The secrets of femininity - what are they? List of qualities of a real woman.

In the age of strong women and weak-willed men, there is such a shortage of them: gentle and affectionate, charming and soft creatures. It is they, the representatives of the weaker sex, who must embody what is commonly called Femininity. Recently, it is so rare to find young ladies who have the qualities inherent in a real Woman.

Qualities of femininity

Every young woman yearns with all her being to be called a girl, and gets upset every time she hears the word “woman” addressed to her. It’s a stupid prejudice, because “woman” characterizes, first of all, not an age category, but a set of qualities, external and moral data, woven into one beautiful creature - the daughter of Eve.

What is femininity? This is a combination of a large number of qualities that should be reflected in every representative of the fair sex. The more they are expressed, the more the lady personifies what is really called: a woman.

The complex of feminine characteristics includes the following points:

  • tenderness;
  • fragility;
  • emotionality;
  • loyalty;
  • sincerity;
  • kindness;
  • beauty (not only external);
  • softness;
  • Charm.

The list goes on, and it is worth emphasizing that it is these qualities that awaken a strong desire in men to cling to a woman, protect, provide, care for her, and admire her.

Qualities that men value. Honesty

In any relationship between a man and a woman, trust is very important. When a young man catches his chosen one in a lie more than once, we can safely say that the relationship will soon end. A girl who has committed some minor offense must definitely muster up the courage and tell her life partner about everything. Otherwise, even the smallest lie can lead to a scandal or separation in the future. Honesty and sincerity are the main qualities of a woman that men value.

Modern woman2

Recently, young and adult ladies have been forgetting about the most important quality that should be present in them: femininity.

Women prefer to dress up in men's clothes and shoes, copy the manners of the stronger sex, smoke, use foul language, laugh loudly and spit directly on the sidewalk. They ceased to be weak and defenseless nymphs. Learn to take care of yourself.

Modern women, for the most part, present a sad sight: rude intonations when speaking, a smoky, rough voice, a soldier's sweeping gait, excessive activity in personal matters. They preach feminism and women's independence. The woman will do all the hard work herself with dignity: she drives a tractor, sits behind the wheel of a motorcycle, and will break the nose of any hooligan and win the guy dear to her heart.

And, the man stands on the sidelines, fiddling with a handkerchief in his hands, shifting from foot to foot and doesn’t know what to do now. How to conquer such a strong and independent young lady who can do anything and doesn’t need him? So the stronger sex is capricious, choosing from the “strongest of this world” a worthy contender. A man wants that among the crowd like him, there will be the one to whom he can offer his heart, hand and strong shoulder. Lately you can't even surprise girls with force. They have quite a few strong arms and shoulders.

Ability to ask for help

What other qualities of a woman are there that men value? For example, the ability to ask for help. A man just needs to feel needed and useful. You should not assume that the majority of the stronger sex will not pay any attention to a request for help. For example, a girl passing by a young man smiles and asks him how to get to such and such an address. Will the guy really not respond?

If the sympathy is mutual, then the young man can offer the beautiful lady to accompany her to her destination.

The same should happen when a man and woman are already living together. Do not forget about male pride and the nature of a protector. So, a simple request to help move a table will make a guy feel proud for a long time. And tenderness... for a fragile creature whose name is woman.

Secrets of femininity3

What exactly is femininity, and how can a representative of the fair sex discover and demonstrate this gift in herself?

First of all, the lady must understand. That beauty and femininity are connecting things. It's like two components of one whole.

She must be beautiful. They say there are no ugly women. And that's a fact. There are unkempt and rude young ladies. A woman must take care of herself. It is impossible to be a charming lady with a dirty head, purulent pimples and dirt under your manicure. Although some especially gifted individuals manage even this. However, appearance is of great importance for a feminine young lady. A beautiful, well-groomed appearance, inner softness and tenderness is exactly the mixture that a real woman should carry within herself.

