Personal self-realization - problems, features, success factors

What is self-realization?

Self-realization is the embodiment of a person’s inclinations, his potential and talents through certain activities.
This term can be considered in two planes. On the one hand, there is an action, and on the other, the goal of this very action. A person always has room to move forward. That is, personal self-realization does not have clear boundaries or limitations, and accordingly, even the most realized people always have the opportunity to develop further. According to the “pyramid of needs” by the famous American psychologist Abraham Maslow, the desire for self-actualization is at the very top of human desires, being the highest degree of personal development. By the way, A. Maslow, having analyzed the behavior of people who have achieved something in life, identified the main signs of self-actualized personalities:

  • They are better than others at separating reality from fantasy;
  • They perceive themselves as they are;
  • They love simplicity, naturalness, they have no need to play to the public;
  • Very responsible people who know how to make the necessary decisions;
  • They have a high degree of self-sufficiency;
  • They endure trials and “blows” of fate more easily than others;
  • Conduct regular reassessment of their life guidelines;
  • They never cease to be amazed by the world around them;
  • They feel their fullness and inner harmony;
  • They study without problems;
  • They have their own views on the world, on the concepts of good and evil;
  • They are reserved, friendly, and value a sense of humor;
  • They regularly generate new ideas and love creativity;
  • Tolerant of others, but if necessary, show courage and determination;
  • Loyal to their family, friends, ideals, principles.

And how you can achieve such harmony with yourself and the world around you, we will consider in the next section.

Correlation between methods of self-realization and self-development

Self-development is the main way to realize personality. If it is regressive, then this is already self-alienation.

The opposite of development is functioning, which is duplication, that is, the reproduction of processes in an almost unchanged form. Functioning in this case acts as self-functioning.

Self-functioning in life is connected with absolutely all processes that are periodically repeated. Despite the fact that the content may be different, it is still a way of human self-realization. Based on this, its forms are direct functioning (progressive and productive).

It also has negative options:

1. Stagnation.

2. Inertia.

3. Conservatism.

4. Routine.

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Main stages of self-development:

1. Human development occurs when new processes and phenomena are observed in his life, which are determined by emerging needs, conditions and means of satisfying them. For example, these are admission to an educational institution, work, and the fight against bad habits.

2. The formation of a process is when a person’s movement is aimed at obtaining a stable, sustainable result that is new to him. After this comes formation.

3. Formation occurs when there is a purposeful influence on the process of formation.

4. The final stage of self-development is self-improvement. In this case, a person satisfies new needs with the help of new ways of activity. The goal of this stage is to realize your dreams by improving your skills and making new plans.

Victim of events

How to realize yourself when your life situation seems complicated and confusing? It happens that we feel like we have no power to change anything. The situation dominates us and we often become driven.

However, being a follower is a dangerous position.

Most people want to realize themselves at work. But we don’t always get the position we dream about. Or it turns out that we are working in a completely different field. Why is this happening?

Because a person is not always ready to make decisions and take responsibility. Suppose that an employee of a company has an excellent education, he has worked for 5 years, and there have been no promotions and are not expected.

It is extremely important to take the initiative into your own hands, be creative and, most importantly, not go with the flow. A story about a safe haven is not always about prosperity and success.

The human need for comfort and safety are the basic things that underlie our lives. However, they can also become the main limiters on the path to self-improvement.

The idea that it is not events that guide you, but you yourself, is key in creating a happy life.

Analysis of the concept of “motivation” in personality psychology

Motivation acts as a central problem in psychological science. Being the “core” of personality psychology, it determines the characteristics of his behavior, communication and activity - the most important areas of human life. Incomplete development of various issues related to motivation limits the solution to other aspects of personality psychology. The special importance of motivation was emphasized by A. N. Leontiev, who argued that the development of human consciousness is expressed in changes in the motivation of activity. Activity is directed towards its object, which is the motive. Understanding the subject or object of need and activity as a motive raises objections among some psychologists. It is argued that such an understanding of motive, firstly, goes beyond the mental; secondly, a person is surrounded by many objects and objects of need that do not become motives; thirdly, objects and items of need can remain at the level of knowledge, not cause or become motives, and, finally, they can cause many different motives.

A. N. Leontyev believes that the basis of motivation for activity is not the need itself, but the object of the need, which, according to his understanding, is not outside the psyche. When he speaks of an object as a motive for activity, he means a sensory object. “In this reflected form, the object appears as an ideal, internally motivating motive.”

