Self-realization is the realization of an individual's potential. How to realize yourself in life

  • October 10, 2018
  • Psychology of Personality
  • Denis Dmitriev

Any personality that is mature in a psychological sense has unique distinctive features that give it individuality. The question of a person’s self-realization lies in successfully completing the path of self-acceptance and self-knowledge, the ability to reveal one’s own capabilities and potential, finding one’s own field and satisfaction with the result obtained.

However, not every person has a need for self-realization. Some are not at all looking for ways to improve themselves and discover their talents, but live for momentary pleasures, that is, they “waste” their lives. Others still try to reveal their potential, but for the entire period allotted to them they never find purpose and peace, and do not achieve personal identity in adulthood.

The concept of human self-realization

This concept can be interpreted slightly differently in different areas, but the main essence remains the same in any of them. In a general sense, self-realization is the activation of the full potential and abilities of the individual, the active life position of the individual to realize their capabilities in various areas of activity and relationships within the framework of individual potential.

This process involves the realization of one’s own abilities, skills, knowledge and talents, regardless of whether they were innate or acquired. It is permissible to implement both prosocial and antisocial elements of implementation. Actions must always be purposeful and conscious, perceived by the individual as important components of his existence.


The concept of “self-realization” means the embodiment of a person’s talents, inclinations and skills into life through specific activities. To do this, they first realize the presence of such inclinations, understand their strengths in order to realize their potential.

People's capabilities are great, but not everyone understands this. And the ability for self-development is limitless. We have ways to move forward.

Self-realization is not limited, it does not have strict boundaries. Having reached one level, move on to the next.

The need for self-realization

Psychologists say that the needs for self-expression and self-realization of the individual are set by a person above all other needs. One way or another, most people constantly want to prove themselves in society, which is, in turn, one of the main drivers on the path of self-realization. A person, to one degree or another, strives to fully reveal himself and society, demonstrate his personal qualities, use knowledge and skills, carry out his desired plans and realize his talents.

Everyone strives to achieve what they want most. The need to become the best at something is as great as the desire to feel the satisfaction of being a winner. Society calls such people accomplished individuals. The modern world offers a greater number of ways to realize the potential of an individual, because hard physical labor and forced backbreaking activity are a thing of the past, however, ample opportunities are not always identical with easy achievement of the goal.

The fourth principle of self-realization in practice

Here's what psychologists advise to implement point No. 4. Take a piece of paper, set aside half an hour for yourself, turn on some pleasant music. And try to write down a list of all your qualities, talents, hobbies, everything that you can develop in yourself. In a separate list, write down all the character traits that are characteristic of you.

Now create a list of what you would like to realize. And opposite each item from this list, indicate what character traits and, in general, conditions you need specifically for implementation. Next, analyze the available information to understand what you want and what exactly makes sense for you to realize.

Self-realization and self-motivation of the individual, ways and means on video:

Stages of self-realization

Traditionally, this process involves two successive stages:

  1. The formation of a general mechanism of self-realization.
  2. Maintaining the functioning of the mechanism and improving it through self-management and self-knowledge.

The first stage of self-realization is the struggle between individualization and socialization. The outcome of this confrontation is marked by the formation of personality, the formation of certain abilities and skills, and the emergence of value guidelines. The end of this stage coincides with the period when a person managed to make some contribution to society and somehow realize himself in it.

At the second stage, the created mechanism is improved in every possible way, allowing you to achieve new goals and continue to hone your chosen skills, talents and abilities. The transition from the first to the second stage usually occurs with the end of schooling, while the first self-realization of students in society is typical for the preschool and school periods.

It is worth noting that some individuals never move to the second stage due to a lack of need for self-realization. They follow further by inertia or, as they say, “go with the flow.” Such people do not achieve their goals (or do not set them at all) and live exclusively in their own comfort zone, without leaving it unless absolutely necessary.

How to find yourself: tips and exercises

Finding yourself is not an easy task, but it is very exciting and exciting. Get ready to discover something new every day and get to know yourself from a new perspective. I have collected for you 10 practical recommendations from psychologists that will help you unlock your full potential and answer the questions that have accumulated inside.

Write your autobiography

Take time to sit down and write down all the key events in your life on a piece of paper. Try to put your emotions aside so that they don’t bother you.

