How to make a womanizer fall in love with you: practical advice for women

How to recognize a womanizer by his behavior?

He is attentive, sweet, caring and courteous. It's easy to trust a womanizer. After all, he feels and knows the female soul and psychology, and takes advantage of it. In order to understand how to tell if a guy is a womanizer, you should study the following rules:

  1. At the first meeting, he may try to see all the charms of the girl, not paying attention to what she tells him. An exception may be an open neckline or a short skirt, then a man will look there.
  2. While communicating with a girl, he looks at others. And you need to run away from such a man, because if at first he is like this, what will happen later?
  3. Loose tongue and a lot of compliments. This man knows how to make a woman fall in love with him. He even has a couple of blank phrases. From the first meeting, he showers him with compliments and may even hug the girl or touch her in some way.
  4. Long-term relationships. If he said that he hasn’t had a serious relationship for many years, and he doesn’t want it, then you need to be wary, because nothing good will happen with this person.
  5. An attempt to show your “I”. The man talks about his wealth, his connections, and what kind of car he has. Sometimes there are those who buy fake gold watches or phones to attract attention and show the girl that he has money.
  6. He won’t propose marriage right away. He learns everything about a woman, then becomes ideal for her.

How they become

A womanizer is not the best candidate for the role of her beloved and only husband, but, whatever one may say, it is precisely such womanizers that modern women most often fall in love with. Such a man contains everything that can drive you crazy: beauty, charm, energy, verbosity and a lot another. According to psychologists, the main reason why men become womanizers is their self-esteem. For some reason, she was underestimated, and now constantly needs replenishment. And the main doping for her is female attention.

There is also the opposite reason, when there is too much attention from the fair sex. For example, a boy in childhood was the favorite of the family, girls ran after him in kindergarten, and at school almost all his classmates fell in love.

Each girl must decide for herself whether she needs connections with such a person. After all, often a womanizer is at first ready to love, appreciate, respect only you, and after a short period of time his heart again demands diversity. And not everyone will be able to withstand, understand and forgive this.

What complexes does a womanizer have?

Although, if you watch such a man longer, you may be surprised to discover that he is not nearly as confident in himself as he wants to seem. In fact, womanizers often suffer from various complexes. Where does such confidence come from? It comes from the fact that with their easy victories they simply assert themselves both in the eyes of others and in their own. They feel an urgent need to recognize their attractiveness and irresistibility. Seeing delight and desire in women’s eyes, they feel complete and self-sufficient. The fears and complexes of such men also include fear of serious relationships and a subconscious “escape” from starting a family.

Types of womanizers

There are 6 types of womanizers:

  1. A pick-up artist is a man who does not possess any of the qualities of a womanizer, but strives for it. He asks a lot of the girl he’s trying to hook up, but doesn’t say a word about himself and evades questions. He also tries to get acquainted using stupid reasons, for example, asking for a light or directions to somewhere. Such a man is easy to recognize.
  2. “Forever young” is a man who is already at retirement age, but “pretends” to be romantic so that a woman will pay attention to him. A withered rose, a bottle of wine and his stories about his youth, how cool and romantic he was. The woman pays attention to him and spends one night with him, but only her, because he does not know what to do next and how to behave, because, in principle, he is not capable of a relationship. Grandpa is safe but intrusive.
  3. A macho is a man who madly loves himself and enjoys himself and his actions. Women are nothing to him, an empty place. He abandons them when, in his opinion, they did something wrong. The macho man despises women. He changes them often because he is always looking for the perfect one. This is a disgusting type of womanizer that you need to run away from.
  4. An infantile is a romantic who will arrange a date that a woman will never forget. In his understanding, there are only platonic relationships, he always gives gifts and arranges romantic dinners. Even if he has sex with a woman, he will get scared and leave her. Therefore, it is impossible to build a serious relationship with such a person.
  5. “Lieutenant Rzhevsky” is the type of man who loves life. He has a good sense of humor, he is cheerful, and he has a lot of friends. With such a man, a woman will receive a sea of ​​emotions and impressions. From the very beginning, he makes it clear to the girl that their relationship will not last long, so it is easy to break up with such a man if the girl wants it. After breaking up, she can be a good friend for him. But if you demand something serious, then the “lieutenant” changes for the worse.
  6. “Casanova” is an ideal man who always speaks the truth, and this is why he is dangerous. He can't date one girl for a long time. He loves all his passions and tries to be ideal for each.