Currently, there are different points of view on the nature of the emergence and manifestation of motivation as the driving force of human activity in its various forms. Most domestic scientists believe that needs act as a source of human activity. Some scientists, in addition to needs, also name other sources (interests, goals, aspirations, ideals, beliefs, attitudes, feelings, etc.) However, it seems to us that the most effective approach to understanding motives through consumption, since the above characteristics are closely related with needs and many of them reflect specific needs. For example, interest is understood not only as an emotional manifestation, but also as a need. It is noted that motives can arise from social demands, orders or desires. However, demands, orders or desires can become motives, provided that they are accepted by the person. Other researchers also point to this. Moreover, they must manifest themselves through human needs. Regarding the need-based nature of motivation, V.G. Aseev writes: “Any requirement that appears to a person only as an unwanted necessity, which cannot be avoided due to circumstances, is always fulfilled for the sake of some need, fulfilled as the “lesser evil,” as the best way out of the situation.”

It is known that need is a state of an organism, a person, a social group, society as a whole, expressing dependence on the objective content of the conditions of its existence and development. Needs act as sources of activity. It is believed that activity manifests itself in the process of satisfying various needs. A situation arises in people's lives when the object of need does not coincide with the object of activity. This is clearly manifested in various types of activities, including educational ones. In production activity this is mainly due to the social division of labor, in cognitive activity - by the properties of the subject of cognition, his interests, capabilities, and so on.

There is a wide variety of needs, which are distinguished depending on their object (material and spiritual) and origin (natural and cultural). Needs are classified based on exchange processes. There is an exchange of energy, objects and information. In this context, we can talk about corresponding needs. The psychological nature of human needs is reflected in the unity of their characteristics, such as objectivity, dynamism, motivation, in combination with the formation of the motivational function of needs. Human needs, unlike the rest of the animal world, are of a socio-historical nature; their satisfaction is carried out by human means, which, in turn, depend on the development of production, culture, and social relations. However, this activity is possible only at a certain stage of human ontogenesis. It is assumed that the activity of a child’s body can be described by the formula “need-activity-need”, then the “activity-dementia-activity” scheme is directly related to the human personality, which actively participates in social life and transforms it.

The presence of a need for something and, accordingly, the absence of a corresponding benefit leads to tension in the body and personality, which is expressed in the form of emotions. Such tension is nothing more than a condition of a person’s potential readiness for actions and actions. Whether actions and actions are implemented depends on external and internal conditions. One of the internal conditions is the presence of a motive. It is assumed that if needs function as the essence, the mechanism of all types of human activity, then motives function as specific manifestations of this essence. A. N. Leontiev connects the formation of a motive with the objectification of a need. “Before its first satisfaction, a need does not “know” its object; it remains to be seen. Only through this recognition does the need acquire its objectivity, and the perceived (imaginary, conceivable) object - its stimulating and directing activity of functions, i.e. becomes a motive."

His need acts as a condition, a prerequisite for activity. In the reflected form, the object of activity (ideally) acts as a motive. Taking into account the need-based nature of the formation of motives, A. N. Leontyev speaks of the inconsistency of the hedonistic concept of motive. Also S.L. Rubinstein wrote: “It is not the desire for happiness” (pleasure, etc.), which as a stimulus (motive) determines people’s behavior, their activities, but the relationship between incentives (specific) and the results of their activities determines their “happiness, the satisfaction that they get from life."

In our opinion, homeostatic concepts of motivation are not worth attention, because a person constantly strives for activity, sets new goals, and is not satisfied with the results achieved. In human behavior, not only a decrease in tension is manifested, but also a conscious imbalance, which, expressed as a contradiction, acts as a source of activity and development. Activation of a deactivated system allows us to assert that the genesis and certain dynamics of the motivational system can be explained not from the position of a homeostatic model, but from the position of a heterodynamic model. Of course, activation cannot occur without deactivation and vice versa. The unity and struggle of these opposites take place in both biological and biosocial systems. But only the active state of the system can influence its change and lead to the development of its integrity and individual components, for example, motivation. However, the latter is not only the result, the end product of the activated system, but can also change it in turn.

