First kiss: how to give a hint to a guy and not get into an awkward situation

The first kiss takes the relationship between a guy and a girl to a completely new stage, from this moment a full-fledged love relationship begins.
But it happens that a guy is too timid and embarrassed to take the first step. What should a girl do if her lover doesn’t go for it, how can she hint a guy for a kiss and not “overdo it”? We'll talk about this in today's article. The first kiss is a step into adulthood in building personal relationships. The lips of lovers touch each other, mutual energy is created, and the whole world seems to dissolve when they touch. The amazing sweet feeling of the first kiss is never forgotten! Even after many decades.

As a rule, people prepare for this step for a long time. Sometimes they even rehearse, and there is nothing strange or shameful about this (remember yourself and your excitement before your first kiss). And then they replay it in their heads many times to enjoy the sensations they have already experienced. Sometimes, lovers who have passed together, hand in hand, remember this moment on their wedding anniversaries.

There is an opinion that a man should be the first to take the initiative. This is both true and false at the same time. Of course, on the one hand, the initiative “should always come from the guy.” At the beginning of a relationship, girls should strictly adhere to this rule. It is nature for a man to be a male and a conqueror. This is important for guys.

But if the situation has dragged on for too long. If the guy doesn’t take the first step, although, as it seems, he could already? Does this mean that “he doesn’t love me”? Of course not! He may simply be afraid of offending or scaring his companion.

But no one says that a girl is forbidden to casually hint that she is not against getting closer. This is a special feminine trick - to gently and carefully lead a man to the action that we so need =)

So, there are many ways to hint a guy about his first kiss. But first the preparation stage. It is not required, we are just reminding you.

Preliminary preparation

If the relationship is approaching the first kiss, it means you are already familiar enough, know each other well. This is, in principle, a priori. You should not take this step if you feel doubts or are not confident in your partner. Still, this is the first kiss, and I would like to remember it for many years to come, as one of the most pleasant moments in life.

So, in order to get maximum pleasure, you can prepare in advance.

  • apply beautiful makeup;
  • choose a chic outfit;
  • use the best perfume;
  • To be sure, you can freshen your breath.

Perhaps your amazing appearance will shock the guy and call for long-awaited action. Just remember!

Beautiful makeup is light and almost invisible; it should not dominate.

A chic outfit doesn't have to be vulgar. You shouldn't look approachable (a common mistake young girls make).

The best perfume shouldn't smell from you three kilometers away. A light, delicate train is important.

Perhaps your relationship is true love at first sight? This happens, why not. A situation is possible when both of you understand at first sight that this is a “fateful” meeting that can change your lives. And if you don’t kiss the guy here and now, a disaster will happen, and then you will greatly regret it.

Then go ahead! Leave the embarrassment, don’t miss the developing situation, show your charming abilities and kiss for good health! But such cases, in fact, do not happen often in life.

Choosing a meeting place

If you plan to push a young man to develop a relationship, the choice of place for a date plays a big role.

The best place for a first kiss is a cinema.

Choose a romantic comedy or any movie where there is a relationship between lovers. During the session, take the young man by the hand, lightly touch his shoulder or hair from time to time.

Before an important session, do not buy popcorn - bad breath and crumbs can greatly blur the first impression of a kiss.

It’s better to take candy or chewing gum with you - the pleasant smell and chocolate crumbs on the lips can make a young man naturally want to kiss you.

A walk in the park is a good way to plan your first kiss, especially in the fall. To warm up your cold hands, a young man can start by kissing your wrists, naturally moving to the lips.

A very bad place would be concerts, going to a theater or an exhibition - any place where there is light or a lot of strangers.

How to hint a guy for a kiss?

But let’s return to our hints, and still, let’s figure out how to hint to a shy and slow-witted chosen one for the first kiss. And continue the relationship at a new level.

Guys evaluate the situation based on the actions and behavior of their companion. You must behave tactfully, carefully hint at the desire to kiss him for the first time. This should manifest itself in many things:

  • your behavior
  • look,
  • touches.

And yet, no less important is to choose the right place and time. But let's take things in order.

The article is almost on topic: How to find your soulmate if you haven’t met one yet.


Get close to your boyfriend, look into his eyes, feel his breath. Look at his lips, gently touch his face with your palm, run along his neck, get a little closer to him.

Eye contact is important here. Of course, you don’t need to stare with all your eyes, otherwise he will get scared. A little languor in your eyes won't hurt. You can lower your gaze slightly timidly, and then look into the guy’s eyes again.

This situation is a great reason for a kiss. Maybe the guy has been dreaming of a kiss for a long time and is just waiting for the right moment like this.

Facial expressions

Science has proven that a person’s thoughts and desires can be “read” by his involuntary facial expressions. Let's hope that your lover is familiar with this and take advantage of the situation.

Look into his eyes, lightly bite your delicious lips. A little playfulness doesn't hurt. Complete all this with a gesture - put your index finger to your lips.

