“What does it mean to be moral?” lesson plan for orxe (4th grade) on the topic

Morality is a conditional concept of rules, principles, assessments, norms based on the paradigm of assessments of evil and good, which was formed in a certain period of time. This is a model of social consciousness, a method of regulating the behavior of a subject in society. It develops both in individual and social forms of subjective relations.

The concept of morality from the point of view considered by psychologists is a fragment of the human psyche, formed at a deep level, responsible for assessing events occurring in various planes with the meaning of good and bad. The word morality is often used as a synonym for the word morality.

Ideas about morality in different countries

Morality is an unspoken code that guides the life of society. In different countries, the concepts of “good”, “evil”, “bad”, “shameful”, “good”, “right”, etc. are interpreted differently.

What does it mean to be a moral person, for example, in Thailand? It is enough not to discuss out loud the life of the royal family, especially the actions of the king. In Russia, anyone can express their opinion about the personality and life of the president. From the point of view of Islam, a person who clearly follows the rules of Sharia is considered moral. The measure of morality is the motivation of his actions: sincere, selfish or hypocritical. Since ancient times, Jews and Christians believed that morality was sent by God and is a set of rules (10 commandments). It is quite natural that to the question of what it means to be moral, representatives of these societies will give different answers, corresponding to a specific culture and morality. But they will also have something in common: all cultures recognize that a moral person follows the laws and guidelines of the ethics that are accepted in a certain society, and never violates the laws (legal and moral) accepted in his environment. This is a correct but narrow understanding of morality. But there are also universal human values ​​in the world that do not depend on the characteristics of a particular culture. And from this point of view, the answer to the question of what it means to be a moral person will sound completely different.

Historical excursion

To understand what morality or moral standards are, we need a short historical excursion. The concept of morality as such was proposed by the ancient Roman politician and philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43). The term comes from the Latin moralitas, which translates as “morality”. By the way, this word is to some extent consonant with the Latin mores, which means “behavior.” Thus, already in the terminology itself there is a relationship between human behavior and morality.

Of course, this does not mean that before Cicero no one asked questions of morality, did not try to understand what it is and whether there are any rules of morality that are common to all people. In this regard, the observations of the ancient Greek philosopher Pyrrho (360-275) are very interesting. Let us immediately make a reservation that Pyrrho personally did not write philosophical treatises and did not record his observations in any way. Therefore, we can judge his views only from the notes of his contemporaries and the works of later authors who became interested in his legacy.

It is believed that it was Pyrrho who came up with the idea that there is no reason to consider some norms of behavior more correct for everyone, and some less correct. What is considered immoral here and now may be the norm for another time and society with other traditions and ways of life. This idea is referred to by the author of the scientific work What did Pyrrho Think about the Nature of the Divine and the Good? (“What did Pyrrho think about the nature of the Divine and the Good?”) [R. Bett, 1994].

In principle, this is so, and if modern animal defenders could see the ancient hunt for mammoths alive, they would certainly brand such an activity with shame, leaving our distant ancestors with only the tops and roots of various plants for food.

These views, which question the very existence of reasons to consider something right or wrong, eventually became the basis of the principle of moral relativism, which proclaims that absolute good and evil do not exist, just as there is no single objective criterion of morality. The concept of “moral relativism” has roots in Latin and comes from the Latin relativus, which translates as “relative.” You can read more about the principle of moral relativism in the article “Moral relativism” [A. Kruglov, 2011].

Moral nihilism is ideologically close to moral relativism. The only difference is the greater radicalism of the postulates. Thus, moral nihilism does not recognize not only the absolute interpretation of good or evil, but even the possibility of subjective assessment of something as bad or good. From the point of view of moral nihilism, morality is only a set of conditional rules, following which you can adapt to society, achieve some success and get some material benefits. In principle, we cannot talk about any logical justification for the principles of morality.

There is, of course, some truth in this, but everything is good in moderation. Moral relativism and moral nihilism in extreme forms lead to a philosophy of permissiveness, devalue morality as such and can lead to legal problems. This topic is touched upon in the work La bureaucratie rationelle et la crise de la culture (“Rational bureaucracy and the cultural crisis”) [V. Porus, 2013].

In turn, moral relativism is opposed by moral absolutism, according to which certain absolute moral norms exist; all that remains is to find them and strictly follow them. This is not always possible, as is clearly shown in the article Moral Absolutism and the Problem of Hard Cases [T. McConnell, 1981]. In addition, you can read about the vicissitudes of the scientific search for a solution to the problem in the work “Moral absolutism: general characteristics and modern approaches” [G. Mehed, 2015].

In a sense, the principle of moral universalism or moral objectivism echoes moral absolutism. The key idea is that the creation of a system of moral values ​​that is universal and independent of country, nation, religion, gender, race is not only possible, but also necessary. In a sense, the principle of moral universalism is embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 [UN, 1948]. At a minimum, this document takes into account the basic principles of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

So, we have understood in the most general form the basic approaches to the issue of morality and found out that morality and human behavior are closely interrelated. We are now ready to try to obtain a general understanding of morality.