A similar position is taken by K. Rogers, who considers such a dynamic construct as a trend of actualization and attributes it to the heterostatic model. According to him, this trend is always aimed at the growth, intensification and self-realization of a person. He classified drives that are usually classified as homeostatic variants (hunger, thirst, competence) as heterostatic. A fully functioning person is always striving to move, to expand, always looking for opportunities to realize their potential.

Cause of "eclipse"

When a person is still a child, he knows his nature intuitively. He doesn’t wonder what to do, but simply does what he WANTS. The child does not know how to suppress himself; his creative source is in full swing. They draw, sing, compose, create something with their own hands, invent something - without fear and even without thoughts. He simply realizes himself FREELY.

As we get older, this natural ability begins to be suppressed. This happens gradually and imperceptibly, but leads to the fact that an adult is no longer able to go beyond the “scheme” that was imposed on him by his parents, public opinion, or himself. The last thing is the worst thing, this is an already acquired ability - to oppress oneself, accepted by the rational mind. And a person, like an automaton, begins to do in life what is “needed to achieve the goal” and becomes inert. And often these very “goals” are not his real desires at all, but a substitution.

On a conscious level, we see only the result of this - internal irritation and the feeling that everything in life seems to be stable and normal, but there is no real joy. It's like you no longer feel alive. Irritation grows, but understanding of the real reason for this state of affairs is deeply suppressed.

This is the main disease of society. Even among those who are engaged in self-development, there are many people who do not see the direction of THEIR true path and cannot even imagine how to find it, how to develop what is given by nature and succeed in it.

We all (usually) find ourselves in situations where we experience parental pressure or the weight of social conditioning. Some people manage to overcome this, while others remain a slave to circumstances for the rest of their lives.

On your way, do not pay attention to insults and envy from other people if this happens, but you still need to read about whether you should react indifferently when you are insulted.

Problems of youth in the modern world

The modern world is no longer as strict about observing the rules of morality as in ancient centuries; this, too, is a significant component of the essence of the problem of self-realization for young people. This is why most young people today have extremely vague moral standards. The majority are dominated by hedonistic inclinations and selfishness, which sooner or later leads to self-destruction of the individual. The problems that modern youth face hinder the individual’s self-realization or make it almost impossible. Spiritual devastation, lack of prospects for future life, split in value orientations, spreading nihilism and breakdown of moral ideals - these are the main reasons that lead modern young people to such social problems as:

  • Alcoholism
  • Addiction
  • Immorality
  • Crime
  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Substitution of life values

Finding himself in one of the above trends, an individual embarks on the path of degradation and self-destruction. And only through long and complex social, physical and psychological rehabilitation can a person be returned to normal existence, as well as motivate his personality for further self-development.

Confining frames

How to start realizing yourself? The first steps on the path of self-realization are always the most difficult. How does a person realize himself in society? Some become good specialists in their field, others invest all their strength in their family and raise children.

Whatever field you choose, the most important thing is to move forward step by step.

Work on your skills and you will certainly achieve success. To achieve the desired result, you need:

  1. Believe in yourself and your strengths.
  2. Work and develop regularly.
  3. Don't put things off until later.

Do you want to learn to dance? Sign up for a dance class. Do you want to be a good specialist? Get the appropriate education and make yourself known. Do you want to learn how to draw? Find a teacher or sign up for a drawing course.

Only by acting will you achieve results.

Fathers and Sons

We adults do not understand children, since we no longer understand our own childhood. Sigmund Freud

The problems of self-realization of youth include the eternal confrontation between the old and young generations. Basically, old people are always dissatisfied with the behavior of young people, they try to give advice from their past years, and young people, with all their youthful ambition, do not want to listen and draw conclusions. In fact, the confrontation between these two social groups can, both serve some benefit and cause considerable harm in the further realization of youth potential. Definitely, the experience of the past can be useful, so that, for example, you do not make the same mistakes or, as they say, do not reinvent the wheel. This is where the ability to filter information and give their own assessment of certain judgments comes in handy for young people.

As for the negative consequences, too persistent imposition of conservative views will hinder the desire of young people to develop in the modern world, keep up with the times, and adapt to the rapidly developing features of the environment. Young people, crushed by the authority of the older generation, lose interest in learning everything new, passivity develops, sometimes bordering on infantilism, and these qualities do not in any way contribute to self-realization and success. Therefore, in the process of education it is extremely important to find that notorious “golden mean”. As K. S. Stanislavsky said: “Let old wisdom guide young vigor and strength, let young vigor and strength support old wisdom.”