Analyze all events without enthusiasm or regret. Consider every choice you make. What prompted you to do this and not otherwise? Was it entirely your choice, or did your parents, environment, society make it for you? When did you feel truly happy and yourself? Answer these questions honestly, without trying to embellish or hide anything from yourself. It is in our memories that the key to knowing ourselves is stored.

Remember what you liked to do as a child?

Inclinations and talents begin to manifest themselves at an early age. Relive your favorite childhood activities. If you can’t remember yourself, ask your parents. Maybe you really loved to draw? Or did you dance for hours on end? Or maybe you just loved watching beetles and caterpillars?

Try to revive your childhood hobbies. Perhaps it is in them that your true purpose lies, drowned out and sent to the deep layers of the psyche. Dig it up, shake off the dust and begin to slowly restore it. Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed right away. Be patient and persistent.

Ways of self-realization

Ways to realize oneself and one’s potential are, as a rule, available to a person from the very moment of birth. For the first time, children discover new skills, the use of which makes their lives more comfortable, interesting and happier. The first seed of self-realization is sown in early childhood, when the personality is just being formed and is not so much influenced by society.

During the period of growing up, society interacts more and more closely with the individual, saturating the only emerging picture of his world with an increasing number of different stereotypes. Subsequently, they become the foundation for a barrier in consciousness, which in all ways will block the path to self-realization of the individual and the discovery of his talents. Without overcoming social stereotypes and dogmas, human self-realization in any form becomes impossible.

How to realize yourself

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Self-realization is the path to the top

Here are some simple universal tips on how to realize yourself:

  1. It all starts with setting a goal. It must be specific, achievable, time-bound and measurable.
  2. Next, a plan is written in the form of 5 simple actions that can be done right now. It should not be too large, because then it is easy to get confused in the variety of things to do. This plan can be expanded further, but its initial version should contain a small number of elements. You need to look for the shortest path to success.
  3. Start following the plan. Activity, even if chaotic at first, is the path to success. You need to use any possible way to earn money.
  4. Constantly learn. Self-realization is closely related to self-development. You need to learn something new regularly.

Self-realization is a result that can be achieved in different ways. You can show your maximum potential in absolutely any profession. Even a janitor will earn differently depending on his efficiency and the place where he works.

With the advent of the Internet, the number of opportunities for self-realization has increased dramatically. Now there are a huge number of courses on the Internet, and it’s easier to get a job online.

Science's opinion on self-realization

The representative of humanistic psychology, Dr. Abraham Maslow, in his work noted a number of individuals who achieved self-realization. Among them were Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. The psychologist's opinion was that achieving complete self-realization cannot be achieved without satisfying some basic human needs.

Examples of such needs are given in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. According to the specialist, these needs must be satisfied before embarking on the path of self-realization. It is also worth noting that Maslow used a slightly different term instead of the word “self-realization” - “self-actualization”. However, this term satisfies the basic definition of self-realization.

The reality is that most of the population of our planet cannot satisfy their own basic needs within the framework of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This leads to the impossibility of activating self-realization mechanisms in many people. The psychologist classifies as such individuals those who cannot, for example, pay rent or buy food for themselves and their family. Lack of money leads to endless worries about how to pay off the next payment or pay for essential goods at the store. In this mode, a person begins not to live, but to survive. Accordingly, in such a situation, only a few are looking for an answer to the question of how to realize themselves in life and apply this to solve existing problems.

Cause of "eclipse"

When a person is still a child, he knows his nature intuitively. He doesn’t wonder what to do, but simply does what he WANTS. The child does not know how to suppress himself; his creative source is in full swing. They draw, sing, compose, create something with their own hands, invent something - without fear and even without thoughts. He simply realizes himself FREELY.

As we get older, this natural ability begins to be suppressed. This happens gradually and imperceptibly, but leads to the fact that an adult is no longer able to go beyond the “scheme” that was imposed on him by his parents, public opinion, or himself. The last thing is the worst thing, this is an already acquired ability - to oppress oneself, accepted by the rational mind. And a person, like an automaton, begins to do in life what is “needed to achieve the goal” and becomes inert. And often these very “goals” are not his real desires at all, but a substitution.

On a conscious level, we see only the result of this - internal irritation and the feeling that everything in life seems to be stable and normal, but there is no real joy. It's like you no longer feel alive. Irritation grows, but understanding of the real reason for this state of affairs is deeply suppressed.

This is the main disease of society. Even among those who are engaged in self-development, there are many people who do not see the direction of THEIR true path and cannot even imagine how to find it, how to develop what is given by nature and succeed in it.

