What does it mean to be a successful person? How to become successful in life?

Everyone wants to be successful, but how to achieve this? Do you have to earn a lot, or can you achieve your goal in another way? Society associates the concept of success with wealth. But is money alone enough for happiness? Many answer categorically - yes. Others disagree with them. Who is right? Let's figure it out.

Self-development and self-education

Constantly study and learn something new. Business trainings, seminars, and reading professional literature broaden your horizons, improve your personal and professional skills, and help you find new ways to solve problems. Spend at least half an hour a day reading. Remember, if you think you know everything, you have stopped developing.

Education is a mandatory attribute of the career of leading specialists.

Basic mistakes

What prevents a person from achieving success?

  1. The opinion that nothing can be changed.
  2. Self-doubt and fear of failure.
  3. Fear of change.
  4. Fussiness is when a person rushes from one idea to another.
  5. Shifting responsibility to others. As a result, the person continues to do things that lead to an even greater aggravation of the problem.
  6. Self-pity. Sometimes you need to suffer a little in the current moment in order to get something more in the future. And if you feel sorry for yourself excessively, a person begins to avoid negative experiences and, as a result, misses the result. After some time, the habit of feeling sorry for oneself goes into the subconscious, and the person ceases to be aware of it, but it continues to destroy his life.
  7. Lack of flexibility of thinking. There is a very good metaphor that describes the differences between a successful person and an unsuccessful one. The last one will come to the party to find love. If you fail to meet a person of the opposite sex, then unsuccessful men or women leave in upset feelings. A successful person, even if he doesn’t find love, meets good friends.
  8. Thinking in a negative way. Anthony Robbins said that we often overestimate ourselves in the present moment and underestimate ourselves in the future. Therefore, you need to be optimistic and understand that everything will end well in the end. Then they won’t give up if something doesn’t work out now. Moreover, in order to become rich and successful, psychologists say that you need to set goals in a positive form. It is correct to ask the question: “how to become financially independent”, “how to get out among people” instead of “how to stop being a loser” or “how to get out of poverty”. The dominant motivation of successful people is to achieve, not to avoid. The same goes for envy. Successful people learn from people who have achieved more. Losers simply envy them and do nothing.
  9. The lack of support and understanding from others unsettles you. A successful person does not depend on other people's opinions.

Success is impossible without rest

Give yourself a weekend away from gadgets completely or partially. Spend time in nature or play sports, do what you like and bring positive emotions. Everyone needs rest - without a break, a running engine will one day burn out.

If you have read this article to the end, then you are most likely striving to become a successful person or are already one. The team consists of just such people. Maybe you lack like-minded people to achieve your goals? Here you can find more information on how to become part of the team of the federal real estate agency Etazhi.

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Summary. What does it mean to be a successful person in life?

  • Success cannot be measured only in money. Sometimes it is not associated with material wealth at all.
  • To become successful, you need to understand yourself and understand what you want to spend your life on? What goal really excites you, and if you achieve it, you will be satisfied?
  • It could be different things. The main thing is to understand what and move towards your goal!

Author: Sergey Antropov (KadrofID: 5) Added: 10/06/2021 at 21:34

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Barriers to the growth of professional skills

It is noteworthy that even with many positive and “strong” qualities, many people do not achieve success. The fact is that there are barriers that limit human development. Some of them become such a solid wall that they completely block the possibilities for a successful life.

The list of psychological qualities that clearly impede a successful life can be very wide. The main ones should be listed:

A person is simply afraid of new situations. This is a very serious problem that is almost impossible to achieve success in most areas.

  • Fear of possible psychological discomfort and pain. Such a person simply does not try to make new contacts, does not get involved in a new business. In such conditions it is difficult to become a successful person.
  • Underestimating yourself, your skills and talents. The problem stems from childhood, from improper upbringing, and becomes an insurmountable barrier to the formation of an adult successful personality. This includes distrust of one’s abilities and fear of any mistake.
  • Lack of skills and abilities. A weak knowledge base, a lack of profession in principle - all this also does not contribute to a successful life. It is impossible to erect a building without laying a foundation. And here it’s exactly the same: no knowledge, skills, skills - no ideas, confidence, plans.

The above psychological factors become a serious obstacle to the development of one’s personality and achievement of goals.


Not all of the character traits listed above are characteristic of you now. They can be acquired by working on yourself.

Psychologists note that the presence of motivation changes people very dramatically. This will push you to change yourself. Even just the desire to become better can become the motivation that will lead you.