Types of self-realization.

Since a person is a biosocial phenomenon, it is not correct to consider the issue of his formation as an individual in isolation from society. There are several types of self-realization:

  • Personal;
  • Creative;
  • Professional;
  • Social.

They are all interconnected and must be present in a person’s life. The main catalysts for their development are the upbringing and education of the child, which lays the model for his behavior in the future. Let's look at them in more detail.

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Personal self-realization

Since each of us positions himself as an individual, this issue becomes important from early childhood. The child wants respect, understanding, approval of his actions. This tendency only intensifies with age, either leading to success or to depression and complexes. Driven by this desire, a person chooses several possible strategies for his life path:

  • The desire for well-being and material wealth;
  • Success in conquering “peaks”, career growth;
  • Development of your skills and abilities, including hobbies.

In any of the listed points, the individual’s personality and its self-realization are placed at the center, regardless of the type of activity. The main thing is to gain recognition and approval. First of all, from relatives and friends. Therefore, it is so important to harmonize the space around you, starting with your immediate environment.

Creative self-realization

The desire to create something new is inextricably linked with the evolution of the human species. All masterpieces of world culture, achievements of science and technology are caused by this impulse. Thus, self-realization of the individual through creativity is rooted in the deep foundations of human existence. Creative, out-of-the-box thinkers are always more successful than those who act in a formulaic way. This is especially true in the 21st century – an era of rapid development of technology and information flows. Thanks to creativity, we shape our response to the surrounding reality and expand our worldview.

The most important thing is that any of us can create. Only the forms of expression of the creative act change. Poetry, prose, painting, sculpture, metal and wood crafts, modeling, embroidery, origami, ikebana, graphic design and many other areas. Everyone can find a suitable activity. And it’s not so important to become the best, the main thing is to gain recognition and approval.

Professional self-realization

Success at work is also important to most people. And it's not just about money and promotion. No. Much more important is the feeling of being in demand, approval and recognition from colleagues and management. It is important to remember that work is only part of life. It cannot replace other aspects.

This type of self-realization has the following goals:

  • A sense of belonging to a specific community of people;
  • The desire to take one’s place in the service hierarchy;
  • The desire to be recognized among colleagues;
  • Understanding your professional strengths and weaknesses;
  • Planning your future.

Anyone, looking at this list, can easily determine at what stage he personally is.

Social self-realization

Associated with the acquisition of general social success in the amount that is necessary for a particular individual to feel happiness. This type of self-actualization is collective in relation to the previous ones. In fact, social self-realization is precisely the highest degree of human needs that Abraham Maslow spoke about. To achieve success in society, you can take completely different paths. Become a first-class employee, be a private entrepreneur, engage in acting or any other activity.

Society is so diverse that there is a place for everyone. And, accordingly, in any manifestation of human activity one can be recognized and receive approval. Although, it’s worth making a reservation. Truly successful people do not depend on the opinions of others; they have already proven everything to everyone. Those who have not yet managed to fully realize themselves look for confirmation of their successes in the reviews of others. But this is just one of the stages of personality development that almost everyone goes through.

Self-realization is an integral component of a person’s full life, without which he is unthinkable as a biosocial species. This state can be achieved in various ways, including personal recognition and creative, professional and social fulfillment of a person. The main thing to remember is that the listed types of self-realization are interconnected parts of one whole. And to feel successful, you need to improve in each of them.

Basic conditions for personal self-realization

Professor of the School of Social Ecology Salvatore Madde in his works identified factors that contribute to individual self-realization.

  • Freedom as a condition for personal self-realization.
  • A feeling of absolute control over your own life.
  • The ability to adapt to living conditions.
  • Spontaneity in decision making.
  • Availability of creative potential.

It is important! One thing is obvious - full-fledged, successful social and creative self-realization of an individual is possible only if there is confidence in one’s own strengths and determination. Only with a certain passion for life, hard work and understanding of the set goal can you become a successful person.

How to find yourself

To find yourself, you need to understand yourself, get to know yourself at a deep level. If you look at yourself with a superficial glance, you will see in yourself only the programs of society (you dress as is customary in society, your behavior is based on educational programs and generally accepted rules of people, your words are based on the model of your environment, etc.). And even thoughts do not belong to a person. Thoughts are shaped by society, the media, acquaintances and relatives.