What is the danger

Most often, ladies' men cannot experience true feelings of love. They easily leave one for the other, even if she has a child. A normal man knows how to build relationships correctly, opening up to a girl in his true feelings, appreciating her, seeking affection and attention. Womanizers absolutely cannot do this.

It’s not for nothing that psychologists say that in any relationship it is important to look at your loved one as if you had just met. Lovelaces constantly miss this moment.

Sooner or later, a woman is faced with the fact that a man returns to his former carefree life, and a girl begins to look within herself for the reasons for his infidelity.

Womanizers rejoice when a lady takes the blame for what happened in her life; by doing so, they skillfully manipulate people and consider it normal to shift the blame for their festivities onto the woman.

This is how it usually happens: “I’m leaving for someone else because you don’t know how to take care of yourself, you’ve gained weight, you don’t cook well, you don’t do laundry, you don’t satisfy me in terms of sex.” All these claims gradually reduce an insecure woman to depression. The lady really firmly believes that it was she who caused the betrayal and separation.

And there is even a category of women who, having found themselves in a similar situation, agree to endure betrayal and become victims of tyrannical relationships. And at this time he is enjoying life, enjoying the current situation.

Answers on questions

What to do with competitors?

If you decide to make a womanizer fall in love with you, then prepare for the fact that there will be a huge number of competitors around him. He is used to basking in women's attention and admiration, and therefore will not refuse this from the first day of your relationship.

Don't be jealous and demand attention from him. Remember, jealousy is a sign of falling in love, and therefore after the first scene or scandal, all the work done will be in vain. You must know your worth, highlight your advantages and not pay attention to others.

How long should you wait to have sex?

It is impossible to name an exact period after which you can enter into intimacy, because each situation is individual. Only one thing can be said for sure: the longer the pause, the more he will appreciate his achievement.

An excessively long pause can also harm the relationship, because he will get tired of fighting for your heart, he will classify you as “unavailable” and simply find a new passion.

What is the evidence that he fell in love?

Many women set themselves the goal of “getting married,” and then let everything take its course. This is one of the biggest mistakes many women make. A ring does not change a person; it does not guarantee that he will not cheat, flirt, or look for new fans.

His love will last exactly as long as you keep the appropriate bar. In such a relationship, you cannot just relax and enjoy your family. A woman needs to be in full combat readiness all the time, regularly captivating a man with something new, original and unique.

About the possibility of making a womanizer fall in love with you

Any woman can arouse sympathy for herself, even if we are talking about winning the heart of a womanizer. However, if such a thought comes to mind, you need to realize that you will have to start an intriguing game. To win a man's heart, you need to understand why he behaves this way and why he easily changes partners.

READ What to do if you fall in love with a woman: psychological reasons, scientific data and advice

A womanizer is a man who does not start serious relationships with women. He can date several ladies at the same time. The main goal of a womanizer is the opportunity to sleep with a woman. After this he loses interest. Why is this happening?

There are three reasons for this that influence the formation of such behavior in a man:

  1. Problematic previous experience of relationships with girls. Unsuccessful romantic and sexual experiences cause a person to “hide in a corner” or a guy can become liberated to spite himself and everyone. If the reason that a man became a womanizer is because of the problem of his first love, then he chooses the strategy of revenge. It becomes pleasant for a guy to hurt women by leaving them.
  2. The young man's father behaved in a similar way. If a role model is a person who allowed himself such behavior, then the boy absorbs and is reinforced by it from a young age. The bond between father and son is very strong, which affects the development of the young guy. Therefore, it is almost impossible to correct the behavior of a womanizing man who followed his father’s example.
  3. He experiences a physiological need for such behavior for psychological reasons. This happens when a man is convinced that he does not want to belong to one woman all the time. The guy likes to conquer girls, spend time with them, and then go on new “exploits.”

