How to learn to flirt with men: step-by-step strategy, practical flirting techniques

Every woman is unique. Some ladies have reached unprecedented heights in business, others have made scientific discoveries, and others look like they stepped off the cover of a glossy magazine. But, unfortunately, many of these women are unhappy in love. Why is this happening? Yes, because these women do not know how to flirt with a man correctly.

Flirting is the first stage to start a relationship. This is the foundation of love. If a woman knows all the secrets of coquetry and knows how to properly flirt with a man by correspondence or in normal conversation, then she is guaranteed success with the opposite sex.

The article will discuss the art of love relationships. You will learn how to become flirtatious and flirt with men.

Flirting concept

Courtship, love play, coquetry - all these concepts characterize this word. Everything related to attracting the attention of the opposite sex is called “flirting.”

When a woman starts flirting with a man, she uses any tricks. If a woman starts:

  • wink;
  • smile sweetly;
  • lightly touch a man's hand;
  • twirl your hair around your finger;
  • communicate flirtatiously;
  • change intonation;
  • speak phrases that can be understood in two ways;
  • play with foreign objects: a pen or fan;

then you can safely conclude that this woman is flirting.

The purpose of such coquetry is different for all representatives of the fair sex - some women just want to sleep with a man, while other ladies dream of a serious relationship.

The outcome of flirting will directly depend on how openly the woman flirts. If a lady exposes her cleavage and licks her lips with her tongue, then it immediately becomes clear that she needs sex. If a woman is just slightly playing with her hair, then we can conclude that her intentions are much more serious than just making love.

That's why it's so important to know how to flirt with men. It's quite easy to learn.

What phrases are acceptable

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Flirting implies bold communication; each phrase should have a hidden meaning, which the opposite sex will guess about during the conversation. The conversation should intrigue and provoke a man’s reaction; for this, the girl builds a conversation, periodically paying attention to herself or her interlocutor.

Communication Tips:

  • Try to monitor your speech literacy.
  • Call your interlocutor by name.
  • Give appropriate compliments.
  • Ask for opinions on your outfit.
  • Be laconic. If a guy asks about what you have been doing over the past time, it is better to answer briefly, without going into details. If there is a bit of mystery left, the man will be more interested in the conversation.
  • Don't jump on topics of conversation.

The conversation should be positive

Famous flirts

Remember a woman like Queen Cleopatra of Egypt. She was not attractive, but she always had the best men at her feet. The story goes that the stronger sex was ready to do any feat for the sake of this woman’s attention. Men said goodbye to life for a night of love with Cleopatra. So what is the secret of the Queen of Egypt? Her highlight was her indescribable charm, her gentle and bewitching voice, clothes that emphasized all her advantages, and the aromatic oils that she used instead of perfume.

Here is another example - the famous actress Marilyn Monroe. She was the most attractive woman of her time and is still considered the standard of beauty. Marilyn Monroe perfectly mastered the art of flirting and could drive any man crazy. The stronger sex dreamed of communicating with her, because this woman’s manner of communication simply bewitched all men.

Many people believe that flirting is not a science, but a natural gift of a woman. But things are a little different. You just need to know a few tricks of coquetry, and flirting won’t seem like such a difficult skill. Further in the article we will talk about how to learn to flirt with a man.

Simple rules for flirting with a man

Flirting can be called a kind of game that has its own tricks and rules. If a woman knows the rules of this game, then she is guaranteed success - men will be “stacked” at her feet.

