Afobazol instructions: indications, application features

The costs of the modern pace of life and current events are endless lack of sleep, frequent outbursts of aggression and irritability, fatigue and apathy. However, living in the ringing silence of Tibet or a dense forest is not at all a way to avoid the negative factors that accompany our everyday life. It is quite possible to learn to manage your bad mood. Moreover, pharmacology willingly helps with this with a wide variety of means.

Today we are talking about Afobazole, a popular drug for stress and anxiety. When can it be used, what is it good for and what effect to expect.

Manufacturer, composition, dosage form

Afobazole is produced by a Russian pharmaceutical company. The active ingredient of the drug, aphobazolum, is a selective tranquilizer. It does not affect benzodiazepine receptors, which are responsible for basic mental functions. The medicine stimulates sigma-1 neurons, which regulate emotional state, memory and fine motor skills.

The drug has one release form: flat-cylindrical tablets in dosages of 5 and 10 mg: white with a bevel. Pills are packaged in cell plates or plastic jars. The package contains from 10 to 100 pieces.


1. Dorozhenok I.Yu., Terentyeva M.A. Afobazole in the treatment of anxiety disorders in dermatological hospital patients. RMJ. 2007. Butko D.Yu., Davydov A.T. and others. Experience in diagnosing and treating anxiety disorders in the post-stroke period in patients who have suffered an ischemic stroke. RMJ. 2008. Medvedev V.E. Therapy of anxiety and depressive disorders in therapeutic patients. Psychiatry and psychopharmacotherapy named after. P.B. Gannushkina, 2015. Pogosova N.V. et al. Clinical and epidemiological program for studying psychosocial risk factors in cardiological practice in patients with arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease (COMETA). Cardiology. 2021.

2. Ivanov SV. The range of use of modern anxiolytics in psychiatry and general medicine (systematic review of clinical studies of the selective anxiolytic afobazole). Effective pharmacotherapy. Neurology and psychiatry. 2012;3:1-8.

3. Instructions for medical use of the drug Afobazol, tablets, 10 mg, LS-000861 + Seredenin S.B., Voronin M.V. Neuroreceptor mechanisms of action of afobazole. Experimental and clinical pharmacology 2009, No. 1, T.71. — P. 3-12, 19-22.

4. Instructions for medical use of the drug Afobazol, tablets, 10 mg, LS-000861.

5. Instructions for medical use of the drug AFOBAZOL RETARD, extended-release film-coated tablets, 30 mg, LP-006555.

6. RU 2694837 - Long-acting pharmaceutical composition based on 5-ethoxy-2-[2-(morpholino)-ethylthio] benzimidazole dihydrochloride and/or base (Afobazole).

7. Patent for invention of the Russian Federation No. 2061686, no analogues are registered.

8. An open, non-comparative study of the effectiveness and tolerability of Afobazole, involving 30 patients (12 men and 18 women, aged 20-63 years) with non-organic sleep disorders. Yastrebov D.V., Mikhailova O.I., Kostycheva E.A. Use of the drug Afobazole for sleep disorders in patients with anxiety disorders. Psychiatry and psychopharmacotherapy. 2013, T.15, No. 5

9. An open comparative non-randomized study of the effect of Afobazole on psychosomatic manifestations of anxiety, involving 60 patients (30 men and 30 women, aged 18-55 years) who experienced emotional stress and suffered from neurotic disorders with severe symptoms of autonomic dystonia. Akarachkova E.S., Shvarkov S.B., Mamiy V.I. Afobazole in the treatment of autonomic manifestations of anxiety and maladjustment in neurological and general somatic patients. RMJ. 2007. volume 15, no. 2, pp. 100-106.

10. An open controlled study of the effectiveness of Afobazole, involving 48 patients (39 women and 9 men, aged 45-68 years), with chronic cerebral ischemia stage I-II and anxiety. Sholomov I.I. et al. The effectiveness of Afobazole for anxiety disorders in patients with chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. S.S. Korsakov. 2008. – T.108, N 6. – P. 75-77

11. Medvedev V.E et al. Psychopharmacotherapy of anxiety disorders in patients with cardiovascular diseases: the use of Afobazole. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 2007 – No. 7. – pp. 25-29.

