When the wife left for someone else or Problem with three unknowns

Sometimes life hits the head of an unsuspecting man as he drives his family car down the road of life with a heavy wrench called “Lover.” Maybe he drove poorly or didn’t fix the problem in time? Maybe. And today’s wife leaves for another man, as if this mileage on the car meter did not exist between you. There are so many questions in my head at once: “How to get your wife to come back?”, “What to do?” and “How to live with this?” But at least one answer.

Trouble came from where we didn't expect it

If you are reading this article, it means that your wife caused you the same pain - she left, leaving behind her tender back happy, and sometimes not so happy, years. You are not alone in your grief. Many who have gone through this are looking for ways out of this situation on practical forums about true love, sharing with their friends and loved ones. More often these are women deceived by treacherous husbands. It’s more difficult for men, which is why this article appeared. Read on and look for your mistakes, learn from the experiences of others and make the right decision.

Do not think that your woman suddenly fell out of love with you or was subjected to magical influence. This happens, but as an exception, which once again confirms the rule: no fire - no smoke. And if you don’t want your beloved to turn into an ex-wife at one not-so-wonderful moment, then it makes sense to forgive the betrayal and fight for love, reset the “mileage” of your married car, rewinding back the mileage tape.

How to help a man forget his ex-wife

If, despite all your efforts, you cannot get rid of sadness, continue to mope and try to restore lost relationships, then seek help from a specialist in family problems. A psychologist will give you recommendations on how to forget your ex-wife, whom you still love.

A professional will advise you to get rid of all your ex-wife’s belongings at home. The main thing is that there is nothing in the apartment that reminds her of her. If you accidentally stumble upon forgotten lipstick, a handkerchief, or something else more intimate, your feelings will come flooding back with renewed vigor. Looking at shared photographs causes a particularly painful impression and even tears. They should be hidden away.

Unfriend your ex-wife on your pages on social networks, remove her phone numbers from your contacts so that you don’t have the idea of ​​writing or calling.

In conversations with friends and colleagues, avoid all topics related to the events in which you took part with your ex-lover. If you worked at the same company, then change the organization or even the type of activity.

Stop any statements or comments from relatives about your ex-wife. And try to fill your thoughts not with memories of the past, but with new impressions and upcoming plans. Listen to music, watch interesting films, attend theaters and concerts.

Another way not to feel like the unluckiest person in the world is to read stories about the lives of famous people. So you will sooner understand that in all human destinies there are periods of happiness, disappointment, poverty, and even complete oblivion. Against this background, all your problems will seem small and insignificant.

Walk the streets more, enjoy good weather, small daily joys, admire the sunrise, flowers, the first spring leaves, the smile of a child.

Be around people (even strangers) more often: without knowing it, they will share energy with you and charge you with vigor.

But if you absolutely cannot cope with melancholy and loneliness, that even people do not make you happy, then get a puppy or kitten. A small animal will require your attention and create new worries. Life will be filled with responsibilities, and you will become kinder and happier.


The most important question

Do you want to know if what happened is your fault? Guilty. Just like your wife who left you for another man. Your guilt is about the same as hers. Women leave less often than men, most often for the following reasons:

  • The emotional connection with my husband was broken; When he comes home from work, he does not share his day with her, and she has lost the desire to ask. Mutual secrets appeared, and common hobbies and shared leisure time disappeared. Humor, affection and warmth disappeared from the relationship.
  • There are problems in the intimate sphere; It doesn't matter whose side it's on. Maybe children do not allow each other to fully enjoy each other, or perhaps one of the partners has physiological difficulties or health problems. It is dangerous when these problems are not voiced to make a concrete decision, but are kept silent and accumulated.
  • “Shoals” on the part of the man; This includes various “disadvantages” of the spouse that interfere (in the wife’s opinion) with their family life: smoking, games, alcohol, assault or rudeness, disappearance from friends, etc. If you know how to hear, it is noticeable that women “shout” quite loudly about these problems "long before he left.
  • Financial difficulties. Large loans (mortgages), temporary unemployment of the head of the family or maternity leave are the best test of a couple’s strength. Not all families go through it. The husband may simply have his salary cut or delayed, but the debt hole into which the family automatically falls can become the grave for their union.

