From childhood, it has been ingrained in a woman’s head that her chosen one will be a strong, kind, intelligent and reliable man. Having met her soul mate, at first she idealizes the person of the opposite sex, not noticing the shortcomings. Falling in love closes your eyes, turns off your brain. It is difficult to evaluate the character and capabilities of a loved one, because he does not show all his qualities at once.

The picture becomes clearer after some time. It’s good when minor shortcomings come to light: lack of neatness, inability to cook and eat, and others. It’s hard if the opposite sex turns out to be very greedy. Living with such a person means poverty with money. To leave him or to adapt is the lady’s choice.

Exposing a potential greedy person in the early stages of a relationship will allow you to quickly and painlessly part with him. If for various reasons (strong feelings, children together) a breakup is not possible, you need to use tricks to make life easier with this type.

Hide your income

The less money the lady has, the more the gentleman needs to spend. For a full-fledged existence, certain funds are required. When planning your family budget, you should reduce food costs as much as possible. Porridge without cutlets, soup without meat and no sausage.

A woman loves to make a scandal, but her man is indifferent to this, because he loves: he was lucky or the characters didn’t get along and he needs to separate

The man loves to eat delicious food, but alas, little money is allocated, because women’s incomes have decreased. This arrangement will force the man to lay out a little more bills than was previously allowed.

Signs of a greedy man

It's not hard to see the signs of a greedy man in a relationship. This can be “figured out” already from the first dates. Try to start a conversation about money and you will immediately hear complaints about high prices, low salaries, unreasonable amounts in utility bills and the fact that everything is rapidly becoming more expensive.

Most likely, the breakup with his ex was due to her selfish intentions or because she was a spender. He will gladly tell you how much he spent on this ungrateful woman. A greedy person can look chic and expensive or, conversely, too poor and unkempt, even with a high level of income.

A stingy person is unlikely to invite you to a restaurant, and if this happens, he will ask for a split bill. He will carefully study the menu, choosing budget dishes, and then check the receipt and count the change. Sometimes, if a date does happen in a cafe, the greedy person will make the order for you, based on the cost. Instead of going to the cinema, you may be offered to watch a movie at home. A greedy person will be in constant search of promotions, sales and discounts: nothing will make him happier than the benefits he receives.

A husband who is greedy towards his wife will give her useful things as a birthday gift - a set of pots or an iron, and will not forget to mention the purchase price. Most often, things are given that the donor himself can then use, and then it is easier for him to survive the expenses. A greedy man will always avoid situations where he will have to spend money.

Praise and Gratitude

There is no need to rush to accuse your loved one of greed. On the contrary, admire out loud his economy and ability to collect money for some purpose. For example, “You’re such a good guy, you get and save money so that we can see the sea this summer. Love you!". A loving husband will not get angry at the batting eyes and naive smile, but will think about what he heard: “After all, she wants...”.

Also, it is worth thanking your spouse for gifts or joint purchases made for her. The delightful look and joyful squeal of his wife will open him up to a feeling of pride in himself and will not leave him thinking about wasted money.

4 common female rules in relationships that men most often resist

Where does male greed come from?2

Like many problems, greed comes from childhood. The boy's family had little income and constantly had to economize on everything. The child was instilled with not just careful handling of money, but a whole ritual: to shake over every coin, and money and all the rich are universal evil.

Rich families also often have cases of raising a greedy son. This happens when parents deny their child literally everything, saying that those who don’t spend it have money.

The third option is again a model from childhood. The stingy father constantly saved and scolded his wife for every penny spent. Now a child, looking at this, grows up with an already established attitude of what a family “should be.”

Being unhappy when you want something

The head of the family will sooner or later notice the face without a smile of his beauty and want to figure out what’s going on. There is no need to immediately blurt out demands, but it is better to come from afar: “I’m not in the mood because I don’t have money. This makes me feel bad. I dreamed so much about a red dress, but I couldn’t raise the funds for it.” From hearing this kind of speech, a loving person will want to show his strength and importance. A male's instincts are stronger than greed.

Can a man get rid of greed?

A greedy person does not always realize that his behavior is not correct, and thereby he pushes the female sex away from himself. And it is possible to get rid of this quality only if a person understands that this is a huge drawback. In order to solve the problem yourself, you need to:

1. We are looking for the reason for stinginess

Any problem can be overcome, but to do this you need to know the reason for its occurrence. First of all, it is necessary to conduct an analysis, finding out in what situations this deficiency manifests itself.

2. Control the budget

It is quite easy to understand where exactly money is spent. To do this, you need to write down all your expenses, so you can clearly see what you could save on and what you couldn’t.

3. We increase the income item

It is very harmful to save on necessary things. This attitude towards money can cause a feeling of constant lack of money, even if this is not the case. If, in fact, the expenditure item exceeds the income item, you need to find an opportunity to increase earnings.