Is it possible to fix a ladies' man?

A person will not submit to change by force. But to understand how to behave with a womanizer, you need to identify the reason why he became like that. Afterwards, it is important to choose the right strategy of behavior. The advice of psychologists described below will help with this. The only thing a girl who has fallen in love with a womanizer needs to remember is that if the guy does not reciprocate in response to the actions, then it is better not to waste time. This means that the man simply hasn’t had his fill yet. Changes in the young man’s behavior will be noticeable when he sincerely decides to stay with one single woman and wants to get rid of all unnecessary connections.

Sick love, psychology

As a rule, a person with a love addiction (as well as a drug addict and alcoholic) is not aware of the existing problem, firmly believing that the feelings he experiences are true love.

At the same time, his emotional peace and comfort directly depends on the other person, his mood, presence, proximity.

Often separation (even if temporary) becomes a blow , followed by apathy and depression. All this leads to inhibition of a person’s personal growth, and sometimes to his complete degradation.

You can identify sick love using characteristic signs:

  • constant painful feeling of mental pain, even if the object is nearby,
  • non-stop and intrusive memories of the object during separation,
  • complete idealization of the object, inflated expectations towards him and categorical justification of any of his actions,
  • obsessive panic fear of losing the object of love.

How to deal with a man who is a womanizer

If you want to maintain his interest in you and give a future to this relationship, you must create conditions in which he will be forced to “achieve” you every day. Did you spend a hot night together? You shouldn’t count on a pleasant morning together; it’s better to show him that all this meant nothing to you. Keep some distance in the relationship, this will cause noticeable damage to his pride, and he will make even more efforts to conquer you. Over time, you will see that constant conquest begins to stress him out. At such a moment, it is worth giving him a compliment, but expressing uncertainty that he is worthy of being your life partner, that he is exactly the one you have always dreamed of. This approach noticeably hurts the womanizer, and he will do his best to convince you otherwise.

Learning to manipulate

It is important to understand in the first stages of seduction that a womanizer is a skilled manipulator. In many cases, women cannot resist this. Attack tactics almost always do not bring the expected results.

The main pain points of a womanizer are:

  • pride and pride;
  • vanity;
  • confidence in one's own irresistibility.

When “pressing” these points, a man will experience aggression, so it will not be advisable to provoke anger at himself.

Appearance is of great importance for a man who is a womanizer. Therefore, a woman should try to look attractive . It is important not to “go too far” and demonstrate bad taste by looking too provocative. A woman should focus on her strengths, be it a beautiful figure or hairstyle. Makeup should be natural, and clothes should leave room for imagination. Do not try to seduce him with an open neckline or a short skirt - such tricks are commonplace for him.

Every womanizer is an egoist by nature. He is obsessed with his appearance and irresistibility. It is important to understand that such behavior can be provoked by many complexes. Wearing a mask allows the womanizer to easily adapt to the world around him. The main task of a woman is to understand his subtle mental organization and establish close communication . By establishing a trusting relationship with a man, you can learn his strengths and weaknesses and become his best friend, not his mistress. Believe me, it will be extremely difficult to surprise him with caresses and acrobatic tricks in bed.

Rules for skillful communication with a ladies' man

Womanizers choose accessible and cheerful girls. The easiest way to get acquainted with them is to get them into bed. If a woman reacts coldly to seduction, he will not waste time on her, because his goal is to “put another star on the fuselage.” However, he does not have serious feelings for the woman. She may just like her outwardly, but her inner world remains beyond what he wants to delve into. To make a womanizer run after a woman, it is important to maintain a balance between accessibility and coldness. This means that you need to maintain a line of communication in such a way as to remain a mystery to him.

To be the ever-elusive prey

In such a young man, two contradictions are struggling - the desire to get a woman the easy way and the instincts of a hunter. Knowing this detail of the psychology of a young man’s thinking, you can play an exciting game with him.

Staying close, but not letting anyone get close to you is a communication formula that must be followed. This man wants to get his way, but there is no need to give him this opportunity. As soon as communication crosses the line of the permissible level, you need to sneak away.