Everything should be beautiful: behavior, speech, the ability to present oneself. No matter how charming a girl is, if the speech of “drunk locksmith Ivanov” pours out of her mouth, no one will appreciate her external data.

Ability to listen

If we talk about the qualities of a woman that men value, then, of course, they include the ability to listen.

Very often you can hear the phrase that girls are real talkers, and it is absolutely impossible to stop them. Of course, no one is going to argue with this statement, but we shouldn’t forget about men. Many representatives of the stronger sex like to talk about life, work, or just about their hobbies.

In this case, women can be advised to be patient and learn to listen carefully to their opponent. At the same time, the girl should not just nod her head when answering questions, but should fully participate in the conversation (sometimes sympathizing and empathizing, and sometimes laughing or asking relevant questions). The main thing is not to interrupt the man, trying to tell him a similar story from your life. It’s better to wait until he finishes and only then tell him what you wanted.

If a girl really sincerely treats a young man, then she will not have to force herself to listen to men's stories. As a rule, care and attention come with love. Therefore, in most cases, a woman herself will want to inquire about the affairs and successes of her man.

Before and now4

In the old days, the secrets of femininity were passed down from generation to generation, from mother to daughter. Women taught young girls how to take care of themselves, how to behave in society, in relation to men.

Lately, girls have been paying a lot of attention only to their physical appearance: they visit gyms and beauty salons, go to a hairdresser and massage parlour, shave their legs and remove mustaches, remaining at heart a rude and uncouth “dork.”

Girls achieve success in their careers, independence and independence. Forgetting about her main purpose: to be a gentle, charming nymph, to give a man warmth, light and the comfort of home.

Good sense of humour

Talking about the qualities of a woman that men value, we will also mention a good sense of humor. A loud, and most importantly, sincere laugh makes a woman in demand among guys. The male half of humanity is so designed that they love it when their skills are admired. So, a girl who flirtatiously (but not feignedly!) laughs in response to a joke told by a guy will immediately interest the narrator.

Owners of a perky laugh and a cheerful disposition have always been popular among men, even if the girl’s appearance is not the ultimate dream. But gloomy and gloomy young ladies with good natural qualities for some reason scare off the stronger sex.

The main thing is not to try to squeeze out laughter if the joke doesn’t seem funny. It's better to just smile.

Real woman5

Femininity is a powerful feminine energy that is necessary for every representative of the fairer sex who wants to be a harmonious and complete woman.

The internal qualities that fill a woman should have the following properties in abundance:

  • self confidence;
  • attention to others;
  • curiosity;
  • charm;
  • the ability to support and warm, sympathize;
  • integrity.

The embodiment of femininity is not always contained only in a charming and stunning beauty. Most often, such a woman may not stand out for her special appearance, but after communicating with her, a person experiences a special soft energy, a surge of charm and special charm. Such a woman knows what and when she needs to say, how to maintain a conversation and calm the storm in a glass.


Any man wants to see a lady next to him who will allow him to show his masculinity. The famous psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky writes that femininity does not mean a contradictory and sudden fairy girl who has never worked and relied solely on the man who supports her. And warns women not to make mistakes in relationships with men.

The psychologist is confident that a self-sufficient woman, successful in her career, who knows how to make responsible decisions and control her own life, can be feminine. For example, a female engineer, policewoman or director can:

  • love poetry and flowers;
  • wear beautiful dresses;
  • style your hair beautifully;
  • be caring and gentle.

An expert in the field of personal growth and family psychology, Oleg Torsunov, believes that the masculine qualities that many modern women strive to possess prevent them from realizing their femininity. As a result, it is more difficult for them to start a family and find personal happiness.

Without flowers, but with a cigarette6

On International Women's Day, the number of disappointed women and men increases significantly every year. Men do not feel the desire to present women with bouquets, while the fair sex ceases to receive male attention. Ultimately, all men are “unworthy subjects.”

Dear ladies, you must clearly understand that in order for a man to want to shower a woman with flowers, he must become that very Woman.

