What types of women are there: types, traits and characters (spoiler: as many as 18 types)

Types of women, or rather their psychotypes, do not have a single classification in psychology. In fact, this is a whole complex of characteristics formed on the basis of innate (temperament, abilities) and acquired (character, life experience) traits. Having found out the psychotype of a girl or woman, you can try to guess her actions in advance, find out her lifestyle and how she will behave in a relationship.

It should be taken into account that the final psychotype is formed based on the experience of communicating with parents and peers at an early age. It is this period that will determine behavior patterns and criteria for finding a spouse. The woman will adhere to them.

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General psychological types of women according to S. S. Liebig

Soviet psychotherapist and sexologist Sergei Sergeevich Liebig proposed to distinguish the following psychological types:

  1. Mother. Such women are only happy if they have someone to take care of. Saving someone, solving problems, taking on extra responsibilities, sacrificing oneself for something are ordinary everyday life for this type of woman. Often they are the ones who have to deal with drunkenness and infidelity.
  2. Aggressive. Such girls tend to nag their partner for no reason, expressing dissatisfaction with the current level of courtship and gifts. They constantly humiliate a man not only in communication, but also in everyday life. In communication they are often sarcastic, ironic and try to completely suppress the independence and activity of the partner. The ideal option for them is a weak-willed henpecked person, unable to make decisions on his own.

  3. Passive-submissive. In this case, everything is completely opposite. Such women want to date a man who will take a dominant position in most everyday matters. However, they can be aggressive, especially if their man does not show enough "masculinity". They are characterized by deliberately defiant behavior and even provocations, which should force the man to “subdue her.” It is this type that most often makes mistakes when choosing a life partner, since literally all representatives of the stronger sex hunt for him.
  4. Daughter. Such girls really value a sense of security; they need reliable support, which they feel in older men who are able to “cover” them with their “wings” from any dangers. They need patronage, patronage, which is why even in adulthood they try to find a man older than themselves.

S.S. Liebig also identified similar psychotypes among men (father, son, subordinate and aggressive). He also created the theory of sexual and psychological compatibility. Thus, the mother needs the son, and the father needs the daughter. Naturally, in practice, everything may turn out differently and people’s characters may turn out to be incompatible.

Best feminine properties

I, Daria Milai, will be happy to share my experience with you, tell you in which direction you need to work on yourself in order to create a strong and happy marriage. In the meantime, let's look at the positive characteristics of women who have achieved success in this business.


It comes with age and life experience. But the sooner you find it, the better. This often refers to the ability to find compromises in everything. When your partner is ready to watch football together, although she doesn’t like sports. Or goes with a gentleman to a concert of his favorite band. The ability to take a step forward, show flexibility and not dictate your terms is an important quality of an ideal girl.


Taking care of yourself and taking care of your appearance are obvious things, and any lady knows about them. Men love naturalness in the fair sex. Bright makeup, vulgar clothing and behavior are unlikely to attract a man with serious intentions. But remember that you can be a beautiful lady not only externally, but also internally. Care, thriftiness, delicacy, intelligence - all this, combined with wisdom, is a powerful weapon that can hit any guy.


A wonderful character trait. And if she doesn’t save the whole world, she will definitely support the relationship. The guy wants to spend all his free time with his good chosen one, protect her and make her happy. Such companions create a positive atmosphere around themselves, attractive and alluring. After all, everyone who is close to her is filled with warm emotions and feelings.

Good manners

Upbringing and good manners passed on by parents are a lucky ticket to adulthood. There will be no shame in such a person. Therefore, if she is delicate and smart, knows how to behave in society, then all doors are open to her.


One of the best positive female qualities on our list. It has a place in everything, such as the competent expression of one’s own thoughts, the ability to behave properly in company, the ability to dress beautifully or maintain a conversation on any topic.


This trait is equivalent to sexuality. Many people are attracted to smart people. They stimulate development and self-improvement. However, you should not overdo it, because there is a rather thin line between intelligence and tediousness. By the way, there are men who are afraid of such persons, since the latter have long begun to occupy high positions in the business sphere, which is considered male territory. Nevertheless, education has never stopped any girl.

Ability to love

One can discuss this topic forever. Love is a wonderful feeling and an important part of any relationship. It brings happiness and spiritual harmony and helps make the family truly strong. Most betrayals occur due to lack of love. A spouse who spends all her energy on work or raising children pays less attention to her partner. Because of this, he seeks affection and tenderness in others.


This is a quality that every girl should have. It is the “foundation” of marriage, and in its absence, most of them fall apart. Relationships where devotion, trust and love reign, remain happy for a long time.

Psychologist Daria Milai

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A passionate woman is not the one who is in constant hysterics, breaks dishes and is jealous of her husband at every post. This is the most powerful internal energy in a positive way. She attracts like a magnet, bewitches and makes you put the whole world at your feet.


This is an internal state that transforms any lady. A good wife attracts her husband and makes him want her. The opinion about this characteristic is very subjective. After all, gentlemen have different tastes. And if one person rates a particular person at 10 points, then for another she can barely reach 6. For this, it is important to understand male temperaments.