12. Statistically significant improvement in sleep in the Afobazole group according to the VAS test, Kalinina S.Yu. et al. The effect of the anxiolytic Afobazole on the effectiveness of treatment of hypertension in elderly women. Review of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology named after. Bekhtereva No. 4 2009

13. Improved sleep quality. Tatarsky B.A., Biserova I.N. Treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: the use of anxiolytics. Directory of a polyclinic doctor, 2007 - No. 9. – P.28.32

Mechanism of action of Afobazole

The drug belongs to the category of nootropic. It gently stabilizes the activity of specific CNS receptors, restores their sensitivity to inhibitory mediators, and protects nerve cells from damage. Afobazole has a pronounced neuroprotective effect, being both an anti-anxiety and a moderate stimulant. Reduces feelings of fear, emotional stress and irritation, reduces their vegetative manifestations: trembling, breathing problems, dizziness, muscle stiffness. With regular use, it eliminates the signs of post-traumatic stress disorder, restores good mood, improves concentration and performance.

It has been established that the effectiveness of taking Afobazole is higher in people of asthenic character:

  • timid;
  • overly suspicious;
  • those who react painfully to changes in life;
  • suffering from mood swings and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Treatment with the drug does not cause addiction, subsequent withdrawal symptoms, and does not provoke the development of drowsiness, absent-mindedness or physical weakness. After administration, the active substance is quickly absorbed from the stomach into the blood and interacts with plasma proteins. It is excreted unchanged from the body within 1–2 hours.

Medicine Afobazol

It has been on the Russian market of anti-anxiety and sedatives since 2000. The drug was developed at the Research Institute of Pharmacology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, as a result of the search for selectively acting anxiolytics that would be devoid of side effects characteristic of the main group of anti-anxiety drugs. During this time, the drug was noted by consumers as effective in relieving anxiety and stress, and as a drug with the fewest side effects.

Composition of Afobazole

Afobazole is “in the middle”, between simple sedatives (dietary supplements) and serious psychotropic drugs. The drug is over-the-counter, but should be taken as prescribed by a specialist.

The main active ingredient of afobazole, fabomotizole, is a mild and delicate antidepressant (anxiolytic substance), which, acting on certain types of receptors in the brain, restores their sensitivity to inhibitory mediators. That is, it helps to achieve a balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition, normalizing the mental state.

Increases the bioenergetic potential of neurons in general, has a neuroprotective effect: restores and protects nerve cells. The drug is metabolized in the liver and is quickly transferred from the general bloodstream to peripheral areas. The effect of the drug is achieved after 5-7 days of use. A stable result is observed after a month of use and persists for 10-14 days after discontinuation of the drug.

Release form and dosage

Afobazole is available only in tablet form. 1 tablet contains 10 mg of active ingredient. The number of tablets per package is 60 pcs. Among the excipients in afobazole tablets are: potato starch; microcrystalline cellulose; lactose. So, people with lactose intolerance, and any components of the composition, should take afobazole with caution, or consider another drug.

Indications for Afobazole

Taking the drug immediately has a double effect on the body:

  • Firstly, it eliminates anxiety or reduces its manifestations - fears, worries and nervousness, bad premonitions and fears about future events and the present, even if there are no visible reasons for anxiety.
  • Secondly, it has a mild activating, stimulating effect. The drug helps to balance the mental state, cope with irritability, nervous tension, helps to relax and normalize sleep, reduces nervousness and tearfulness, including during premenstrual syndrome in women. Reduces symptoms of depression and stabilizes mood.

Afobazole is indicated for the treatment of frequent manifestations of anxiety companions: muscle spasms, cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal. The drug is especially indicated for persons with persistent manifestations of psychosomatics: bronchial asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, hypertension and arrhythmia.

Afobazole eliminates disorders of the autonomic system: dry mouth, sweating, dizziness. Copes with cognitive disorders, which are almost constant companions of mental and stress disorders: inability to concentrate when solving even simple problems, weakened memory. It can be prescribed to asthenics with personality traits such as anxious suspiciousness, uncertainty, increased vulnerability and emotional instability, as well as to persons prone to emotional stress reactions.

Helps to survive difficult situations, stressful periods, and periods of adaptation to new living conditions with comfort and minimal emotional and mental losses.
Also provides mental health support during treatment: sleep disorders of various origins, premenstrual syndrome in women; hangover; to alleviate the “withdrawal” syndrome when quitting smoking. Afobazole does not cause muscle weakness and drowsiness, does not reduce memory and concentration, and therefore does not have a negative effect on driving. While taking the drug, addiction does not develop, and there is no withdrawal syndrome, which often occurs when taking other types of antidepressants with the development of dependence.

