, he risks losing her.
  • It is very difficult for women to come to terms with their spouse’s betrayal. Such an act causes great trauma and greatly hurts her feelings.
  • Feelings for another man can push a wife to divorce. The outbreak of love can seriously turn your head. In this elevated state, a person becomes impulsive, ready to take desperate actions.
  • Marriage too early and lack of readiness to live together are the cause of about 30% of divorces in our country. Lack of life experience, youthful maximalism, inability to build relationships and make concessions quickly upset relationships in a couple. Particularly at risk of separation in the first years of cohabitation are those spouses who had no experience of living together before marriage.
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction and other addictions of a spouse make family life painful. A person with such problems often behaves aggressively and even inappropriately. If a man is not ready to work on himself, then the wife can only observe the negative changes in his personality and endure violations in his behavior.
  • Excessive jealousy of a spouse turns married life into a “cage”. Obsessed with the idea of ​​exposing his wife, the husband constantly arranges humiliating interrogations, controls every step, and is capable of exploding at the most far-fetched reasons. The atmosphere in such a family becomes very tense. It’s hard for a woman to endure this day after day. Breaking off relations with a jealous person becomes the only way out.
  • Problems in the sex life of the spouses can also be a reason for divorce. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that not all couples know how to tactfully talk to each other about their intimate lives.
  • A precarious financial situation and lack of funds in the family makes a woman feel insecure. There are quite a few reasons why a man is not able to contribute enough funds to the couple’s budget. But in the end it becomes very difficult for a woman in the role of the main breadwinner.
  • Aggressive behavior and violence on the part of a spouse humiliates a woman, traumatizes the psyche, and leaves severe mental pain. Unfortunately, most people with this behavior are practically resistant to persuasion and requests. In moments of boiling emotions, they often cannot control themselves. And as a result, despite the man’s pleas for forgiveness and promises to change, in the heat of the next conflict the beatings are repeated again and again.
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