What is a modern diva? She despises men's weaknesses, finds them in almost every action of a man, without forgetting to prick and emphasize the shortcomings of her husband.

Women are accustomed to making fun of men, both in personal relationships and in the social sphere. Women constantly criticize and insult men. They are used to competing with the stronger sex, achieving all kinds of victories and exalting themselves over the guy. Not afraid to touch the vulnerable and receptive male psyche, the girl makes the guy a laughing stock in front of friends and acquaintances, not caring one bit about what is going on in his soul.

And then, when gathering in a group of women, the ladies vigorously discuss their favorite and hackneyed topic, about “what kind of men are they these days?”

What can men do? A guy is standing with a bouquet of flowers, and then she appears... Hands in pockets, soldier's gait, from the hip, a cigarette in her teeth, tattoos on her arms... A woman! And, this, she has not yet opened her angelic mouth to pour out a loud and sparkling tirade.

Ideal wife, woman, girl: 32 qualities

Most men dream of an ideal woman or an ideal wife, and the majority of girls want to live up to this status in relation to their man.

The wish that is most often addressed to the bride is to be an ideal wife. But what does it mean? What are the qualities of an ideal wife or girlfriend?

Most of the signs of “ideality” are already present in every woman, and the missing ones can be developed if there is desire and a supply of energy.

Married life is not the easiest process in which a woman is literally the soul of the marriage union, since without her, home life turns into chaos.

And no matter that no two girls are alike, some of the most important qualities are common to all women.

Appearance and sex appeal

The ideal wife is attractive and, of course, you should like her appearance. She has a good figure, and you, in turn, should feel constant sexual attraction to her.

In general, it is worth noting that appearance is a rather subjective phenomenon. If we recall the favorite 10-point scale invented by men to assess the level of female attractiveness, then the winner of the “10 points” nomination for one man may well be rated 6 points by another cheerful guy.

The fact is that every man has his own favorite type of woman. But if something confuses you about the appearance of your chosen one, you should think about whether this is real love?

Women need warmth, tenderness, and receiving compliments. How can you give her all this if you are not physically attracted to her? Do you want to create a reason for your wife to cheat?

In addition, the ideal girl does not treat her appearance as something unchanging, so she constantly takes care of herself, bothering with the obligatory work of keeping herself in shape.

Sexual compatibility

A woman who claims to be a good wife must be sexually compatible with her man.

Significant differences in sexual temperament will cause serious problems in their life together, which can lead to their collapse or betrayal.


A long time ago, there was no need to discuss such a trait of an ideal wife. The statement that a woman should be feminine seemed as absurd as specifying when buying a car that you need a steering wheel as an option.

However, at present, the firmware of a certain part of the female layer of society periodically malfunctions, endowing women with certain masculine traits or some bad qualities, forcing men to find out, for example, who a bitch is and how to recognize her.


Undoubtedly, guys are initially attracted to girls by their appearance. But the presence of female intelligence makes a man not only feel a rapid heartbeat, but also open his mouth.

She does not need to have a doctorate in philosophy or be a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, but sufficient reading and understanding of the important fundamentals of the essence of being is an important quality.

Read: What is love?

Smart men appreciate smart women. And how can you call an ideal girl whose circle of knowledge and interests is limited to monitoring new posts of friends on social networks?

Do not forget that, among other things, you will also have to communicate with your chosen one, and for this the girl must be able to carry on a conversation.

Confidence and self-esteem

Combine feminine beauty with confidence, and you will get an unsurpassed fighting friend who will help you conquer the whole world and achieve your most cherished goals.

Self-confidence is one of the best qualities of any person. A confident woman has her own plans and ambitions, knows her worth, knows who she is, what she wants, where she is going, and how to contribute to the development of a relationship with a man.

And yet, confidence in this case is not the most important quality, especially if it is detrimental to the manifestation of femininity.

Mental maturity

There is a saying that girls are born adults, while boys mature throughout their lives.