Afobazole treatment regimens

The optimal single dose is 10 mg. The daily dose of the drug is 30 mg (3 doses of 10 mg each). Take the tablets with water. Depending on the severity of symptoms and indications, the course of the drug ranges from 2 to 4 weeks, but after consultation with a specialist, therapy can be extended to 3 months with an increase in the daily dose to 60 mg.


  • Individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the composition;
  • galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Special recommendations for Afobazole

Despite the fact that Afobazole is maximally free of side effects and does not cause drowsiness or addiction, its use should be taken as seriously as possible, weighing the potential benefits and harms. The drug can be taken when performing potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Afobazole and alcohol

Alcohol is in principle incompatible with the concept of “treatment”. The drug does not interact with ethanol, but despite this, any therapy should be separated from alcohol intake due to the increased load on the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Afobazole can be used during a hangover period, as an aid in getting out of a drunken state. It is very important not to interrupt treatment at this moment, even if relief has occurred.

Afobazole for children

Afobazole is not used in children, because the full formation of the nervous system in children has not yet been completed, and in adolescents it is destabilized due to entering adolescence and hormonal changes. If corrective medications are required during this period, it is best not to consider afobazole as suitable. To select anti-anxiety and sedatives for children and adolescents, it is best to consult a specialist.

Afobazole during pregnancy

The drug has a high ability to penetrate the placenta and breast milk. So it is strictly prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation due to the possibility of harming the developing fetus.

Afobazole for heart disease

The drug will have a positive effect on cardiovascular pathologies only if the latter are the result of mental disorders and arise against the background of stress and depressive states. If you have confirmed cardiovascular diagnoses, it is best to consult with a specialist and compare the harm and benefit of taking the drug.

Afobazole and smoking

Nicotine does not reduce the effect of taking the drug. But at the same time it helps to get rid of the nervous consequences of quitting smoking, acting on neurons and the nervous system in an inhibitory way. Quitting smoking is a stress for heavy smokers, which Afobazol is designed to cope with.

It is important to remember that no medicine can be taken constantly, relying on it to survive stressful situations.
Monitor your mental state regularly, then the participation of medications in your life will be minimal! Take care of yourself and be healthy!


The drug is prescribed for

  • a state of high causeless anxiety;
  • asthenic neuroses;
  • violations of mental adaptation mechanisms;
  • anxiety disorders provoked by serious illnesses, traumatic events and situations;
  • somnic disorders with stress causes;
  • disorders of the psychoemotional state during PMS in women;
  • withdrawal syndrome caused by dependence on nicotine, alcohol;
  • impaired concentration under stress.

Depending on the severity of the mental state, the drug is used independently and as part of complex treatment.

Sphere of influence

The drug has a milder and more restrained effect than other tranquilizers. And the question of whether Afobazol will help with severe mental disorders remains open. But he is able to cope with nervous overstrain during VSD.

In addition, experts recommend taking Afobazol for:

  • neurasthenia;
  • anxiety disorders;
  • with psychosomatics;
  • alcohol and tobacco withdrawal;
  • premenstrual syndrome.

Sometimes people cannot even explain what triggered the emergence of such feelings. However, at the physiological level, this is explained quite simply: a surge of adrenaline entails a sharp stimulation of nervous processes and the functioning of internal organs, and since its action is systemic, the entire body is involved.

PA is mainly mental in nature. It can be caused by stress, nervous overload, emotional tension, as well as hormonal imbalances, alcohol abuse and smoking.

But it should be noted that VSD and panic attack go hand in hand. And often the latter is a manifestation of neurocirculatory dystonia during its exacerbation.

The role of Afobazole during a panic attack is to suppress the release of adrenaline and maintain it at the proper level.

Side effects and interactions

In the first days of treatment, a reaction from the nervous system is occasionally recorded:

  • mild dizziness;
  • drowsiness.

After the body adapts to the drug, they disappear on their own. Exceeding recommended doses does not lead to severe intoxication.

With the simultaneous use of Afobazol and Diazepam, the nootropic effect is enhanced. An antiepileptic effect may be observed when used together with Carbamazepine.

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