It is important to do this carefully, casually. The guy must “peck”, and he will most likely have a passionate desire to kiss these lips.


It all starts with touch. They are extremely important and should not be underestimated.

A girl in a conversation touches a young man’s hand, clothes, his hair - this indicates the manifestation of warm feelings (only, again, these should be touches by chance). As a rule, if the feelings are mutual and the young man really likes you, similar movements will follow from him. In this way, tactile contact of close mutual trust is established. This definitely brings two people closer together and ignites the spark of a new relationship.

Much depends on courage and the current situation. In a crowded place, hold a friendly handshake, and thus casually hint at your friend’s feelings. And when you are together, it’s worth taking a risk and touching the guy’s cheek or lips with your fingers. Showing tenderness will definitely not leave him indifferent.

Such actions will provoke reciprocal displays of affection, which, in turn, will lead to the first kiss.

Find an appropriate occasion

If there is no suitable environment, then create it yourself. The atmosphere should be conducive to privacy for an extended period of time. It doesn’t have to be some kind of intimate setting in some super romantic place. An example could be a trip to the cinema (last seats), or a romantic meeting in the park.

In such a place, you can use all of the above methods, and you will definitely get results. You can also push the guy to do the opposite by thanking him for something with a kiss on the cheek.

When breaking up or after dating, don’t rush to immediately run home and slam the door. When leaving, linger, make it clear that you do not want to leave. If possible, make eye contact. This will lead him to think that you really need him and, perhaps, will push him to take active action.


An excellent reason for a kiss would be a slow dance. The rhythm of slow music will immerse both of you in an amazing atmosphere.

Dance brings people together, not only in the physical sense. This is a great chance to express yourself and hint at a kiss. You must ignite in him the desire to kiss. And if he hasn’t done it yet, he’s definitely thought about it and is looking for another opportune moment.

By the way, after the dance you still have the chance to kiss the guy first, as a thank you.

Sometimes a guy needs time to understand everything and maybe prepare. After all, perhaps this kiss will also be his first. And he's worried too.

Be careful with manipulations

It is important to remember: manipulation never works in the long term. If you act coldly unavailable, he will simply (and quite naturally) decide that he is not interested in you.

If this activates him, it means that your chosen one is focused not on making a woman happy, but on taming the obstinate.

In general, any attempts to “squeeze” sympathy out of a person are doomed to failure: by clinging to pride, a sense of possessiveness and other lower emotions, you will be with him just until the time when he stops experiencing them. That is, until the moment when he conquers you.

The wall will be destroyed, rivals will be defeated, his ego will breathe a sigh of relief and will send you on your way as unnecessary.

Some tips

There are some things that guys absolutely don't like. For example, traces of makeup on your face and clothes. We will list some:

  • It is not advisable to wear bright makeup, it looks vulgar and can stain the guy;
  • be tactful, excessive display of “hints” can frighten a guy, it will result in hostility, do not hang on to him under any circumstances, this is inappropriate!;
  • don’t “pull the blanket over yourself”, let the guy think that the initiative comes from him, we have already talked about this;
  • feel the developing situation and be the mistress of it.

Each case is individual. If you urgently need to speed up the development of your relationship, you might want to take a risk and kiss the guy first.

Some men, by the way, say that the most memorable first kiss is the one in which the girl initiates. But this also needs to be done correctly so as not to be rejected:

  1. The first kiss should be timid, gentle, lasting a few seconds.
  2. Don't try to suck the guy down. You are not a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Then look at the reaction. If he didn’t say that it was unnecessary and didn’t run away, then he definitely wants to continue! The second time, after such and such a hint, your chosen one will kiss you independently and for real.

Method No. 1. Use the magical power of your eyes

  1. A girl's eyes are a powerful weapon. With the right approach, they will win the heart of even the most sophisticated young man. Sometimes a gaze is enough instead of a thousand words and hints.
  2. It is important to observe moderation in everything, otherwise the young man will consider you too intrusive and will be afraid. Avoid looking from under your brows, otherwise the guy will think that you are looking at him with contempt.
  3. What to do in such a situation? Find a suitable time when you will be alone with your gentleman. Strangers or friends should not interfere with an important moment.
  4. Talk to the boy, react to his jokes, smile sweetly and laugh. After a certain time, when mutual understanding and connection appear between you, sit in silence for a while, look at his lips.
  5. Then look up to your eyes, and then back to your lips. Keep it up. Perhaps the young man will not understand the hint right away. Be persistent, but not annoying.
  6. A good option would be to look from under lowered eyelashes during your conversation with him. Be flirtatious, but not provocative. Try to seem nice. The girl must be a mystery.

What if he doesn't understand hints?

Let's consider the situation that using the above methods you were unable to seduce a guy for the first kiss. What to do now? Should I give up my goal, or should I do something else to achieve it? And, most importantly, how not to get into an awkward situation...