We all (usually) find ourselves in situations where we experience parental pressure or the weight of social conditioning. Some people manage to overcome this, while others remain a slave to circumstances for the rest of their lives.

On your way, do not pay attention to insults and envy from other people if this happens, but you still need to read about whether you should react indifferently when you are insulted.

Religion's opinion on self-realization

Various world religions consider the problem of human self-realization from a different angle. The central role in the process is played by the human soul, which is not attached to the physical body and space, is a kind of ephemeral supreme being and completely occupies the body and consciousness of the individual. In order to reconnect with your present self, you need to leave the confines of your own body and consciousness.

In fact, in religious teachings, self-realization is the answer to the main question of the entire universe, the fundamental question: “Who am I?” The meaning of this answer through the realization of one’s own potential is that one’s own “I” is not the emotions experienced or the thoughts that arise, not the body or consciousness, but only the experience acquired over time.

People who are too closely connected with false manifestations of their own “I” waste all their energy and potential on negative experiences such as anxiety, fear and constant stress. As a result, thoughts, feelings, emotions and the physical body change, but the person himself remains exactly the same as he was at the very beginning of the path, that is, he does not develop and does not self-realize.

Self-realization an opportunity or a burden?

When you ask yourself this serious question, the answer largely depends on you. That is, self-realization can be an opportunity and even more than one! At the same time, it can become a heavy burden. After all, if someone does not know how, does not know or is not able to realize himself, then he will most likely feel depressed, will not be happy, and sooner or later the process of degradation will begin.

Here are the typical problems of this process, which almost every one of us faces throughout our lives:

  1. Discrepancy between what is desired (in dreams) and the surrounding reality. For example, a child dreams of becoming a singer, but he is told that it is better to become a lawyer or a driver.
  2. Difficulties in choosing a suitable sphere for self-realization.
  3. Weakness of character, tendency towards laziness or procrastination (the habit of putting off until tomorrow).
  4. Inadequate perception of yourself and your abilities.
  5. Incorrect attitudes received from family, friends, teachers or criticism from others.
  6. Fear of failure.
  7. Physical obstacles.

If any of these problems are present, the desire for self-realization can become a heavy burden for each of us. And not everyone will be able to overcome obstacles, choose the right paths of self-realization and begin to act.

Creative self-realization

Throughout all eras, the basis of any creative impulse has always been an attempt at self-realization of specific individuals. Creativity best reveals individual talents, embodies plans, and allows one to reach heights in social activities. Realization of potential is achieved by combining activities under the influence of society and personal beliefs. There is an opinion that only creative activity can expand the limits of the potential of an individual.

A creative approach is applicable to almost any field of human activity, be it cleaning the territory or playing the piano. This means that showing creative potential for personal self-realization is equally available to both the director who conducts business meetings and the worker working in a steel mill. Each type of creativity reflects, to a certain extent, the worldview of its author. Any creative beginning is an experience, which subsequently begins to be expressed in the individual’s own position.

What hinders the self-realization of youth

Here are some of the most basic problems of youth self-realization

Inconsistency with social requirements

It’s unlikely that anyone in childhood dreams of becoming a successful plumber or loader. Everyone wants to be astronauts and flight attendants, pilots and ballerinas. But over time, a person realizes that it is not always possible to realize dreams. Society does not need millions of dancers and actresses; preference is given to professions in the field of science, physical labor or engineering. The first problem of personal self-realization is the discrepancy between the desired and the actual. You have to make a choice between your childhood dream and a profession that is more prestigious and profitable. But often young people do not understand that they can realize themselves not only in their career. Self-realization is the totality of all areas of life, such as creativity, hobbies, family, environment and the like. It turns out that today’s youth, for the most part, prefer to choose a profession that is more profitable, but for which they have absolutely no heart. Of course, therefore, the opportunity to realize oneself in the labor field in this case is extremely small.

Lack of social requirements

The overwhelming majority of young people in the modern world are aimed at earning a good income. But mastering a profession and hard work are not part of the plans of young people. The lack of work incentive primarily arises due to the lack of prospects for future life; the individual does not see the point in making efforts. Such qualities as laziness, passivity, lack of initiative begin to predominate, and a feeling of hopelessness arises, which can lead to stress and personal conflicts of the individual.