The ability to find a common language with everyone and to please others. A charming person is attractive not only externally, but also internally. It’s easy and pleasant to communicate with him, and just to be around.

Sense of humor

An extremely important positive trait of a girl. She knows how to get into any company, easily builds professional contacts, freely climbs the career ladder and arouses true interest in her person. The absence of this quality leads to tediousness and boredom. This also includes self-irony. A woman who is able to openly express her shortcomings and is not afraid to laugh at them is real gold.


An important property for a good wife and mother. Any husband wants to come home where order, cleanliness and comfort prevail. With the fast pace of life, a woman has time in a day not only to go to work, but also to finish cleaning and prepare a delicious dinner. This is truly aerobatics. However, if you don’t have enough strength to do everything, you can distribute responsibilities by day of the week.


Pretense has a repulsive effect. Guys are attracted to companions who are not secretive. They are natural in behavior, have no complexes and are open in communication. Guys are attracted to sincerity. After all, this is the only way to attract the only one who can fall in love with the real essence, and not a mask.

The ability to forgive

Understanding that no one can be absolutely perfect is the main feminine quality. Everyone has their own shortcomings and advantages, everyone makes mistakes. It is important to accept this and not criticize your partner for mistakes. After all, only the support of a loved one can open a second wind in him and motivate him to further exploits.

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Presence of zest

A woman is a mystery that a gentleman seeks to solve. This is how he develops an interest in the person. And it will not fade away as long as the peculiarity that attracts the beloved remains in her. This includes not only the internal state, but also an unusual hobby, interest.


Activity and determination attract the opposite sex. Those who have a broad outlook and strive for self-improvement arouse genuine interest. This encourages partners to work on themselves. After all, no one wants to lag behind their chosen one and be less smart and resourceful.

Communication Skill

The male sex loves sociable and open natures. It’s easy to find a common language with them, you don’t get bored and there is always something to talk about. But this property should not be confused with talkativeness. It is annoying because a talkative person has a need to interfere in the conversation and discuss uninteresting topics solely for the sake of the process.


The phrase “I was wrong” has a truly miraculous effect. The ability to take into account other people's opinions, and not put your own point of view first, listen to your partner and make concessions will help make a marriage truly strong.

Ability to cook

Everyone knows that the way to a gentleman's heart is through his stomach. Every husband wants to come home after a hard day at work, where he smells of a delicious dinner. Not a single chosen one can ignore a girl who loves to please her companion with delicious pancakes in the morning and aromatic borscht in the evening.


The first impression is, of course, made by appearance. After all, this is what immediately catches your eye. But the presence of intelligence makes a man fall in love with his chosen one even more. To do this, you don’t need to complete graduate school, be a brilliant philosopher or a candidate of science. Simply being well-read and understanding the basic principles of life is enough. Smart gentlemen know how to appreciate such people. After all, how can you be ideal if your interests only include monitoring new posts on social networks?


In the past, including this property in the list of the best positive qualities of a girl, girl and woman was absurd. This is as obvious as if, when buying a car, the dealership reminded you that you need a steering wheel. However, today we have to say that such a characteristic is important for any person. After all, some of them are endowed with such negative traits that men’s mouths open in surprise.


Confident and beautiful becomes unsurpassed. Such friends will help you conquer the whole world and achieve the highest goals. The trait is considered one of the main ones in any personality, and is manifested in the manner of communication, behavior, and gait. It sweeps aside complexes and makes a person more interesting and sociable.


Such a lady knows her worth and what she wants, and goes towards it with her head held high. She has ambitions that help her become successful in any area of ​​her life, be it work or relationships.

Mental maturity

Many are precocious. There is an opinion that girls are born as adults, while boys become such throughout their lives. Perhaps this was the case before. However, today there is a downward trend in female maturation. Ladies over 30 can behave irresponsibly and be too childish. You become mature with experience. It is the result of overcoming the difficulties and suffering that arise while trying to achieve one's own goals. A woman with the described characteristic is ready for a serious relationship. And this is precisely what attracts the opposite sex.


Self-sufficient individuals have innate independence. They are in a focused state, constantly fighting to change their own future. Therefore, it is not surprising that such people look with contempt at those who cling to a certain area of ​​their lives. Even when it comes to family. Girls who are overly attached to their chosen ones can become ideal for some of them. However, this is a clear indicator that the lady has a flaw. Perhaps she does not have close friends or is not able to make acquaintances.

Of course, we should not exclude the fact that the person is a born housewife, and she does not need anything other than household chores and raising children. However, the ideal spouse has a certain level of self-sufficiency. And all that limits the freedom of such natures is devotion and fidelity to the beloved.

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Such a girl knows that excessive pride and inflated self-esteem are the causes of real disasters.


In a couple, it must be mutual. The wife will not reduce the advantages of her husband, try to insult him or humiliate him. Especially in front of everyone.


Few people will plan a serious relationship with a person who can cheat without a twinge of conscience. Moreover, most gentlemen do not know how to determine women's thoughts. They don't take hints, so it's best to talk about everything directly. This will help you overcome difficulties and solve family problems much more effectively.