Remain a mystery

Easy inaccessibility is the main trump card when communicating with a womanizer. It is necessary to show that the girl is engaged in establishing her personal life. She might post photos with friends at a bar or post on social media about her interests. There is no need to answer calls immediately after the first ring. He must understand that he simply cannot achieve what is on his mind.

Always be attractive

What matters is how a woman looks. Appearance should attract men. However, it is important to maintain a balance - a girl should be sexy and light at the same time. It’s best if these are evening outfits. However, if you are going to meet a guy during the day, then it is better to stick to casual style looks.

Makeup should not be flashy. It is important to remember the main thing correctly - you need to focus on the lips or eyes. The image should complement the natural sexuality and attractiveness of the girl. Her appearance should not awaken in a guy a rude desire to pick her up and take her to the far corner of the club to have sex with her.

Looking at a woman, a man should want to hug her and protect her. Therefore, one should emphasize tenderness and defenselessness in appearance. Dresses that will slightly reveal the neck, chest and shoulders, soft but bulky sweaters, long skirts with a slit, complemented by high-heeled shoes - this is what will become the basis to impress a man with your appearance.

Build interest in yourself

All information must be presented to the womanizer in portions. Think about what will pique his interest?

You need to carefully focus on this, but you need to do it carefully so that the man understands that he and the woman have a lot in common. But he must understand this himself. And only after he comes to this himself, the guy will begin to show interest. After that, just maintain communication, but so that it’s not enough for him, and he wants to talk to the girl more and more often.

Is it possible to fall out of love in one day?

The only right decision that a person suffering from addictive love can make is to fight this addiction.

It is often quite difficult to do this on your own and only a specialist, psychologist or psychotherapist can provide real help.

In any case, the first and most significant step is to become aware of the “painfulness” of the feeling being experienced.

The main goal of therapy is to stop loving the object, free yourself from addiction and begin to live a full life. But how to stop loving a person? And is it possible to do this? In the case of love addiction, falling out of love means realizing that the feeling you are experiencing is not love, but a disease.

And since a person’s feelings and actions directly depend on his thoughts, with correct thinking “in the right direction”, after some time there will be no trace left of painful love – the person will gradually begin to come to his senses, being reborn to a new and happy life .

Undoubtedly, every person who has seen the light from “painful” love strives to “heal” as soon as possible, having stopped loving the object of his feelings as soon as possible.

But healing and recovery from any illness is a rather lengthy process , the duration of which is purely individual in each specific case: for some it will take weeks, for others, months.

impossible to stop loving a person in one day !

Secrets and advice from psychologists

To understand what to do for a girl who has fallen in love with a womanizer, it is important to restrain her emotions so that they do not interfere with acting purposefully and calmly. There is no need to “hang on a man’s neck.” In this case, he will understand that such a girl is an easy prey that he will simply take advantage of.

In addition, psychologists recommend the following:

  1. Always remain confident.
  2. You can't say how you feel. For such a man, a girl should remain cheerful and interesting.
  3. Don't put pressure or be pushy.
  4. You can’t trust words (especially at first). These men speak beautifully to impress a girl. But more often than not, words remain just words.
  5. First of all, you need to become his good friend, and only then gradually lure him into the net of love.

Forcing an egoist to stay forever with his only woman means winning his heart and directing him on the path of correction. The answer to the question of how to please a womanizer is simple - you need to be a mystery, always look great and stir up interest.

Love addiction

Love addiction is what psychology calls a painful manifestation of love, in which a person experiences strong passion and obsessive fixation on an object.

The longer this condition continues, the stronger the suffering that accompanies it becomes.

The most susceptible to “sick” love are both men and women who:

  • felt in childhood a lack of parental love and attention,
  • were subject to strict control by adults,
  • have deep (and not experienced) childhood psychological trauma,
  • do not know how to make decisions on their own,
  • are not mentally ready for a mature, full-fledged relationship,
  • have low self-esteem, are fixated on their own shortcomings and are extremely unsure of themselves,
  • are terrified of loneliness,
  • feel defenseless and ready to submit.

How to get your loved one out of your head? You will find recommendations from psychologists on our website.

How can you teach a womanizer a lesson?