But over the past few decades, there has been a downward trend in female maturity. It is not so rare to find female representatives aged about 30 who are not used to taking responsibility in life or behave childishly.

Maturity is a trait that only comes with experience. It is the reward that a person receives as a result of overcoming life's obstacles that arise on the way to his dreams and ambitions.

The immature girl never tried to achieve anything through her own efforts, never suffered, and, as a result, remained under the influence of childish thinking.

In addition, a mentally mature woman has no desire to disappear into a noisy company, and she is not interested in evening meetings with her friends. She is completely ready for a serious relationship.

No experience - no suffering, growth and maturity. She may be a stunningly beautiful girl, but she will never be the perfect wife.


Successful self-sufficient people are extremely independent by nature. They are very focused, in a constant struggle to change their future and the world around them.

And it is not surprising that such a person has some contempt for people who are excessively attached to anything in their life, even when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex.

A woman who clings to a relationship may be a nice gift for some type of male part of society, but she will not be a suitable option for a man who lives life to the fullest.

There is something wrong with this if a girl is completely dependent on her man.

Perhaps she does not have her own close circle, or she does not know how to find friends and build relationships with them.

It is possible that she is a born housewife, and she has no need to go to work or have her own hobby, except for family and household affairs.

But the ideal wife must have a healthy level of self-sufficiency. She must have her own friends, goals and ambitions.

The only thing that limits her independence is loyalty to her beloved man and devotion to the relationship.


Loyalty is one of the most important qualities of an ideal woman. This means that she has values ​​and principles that will not allow her to blindly follow her emotions towards any other man.

Modern culture often portrays women as free from any obligations.

But men with mature views on life, with rare exceptions, will perceive such behavior as sexual. No normal man will ever take such women seriously.

After all, if a girl cannot be called faithful, then there is no reason to invest in a relationship with her, because at any moment she can easily leave for someone else, leaving you alone with the realization of your own stupidity.

Easy to come, easy to go.

Read: Why do girls cheat?


She knows that pride and an inflated ego are the root of many disasters and disappointments.

Therefore, the ideal girl allows other people to sing songs of praise to her, but at the same time does not consider it necessary to brag about herself and her merits.


Mutual respect is important in any relationship, so an ideal wife makes sure to show respect to her husband.

She will not belittle your merits, try to insult or humiliate you, both alone and in society.


Few people will want to tie themselves in ties with a person who can deceive without a twinge of conscience.

In addition, most men cannot guess what is on a woman’s mind, so it will be better if a girl is able to speak out directly, no matter what she thinks or feels, because this is the only way to effectively deal with problems that arise in a relationship.


The ideal woman is a balm for the soul, made from joy and kindness.

People are filled with positive emotions when she is nearby, and her smile can melt the ice of a bad mood and extinguish the fire of raging anger.

A Pinch of Determination

A woman who cannot make the most trivial decision, such as choosing cheese in a grocery store, can hardly be called ideal.

Most often, it is men who take responsibility for making the most serious decisions: where to build a new nuclear power plant, whether to acquire a controlling stake in a large enterprise, whether to send troops to restore order in the region.

But any man has the right to go home without having to worry about what color tea towels should be bought, or what meat should be cooked for dinner.

Understanding and support

The life path of any person will not always be strewn with roses. There will definitely come times when things go from bad to worse.

Despite the fact that men are better prepared to act in unpredictable situations, they still need the support and warm words of the woman they love.

One of the attributes of an ideal wife is her willingness to listen to men's problems because she is your biggest supporter.

And even if a woman is not able to change the situation for the better through her own volitional actions, she can provide invaluable help with her attention and understanding alone.

The perfect girl is willing to let her boyfriend be vulnerable. When, for one reason or another, he finds himself thrown to the sidelines of life, the chosen one will calm him down and help him get back on his feet.

Trust, reliability and responsibility

You, her friends and her family have no lack of trust in her. The ideal girl keeps her word when she makes a commitment, no matter what it is.