4. Correct prioritization

Stinginess will in any case lead to even greater costs. When purchasing inexpensive analogues, a person is forced to buy them often. Due to this, the final amount of waste increases. Such expenses are difficult to track, so the man believes that the reasons for overpayments are large purchases.

5. Learn to enjoy shopping

Money should not be the goal, its purpose is to satisfy needs. It is necessary to clearly delineate funds, dividing them into different items, one of them should be unplanned pleasant expenses. This amount should include both money for gifts and spending on yourself.

To figure it out on your own and overcome the feeling of greed, you need to work hard on yourself. If a person understands that he cannot do this on his own, then it is better to make an appointment with a psychologist.

Unusable things

When you want to buy something new, but your spouse insists that you can still wear the old one, you need to make sure that even a homeless person would be ashamed to wear this thing. Tear a boot, put a stain on a jacket, etc. A real husband, although greedy, will not allow his wife to walk around in rags.

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What to do if your husband is greedy?

Greedy men have existed at all times. Effective means to rid a man of this quality have not yet been invented. If a woman gets a greedy husband, it’s up to her to decide what to do and whether it’s worth continuing to live with him. Such a life obviously cannot be called happy, and here we can advise a woman to do only three things:

  • Break up with such a man.
  • Earn money on your own and don’t rely on such a man.
  • Take the position of a husband and also become stingy.

It should be understood that any attempts to change a greedy man will fail. If a husband does not spend money on his wife now, then nothing will change in the future. Perhaps the wife’s income will only be cut in the future.

The husband is greedy, what to do, advice from a psychologist

Psychologists consider the woman’s initial position at the courtship stage to be the only way to combat male greed. You need to make it clear that you are not interested in a man who is not willing to spend money. Having realized this, the man will either change tactics or disappear from sight.

You can also encounter another situation: at the beginning of a relationship, a man spends money, and after marriage he sharply reduces expenses for his wife. Then the woman may threaten to leave.

Sometimes a woman herself does not realize how she allows a man to become greedy. After all, if she continues to meet with him, it means he thinks that everything suits her. Then why change anything?

Only a woman’s independence from a man can force them to become generous, otherwise, with their wealth, they risk being left alone.

If a woman has a greedy husband, what to do in this situation is up to her and her alone. She chose such a man for herself. In order not to suffer because of a man’s stinginess in family life, it is important to discern this quality in a man at the stage of courtship. The financial situation does not play any role; even the richest men can turn out to be real misers.

Hide the cost of purchases whenever possible

I bought a dress on sale, and underwear - three for the price of one... This will emphasize frugality in the eyes of the breadwinner in the weaker half and will distract from the proceedings. And in order to save more money for purchases for yourself, you will have to exaggerate prices for household expenses and constantly “lose receipts.”

All these tricks do not last long and disappear if a man loves a woman very much. You can't change a greedy person. It remains to put up or leave in search of another.

Is greed a disease?

Why is man greedy? The reason for this character trait is individual personality characteristics that arose due to various pathological factors.

  • A person grew up in poor conditions. Due to the fact that a person grows up in an atmosphere of financial shortage, he is forced to avoid the slightest extra expenses. And if a person has achieved a good level of income, nothing changes for him; it seems to him that the money may run out. The fear of returning to a dysfunctional past sometimes leads to extremes.
  • Fear of self-interest. For such a person, spending money on gifts and dates is a direct investment of funds. For this reason, he will not immediately spend significant amounts. First, he needs to make sure that the lady is interested in a relationship, and not in a banal money grab.
  • Internal complexes. If a man is wealthy, then he is afraid that the girl is interested in money, and not in him. At the first stage, such a person can check the lady by asking her to pay for herself. If he received an adequate reaction, then the guy calms down and stops being stingy.
  • Distrust of the female sex. At the first meeting, the gentleman tries to “probe” the girl and understand whether she can be trusted. If she successfully passes the test, she will receive trips to expensive establishments and gifts. But the fact is that already on the first date the girl is disappointed and does not come to the next one.
  • Doesn't spend money. There are people for whom accumulation is a kind of end in itself. Moreover, they save not for something specific, but just like that. In order to know that he has money. Such people do not know how to have fun and disdain the pleasures that can be afforded with money.
  • Psychological complex. In the event of the loss of a large sum of money, whether by accident or through one’s own stupidity, an inappropriate attitude towards money is formed. Because of such psychological trauma, I want to spend minimal amounts.

Symptoms characteristic of stingy behavior may appear with some frequency. A man shows his greed by wanting to test a woman. And when relationships are formed, greed manifests itself as a consequence of conflicts. In this way he tries to control the situation.

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