How to flirt with a girl professionally? 200 super phrases

Flirting is an action that cannot be mastered from birth. But this art is quite possible to learn. And even if your jokes seem flat to your interlocutors, and when the ladies see you, they rush to run around the corner - don’t be sad. All in our hands. The main thing is to be persistent... oh, sorry, persistent. And persistent. And then the person you like will definitely be yours sooner or later.

Basic rules of flirting2

Let's consider the important aspects on which the foundation of communication when flirting is built.

  • Remember that women actually like to chat with guys. This gives every lady the opportunity to feel more valuable, desired and in demand. Let this thought accompany you at all stages of seduction - it will give you confidence.
  • Always be positive. Cheerfulness, goodwill and good mood are the keys to success.
  • Communicate with hints. Don't say frankly vulgar things. It is better not to go beyond the boundaries of decency and politeness - after all, if you inadvertently cross it, the lady may take it as an insult.
  • Create a feeling of security. Be courteous, but at the same time not too pushy. Otherwise, there is a risk of scaring her away.

  • Wear perfume. Even before she sees you, the lady will smell the aroma. In addition, pheromones are now added to some types of products. They act directly on instincts, bypassing consciousness. So the task will be even easier.
  • Remember her name. Are you suffering from memory loss? Repeat the name of your new friend immediately during the conversation: “Agrafena? Oh, what an unusual ancient Russian name - Agrafena...” So it definitely won’t get out of your head.

What is flirting

Do you know what flirting is?

  • Flirting is a play on words and understatement. This is a communication strategy when you intrigue a girl with hints of eroticism or a relationship, but do it carefully, so that she is left to think about it, and you have nothing to present.
  • Flirting often feels like manipulation. You lead the girl to a certain thought, trying to drive her crazy with ambiguity. But this manipulation is from the small category of pleasant ones - both participants are usually satisfied with the game and the result.
  • Flirting is fun. From improvisation, from excitement, from thrills and teasing each other. You need to remember this. The most important thing here is not the strategy, but the process and the overall thrill of it.
  • Girls love flirting - it turns you on. Guys love flirting for the opportunity to show charisma and manipulation and for the pleasure it brings to girls. Its task is not to overwhelm you with unintelligible hints and seem like the main mystery in the universe, but to have fun and have fun with the possibility of getting more than a playful answer in the end.

Gestures, facial expressions, body posture 3

Researchers have proven that a number of components influence the overall impression we make. Of these, only 7% is what a person says; 38% - the way it was pronounced; 55% - relates to body language. The right gestures and facial expressions will work in your favor. In this regard, here are some recommendations.

  • Pay attention to your posture. Straighten your back. Pull your stomach in, spread your shoulders. This will create an impressive appearance - which means that on a biological level she will recognize you as a more competitive male.
  • Use open poses. Don't cross your arms and legs. On an unconscious level, the lady will regard this as readiness and openness to communication.
  • Keep your chin slightly up; Also direct your gaze above the horizon line. This will create a confident appearance.
  • Smile. There is no need, of course, to do this continuously, like a madman. But still, a moderate smile will help you create the impression of a successful and satisfied person with life. Try to keep the corners of your mouth raised rather than down throughout the conversation. This way, facial expressions will signal the pleasure of communication. Drooping corners of the lips, on the contrary, indicate sadness and boredom.
  • Gestures should be moderate. Don't wave your arms like a windmill; Don’t constantly smooth your hair with compulsive movements. Move slowly even if you are nervous. You can carefully straighten your tie - for some reason, many women really like this gesture.

  • Look into the eyes. Yes, it actually works. Researchers from the USA conducted an interesting experiment. It involved 2 groups of young college students of different sexes, 48 ​​people each. The subjects in one of the groups did not avoid eye contact while talking with each other. Others were told to focus not on the eyes, but on the hands of their counterparts. It turned out that in the end, in the first group, mutual sympathy arose in 54%, and in the second - in only 3% of the subjects.

By the way, you should also not look at the floor, ceiling, or stare at your phone too often. This will show that you are either bored with her; or you are not confident in yourself.

  • Remember the “three second rule”. In practice it works like this. You looked at her. Smile sweetly, and then immediately look away. Wait a couple more moments and look at her again. So, this time, if the girl catches your eye, then look into her eyes again - but now without a smile.
  • After these manipulations, take a break and do something else. Contact has arisen between you, so you don’t have to worry - she’s waiting for attention to be paid to her again. It's okay: waiting in this case is only beneficial.