The first thing you need to understand personally is that time cannot be turned back. This plot cannot be replayed, and all events in life are given for a reason, they are not accidental. Once you understand this, it will become easier to accept the fact that your wife has a lover. Here is one of two things: either this “third wheel” will strengthen your union with your wife, or it will fall apart into small and sharp pieces. And if in the latter case it will be painful and lonely, but the breakup must be survived, then in the former there will be a huge and energy-consuming work to restore and strengthen the bonds of marriage.

Let's imagine that you decide to return your wife to the family in which there are children, or to return the children with her. Doesn't matter. It is important that you took this step consciously, realizing that you are really ready to accept her, you can forgive her and live on for many years.

Event Analysis

Act consistently, collecting thoughts and a picture of the world brick by brick.

1. Confirm your assessment of what happened.

The most difficult thing at such a moment is to understand your true desires and motives. Perhaps this gap is logical? You yourself felt that the couple was unviable, but now resentment welled up in you. This is a typical situation for a marriage that is no more than five years old. Deep down, you were ready for a breakup, but not for being abandoned, or even leaving for someone else.

The situation is completely different with couples who have lived in a place for at least 10 years. The breakup in this case does not occur spontaneously - behind it there are many months or even years of reflection. And, believe me, your ex-wife took a deliberate step. She probably even made repeated efforts to convey to you the essence of her complaints, but you turned a deaf ear.

Answer yourself the main question . Do you really want everything back to what it was before? And if so, how will you cope with the fact that she chose someone else over you and shared a bed with him? Do you have enough self-control and courage to forget about it and never remind her? After all, if not, then the revived marriage is doomed to a new, already final collapse.

If the answer to all questions is yes, then only in this case should you take action to return it. However, I am obliged to warn you about the difficulties that are sure to arise. You will definitely have to spend a lot of time and show remarkable patience. At best, it will take several weeks or even months before the situation can move forward. What to do next is not important for now; I have talked about this and will talk about it in other materials.

2. Analyze the situation thoroughly. You've probably made mistakes. The reasons for her departure and everything that happened before it may be related to these miscalculations or some other circumstances. No one but you knows the situation better. Usually both are to blame and most often problems begin with one little lie. And sometimes a break in relationships occurs not because somewhere is much better, but because the current state is very bad.

Any problem can be resolved when both people are willing to have an open conversation and are able to listen to each other. But not at the moment. Now it’s too late (or in a sense, it’s still too early), clarifying the relationship is categorically contraindicated. Not only is your ex-wife negative towards you, but she is also likely tormented by the impact her leaving has had on you. In turn, you definitely cannot yet adequately assess the situation and have a substantive conversation. It takes time, and it is such an indispensable tool that sometimes only it is enough.

Focus on finding your own mistakes. They definitely were. And, so that everything is clear and works as it should, keep a record. Otherwise you won’t be able to get the full picture. Everything that you manage to recall in your memory will shed light on at least part of the objective reasons why you were left alone.

To make it easier for you, I have collected the most common and typical mistakes that men make:

  • You are immersed in your work, and do not care about constant attention to your family.
  • There are too many of you. You didn’t give yourself a break (even at work you constantly wrote and called, paid too much attention, thereby devaluing it) and tortured you with control (manifestations of jealousy, prohibitions).
  • They forgot that you are a couple and partners. For you, your wife is an appendage to the house, but not a person with whom it is pleasant to spend time, experience common emotions and new experiences. You spend more time with friends (leaving her alone). Between you there is only everyday life and sometimes sex. You didn’t build a family - you didn’t have common plans, you didn’t discuss development.
  • The ex-wife did not receive enough passion and emotion. Each of us needs someone with whom we can openly share our experiences. We want affection, care, romance and fire no less. All this should be provided by the other half. Otherwise, a woman (and a man) feels lonely, even when someone sleeps with her under the same blanket.
  • You were toxic. They constantly reproached my wife for something, put pressure on her and oppressed her. Or they acted hysterically. Frequent scandals.
  • There was no initiative from you. All key decisions were made by the wife, taking on the role of the man in the relationship. You didn't resist.