If you have good reason not to trust your friend, you are at a dead end. Failure to keep a promise is the attitude of a fraudster whose misbehavior will be repeated again and again.


She is used to caring for others, which is clearly evident early in the development of your acquaintance in her attitude towards her family and friends.

If she does not support her family members and does not have close friends, this is a bad sign, because the importance of not having the habit and desire to care about other people will subsequently be reflected in the attitude towards you.

Flexibility and wisdom

Compromise is the key that opens the door to happiness in any relationship.

Is she ready to watch the match of your favorite football team with you, although you know that sports competitions are not her thing?

This is great, because flexibility and the ability to take a step forward are very important qualities of an ideal woman.

In addition, she does not tolerate quarrels and scandals, not allowing conflicts to undermine your life together.

Moderation and prudence

She knows how to control her emotions, and also has no cravings for alcohol, smoking and is free from other harmful types of addiction.

She always thinks before she speaks and looks ahead before taking a step.

She loves you unconditionally

Every person has flaws. An ideal wife can't stand her husband's imperfections and loves him for who he is.

She doesn't criticize your sense of style or some bad habits you have. She does not compare you, pointing out your flaws, with the heroes of books, novels or the husbands of her friends. She doesn't delve into your past or be negative about your plans for the future.

Minor attempts to positively correct you on the part of a girl should not cause doubts, but if she is trying to organize a major overhaul of the structure of your personality, intending to make a different person out of you, you should seriously think about it.

She's your best friend

The strongest marital union is one in which the man and woman are best friends.

The ideal girl is able to share with you all the unpleasant experiences and sincere dreams. The absence of secrets between you brings positive results, making your love only stronger.

She shares your interests

Having common interests is a great way to spend time together, enjoying a shared activity, and then get excited about how it went for a long time.

She appreciates you and expresses gratitude

An ideal wife will appreciate everything you do for her and your family because even a simple “thank you” can make an impact on your relationship.

She will definitely thank you and praise you for your hard work. Realizing that your woman appreciates you, you are energized and filled with the desire to make your family even happier.

Being around her makes you a better person.

And this is not because your chosen one is pushing you in the neck, but simply next to her you absolutely involuntarily become the best version of yourself.

She is your muse, motivation for action, doping for new victories and achievements. Together with her you feel very comfortable and at ease, and communication goes as if by itself, without any effort.

She treats other people well

Treating other people with respect is a valuable trait in an ideal woman because she can bring joy wherever she goes with you, be it your friends or family members.

In addition, she has a wonderful relationship with her family, which is based on respect, trust and love.

She's not trying to manipulate

Manipulation is the favorite behavior tactic of any woman.

Whenever girls argue with their boyfriends, they tend to press on with feelings of guilt and duty, bring up already forgotten problems that were resolved many years ago, suddenly cry, or use another technique from their own arsenal of manipulative preparations.

And here we are not talking about eradicating this habitual trait of the feminine essence, but so that its manifestation is not too harsh, out of place and destructive in nature.

A woman should not have as her goal the desire to fuck her man, who in turn should keep his ears to the ground, and either radically change the current situation, preventing such impudent behavior in the future, or simply find a worthy replacement for the unbridled savage.

She is a good housewife

For an ideal wife, keeping her home clean and tidy is no problem, because she is sure that a healthy environment is the key to a cheerful spirit and good mood.

A housewife is the most important factor in a happy life together and family well-being.

A lazy young lady, who is alien to the desire to arrange a family home and maintain it in proper order, should not have a place next to you.

She knows how and loves to cook delicious food

The path to a man's heart leads through the culinary skills of an ideal woman.

There is no denying the fact that all guys love to eat delicious food, and girls love it when they are praised for their skillful cooking skills.

A woman who hates the kitchen and doesn't know how to cook is not the most necessary attribute of any man's life.