  • Touching. The main thing is to remember: no one says to immediately feel all her charms. It should be a light touch, done as if by chance. Once upon a time, a researcher from France N. Gueguen conducted an experiment. In it, 20 participants had to meet each other on the street and ask passing beauties for phone numbers. Half of the subjects inadvertently touched the girls. It turned out that these lucky ones were much more likely to be able to get a phone number from a stranger.
  • Copying behavior. She often looks into the eyes - try to do the same; if the lady only occasionally glances at you, do not look at her closely. If she leans back on the chair and relaxes, also spread out like a jellyfish on the sofa.
  • When flirting with women, shaking hands is also acceptable. But don't shake her little hand like crazy. This gesture should be confident, but not very long. If she gives you her hand with her palm down, this is a sure signal that you need to kiss her.
  • Don't fidget, tap on the table, bite your nails, chew a pencil, walk back and forth, scratch your head, put napkins in a glass, and so on. If it is absolutely necessary, and nervousness overcomes you, it is better to clasp your hands together or put them in your pockets. Take 2-3 deep breaths and exhales. Remember something pleasant from your biography. This will help you relax.


No girl will take seriously the flirting of a man who is nothing of himself, at least outwardly. Try not to even start flirting without first looking at your reflection.

What do you look like? What are you wearing? What kind of car are you driving? The higher the status of the girl you are flirting with, the more demanding she is regarding these parameters.

Good appearance can be a salvation for pickup artists without experience. Women are more inclined towards good-looking men and are ready to forgive them for their stupidity and mistakes. What you need to gain experience! How else to interest a woman's gaze? Use accessories. They perfectly emphasize certain masculine qualities and convey non-verbal signals.

Just the presence of a good watch can change a girl’s opinion about a man. The most advantageous option would be a beautiful, expensive car. Even if it is rented, the sight of you behind the wheel will fill women’s thoughts with delight.

Topics for conversation 4

In order not to hesitate for half an hour, inventing the next phrase in a conversation, here are some of the most interesting and relaxed topics for you. You don't have to thank me.

  • Interesting story. Tell her something from your friends' lives. For example, how your friend Vasya did not show up to defend his thesis because he was saving a little girl from a burning building.
  • Pet. Is there a cat at home who hallucinates every night, hearing the air raid signal and rushing from one side of the apartment to the other? Or maybe a faithful dog who supports you at all stages of your difficult development? Tell her about your favorite. This is one of the best topics to chat with women of all ages. And also this story will become a signal of readiness to take care of a living creature. Which will undoubtedly be appreciated by any female person.
  • Personal questions. The best way to make her feel affection is to ask her questions about herself. “Imagine that tomorrow the Apocalypse will come. What will you do today?”; or “What do you think is the best trait of your character?”, “Tell me, are you an emotional person or not?”... If you start with these questions, then you can move the trajectory of the conversation in any direction of interest.
  • Dreams about the future and life goals. Ask her about what she wants to achieve in the future. Make her feel like a Queen with a capital “K” - even if for now she is a sales assistant in a perfume shop.

  • Delicious dishes and her culinary inclinations. Ask if she likes to cook; or prefers to order food from a restaurant. What are her preferences? Mediterranean cuisine or Eastern delicacies? Food is one of the most widely discussed topics of communication.
  • An interesting psychological test. It is unlikely that any female person will refuse him. Well, for example. “Imagine yourself in a picturesque countryside. There are wonderful landscapes around you. What are they? What's the weather like now? And then a little charming sheep comes up to you. What are you going to do with her? Will you look for the owner? Will you take a walk around the area admiring nature? And then the luminary of psychology tells the lady that the weather speaks about the girl’s psycho-emotional state, her mood; sheep - about the attitude towards loved ones. Well, actions with an animal are about life priorities.

Sense of humor

Many people mistakenly equate flirting with a girl with competitions in funny jokes and puns. This is to blame for the cliched phrases from films and TV series, which for many have formulated their views on pickup and the very essence of flirting.

Don’t memorize collections of jokes and humorous phrases for making tackles – that’s not what a sense of humor is all about. A pre-prepared selection of jokes can really make a girl laugh, but you were going to flirt and not clownery?

A real sense of humor in flirting is revealed with a man’s high charisma and broad outlook. He is able to present information in an unusual way, criticize it in a funny way and draw such funny analogies that his words seem simply brilliant.

This sense of humor is considered to be a talent, but if you try to develop in this direction, you will definitely achieve some success. The main thing is not to exchange your masculine core for the desire to make you laugh. They should not laugh at you, but with you.