Found something similar in yours? Think carefully about each of these points. After this, you can start working on yourself and your relationships.

Let's set a goal. Choosing funds

So, your wife, having violated family canons, left everything and went to her lover. There were reasons for this; above you can roughly determine which ones. You are experiencing pain, betrayal and guilt at the same time, but still decided to return your wife to the house. Or take revenge. Or forget her. There are not many options, and each of them has its own ways of behavior.

Your choice Necessary actions
Return your beloved
  • Understand the reasons for leaving;
  • Forgive her for this weakness;
  • Take him back into the family.
Revenge for complacency DESTRUCTIVE CHOICE!
  • There can be 2 variations - return and leave you like she did, or quickly find a “replacement”, showing that you are in demand.
Divorce and forget
  • Accept your wife's betrayal;
  • Go through the divorce process with dignity;
  • Realize what happened and draw conclusions.

In fact, everything is not as simple “step by step” as outlined in the table. And you understand this now. It is always more difficult to survive on your own: the sensations are brighter, the pain is stronger. The fact that you have not forgotten your wife forces you to currently look for ways to resolve the situation between you. There is no correct recipe - neither children nor parents can influence your relationship. Think with a cool head and a warm heart.

Is it worth returning?

Sometimes there is an insurmountable distance between a person’s desires and capabilities. Wanting to get your wife back does not mean being ready to make titanic efforts for this. To convince a woman, the ex-husband must form a radically opposite, extremely pleasant, idea about himself. He will be actively working on changing his personality: character, habits, hobbies, worldview. And not everyone has enough energy to bring this task to life.

First you need to understand the reasons for the divorce. Let's look at the most common of them:

  • wife's dissatisfaction with sex, spouse's betrayal,
  • there is no mutual understanding and respect,
  • inattention to the wife and her problems,
  • lack of shared leisure time,
  • husband's bad habits
  • scandalous behavior of the spouse, reproaches and nagging,
  • his lack of initiative in solving everyday issues, laziness,
  • an irresponsible man does not want to work either in production or at home; the family barely makes ends meet,
  • unceremonious and constant violation of family boundaries by relatives who pit spouses against each other.

Having determined the reason, a man must adequately assess the situation in order to understand whether it is possible to return his wife after a divorce. To do this, he should honestly admit to himself what his motivation is. If the goal is to use a woman to satisfy his needs and take care of him, it is foolish to hope for family reunification. Even if you manage to win back your spouse with false promises, the relationship will not last long, and the new breakup will most likely become final.

An attempt to restore the relationship will be effective only if the ex-spouses have feelings for each other. Without this, family reunification is not possible.

But, left alone, the husband may behave completely differently: he will feel relief that the protracted conflict has been resolved, albeit by a break. This happens in the following cases:

  • the life of a couple is a complete scandal,
  • partners cause each other only irritation, anger and aggression,
  • the wife is not interested in the husband, only his earnings,
  • the wife openly flirts with men, provoking a scandal, after which she accuses her husband of unreasonable jealousy.

When the relationship does not suit both, there is no point in trying to mend a broken marriage. This outcome will also be reasonable if the man understands that he does not want or cannot correct the situation.

Come back to me!

It is not for nothing that they say that if a wife leaves for another partner (which is no longer uncommon!), it is not known which side wins: the deceived husband, the lover, or the treacherous beauty herself. But you still decided to return it, therefore, you consider yourself the injured party. A man who lost a battle to another man. Your right. Our task is to help you do this theoretically. All you have to do is practice!

First you need to experience emotions by sharing them with the people closest to you. This way you will cool down your ardor, and another one will be “added” to your head, which, as we know, is better. Then sit down and draw up a detailed action plan. This does not mean that you should then do everything strictly according to the list you wrote. It is only intended to help tidy up thoughts in your head, structure information and make the path to the final goal easier. You should have one thought: “What should I do to get her to come back to me?”