The entire external form of a person is imposed programs from the outside. To find yourself, you need to immerse yourself in your inner world, feel your soul. Relax and immerse yourself in your inner world. What do you have there, what feelings, what desires? How do you feel about your soul?

An important point is that if you try to feel yourself in ordinary consciousness, then you will only see a set of programs embedded in yourself that you perceive as your own. But if you dive into your deepest feelings, completely different desires and feelings may appear there.

One of the most effective ways to enter your deep state is to do it through an altered state of consciousness. Or just relax as much as possible and enter a light alpha state. The easiest way to find yourself is this way.

In this state, remember your childhood. What desires did you have as a child? Most often, it is at this age that a person’s purpose in life and his talents manifest themselves. Capture children's feelings and dreams, remember them. Of course, remember the feelings and desires that you will have in an altered state of consciousness. These feelings are the real you. We can say that you found yourself in real feelings. Now let's move on.

Stages of professional self-realization of the individual

Professional self-realization does not happen all at once; it takes place in several stages. It is a mistake to believe that achieving set goals and developing the skills and qualities required in a given work activity is the path to labor self-realization.

Professional self-realization of an individual on his life path involves the following stages:

  1. Professional self-determination, which is expressed in the choice of type of work activity.
  2. Initial formation in the chosen field.
  3. Professional growth and development of professional competence.

Professional self-determination

The determination of an individual’s position in relation to socially significant values ​​occurs during high school, college, or the first two years of university. At this stage, the “want” or “need” motive dominates. In the first case, self-determination occurs based on one’s own desires and needs, and in the second, according to the opinions of third parties or current life circumstances, social trends and priorities.

Initial formation in specialty

At this stage, the “I can” motive is activated, that is, real possibilities are assessed. And here the first difficulties may arise, which will ultimately lead to either adaptation or a change of specialty.

Professional growth

This stage involves developing the abilities necessary in a given professional environment, and adapting the specialty to suit oneself. Achieving this stage of self-realization indicates its high level, especially if the public recognizes the individual’s professional achievements.

How to find your life's work

The next step is to find your life’s work, your purpose, your purpose in life. I’ll say right away that the purpose, the work of life, can change from time to time, or it can be constant. Perhaps now a person’s job is to consciously benefit the enterprise, in a year his life’s work will be to open his own business, and in 10 years, his purpose will be to serve people, and the business will need to be closed. Sometimes a person's purpose lies in one area throughout his life.

How to find your life's work at the moment? Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not. Perhaps a person, immersed in his real or childhood feelings, will immediately understand his purpose and find his business.

But it may also be that feelings will only show the general direction in which to move. For example, creativity. But painting, being a hairdresser or the art of owning a business is also all creativity. Even when washing dishes, you can use creativity.

Here, based on feelings, you need to start new directions in life, and try different options based on the feelings of the soul. We got busy with one thing, didn’t like something, confusion appeared in our feelings, and abandoned it. We started another business, our feelings became confused, and we gave up. After doing this several times, your intuition will increase significantly, and you will begin to feel the work of life. Through a series of mistakes and failures you will reach your destiny.

Of course, this method is not for everyone. Quitting what you are doing now in an attempt to start your own business, and there are no guarantees, is certainly not suitable for weak people. To make it easier to walk this path and find your business from the first attempts, we move on to the next step.

How to understand your talents

To find your purpose, your life's work, you need to understand your talents.

People often think that not everyone has talents, but this is not true.

Absolutely every person has his own talents, endowed by God, and the task of a person is to find and reveal them.

1Think about what you like to do most?
2What topic do you like to search for information on the Internet?
3What are you willing to do even if you don't get paid?

Exactly what you are drawn to, what you like, and in what area you seek information for a feeling of satisfaction, is where your talents are hidden and need to be revealed.

Everything ingenious is simple. Your deepest desires show you your talents. Finding yourself, your purpose in life is finding your talents. Now that you understand how to look for talent, you can find your own business and move on to realizing yourself.

Path to the future

The period of youth is a kind of road to the future. It is on this thorny path that a person predetermines his future existence, makes a choice towards one profession or another, decides in which social sphere his potential will be fully revealed and more useful to society, what occupation will bring spiritual comfort. The consciousness of young people, like a sponge, is capable of absorbing, filtering and processing a large flow of information. Studies of developmental psychology say that it is in the process of growing up that a person develops self-awareness and a stable system of values, and also predetermines the social status of the individual. The period of youth is characterized by manifestations of critical thinking; a person learns to evaluate and analyze. In parallel with this, a foundation has already been laid in the minds of young people from the stereotypes of the past; the task of young people is to correctly filter the experience of past years, to highlight for themselves the main and useful information.