Pickup phrases from songs5

  • I fell in love with you, and I don’t even know your name.
  • Grab your coat and say goodbye to your friends. I want to take you to a place where the night never ends.
  • You can tell me anything. Anyway, we will never see each other again (you should not use this phrase if you are planning a serious relationship with this girl).
  • I need you today, I can't sleep. There's something about you that drives me crazy.
  • I can turn your world around.
  • I will become whatever you want, as long as you are with me today.
  • There are so many beautiful girls in the world and I could chase any of them. But I don't want to waste time on them. After all, none of them can compare with you.
  • I know you've heard a lot about love at first sight. I didn't believe in all this. Until tonight.
  • I love everything about you. I love everything that's not in you.
  • I won't promise you the moon and stars. But I can give you a ride in the car.
  • Life isn't always wonderful. Unlike you.
  • Yes, I judge by the cover. But this is the kind of book I would like to read.
  • Anything you say can be used against you. So don't say anything other than my name.

  • Hello, I just met you. This might be crazy, but maybe you can give me your number?
  • I know we just met, but let's pretend that this is love?
  • I fall in love with your eyes, and they don't even know me yet.
  • Love can heal, love can mend your soul.
  • Your love was made for someone like me.
  • Give me the love that you have never given to anyone before.
  • I saw a shooting star and thought about you.
  • Who would have thought that you were the one who was waiting for me.
  • I would spend my whole life falling in love with you.
  • I have seen so many women in this city. But you come from my dreams. When will you become reality?
  • The police should arrest you - or whoever picked these clothes for you. You are murderous.
  • I'm your number one fan. Give me your autograph. Sign my heart.
  • Sweatpants, tangled hair and a face without makeup. That's when you're the most beautiful, don't get me wrong.
  • Today is the night when I fall in love with you again.
  • Take me to your bed and we'll cause a stir.
  • When you smile, I melt inside. I'm not worth a minute of your time.

  • You're too good to go home so early.
  • If the ideal is what you strive for, then just remain yourself.
  • I can't take my eyes off you. I only see you.
  • With you, I feel like I could fly into space. Do you want the moon? You will receive it.
  • If I were your boyfriend, I would never let you leave. I would show you places you've never been before.
  • If it weren't so cold, we could light it together.
  • I would walk a thousand miles for you.
  • I don't know your name, but I like your smile.
  • In my head we are already inseparable.
  • You are beautiful and you know it. It's time to show it.
  • Today is the perfect day. And I'm glad to spend it with you.
  • Hey girl, it's now or never.
  • No one in the whole world has ever looked as good in a dress as you do.
  • Every rose has thorns. Let me be one of them.
  • You are the perfect rhyme for my verse.

Greeting or introduction

This stage should be as less intrusive as possible. Ideally, the girl should believe that she herself wanted to say hello or get to know each other, but you beat her to it. Don't use any cliched or stupid phrases. Make your greeting and introduction unique.

When meeting, try to choose exactly the place and situation in which the girl is most inclined to communicate. Don't do this when she's rushing to work or listening to music on public transport. You should smoothly enter her comfort zone, but not rush into it, breaking everything in your path.

Pickup phrases from films and TV series6

  • (When she's late) “It's okay, you were worth waiting for. And I don’t just mean today,” – TV series “Friends.”
  • “You need to be kissed. Often. And it has to be someone who knows how to do it." - Gone with the Wind.
  • “You know I don’t bite. If this is not required,” “Charade.”
  • “On the one hand, it’s very difficult for a man to talk to someone who looks like you. But on the other hand, is this your problem? – “Removal Rules: Hitch Method.”
  • “You make me want to be better,” “It doesn’t get any better.”
  • “You know they say we only use 10% of our brains? I think we use 10% of our hearts." - "Wedding Crashers."
  • “I hear voices too. Voices tell me: “If you don’t kiss her now, you’re just a fool,” “You won’t take her with you.”
  • “I may be an outlaw, but you are the one who steals my heart,” Thelma and Louise.
  • "I want you. Entirely. Forever. You and me. Every day,” – “Memory Diary.”

  • “Why don’t you come see me sometime?” - “She treated him dishonestly.”
  • “I want to buy you food, I want to buy you a corn dog, I want to buy you anything,” “Kids.”
  • “Oh, do you like my name? You should have heard my phone number!” - series "Friends".
  • “I am hopeless, clumsy, and desperate for love,” Friends.
  • “We need to get you out of those wet clothes and straight to a dry martini,” Beer Boom.
  • “What is such a nice girl doing in a place like this?” - “You only live twice.”
  • “I crossed the oceans of time to find you,” Dracula.
  • “You are everything I wanted without even knowing it,” “If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh.”
  • “You know, it's dangerous for you to be here in the frozen food section. You can melt everything here,” “My Blue Paradise.”
  • "I love you. You complete me." - Jerry Maguire.
  • “I would like you to come home with me. You're very sweet, and I'm very good in bed, believe me." - "Leaving Las Vegas."
  • “Now it seems to me that all I have ever done in my life is the road to here, to you,” - “Bridges of Madison County.”
  • “Let's go to a place where we will be alone. Oh, it seems there’s no one on that sofa over there,” “To the West.”