Lack of social references

The younger generation sometimes does not have time to adapt to such a rapidly changing society. The experience of the past and the modernization of society are sometimes so different from each other, and these changes occur in a short period of time, that they introduce a certain dissonance into the fragile consciousness of the younger generation

Young people lack social guidelines, because what was important for the previous generation is rapidly losing its value within the framework of urbanization and modernization of the modern world. Therefore, the further choice of the goal and path of youth begins to be determined by the circumstances and requirements of society, and not by the abilities and desires of the individual himself.

Therefore, it is extremely important to develop the ability to adapt your professional and personal goals to the development trends of modern society, to be able to adapt without disturbing your mental balance.

Reduction of social programs

The problems of self-realization of youth directly depend on social activities. In order to fully demonstrate their potential, to determine their inclination towards a particular field of activity, young people need to be provided with a foundation, so to speak, an arena for implementation. Reduction of various youth programs, inability to find conditions for active amateur performances, difficulties in the right to direct participation in educational, political, and labor activities. The younger generation has absolutely no place to show their potential, since society is not able to provide accessible leisure areas for realization.

Social insecurity

For successful self-realization, the younger generation must feel support and support from others. This is not only about the family and the general education system. The state must fully create favorable conditions for the livelihoods of the younger generation and the formation of a harmonious personality. If young people do not feel guarantees, a certain guarantee of the success of their future, then this contributes to the emergence of a feeling of fear and uncertainty about the future. Which, like any negative thoughts and emotions, creates obstacles to the self-realization of young people.

Moral and spiritual chaos

The last period of development of modern society notices a tendency towards the dehumanization of culture, the meaning of art is demoralized, the image of man becomes degraded, spiritual and moral values ​​fade into the background. Empathy and altruism are giving way to greed and consumerism. The spiritual values ​​of collectivism are replaced by selfish individual goals. All these factors, as well as the lack of a clear national idea among young people, are also part of the essence of the problem of youth self-realization. The media and social networks have a detrimental effect on the fragile young psyche. One should not underestimate the value of the Internet and all its benefits (which in the modern world occupy an important place in the self-realization of an individual), but here again it is necessary to develop in young people the ability to correctly filter information.

Professional self-realization

A person’s career success is directly related to the realization of his potential in the eyes of modern society. The majority opinion is that a high status and position at work can be equated to successfully embarking on the path of self-development and self-realization. With the simplification of living conditions in the developed countries of the world, people began to devote more time to realizing their own potential in the professional field in search of the so-called place in the sun.

To begin with, a person must certainly find the right field of activity that is suitable for him, and then determine his own capabilities and potential ways of development in it. Creating conditions for self-realization within the boundaries of the chosen professional competence allows the individual to achieve the desired social status and level of well-being. Success in development will lead to the formation of the necessary abilities and skills in the individual, as well as to the development of the special thinking of a professional worker. The distinctive features of such thinking are the following:

  • awareness of one’s own importance for the profession;
  • understanding the belonging of one’s personality to work;
  • building a clear plan for self-realization in your future career and life in general;
  • a fair assessment of the importance of recognition of the individual by society;
  • the ability to find your weaknesses and strengths, which in the future will become a fulcrum for achieving new heights.

What helps you realize yourself?

Knowing the basic principles of self-realization and the rules by which everything works, you will definitely be able to realize yourself. To achieve this noble goal, a proper plan is required.

You need to start with the following actions:

  1. Identify your doubts and fears, and try to overcome them, realize that it is important to start acting in spite of everything.
  2. Get rid of perfectionism and understand that you have the right to make mistakes and do things imperfectly.
  3. Determine your values, separate the things that are important to you from the unimportant, secondary ones. Take the test to find out how creative you are.
  4. Listen to yourself and understand exactly how you want to realize yourself, in what, and in what area?
  5. Develop an action plan for implementation in one, most desired direction.
  6. Be motivated to follow this plan through self-discipline.

Social self-realization

This type of realization of personal potential correlates more than others with the spiritual growth of the individual. Why? Social self-realization is, first of all, a person’s dedication, the ability to do something selflessly and voluntarily for others.

Often people realize themselves through society through various volunteer activities. Social workers, for example, provide physical and mental assistance to those who are below the poverty line or have experienced a natural disaster. From helping others, the individual receives spiritual rewards and personal development in this direction. In this case, material reward is not a priority for the individual, a goal of self-realization.