After you have learned how to recognize a womanizer, you should know the methods of punishing him. The first way is to do as he does. Make him fall in love with you, use him for sex and leave him. This will greatly damage his pride.

The second way is to try to prove to him that he is behaving incorrectly, to prove that love is wonderful. You also need to show the womanizer what a real relationship can be like.


The main womanizer of all times was the incomparable Giacomo Giovanni Casanova. According to history, when the count was about twenty, his bride died of pneumonia. Casanova wanted to commit suicide, but after thinking he limited himself to the decision - never to marry. And from that moment on, he warned all the women with whom he had intimate relationships that he had no intentions other than sex and that no obligations to each other would arise from their relationship.

Typical mistakes of women

The most important mistake that girls who are wondering how to interest an inveterate womanizer make is becoming available (in every sense). You can’t do this. You can make a real womanizer fall in love with you when he himself wants it. And if a guy gets everything from a woman at once, he will quickly lose interest.

What to remember

Falling in love with a womanizer and keeping him close is not an easy task, but if you still decide to achieve success, then remember:

  1. You must force him to play by your rules.
  2. In a relationship, you need to maintain intrigue and not predictability.
  3. It is important to enter the category of those women who seem to be “available”, but to achieve success you need to work hard.
  4. His weaknesses are pride and self-confidence, and therefore there is no need to feed them with his fanaticism.
  5. He shouldn’t know about your feelings (no SMS with “I love you”, no need to call constantly, say that you feel bad without him).
  6. It takes a lot of time and effort to change a womanizer, and therefore you don’t need to count on success within a few months.

It is quite difficult to win the heart of a womanizer and tame this type of man, but it is possible. If you are a vulnerable and fragile person who easily falls in love and is ready to shout to the whole world about your feelings, then it will be difficult to achieve success in conquering a womanizer. Such relationships require cunning, restraint and rationality.

What you need to prepare yourself for

It is important to understand that a relationship with this man for a long time will resemble a competition “who is more professional.” He will strive with all his might to control the situation and get the desired result, and the woman, in turn, will destroy the “worked out scheme” and make him fall in love with her.

During the relationship, a woman will have to face the following trials:

  1. There will be many loving fans around him.
  2. He will often show attraction to other women and may even flirt with them (to make them jealous and demonstrate his success).
  3. Cheating is a common thing for this type of man.
  4. At any moment he can lose interest and switch to another passion.
  5. At the beginning of the relationship, he will not be puzzled by you, the only thing that will interest him is his huge and magnificent “I”, which was not appreciated.

People tend to change, and perhaps a long and professional game, with precise adherence to tactics to win a man, can win the heart of a noble womanizer and change him. But it is important to prepare yourself for a completely different result. After a long time of playing by your rules, he may get the desired result and leave you.

Don't take a negative result to heart. Just enjoy this time and leave this novel in your memory as something bright and unusual. The fact that you were able to make a womanizer run after you is already an achievement.

Neutrality comes first

Advice from psychologists says that womanizers are not interested in women who are in love with them. It is important to understand this law of the universe and make attempts to win a man’s heart in other ways. Womanizers are a category of men who require a special approach. He must understand that the woman is not his property.

A womanizer should be kept at a distance at the first sign of sympathy on his part. This category of men has already become accustomed to everyone’s attention. Many women themselves make acquaintance with them and openly make it clear about their sympathy, which can completely kill the budding relationship. It is necessary to do everything so that he himself wants to achieve a beautiful lady. With such a trick, you don’t need to shower him with compliments and laugh at all the jokes - you need to let the womanizer understand that his usual tactics will be powerless. After a man realizes the deplorable situation that has arisen, his hunter instinct is activated. He will direct all his attention to his object of desire.

At the stage of neutrality, it is necessary not to forget about rewarding a man for his efforts - the use of carrots and sticks has never hurt anyone. Conquering an impregnable tower will be uninteresting and boring for a womanizer. That is why it is necessary to periodically let him understand that all efforts are gradually bearing fruit, and the situation is not at all hopeless. When the gentleman shows increased attention, the lady should smile and demonstrate her favor.

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