Self-development may take days, months and years, but with your persistent efforts this period can be significantly reduced.

Principles of success


Successful is the one who is accompanied by success. Success is achieving the desired goal by obtaining the intended result. Most people consider successful people to be those who have only the outward appearance of success, but expensive clothes, a brand new iPhone, a car, etc. All these benefits could be given to him, and a successful person is someone who has achieved everything through his own efforts. Few people know, but it is wrong to evaluate success only by the car; success is achieving a goal, and the goal can be anything. It is clear that he owes only himself the achievement of his goals.

Setting goals

The main obstacle to achieving success is incorrectly set goals or lack of them. A purposeless existence determines dependence on external circumstances and complete inaction.

Continuing to go with the flow, a person constantly complains that nothing happens in his routine life.

In fact, what happens to a person depends only on himself

To change your usual circumstances, it is important to decide on a goal. Imagine your life in the future when you have achieved success and write down your main (long-term) goal

Many people look back at the achievements of famous and successful people. It would seem that someone else's success should push us to new achievements. But often the opposite happens - a person gives up, considering his goals to be meager and worthless.

In fact, you don’t understand that you won’t be able to fly to the top in a short time. The path to success will be long and thorny. To assess your own capabilities realistically, a long-term goal must be realistic, understandable and have specific deadlines. The path to it needs to be divided into components, and progress towards the main result gradually, like along the steps of a ladder. Then, every time you succeed in achieving a short-term goal, your self-confidence will strengthen and ultimately your success will be constant.

Practical tips:

To increase your own motivation, keep a diary of achievements and write down the tasks set and completed.

State a main goal that seems important. The main thing is that it is not an abstract phrase (such as “become successful”), but tangible and understandable. Imagine what you need to do in the next week to move towards what you want and create an action plan. You need to set goals for yourself at least once a week.

Drawing up a plan and maintaining reports promotes self-organization and proper time management. A person will imagine the time frame for achieving success and will not be disappointed in case of unjustified hopes.

Follow your dream

Pleasure is a powerful emotion that we can use to achieve the desired outcome in life. When we work on what we want to achieve in the end result, we put in maximum effort.

Analyze your anxiety: how to make decisions under stress

They may simply get fired and other consequences of unprofessionalism in the workplace

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Find something you love to do. If you don't make money from it, at least you have fun from it. Set a goal for yourself to make your favorite business a source of income, calculate what is needed for this.

Do you think dreams should come true? Are you making efforts to achieve your dreams?

Eisenhower matrix principle

The Eisenhower principle, as its name implies, was proposed by the American general and US President Dwight Eisenhower.

Then Eisenhower recommended dividing tasks into 2 categories:

  • Important or unimportant
  • Urgent or non-urgent

To make it all look a little clearer, he recommended - as shown in the image below - using a coordinate system for these categories according to which tasks would be distributed.

The bottom right square is actually nothing more than garbage. These tasks may not be completed. They are neither urgent nor important.

The lower upper square represents unimportant but urgent tasks. These tasks should be delegated.

Tasks that are not urgent but important (bottom left) must be entered into the calendar and later completed step by step.

Remaining tasks in the upper left corner: urgent and important. They must be implemented immediately!. Of course, it would be pointless to develop such a coordinate system for every day

The purpose of this is to internalize this principle so that you can apply it intuitively

Of course, it would be pointless to develop such a coordinate system for every day. The purpose of this is to internalize this principle so that you can apply it intuitively.

Victory starts with failure

Any successful activity begins with the successful launch of an idea. When starting to carry out any business, you need to immediately set a goal and indicate the end result. Naturally, brilliant ideas are the preserve of a select few, and therefore, before you begin to implement your plan, you need to thoroughly prepare. Preparation means courses, trainings or development of a theoretical knowledge base on the relevant topic. After the preparations are completed, a specific action plan will be outlined; in most cases, it still requires additional adjustments, but the main path will be outlined.

But this is just the beginning. Before taking action, it is necessary, to the extent possible, to identify risks and consider ways to mitigate them.

To do this, you can use knowledge about the experiences of other people (no matter whether it is positive or negative). The main thing is to understand that there will be situations that are not provided for in the plan.

And that's okay. Defeat is natural, and the path to success in life begins with it.

Improvement of qualities

Successful people remain vigilant in finding ways to improve themselves and their qualities. They understand that success is a journey, not a destination.

Historians say: “Once dominant empires collapsed for this very reason. People reach a certain level of success and become too comfortable.” Lack of development and progress is a dead end, isn't it?

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