Sample action plan

  1. I identify a circle of people close to me who can be involved in solving this sensitive issue. Who shares my opinion and can really help.
  2. I bring up information about my wife’s lover: who he is, what he is like (if there is such a possibility).
  3. I analyze the quality of the years of marriage I lived with my wife, looking for reasons that led to betrayal and further separation.
  4. I am drawing up a short plan to eliminate the circumstances established in paragraph 3 that have aggravated my family life.
  5. I get in touch with my beloved woman, invite her to talk, ask her to give our relationship a chance.
  6. I don’t do anything stupid: I don’t look for a replacement, an “outlet” for punishing an unfaithful person, I don’t get carried away with alcohol, I don’t let everyone in on the intimate problems of our family. The latter act is fraught with great inconvenience in the future: you will reconcile, but people privy to the situation and who do not share your reconciliation will slander and condemn.
  7. I am implementing the plan drawn up in point 4, and at the same time improving my relationship with my still wife - I communicate respectfully, without showing anger, I make pleasant surprises (if possible), trying to win her back.

If it happens that your partner begins to share your bed and everyday life again, make sure that the children never find out about their mother’s misdemeanor. Do not reproach her yourself under any circumstances and wait. Time erases all rough edges. And you will be rewarded with interest for your patience and courage!

How to forget your ex-wife and not suffer in vain

Often after a divorce, a man feels so devastated that it seems to him that there will be no more happiness: it is irretrievably lost. But tears and mental anguish will not help grief. Men whose rational thinking predominates can pull themselves together and think about how to quickly forget their ex-wife after a divorce.

Fill all your free time with things to do

A man by nature is a leader and provider. His career and success come first. The more a person is valued in society or a team, the higher his self-esteem. Therefore, you need to immerse yourself in work.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with your current activity, then you need to engage in self-education - enroll in advanced training courses or learn a new profession. Schedule your day minute by minute and strictly follow the plan.

We must try to fill the forced leisure time with household responsibilities. Learn simple recipes for preparing delicious and healthy dishes. To please yourself and your friends with them during home holidays, which should be beautifully furnished with games and surprises, and not just turned into alcoholic get-togethers.

If you use your imagination a little, you can come up with a hobby for yourself. Since you have more free time, you can get carried away with drawing or study simple pieces of music. And it doesn’t matter at all that only you will like these exercises and awkward landscapes.

The main thing is that your new hobby gives you pleasure and distracts you from bitter thoughts.

And weekends can be devoted to sports. And here, too, there is no need to achieve records. With any physical activity, adrenaline enters the bloodstream, which dulls nervous reactions and improves mood.

You will get the same result and inner satisfaction if you provide all possible help to your parents or friends at the dacha. Chop wood, bring water, repair the fence, and your life will seem filled with good deeds, and your gloomy mood will dissipate.

An upset person has a particularly difficult time with loneliness in the evening hours when falling asleep. To distract yourself from bitter thoughts, you can drink an infusion of calming herbs and read an interesting book about half an hour before bedtime.

And then get comfortable in bed and give yourself a mental instruction: “Close all the drawers.” This is what Napoleon did, who needed to free his brain from thoughts and fully rest even in a few hours.

Find a new life partner

New love can “resurrect” a person and create an incentive for him to continue to exist. But don’t be tempted by the first girl you meet that catches your fancy.

A good way to get to know a person is through correspondence on the Internet. By talking for a long time, you can gradually find out what a woman does, what her hobbies and passions are. For this to happen, you need to look for and offer different topics for discussion.

And not intrusively, but persistently call your interlocutor to openness. But you shouldn’t touch on the intimate side of life at an early stage of dating: this will immediately scare away a modest woman with a delicate mental organization.

After some time, you will figure out whether this person is right for you. And if you are also satisfied with the girl’s age and appearance, then you can safely invite her on a date.

If you want to give a girl a pleasant surprise, then not only flowers and expensive gifts are suitable for this. Invite the girl to enroll together in a dance studio that specializes, for example, in tango. Without a doubt, the woman will be happy, and you will quickly learn each other’s character.

It is not at all necessary that a correspondence romance will end in marriage. But even correspondence communication will distract you from your worries. In addition, you will be pleased if your new acquaintance sincerely likes you, and she will be happy to devote her time to you.

Any person learns from mistakes and gains experience with age. A previous marriage will become a stepping stone for you on the path to further self-development and a guideline for finding a new chosen one.