Here are some tips on “How to learn to flirt with a man”:

  1. Smile. A friendly smile is the color green for a man. He realizes that you enjoy communicating with him. A friendly smile indicates that the woman is positive, open and happy to meet new people.
  2. “Shoot” your eyes a little. This is done very simply - look at the man for a few seconds, and then lower your eyes, showing that you are embarrassed. You should not look at a man for a long time and intently - he may think that something is wrong with him or with you.
  3. Use perfume. Pleasant and light aromas will attract a man's attention. You can use perfumes with the addition of pheromones - this will only work into your hands.
  4. Enter his personal space. Approach the man at a distance of 50 centimeters so that he can smell the aroma of your perfume, and you can casually touch his hand.
  5. Dress attractively. You can wear some interesting accessories or an attractive dress. How you should look depends on the taste of the man you want to please. Some men like deep necklines, while others like it when a woman is dressed modestly and tastefully.
  6. Don't talk too much. Excessive talking can “kill” all the romance. Speak softly and gently. There is no need to scream, just speak so that the man can hear you.
  7. Take advantageous poses. Stand or sit so that the man can appreciate the beauty of your figure. Don't slouch or sit cross-legged.
  8. Play a little. Twist your hair, sigh, or stretch like a cat. You can go to extreme measures - drop something and sexually bend over for it.
  9. Talk about his interests. Men love it when a woman has something to talk about. Ask about his hobbies. If he is a fisherman, then ask about the biggest catch. Listen to the man carefully, ask questions and show interest.
  10. Speak ambiguously. For example, a man says that he doesn’t sleep all night while fishing. You can answer that you also like to stay up all night, especially in nature.
  11. Admire the man. The stronger sex loves praise. Be sure to appreciate his achievements and tell him that he is great. Avoid flattery, tell only the truth!

Examples of messages3

“Oh, how I want...” and after a few seconds the second part “to rest” is sent.

“I’m thinking about what to do tonight. I recently bought such a beautiful outfit, I definitely need to take it out for a walk, it looks so cool on me.”

In order for correspondence to be captivating and not repulsive, you need to follow several rules: do not overdo it, it is only important to maintain a dialogue and not send dozens of messages, you should also sometimes stop and do business, putting your phone aside. At the same time, the interlocutor can collect his thoughts and write a good response to the received SMS.

If flirting occurs in reality, for example, at a corporate party, then you should take advantage of the situation, capture subtle moments and flirt with the man. The simplest example is a guy asking a colleague to choose an alcoholic drink at a bar. A girl who doesn’t know how to flirt will order herself some Papa John’s. Flirting is a very subtle matter, and a madam who wants to make a man think about herself will say “I want...” and quietly add “Sex on the beach” in his ear. This cocktail is actually on the menu of many bars, which means you can use the situation to your advantage.

Flirting is an understatement and a promise. A man, having heard a playful phrase, will not be able to forget it. She will be spinning in his head before bed, at work, while watching TV. The man will try to understand whether the girl really meant what she said.

How to flirt with a man, example

Let's imagine a situation: an unfamiliar guy and girl meet in a store. The woman starts a conversation.

She: “I recommend that you better take this coffee, it is much more aromatic. This is a great option for a real man.”

Or this option for starting a conversation: “I was just waiting for you here. I really need your help. Help me get coffee from the top shelf, please.”

Here's another example of how to flirt with a man. The situation is a first date.

She: “You are so interesting. You are very versatile, it’s probably not boring with you and you are able to surprise every day.”

Or: “I have been cherishing one dream for a long time, but I’ll tell you about it a little later. During dessert or instead of it.”

Another example of how to flirt with a man correctly: “I have a great idea, I want to implement it as soon as we get to know each other better.”

How to flirt with a man via SMS or correspondence on social networks

Nowadays, couples mostly meet on the Internet. According to statistics, every third person has met someone online at least once. Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram and dating sites - all these resources involve communication and correspondence.

A woman’s task is to be able to interest a man with just the words she writes. And this is much more difficult than in a personal meeting, when the man is at arm’s length. In correspondence it is impossible to wink, hold hands or smile sweetly. A woman’s only weapon in this situation is words.

Below we will talk about how to learn to flirt with men with words.