Assessing Moral Attitudes

Although moral attitudes are an integral part of the thought process, you must have a good understanding of your own attitudes in order to communicate effectively with other people. Here are some tips for adjusting your settings.

– Remember that every person is unique. The behavior of one person cannot be judged by the behavior of millions. Remember that every employee you work with and every client you serve is different. The better you understand other people, the more effectively you can communicate with them.

What are the specifics of moral standards?

There are certain differences between them against the background of such phenomena as custom or legal norm. There are often cases when morality does not contradict the law, but, on the contrary, supports and strengthens it.

Theft is not only punishable, but also condemned by society. Sometimes paying a fine is not even as difficult as losing the trust of others forever. There are also cases when law and morality part ways along their common path. For example, a person can commit the same theft if the lives of loved ones are at stake, then the individual believes that the end justifies the means.

Universal morality and ethics

Moral and moral values ​​are inherent not only in a particular society, but also in a particular person. They can change over time: a person and society develop, traditions and foundations change, new relationships arise. However, all peoples, regardless of the time of their residence on Earth, culture, religion and government, have absolute moral truths. Prohibitions against murder and theft are just two examples of universal human values.

They are necessary for the prosperity of every society and for the peaceful coexistence of peoples with different religions and cultures. From this point of view, the answer to the question of what it means to be a moral person will sound somewhat different. Suppose someone follows the laws (written and unwritten), does not swear on the streets, does not kill animals and people, does not disturb public order because it is prohibited or not accepted. Naturally, this person can be called moral. But if someone does the same out of his own convictions, then he is considered deeply moral. What does it mean to be a moral person? Follow the prescribed principles and rules to avoid condemnation or punishment. What does it mean to be a moral person? Understand the meaning of values ​​that are close to all people, follow morality not out of fear, but out of conviction.

Humor and restrictions

Any prohibitions and taboos refine humor, like a blade exposed to a sharpening stone. Permissiveness and freedom to say anything under any circumstances lead to the exact opposite effect. In 1969 or 1970, in order to successfully play with a forbidden topic and not pay anything for it (and the film could easily be “put on the shelf”), it was necessary to strain the mental capabilities of the cerebral cortex of both the screenwriter and the director.

Thanks to the popularity of Italian neorealism in the sixties, many foreign words became known to our fellow citizens. The Italian “Russo”, “the appearance of morale”, consisting of our “appearance” and the international “morality” did not need translation.

Today, the product of this work has become just a common phrase, sounding fun and loud, but nothing more. It is still popular, especially since our fellow citizens travel abroad much more often than at the turn of the seventies. The simple group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” even had a song called “The Shape of Morale,” about cheerful travelers who begin to relax “right at the station.”

The structure of morality

The highest value is a person’s life, his attitude towards his neighbors and the world as a whole. value series is built in relation to this guideline : love, peaceful coexistence, altruism, honesty, responsibility, courage, desire for self-improvement, hard work, etc.

It should be noted that this hierarchy can change in the process of personality development - for example, teenagers who do not fully understand the significance of their actions may commit a crime and harm the lives of other people just for the sake of the approval of their peers. Or, for example, a sense of responsibility - it also manifests itself with varying strength, depending on age, marital status and place in society.

This is interesting: the meaning of the term immoral, who is an immoral person?

It is important to form the correct value system in childhood, convincing with words and personal example.

Society promotes an idealized value system, that is, one in which, if followed, a person will make as few mistakes as possible in relationships with others. However, everyone has the right to choose - to follow this system or to be an adherent of another, if, of course, it does not cross the boundaries of legal norms. This decision is called a moral choice.

Foundation for building a harmonious society

Moral norms and principles ensure the achievement of harmony and integrity when people enter into relationships with each other. In addition, there is greater scope for creating a favorable environment in your own soul. If good has a creative role, then evil has a destructive role. Malicious intentions harm interpersonal relationships; they are engaged in the decomposition of the individual’s inner world.

A person’s moral standards are also important because their goal is the integrity of kindness in a person and the limitation of its negative manifestations. You need to realize the fact that the soul needs to maintain a good internal climate, set yourself the task of becoming well-behaved.

Moral standards emphasize the duty of each person to renounce sinful behavior both towards himself and those around him. We must make a commitment to society, which, however, will not complicate our lives, but, on the contrary, will improve it. The extent to which a person respects moral and ethical standards is controlled by the outside world. Adjustments are underway with the help of public opinion. Conscience manifests from within, which also compels us to act in the right way. By succumbing to it, each person realizes his duty.

Moral education

A person is born into society, therefore, from childhood he absorbs its morals. Unfortunately, it often happens that local ethics begin to prevail over universal human values.

And then Muslims oppose Christians, the crusaders try to instill their beliefs with the help of the sword, some countries bring their own “democracy” to their neighbors, without being interested in their beliefs. In today's turbulent world, it is especially important to instill moral and ethical foundations in a child from childhood.