Make time for friends and family, this will make it easier to forget your ex-wife

Spending time with a loved one always brings considerable help to an upset person. No one will understand and calm you down like your mother. She will listen to any, even the most illogical, reasoning of her son and tell him how to make the right decision. The mother will respond with gratitude to any expression of filial affection.

You will feel uplifted and at peace when your mother’s eyes sparkle with joy from a simple sign of attention. And it doesn’t matter if you bring her groceries from the supermarket, do some minor repairs to the plumbing and sockets, or give her a necessary expensive item, such as a mobile phone or a robot vacuum cleaner.

If mom is sick, then she will simply need your help and support.

Buy medicine, replace a caregiver for a while, or take a walk in the park together. Mom's hugs, kisses and even light touches will restore your faith in yourself, lift your spirits and make you look more optimistic about the future.

Reliable friends can also play an important role in the process of restoring mental balance. Try to find the most devoted comrades among your acquaintances. Organize an outdoor event together, go fishing, or take pictures of the picturesque surroundings together.

It is not forbidden to take a bottle of good wine with you, but drink in moderation, solely to create a good mood.

If your friend needs physical help, don't hesitate to offer it. Working together drives pain out of the heart. You will no longer feel unhappy.

Go on vacation

Human memory is constantly updated. Of course, this does not mean that all previous memories are lost. But they become less bright and painful.

New impressions received on vacation will fill your soul with pleasant emotions and your head with beautiful pictures. Staying at the sea and the beach in the rays of the southern sun will strengthen your physical and mental health, and also set you in a romantic mood.

But it will be even better if, instead of passively lying on a sun lounger and eating hearty lunches and dinners in a Turkish hotel, you choose an active holiday. A great way to relax, unwind and experience a sense of harmony with nature is to take part in hiking trips.

These can be simple water routes (on kayaks or catamarans), and bike rides (plain or mountain), and horseback riding (on horseback or even camels).

There is another method that helps relieve nervous tension and gain new experiences - traveling to cities around the world with an excursion program. In such events you can learn a lot of interesting things from the history and life of the population of our country or other countries.

Often excursion groups consist predominantly of women (mothers with unmarried daughters). Therefore, on such trips you can meet beautiful girls and, perhaps, find your destiny. As a rule, these young ladies, who lead an active lifestyle, are interesting interlocutors - well-read and intelligent.

If the end is inevitable

Unfortunately, a “happy ending” does not always await a couple in temporary discord. And the temporary problem is replaced by a permanent one - divorce. You can never be prepared for it: neither the plaintiff nor the defendant. It is difficult, painful and scary for all family members. But if your wife decides to do this, be prepared for the last push in the fight for her.

A miracle can still happen! There is hope that while the litigation continues and the date for the divorce proceedings is set, your “other half” will understand that they will lose a generous and strong-willed man if they dissolve the marriage. It is also possible for children to “help” their mother - to decide that dad is the best. Children will “skillfully” be able to evoke pity for one of their parents. Well, as a last resort, the wife will withdraw the application, which she submitted only as a warning (she wanted to teach her a lesson). But you better not hope for the latter, so that it doesn’t hurt more.

You must now clearly understand that with all attempts to return your wife, disappointment and failure are possible in the end. This is not a tragedy - it is change. Yes, big ones. They are needed for you to learn a serious lesson, change and receive from the Universe something better, more, something that is prepared for you on another, new level. As you change, people’s lives and attitudes towards you change. Believe it or not, with this look in just a few months you will be able to look at your ex-wife quite calmly and communicate peacefully.