Difficulties in unlocking your potential

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Potential is not your current abilities at a given time. Difficulties will always occur, what matters is how well a person overcomes them. If he is not afraid of difficulties, he will show his maximum potential. If he does nothing to realize himself, then, accordingly, he will remain a gray mass.

What prevents you from achieving your goals

Here are a few things that may prevent you from achieving what you want:

  1. Laziness;
  2. The illusion of impossibility of achieving what you want;
  3. Excessive motivation. If motivation is too high, a person becomes dependent on the goal, which prevents him from being realized in other areas;
  4. Lack of a plan.

So what does self-realization mean? In a word, this revelation of potential is an essential component of personal development. To achieve what you want, you need to overcome many difficulties. Meeting the modern demands of society is not so easy. This is not always a necessary condition for self-actualization. You need to fill your life with meaning, as the direction in psychology called “existentialism” says.

Ways for women to realize their potential

If creative, professional and social self-realization is not sufficient or interesting for a woman, then she can choose another path of personal development. Then representatives of the fair sex ask a completely logical question: “How can a woman realize herself in the modern world?” Many girls see themselves in the role of a loving wife, homemaker and good mother. Family happiness and care for loved ones are put at the forefront.

Psychologists consider female self-realization to be the only true and inherent nature as the main purpose. Most girls do not feel happy, complete and fulfilled without realizing their own potential in love, creating a family and caring for children. Each of the listed components of self-realization for girls is an integral link in the difficult task of building a strong and happy personality.

Understanding freedom in the modern world

In the ancient world, freedom was a luxury, since not everyone could have it. There was a clear division between people of noble pure blood and slaves who did not have freedom. With the exception of those individuals who became slaves due to debt. A couple of centuries ago, serfdom existed in Russia, under which the free actions of some residents of the country were severely limited.

The slave did not have the opportunity to express himself, and therefore to develop too. His main task was always to carry out orders from his masters. They were responsible for their subordinates.

In the modern world, things are a little different. Here, with the abolition of slavery and serfdom, the concept of will was distorted and acquired a completely new meaning. In real time, independence manifests itself in the form of the ability to independently make choices and accept the consequences that arise from them. The only condition is not to go beyond what is permitted by society. Simply put, people are given the full right to choose, but only from the options offered. But this is enough for effective self-actualization.

Awareness of the will of choice and independence occurs in two stages:

1. Conscious need.

An internal moment in which an individual only thinks about the meaning of life, the people around him and the ability to choose how to move on, with whom to communicate.

2. The ability to choose.

So the first stage smoothly flows into the second, where the person has already thought about the fact that she will have to either make her choice or create new opportunities for this.

Components of success in self-realization

Psychologist S. Maddi conducted extensive research and built on their basis a theory of personality that has the makings of realizing one’s own potential. Among the characteristics of a fully functioning individual, he cited the following:

  1. Availability of creative potential.
  2. Feeling of independent control of life.
  3. Possession of free will and action in all life situations.
  4. Spontaneous decision making in different environments.
  5. High level of adaptability, increased mobility.

These characteristics in themselves do not guarantee self-realization. According to many psychologists, it is not so much innate qualities that are important as acquired ones. A special role in setting on the path to realizing an individual’s potential is played by self-confidence, purposefulness, determination, healthy passion, love of work and awareness of the goal. In addition, such a person must be able to quickly select, change and supplement strategies, adapt to changing conditions and change tactics if necessary, but at the same time remain sober and calm.

Some look at the problem of self-realization from the point of view of humanistic psychology, while others rely on religious dogmas about the presence of a soul in every person. What support and basis to choose for starting to move towards realizing your own potential is a strictly individual question. Nevertheless, it is known that regardless of the fulcrum, the successful application of knowledge and skills in the areas chosen by the individual for self-realization is an invariable component of finding happiness in life.

Factors contributing to personal self-realization

The conditions for personal self-realization are divided into two components:

  • upbringing;
  • education.

Each social community develops its own system of educational and educational processes. That is, traditions accepted in society influence the formation of skills, abilities and motives for realizing one’s own potential.

In addition to these factors, experts identify other conditions for the development of personal self-realization:

  1. Absence of restrictions of any nature (physical, moral, material).
  2. Independent control of ongoing life processes (lack of pressure from loved ones, independent decision-making, etc.).
  3. The ability to adapt to changing environmental circumstances.
  4. Creative potential.
  5. Ability to make decisions.

Self-realization is impossible without individual determination and self-confidence. The set goal can be achieved only with hard work, independence and potential.

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