Functions of morality

The main functions of morality include:

  • Educational - forms the right outlook on life, is able to influence a person, regardless of his age. The educational function is one of the main ones in the process of personality development.
  • Regulatory - dictates the basic norms of behavior in society.
  • Evaluative - gives an understanding of everything that happens from the position of division into good and evil. Answers the questions: What should and should not be done? What should you do in different situations? Which actions are praised and which are condemned?
  • Controlling - allows you to draw a conclusion about the morality of actions and control them on the part of conscience and society.
  • Integrating - unites everyone with common moral principles, its task is to preserve unity and peace in society, as well as the spirituality of everyone.

Free decision-making

Moral standards do not bring with them material punishments. The person decides for himself whether to follow them or not. After all, awareness of debt is also an individual matter. To stay on the right path with an open mind, you need to ensure that there are no overwhelming factors.

People must realize that they are doing the right thing not because of the possible punishment, but because of the reward that will result in harmony and prosperity for all.

It's about having personal choice. If society has already developed some legal and moral norms, it is often these that dictate such a decision. It is not easy to accept it alone, because things and phenomena have exactly the value that we give them. Not everyone is ready to sacrifice personal interests for the sake of what is considered right in a general sense.

Special item

To this end, in 19 regions of the Russian Federation, a new subject “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” (FRCSE) has been introduced into the school curriculum. What does it mean to be moral? What values ​​are close to people around the world? What moral values ​​underlie different religions? Why should people adhere to universal human values? Teachers teaching a new subject try to answer these and other questions. It is designed to develop motivation for conscious moral behavior, which is based on the ability to make the right and free moral choice.

Why are values ​​needed?

The direction of moral values ​​is determined by a person’s upbringing from an early age. Values ​​can be negative and positive.

Each nation has developed standard moral foundations that form a civilized society: in it, private benefits obtained at the expense of other people are lower in importance than the well-being of the entire society.

Through moral principles, statements and actions are regulated before they are spoken/committed. These principles recommend taking into account the rights and interests of other members of society.

Note! If the discrepancy in the spiritual values ​​of two people is too significant, then their interaction with each other can develop into a serious conflict.

Generalized ideas of morality are expressed in the concepts of evil and good, distinguishing between morality and its absence. Traditionally, good means benefit to society, but this concept is relative - in certain eras the meaning attached to it has changed.

Compliance with the canons and traditions accepted in society, personal internal priorities allows a person to live harmoniously and balanced in society. If he adheres to values ​​and rules that run counter to the standard ones in a given society, then his life becomes isolated and isolated. When a person commits humiliating, evil acts, society expresses its disapproval and reproaches him.

By observing moral principles, a person leads a comfortable life in society, carries out noble and useful actions, his conscience is not burdened with anything.

This is interesting! How the natural and social essence manifests itself in a person

Let's sum it up

So what does it mean to be a moral person? This means:

  • Adhere to the morals accepted in a particular society.
  • Be prepared to make the right and informed moral choice.
  • Consciously adhere to universal human values.
  • Be guided in your behavior by these values.
  • Be able to answer for immoral or immoral actions.
  • Understand that only adherence to moral principles helps to live spiritually in society, avoid wars, and develop.

Tyrants, dictators, despots, some modern politicians strive to dominate and achieve their own goals, ignoring moral principles and moral laws. Societies headed by such rulers are degrading. Tyrants, having reached the top, remain there alone.

What does it mean to truly be moral?

But this was morality in the narrow sense. If we talk about universal human values, the situation here will be somewhat different, because a moral person is far from being moral. Many people consider the words “morality” and “morality” to be synonymous, but there is one significant difference between them. A moral person simply formally follows the norms that are accepted in a particular society. A moral person not only follows the rules, but agrees with them internally. He will not kill a dog or cat, not because it is prohibited by law, but because he understands that he has no right to take the life of another creature. He will not steal not because he is afraid that he will be caught and punished, but because he understands that, perhaps, the stolen thing may be very necessary for the one from whom he steals it, etc. Thus, there is a whole abyss between a moral and moral person, since the first formally follows the rules, and the second understands their meaning and, being above specific moral standards, lives according to universal, and not local, principles. By the way, I suggest you look at moral issues from such an interesting point of view.

Sources used:

  • https://studref.com/484169/filosofiya/moralnyy
  • https://tandem-psy.ru/pro-lichnost/moralnyj-princip-eto.html

Semyon Semenych...

The Soviet-naive Semyon Semenych, who had no experience of communicating with women of the most ancient profession, showed human sympathy. He tried to understand what the lady who approached him wanted, believing that she was preoccupied with some problem that required his intervention and help. His new comrade Kozodoev, more experienced in these matters, rejected the claims of the “priestess of corrupt love”, using a pseudo-foreign language. He explained that his friend has “a sense of morality” and is not interested in any “cigel” on the side. This scene is recognizable to everyone who watched the wonderful comedy “The Diamond Arm” directed by Gaidai. She still makes me laugh today.

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