  • “Is it a cannon shot or is my heart pounding?” - “Casablanca”.
  • “What I'm trying to say in such a clumsy way is that I like you. Just the way it is” - “Bridget Jones's Diary”.
  • “I know what I want because it’s in my hands right now. You,” “PS I love you.”
  • “Are you following me? That would be great,” “Party King.”
  • “I can’t help the fact that you look like my future girlfriend,” - “Rules of Picking: The Hitch Method.”
  • “Your eyes are beautiful. You know it? You should never close them. Even at night,” “Infidel.”
  • “Can I use your phone? I need to call God and tell him that one of his angels is missing." - "Formula of Love for Married Persons."
  • “So... Do you like cheese?” - “She is a man.”
  • “Do you mind if I get drunk with you?” - “Red Dust.”
  • “You are more beautiful than me,” “A little pregnant.”

How to flirt with a girl? You have a question, and we have the answers.

Still from the film “This Stupid Love”

Before you become the boyfriend or even the husband of the girl you like, the dating and courtship stage is most likely inevitable - sorry for the brutal truth.

Another thing is flirting, which, on the one hand, does not oblige you to anything, and on the other, can always develop into something more.

And we believe that being able to flirt with ladies is as necessary a skill for a man as the ability to build a career. And if you want to improve this skill, then we have 14 useful tips for this case.

Bottom line

Male flirting is an art. Learn to maintain a balance of persistence, expand your range of interests and work on charisma. Your additional bonuses will be a beautiful appearance, a well-trained voice, developed facial expressions and a confident look.

And most importantly - practice!
After reading the articles, you will not become a conqueror of women's hearts. 100 unsuccessful attempts that will bring experience are better than 100 books read, the knowledge from which was not implemented in real life. Team Growth Phase, Growth Phase

Smell her neck - excitement and sensuality will increase

To sniff your neck correctly, read the following 5 points:

  1. Don't go in for a kiss right away . Gently lean her against the wall. Don't lean on her with all your weight like a faucet. You don't even have to touch it.
  2. Just tell her the phrase : “I want to feel your aroma, how you smell!”
  3. All you start doing now is inhaling her scent, carefully sniffing her neck . If her hair is in the way, move it away. Do this for ten minutes.
  4. You will change the side of your neck, at this time there should be eye contact. Look at the lips, build up sexual tension and move to the other side of the neck.
  5. Don't puff into a girl's neck - it won't excite her . Your breath is soft and fresh.

As the distance between you decreases, sensuality increases.

Common mistakes

Sometimes men who master the art of communication make mistakes. The most common unsuccessful methods are:

  1. Lots of jokes. If a guy constantly tells jokes out of place, others begin to consider him a buffoon.
  2. Mystery. A lack of straightforwardness can make a girl think that a man is trying to hide something from her.
  3. Positive image. By showing a girl only your strengths, you can seem boring to her.
  4. Vulgarity. Ladies who are in the mood for a serious relationship do not like conversations on intimate topics.
  5. Posturing. An enthusiastic listing of one's merits is regarded as a hint of praise.
  6. Intrusiveness. In some cases, perseverance really allows you to win the favor of your chosen one, but you should not pursue her.
  7. Talk about sex. A demonstration of liberation can attract a young girl in love, but most ladies do not welcome the use of vulgar phrases.
  8. Bad timing. If a woman is busy with important work or is stressed, flirting is inappropriate.
  9. Ignoring signals. Immersed in his dreams, a man may not notice that the girl is already ready to reciprocate his feelings.

Having figured out how to flirt with a woman, you need to hone your skills in practice. The main thing is to be prepared for any turn of events and remain confident in your own abilities.

Chat cheek to cheek

The closer you are to a girl, the more she feels you and your condition. The closer you are, the stronger your presence is for her.

Communicate at a minimum distance from her face . To literally feel her breath. Communicate so that your cheek touches her cheek.

If during communication a girl comes close to your head, speaks in your ear, lightly touches your cheek, then do the same! Keep this closeness between you !

Kiss on the cheek. Smell her neck. Whisper words in your ear . These are very subtle and pleasant secrets of flirting.

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