Advice from experienced people or How to survive a divorce with dignity

  • Igor, 27 years old, taxi driver: I never thought that this would affect me. But my wife filed for divorce a year ago and left, taking our son with her. To be honest, I started drinking. He grieved for a long time, felt sorry for himself, complained. I came up with all sorts of tall tales about her. From resentment. This worsened my future relationships with the child, her parents and some mutual friends. I regretted this, because less than six months had passed before I calmed down and even found positive aspects in my freedom.
  • Alexey, 34 years old, engineer: I was relaxed, wealthy and always seemed well-groomed, I didn’t think that a woman could leave such a male. Why bother and look after her if she is already your wife. I paid for my selfishness. Now I’m eliminating the mistakes I made in my last relationship so as not to repeat them in a new relationship. I'm in love, friends!
  • Anton, 39 years old, teacher: We didn’t have children. It was probably my fault - my wife wanted it, I had no time. When she left, I didn’t believe it at first, but then I found a summons in the mailbox. I thought it was scary. I went to the trial and my legs didn’t even shake. The realization that she is with someone else, that I am nobody to her, that we have no future, came to me a year later. For a long time. I thought that was it, my personal life was done. But no! Now I am raising two boys. My new wife has changed me internally, as if I had never lived before. She is my age, and gynecologists call such women “old-timers.” Well, let! But older parents have a much higher chance of having twins. And Natasha and I hope to have time to give birth to two more girls.
  • Vladimir, 56 years old, entrepreneur: Brothers, I’m not old at all! At my age, having retired, I managed to open my own small peasant farm (farm) in the village of Ljubljanka, where I, a city dweller, moved after divorcing my wife. We lived together for almost 30 years, and my wife had a lover! I couldn't even believe it then. Now I believe. I believe in love, which can come at any age. My neighbor in the garden helped me believe this. A sincere, pleasant woman who exudes comfort and care. My ex-wife and my daughters are now visiting either with us or in the city. They are completely adults and don’t judge anyone.

The main mistakes of men

Most men after a breakup often become flexible and pliable when talking to their ex-wife, which should not be done. If you agree with absolutely everything she says, without expressing your own opinion, then her ex-husband will become boring to her, and this will not help return the previous relationship.

There is no need to try to establish old relationships using some logical arguments. Love defies logic, and in this case, a better solution would be to evoke an emotional response, even if the relationship has been broken. You need to be more romantic and show as little coldness as possible towards your ex-wife.

There is no need to pay excessive attention, giving your ex-wife flowers, sweets or any other gifts in the hope of returning her love. This feeling cannot be bought, and gifts should be given as gratitude, as a sign of sympathy and as a sign of love from the heart. If you try to give her gifts, the woman may think that her ex-husband is trying to buy her with money.

If the wife left with the child

Often a woman forgives her husband a lot in order to preserve the marriage in a family with a child. She knows that a new man may appear in her life. But will he want to become a father for her child? Will she be able to tolerate his whims when he is sick or not in the mood? Will he react correctly to his bad behavior, complaints from neighbors, school teachers? Not every man is ready to overcome the daily difficulties associated with growing up and raising someone else's child.

However, for an ex-husband, a common child is an excellent opportunity to restore relations with his wife. To do this, you need to use your connection with your baby wisely.

It is naive to believe that it will be possible to establish contact only with material support and rare phone calls. You must find time for personal communication with your child. Agree with your spouse about when and where your meetings will take place. Go to her terms, don’t argue, even if you don’t agree. We need to act very carefully now. If she demands that communication take place on her territory, so be it. Ask what products, things, books you need to buy. If your baby is already in school, take part in preparing homework, goes to extra classes, to the sports section, then discuss with your wife when you can give him a ride home. Even though you no longer live together, find out his routine in order to be aware of the child’s life. He must understand that you care about him. Encourage success, encourage him when he needs it. Be strict and adamant when trying to manipulate.

If you and your wife work on the upbringing and development of your child, your wife will sooner or later appreciate such help. Be patient, try to understand that now she feels alienation and pain, so she makes claims against you, “bites”.

If, instead of showing patience, you decide to threaten a woman with taking away her child, this could be the collapse of your relationship. You will be first on her list of enemies. Any mother turns into an angry tigress when someone tries to encroach on her children.

During a divorce, it is very easy to lose the trust and respect of a child. Try not to let this happen. Mother and father must remain an unquestioned authority for him. Don’t start a showdown in his presence, don’t humiliate each other so that he doesn’t stop appreciating you. Otherwise, you will lose much more than a relationship. After all, you can find happiness with other partners. But it will no longer be possible to turn a complete egoist and hypocrite, who grew up in a situation of permissiveness, into a decent person.

What can you say about your ex?

Let's try to take a closer look at your ex-girlfriend and your relationship with her. To do this, you need to get rid of emotions, try to switch from her image (formed in your head) to a real person. It’s difficult to stop looking at a girl subjectively, but each of us can be assessed objectively and from the outside. This is sometimes facilitated by public opinion - a sample of a large number of people, and not just you and your immediate environment.