Flirting via SMS with the stronger sex is based on long pauses, correctly constructed phrases, humor and attractive photos. If you've never flirted via SMS, this science will seem complicated to you at first. In order not to alienate a man, you should listen to the following tips on SMS coquetry:

  1. Be literate. Simple mistakes and distorted phrases will ruin the entire impression of you. For example, instead of “Thank you,” do not write “Thank you.”
  2. Don't write long texts. Express your thoughts clearly and briefly. Men get tired of reading long messages.
  3. Take pauses. Do not respond to SMS immediately - wait until the man gets a little worried. Leave the intrigue.
  4. Do not use emoticons in correspondence. Let your interlocutor look for hidden meaning in messages.
  5. Be positive. All phrases you write should be emotional and funny.
  6. Ask questions. This will not only help you get to know your interlocutor better, but will also show the man that you are interested in him.
  7. Do not write a lot of compliments so that the man does not get the impression that you have already fallen in love with him.
  8. Send decent photos.

Acceptable Behavior

Flirty does not necessarily imply communication with subsequent relationships. Sometimes this can be flirting at work with a man, with a married acquaintance, or with a man who is older than the girl (for example, he is 40 and she is 20). Even in such cases, light coquetry is appropriate to relieve tension or create more confidential communication.

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In such cases, it is considered appropriate to note a nice tie or jacket, praise for achievements, or share a joke.

Important to remember! Such communication does not carry serious intentions and excludes flirting outside of work or the place where the interlocutors met. Light flirting should not cause jealousy in third parties. In other cases, the girl decides for herself how far the relationship with her interlocutor can go, but acts carefully, avoiding vulgar hints in communication.

Purpose of correspondence

Before you start correspondence, think about what your goal is.

  • If you want to give the impression of a woman who needs to be chased, then do not give a man many compliments. You need to structure the conversation in such a way that the man understands that he has a chance to talk with a unique and unusual woman. Men will definitely win such a lady.
  • If you want to play and joke, then you can throw out frank flirty phrases that will awaken a storm of emotions in a man. Just be careful! A man may think that you are serious when you say this. In this case, there may be trouble.
  • If you are looking for a serious relationship, then just be yourself. Men love sincere women.

Tips for timid girls

Women are prone to reflection. Everyone wants to be ideal. A successful career, a wonderful husband, a lot of money - everyone thinks about it. Unfortunately, things don't always work out perfectly. Fate puts a spoke in the wheels.


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Life's difficulties lead to self-flagellation. Internal timidity appears. I don't want to solve problems. There is one desire - to lie on the sofa and look at the ceiling.

Internal contradictions are a turn off on the first date. It seems to the partner that the problem is with him. It is best to get rid of your own complexes. This will help both in your personal life and in building a career.

To stop being afraid of people, you need to communicate more. For starters, enough talking on the Internet. It’s enough to study examples of intriguing SMS and start long conversations.

Over time, an inner core will appear. Problems will fade into the background. The brain will begin to come up with creative solutions at work. It's worth doing sports. Fitness helps maintain an ideal figure and makes neurons move in the right direction.

Examples of flirting by correspondence

If you don’t know how to start a conversation, you can use one of the suggested phrases.

  • “I started watching the series. The main character is handsome. By the way, he looks a lot like you.”
  • “I bought an unusual thing. You will definitely like it! "
  • “I ate a piece of cake today. Can you tell me the best way to burn these calories?”
  • “Have you ever stayed up all night?”
  • “I’m so tired that I don’t have the strength to undress... I wish someone would do it for me.”
  • “I can read minds - you want to meet me.”

It is better to rearrange these phrases to suit your character and communication style.

The main thing is self-confidence

People around you will treat you the way you treat yourself. This works especially clearly when meeting for the first time. Therefore, before going out, you should prepare so that you feel 100! It’s not for nothing that there is an opinion that beautiful underwear is like a good education: it is not visible, but a woman behaves completely differently with it.

Wine on your dress or a broken nail can ruin your mood. But a woman’s hysteria over a trifle can spoil the flirting! Therefore, even if an opportunity has occurred, you should not focus on it. People love optimists.

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