  1. Observe his behavior. You can tell whether a guy likes you or not. And also, are you sure that he is single, maybe he has another girlfriend?
  2. Please be patient. Maybe the young man is thinking to what extent this step will be the right decision. Sometimes, too much haste can ruin everything.
  3. Be a little wiser and more cunning. Be gentle and don't rush him. While walking, make it clear that you are tired and cold. In response, he will want to warm you up and hug you. This could lead to a first kiss. No matter how the situation ends, leave a chance to continue. You will definitely achieve the desired result!


Try to give confidence to the young man that for you he is the most beautiful, the strongest, the best young man in the world. This will raise your self-esteem - and the guy will decide to kiss you.

How can you instill confidence in him through actions and words?

  • Ask him to help you - lift a heavy thing, help carry a bag, open a can or bottle. Thank him for his help, while emphasizing the masculinity, strength and irreplaceability of the young man.
  • Give compliments - praise his physical form, mention the beauty of his eyes or hair. If a guy comes on a date wearing a new shirt or sweater, be sure to note this by stroking the guy’s arm or shoulder through the fabric.

Variety of kisses

If you and the guy already know each other well enough, and you have a strong romantic relationship, you can try to diversify the first kiss (however, you can do this with any kiss, there’s definitely no harm). Transfer it from a gentle to a more intimate version. There are several options:

  • Sweet kiss, smear some berry on your lips. This will pleasantly surprise your fan and he will want to taste the taste.
  • Invite him to your place, put on a suitable film with similar scenes and offer to repeat them. He must like this.
  • Offer to play something if you wish. In any case, you will find out his wish or be able to make your own kiss.
  • Try flirting with him with your tongue - he should like it and want to continue.

In fact, there are a lot of options. But there are two taboos:

  1. try to avoid touching your teeth to his lips;
  2. and don't suck in the poor young man.

And smile. A smile makes a gloomy day brighter, it defuses any situation, people feel comfortable.


Kissing is considered the ideal way to express your feelings. With its help you can convey everything: love, sympathy, passion. It is very important that there is already a certain psychological closeness between a girl and a guy at such an important moment. Try not to do this on the first date. This behavior may turn a shy partner away from you. Of course, the ideal option would be a man’s initiative. But if for some reason he cannot overcome himself, and you see his desire - act without hesitation!

When is it worth taking the initiative?

There may be situations when only your initiative will save the situation and give impetus to the development of relationships .

Most often this happens when a guy or girl does not hope for your reciprocity.

Moreover, this state of affairs is not at all uncommon – for example, if the person you like knows that at the moment you are already in a relationship.

This is also possible if your partner is very timid .

However, if you look closely at the person, you can see that he wants the relationship between you to develop.

Recommendations and common mistakes

  1. Excess cosmetics. It is worth understanding that excess makeup can hinder a guy’s determination. He may not kiss you just because you have bright lipstick or a lot of gloss on your lips. Not every man likes the taste of cosmetics. In this case, when going to a meeting or date, you should give preference to a colorless balm. The product will make your lips soft with a pleasant aroma.
  2. Fresh breath. It is worth remembering that no matter how thoroughly we clean our mouth in the morning, everything disappears by lunchtime. No one enjoys kissing someone who has bad breath. In this case, it is recommended to resort to the help of lollipops or chewing gum. Take advantage of the treat before meeting the desired man.
  3. Assess compatibility. If you come to the conclusion that the guy is not decisive and all responsibility for the kiss falls on you, think about whether it is even worth starting a relationship with a timid man. It is worth understanding that his timid character is unlikely to change; the man will be like this all his life. In rare cases, there are exceptions, but you shouldn't hope for a miracle.

Every girl, wanting to hint a kiss to a guy, should use the tools at hand. Use your eyes, look at the young man’s lips more often, reduce the distance. Learn common mistakes and don't make them.

Method number 4. Shorten the distance

  1. You don't have to hint at a kiss. You can create a situation where the guy himself will understand what to do. Get so close to the boy that he has no choice but to kiss you.
  2. Another case - during the conversation, begin to quickly approach the young man. Get close to him so that your lips are 5 cm apart. Continue talking quietly.
  3. It doesn't matter what kind of situation you plan for. Before the main actions, make sure that the guy has a reciprocal sympathy for you. Otherwise, you will seem frivolous and vulgar to him.

Who should take the first step?

Ideally, young people should simultaneously make their desire to kiss each other come true .

But in real life, there are often situations when one of the partners waits for initiative or hints of a kiss from the other, although he himself has long been ready for this step.

As a result, the situation with the first kiss can develop into anticipation , which will make both people who like each other nervous. Why is this happening?

  • Why doesn't the girl kiss you first? The initiative for the first kiss lies with the guy - a girl who is convinced of this will expect this act from her boyfriend,
  • why doesn't the guy kiss you first? Most often the reason for this is the timidity of the young man. But perhaps the guy does not see the girl’s readiness to respond to the first kiss.

Kiss, is it cheating or not? Find out the answer right now.

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