They just love them. This property should be manifested not only in makeup and clothes, but also in manners, behavior, and the ability to behave in a team. Pretense is often repulsive, so be yourself and, as they say, people will be drawn to you.


Lack of fear to show true feelings and emotions. Such a woman is distinguished by pure intentions, denial of duplicity and self-interest in connection with a partner. She is free to communicate, says what she thinks about. And her love is expressed not in beautiful romantic phrases, but in actions.


A characteristic inherent in real ladies. They always have a straight posture and a proud gait. Their movements clearly show how well they feel about themselves. And their “highlight” is the slight swaying of the hips when walking. All this has a hypnotic effect on gentlemen.

Psychotypes of women by character

The characters of women are very different.
An unofficial but fairly common classification includes the following types :

  1. Mother hen. It is important for them to show all their love and care as clearly as possible. This usually takes the form of direct help, such as cleaning the house or washing dishes, even while visiting.
  2. Doll. Positive, infectious with their optimism and activity, dolls always strive for entertainment and relaxation. They cannot cope with complex work, so they should be kept away from it.
  3. Simpleton. Such girls practically do not take care of themselves. They show activity, which can sometimes be mistaken for tactlessness.
  4. Boy-baby. Strong, psychologically prepared women, literally capable of feats. We are used to getting our way at any cost. The main difference is crazy energy, which, together with an innate sense of purpose, allows you to move forward, entering “a burning hut.”
  5. Intellectual. Such girls do not like household chores too much and prefer to devote time to self-education and self-development. In some cases, they can become ardent careerists.
  6. Harmonious personality. The rarest. Such women have traits of all of the above types and can switch between them depending on the situation.

Such psychotypes can manifest themselves both in relationships with men and when communicating with girlfriends.

Meaning of love

Girls fall in love with a partner if the feeling is mutual. The spiritual aspect of relationships is important to them, so they take it into account when choosing a future lover. To enter into an intimate relationship with a partner, they need to understand the attitude towards the selected candidate. For guys it’s the other way around: using physical contact, they understand their relationship to their partner.

An important trait of a woman’s character is constancy. It is important for them to understand that the chosen man is their soulmate. A feature of psychology for girls is the requirement from their loved one of fidelity, reliability, and great love.

Many are possessive, so their partners are forbidden to even think about looking at another female. This goes against the male instinct to impregnate as many partners as possible. Therefore, a married woman raising children at home gets very angry when her husband pays attention to another girl. Jealousy and anger are responses from the existence of primitive people. At that time, single women were doomed to death. And although in the modern world many girls provide for themselves and their families on their own, the fear of being left without a partner has not disappeared.

Therefore, men need to reassure their beloved, and not get angry for jealousy

Psychotypes of women in relationships with men

Here we should highlight several main psychotypes:

  1. Friend. Such women strive to support and help those whom they consider close people. They can carry on any conversation and it’s a pleasure to spend time with them. At the same time, they do an excellent job with housework and know how to be gentle when required. They can guide and inspire a man to new achievements.

  2. Predator. For such women, the main thing is money and social status. Nothing else matters. That's why they always hunt for men with high positions. Age and other little things are also discarded.
  3. Boss. Such women prefer to pursue a career. Household responsibilities are uninteresting and burdensome to them. Demanding behavior towards others is combined with stinginess of emotions.
  4. Tyrant. Such a woman desires to completely control her partner, all his thoughts and desires. She does not accept other people's opinions and strives to remake a person to suit her tastes, without paying any attention to his thoughts and character.

The given classification is average. Some types of women can have either very complex characters or simpler ones. At the same time, it is important to understand that they can combine several psychotypes at once and simply switch between them.

How to win the favor of your beloved?

To win the object of desire, men need:

  1. Be positive. A woman is in dire need of positive emotions. If communication with a man is associated with relaxation and distraction from problems, she will be happy to date him.
  2. Stay strong and don’t burden your loved one with problems.
  3. Don't run after your lover. You need to be able to show pride and dignity. A dependent man is easy to control.
  4. Be creative. An original gift, an unusual pastime will not leave a woman indifferent.
  5. Give compliments. Nice words must be true.
  6. Learn to hear and listen to your partner. Using questions and unobtrusively expressing opinions will affect the girl.
  7. Develop as a person. Reading, playing sports and studying art never hurt anyone.

If you have already won the woman you love, simply surround her with care and understanding. Then there will be no quarrels between you.


Intellectuals are not the women who follow fashion trends; for them, a comfortable sweater and jeans are a casual style of clothing, and some things can be worn almost to the point of wear. And when cohabiting with this type, don’t expect order in the house, much less delicious breakfasts and dinners. What is more important for them is knowledge, scientific work, etc. So, seeing her interest in everything scientific, be prepared to serve yourself.

How can you recognize a smart person in her on the first date if she comes in a chic dress and has a pleasant conversation? Ask a few questions about her culinary abilities, find out what dishes and how she likes to cook; if you yourself have ever cooked, you will immediately understand the discrepancies in the story.

Better yet, go visit her. And take a closer look at the situation in the apartment: what kind of books are on the shelves, is it clean? If her stories do not correspond to reality, it is better to let the girl go to someone who is as smart as herself.

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