How to realize yourself

If you want to receive recognition and money through your talents, you need to understand how you can benefit people through your purpose and life’s work. This is the key point. If your talents do not benefit people, you will not receive recognition and money as a symbol of realizing your destiny. Now I do not take into account receiving recognition and money as a manifestation of pride and superiority over other people, but as manifestations of my destiny and a gift from the Universe as a sign of the right path.

For example, I love making products in the style of root plastics, but it doesn’t bring in money, and I do it only for the soul. I really like to share my work and experience in the field of self-development. I do this on this blog, The Space of Inner Strength. Here I receive the money that I earned as gratitude from site visitors. This is exactly the type of activity that helps me not only get my life’s work, but also income as a measure of people’s gratitude for my work and the benefits I bring to people.

In the material world you need to look for opportunities to earn money, otherwise you will have to go into the forest and be a hermit. Of course, earnings should be based on a person's talents. Those who feel that they need to completely free themselves from the influence of money in this incarnation become hermits or go to a monastery.

To realize yourself, you need to take several steps.

Algorithm: how to realize yourself and how to find your purpose in life, your life’s work.

  1. Find your favorite thing and understand how through it you will benefit people. How will you help people solve their problems? There is no benefit to people, no money, no recognition, no business of your own that would feed you and bring you joy and satisfaction.
  2. The second step is to find the people who do this job best.
  3. Learn from these people. You need to learn only from the best and then the results will be the best, and not like everyone else.
  4. Start doing this business and hone your skills. The goal is to become the best in your field.
  5. Move to a professional level in your business and realize yourself in it 100%. Here you can go in 2 ways. 1 – do what you love yourself, 2 – teach it to other people.

This algorithm will allow you to find yourself, find your purpose in life, reveal your talents and become a happy person who will always have money and recognition.

Think about what you can do with your soul, and what benefit you can bring to people. This will be the first step towards realizing your talent. Find and read books on how to become an expert in your field.

At the 4th step, when you begin to do your job and hone your skills, a routine begins. Every day you need to learn and improve your level. Most people “merge” at this step, because... Not everyone can overcome routine. It turns out that the most difficult thing is not to find your purpose, your purpose in life, but to become a professional in your field.

Become a value to people

After you have become a professional in your field, you need to become an asset to people. To develop this level, it is recommended to provide the first 50 services in your direction for free.

Here you will practically raise your professional level and begin to receive clients and fame. Free services in your business of life will give grateful clients and its promotion in the market.

By going through the steps in this material, you can not only find yourself, your purpose in life, but also realize yourself as an individual and fully demonstrate your talents.

Your talents are endowed by God, and finding your purpose and persevering in discovering your talents is a vital necessity for every person.

I wish you to be a creative person who feels his purpose and benefits people!

How to find yourself: tips and exercises

Finding yourself is not an easy task, but it is very exciting and exciting. Get ready to discover something new every day and get to know yourself from a new perspective. I have collected for you 10 practical recommendations from psychologists that will help you unlock your full potential and answer the questions that have accumulated inside.

Write your autobiography

Take time to sit down and write down all the key events in your life on a piece of paper. Try to put your emotions aside so that they don’t bother you.

Analyze all events without enthusiasm or regret. Consider every choice you make. What prompted you to do this and not otherwise? Was it entirely your choice, or did your parents, environment, society make it for you? When did you feel truly happy and yourself? Answer these questions honestly, without trying to embellish or hide anything from yourself. It is in our memories that the key to knowing ourselves is stored.

Remember what you liked to do as a child?

Inclinations and talents begin to manifest themselves at an early age. Relive your favorite childhood activities. If you can’t remember yourself, ask your parents. Maybe you really loved to draw? Or did you dance for hours on end? Or maybe you just loved watching beetles and caterpillars?

Try to revive your childhood hobbies. Perhaps it is in them that your true purpose lies, drowned out and sent to the deep layers of the psyche. Dig it up, shake off the dust and begin to slowly restore it. Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed right away. Be patient and persistent.

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