Personal space

Even when in a relationship or marriage, each partner should have personal space, and even more so the one who dares to call himself a man.

You have every right to spend some time alone and to be free from interference with your personal belongings, books, notebooks, laptop or phone.

The ideal wife does not stick her nose into your affairs exclusively, does not spoil your brain for no particular reason, and also does not get jealous of you over trifles.

She doesn't hold you accountable.

Questions about who you dated, why you did it, or why you didn't can really irritate a person.

Happy relationships are built on trust and understanding, and turning them into constant interrogation causes doubt and anger.

If communication has slowly descended to the level of inquisition, a man will have three options: start lying, stop such behavior once and for all, or continue searching for the ideal woman.

She knows how to have fun

All sternly serious people have a repulsive energy, and living without the ability to be ironic and have fun is quite a burden.

But the ideal girl, with a sense of humor and a willingness to have fun in your company, is eager not only to go to a nightclub together, but also to play video games with you, ride bicycles, go on a hike together, skydive or spend the weekend in other interesting ways .

Emotional stability

Girls with a cool and unbridled disposition can be a lot of fun in the short term, but you are unlikely to want to exchange your life for a person who can light up out of the blue like a torch without obvious preconditions.

On the other hand, those who like to fall into depression, despair, or simply cry for no reason should also make you somewhat wary.

Common goals and values

No matter what anyone says, to live together you should choose a like-minded person who matches your level of development, upbringing, education and outlook on life.

The lack of common goals and values, as well as the cessation of personal development on either side of the relationship, may well become the subsequent cause of their collapse.

Opinion of modern girls7

The modern woman, unfortunately. Stopped being feminine. You come across several rare specimens that you look at and are amazed: “And yet, they exist!” Tender, meek, affectionate, loving...

Modern girls have ceased to be romantic. They are pragmatists and economists; they can conquer the star and the moon if the image of the luminaries flickers on the presented gold ring.

Women are used to taking without giving anything in return. If she is beautiful, then a man is obliged to admire her and create conditions for her beauty to bloom and ripen, like a geranium in a clay pot. A. She doesn’t care at all about what a man needs.

Ready for the first step

What other qualities of a woman are there that men value? Ready for the first step. It is much more difficult for men to take the first step at the beginning of communication due to their increased pride. They are afraid of being rejected. Therefore, they may take a long time to decide to talk to a girl or simply smile at her.

If a woman sees that a young man is constantly looking at her, but does not approach her, it is quite acceptable to do it first. Even an unobtrusive smile can become a reason for closer communication. By making the first step, the girl confirms mutual sympathy, liberating the guy and making him more confident.

Two different views8

Women's and men's concepts of what femininity is differ from each other.

Girls believe that the word “femininity” includes: a young face, a slender body, high breasts and long legs. Among the internal qualities they should have: pride, inaccessibility, arrogance, sexuality.

Men who have matured as individuals, and have long grown out of the age when a pretty young face was considered the standard of femininity, believe that a real woman should have: understanding, affection, sympathy, support, tenderness. With such a lady, a man feels confident, strong, and in demand. When a woman enjoys little things, a man tries to move mountains; when a girl is dissatisfied with a man’s presentation, a man wants to turn his own head. Or her neck.

Is being feminine an innate or acquired quality?

Femininity is a symbiosis of innate and acquired qualities. Every person has a genetically determined temperament. Phlegmatic, choleric, sanguine or melancholic. Who we will be is known even before we are born.

A person acquires character throughout his life through upbringing, the influence of teachers, and classmates. Femininity, being a combination of different character traits, cannot be completely innate. Not only the influence of others plays a role in the formation of a woman.

So, auto-training matters. This is the ability to find the best in yourself. Self-confidence, awareness of the feminine principle, acceptance of shortcomings is the first step towards achieving femininity. Before auto-training, take a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take a break from extraneous sounds. It is better if there is no one in the room at all.