In order to make a verdict on your ex as objectively as possible, it is worth remembering what your relationship was based on from the very beginning and at all its stages - what exactly do you want back.

For example:

  1. What attracted you to her? Her character, goals in life, advantages as a person. Or was it just attraction?
  2. How many of you took the initiative from the very beginning? Did you manage the development of the relationship or did all the initiative come from her?
  3. What do you remember first - physical intimacy and emotions or common interests?
  4. Did your understanding of a common future coincide?
  5. , betrayal, or manipulation in your relationship

Already at this stage you can roughly understand what you really miss and what exactly you want back.


Maxim came to me after his ex left him. During our conversation, it turned out that they had not been together for so long - literally a couple of months. But Maxim insisted that he truly loved the girl he knew so little.

It turned out that from the very beginning of their acquaintance the guy tried to show the girl his generosity: an expensive phone right on the first date, help with loan repayment and a vacation trip a week after meeting. The relationship lasted a couple of months, and all this time the girl increased her distance until she finally left.

Verdict: the ex (if you can call her that) did not want to be with Maxim. She liked the gifts and wanted to give him a chance - she tried a relationship with him. But she quickly realized that he couldn’t give her anything other than finances.

Maxim doesn’t love this girl, but since he invested heavily in this relationship, he doesn’t want to lose her.

Should he try to win her back, do you think?

How to build a relationship after your wife returns

Understanding the mistakes made and the experience gained are very important for building a family fortress. After the return of the wife, the spouses should not try to reanimate what happened between them. They must create a home with new family principles and values. To do this, the previous relationship with the same partner must be completed without mutual claims and insults. Forgiveness is not always easy, but this is the only way ex-spouses have a chance to achieve harmony and mutual understanding in a couple.

To minimize possible conflicts, former spouses need to learn to negotiate. After all, it is obvious that the breakup occurred when the wife’s cup of patience was overflowing. This means that it would hardly have happened without scandals and insults. It is wise for a married couple to develop and learn new communication tactics that exclude raised voices, shouting and arguing. If one of the two is experiencing emotional stress, it is better not to continue the dialogue and postpone it until the passions subside.

The basis of the agreement should be a policy of compromise: today I give in to you, tomorrow you give in to me. In addition, the couple needs to distribute areas of responsibility. If a woman copes with household chores alone, she is unlikely to like it. If spouses have children, then both must adhere to the same line in raising them.

Family relationships are built on trust, respect and support. Without these components, any passion soon fades away. If ex-spouses are willing to forgive each other for mutual grievances and look back only to learn from mistakes made, they can try to step into the same river twice.

What verdict should I give my ex?

We can achieve maximum results when the girl is suitable for a serious relationship, and your couple was connected by something more than just sex. If there are at least two of these points, then you can talk about a return and make some plans.

In all other cases there is simply nothing to return. It's worth turning this page. After all, if the problem was in you, then you need to start developing and eventually change, otherwise the situation will be repeated with others. If it’s a girl, it’s easier and more correct to find another one. There is so much choice that you can never say: she is the best in the world.

Advice from psychologists

A psychologist will be your most faithful assistant in matters of interpersonal relationships, marriage, and family. Not every man can afford to consult a good specialist. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several important information here. How to get your ex-wife back after a divorce with a child: advice from a psychologist:

  • analyze your actions to radically change your behavior;
  • establish partnerships based on equality;
  • learn self-control and balance in any situation;
  • do not make hasty promises until you are convinced of the reality of their fulfillment;
  • do not make too broad gestures, otherwise she will doubt your sincerity;
  • be guided by feelings, as women are receptive to emotional connections;
  • discover a new person with improved qualities;
  • become interesting, irreplaceable support, support for your wife;
  • improve relations with her relatives so that they are on your side;
  • show your best side as a father.

Have you sought advice from qualified psychologists?

Not really

Don't stop caring for your wife even if she gives you a chance. Remember that for a long time you will be, as it were, on a “probationary period”. Secure all the positive changes, let them not be a temporary “action”.

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