  1. The first option for auto-training is visualization. Imagine peaceful pictures: the ocean, golden sand, quiet forest and birdsong. Once you have been able to relax, visualize the dream and yourself in it. Daily exercises will make a person purposeful, confident that the goal is closer than it seems.
  2. The second way is affirmations. These are short positive statements that give a boost of energy for the whole day, increase self-esteem and make a woman more confident in her abilities.

Examples of affirmations for every day:

  1. I'm happy to be a woman.
  2. I am the embodiment of the goddess Aphrodite.
  3. I radiate love, tenderness and lightness.
  4. My masculinity only appears in extreme cases when I tell him to.
  5. I am a loving and faithful wife.
  6. I am a wise and caring mother.
  7. The inner woman gives me attractiveness and charm.
  8. If I want, I allow myself to be sensual, sexy and open.
  9. I enjoy my body and accept it as it is.
  10. I love and deserve to be loved.

Before repeating affirmations, do a visualization exercise to help you relax.

Other short statements can be found on the Internet on social networks (VK, Facebook). There are many groups where women share their own affirmations.

Look for women!9

Oh, how men need real women! In those in whom femininity manifests itself to its fullest potential. For such ladies, they want to do great things, conquer the world and take the moon from heaven. In front of such women, men open the door, hand them a coat, and pull up a chair. Guys give roses to such girls and write poems.

Many ladies believe that femininity is present in each of them on its own. This is not entirely true. Femininity is given “training”; it is like a flower – it grows and fades.

Every willing girl, young or mature, beautiful or not, can revive the most real femininity in herself, which will not go unnoticed by others.


Men admire confident women. A well-known psychologist in the field of family relations, Yaroslav Samoilov, writes that a woman’s charm directly depends not only on her appearance, but also on how comfortable she feels. Agree that confidence is one of the qualities of a real man, according to women.

The inferiority complex that a lady has affects her appearance in a special way. In this case, even beauties seem unsexy, unpleasant and boring to men. The girl's faith in her own beauty captivates and delights.

Coach and psychologist Pavel Rakov clarifies that one should not confuse self-confidence with self-confidence. A woman’s self-confidence is based on real achievements and facts, while self-confidence is based on illusions. A lady who works on herself, enriches herself spiritually and engages in self-development can radiate genuine confidence.

Some statistics about femininity through the eyes of men

Femininity is a collective concept that includes a set of various qualities associated with the female gender. To understand what femininity is through the eyes of men, you need to add a touch of statistics to the story.

Sociologists conducted an interesting survey among male Internet users. Respondents were asked to describe femininity in one word. Only nouns were allowed to be named as signs.

Some of the respondents expressed difficulty in completing the task, since, according to them, it is very difficult to settle on one definition. As a result, the guys' answers were distributed as follows: appearance - 21, fragility - 14, kindness - 12, seductiveness - 10, voice - 8, softness - 6, mystery - 4, warmth - 3, intelligence - 2, understanding - 2, eyes - 1, manners 1.

  1. Appearance.

    In the debate about female beauty, many copies have been broken. When respondents were asked to clarify what attracted them most in a woman’s appearance, such qualities as cleanliness and grooming were far in the lead.

  2. Fragility.

    It is strange that this particular definition climbed to second place in the opinion poll ranking. Two conclusions can be drawn from this result. Firstly, being overweight doesn’t give anyone extra points. Secondly, you don’t need to go out of your way to show the strength of your character.


What qualities of a man does an Aries woman value? Compassion. However, this quality is valuable for both women and guys, and the zodiac sign also does not play a special role. Any girl should feel her soulmate and understand when a man needs advice or just support. The main thing is to always show the young man that he is not alone, they believe in him and love him. Naturally, the same is expected from guys.

You shouldn’t scold your life partner if he wants to try himself in something new. On the contrary, a woman is simply obliged to encourage a man in his endeavors. This must be done even when the girl herself is not sure of the success of the idea. There have been a huge number of cases in life when a man, inspired by the support of his beloved, achieved incredible success.

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