What are the feelings? How can you feel about the guy you love?

List of basic human feelings

The very first person who decided to describe the five basic senses of man was Aristotle. It was this outstanding scientist who was able to give his own definition to this, even despite the fact that he repeatedly got into trouble, arguing that people think with their hearts, and bees should thank decaying bull carcasses for their appearance in the world. But this time he hit the mark. Therefore, below is a list through which you can familiarize yourself with what feelings are. This is the generally accepted opinion, including Aristotle.

  1. Vision - we see everything that happens around us, each experiencing what we see in our own way.
  2. Taste - we can determine the taste qualities not only of products, but also of who dresses and how, etc.
  3. Hearing - when we hear any sound or saying, we can be happy, angry, panic, etc.
  4. Touch is the sensation of touching something.
  5. The sense of smell is a response to the perception of various kinds of odors.
  6. Thermoception is the sensation of warmth or lack thereof by the surface of the skin.
  7. Equibrioception is the control of balance determined by the fluid cavities of our inner ear.
  8. Nociception is pain sensations in the skin, joints and other organs of our body. For some strange reason, this category does not include the brain. This is most likely due to the fact that it lacks pain-sensing receptors. The brain is not the cause of headaches, as some people think.
  9. Proprioception is the sense of your own body. For example, with our eyes closed, we can clearly determine the location of our body parts by simply waving our hand in the air. In any case, a person will know where his palm is currently located in relation to other parts of the body.

How can you feel for a friend?

What are your feelings towards a friend? It happens that a person does not even suspect the existence of friendship, but he is drawn to someone, he is overwhelmed with feelings, and begins to fantasize:

  1. I am drawn to this man in a brotherly way.
  2. We just have a normal relationship.
  3. We are just work colleagues.
  4. I am interested in spending time with this person, etc.

At the same time, anxiety is felt, on a subconscious level, anxiety, guilt. These doubts can completely ruin relationships. It becomes especially uncomfortable when this friendship is mistakenly perceived as love. In this case, friends may think about further developing the relationship, even sexual, or simply break up.

But in any case, the feeling of a friend’s elbow in many cases instills confidence that you are not alone, you feel the support of a friend. This means that in return he can receive the same friendly devotion.


Often tenderness is what you can feel for a girl. This concept is incredibly difficult to explain in words, but most people describe it as the joyful pleasure, bliss and ecstasy of having a representative of the fair sex in life. Tenderness is almost always equated with love and affection. Sometimes defined as an expression of the ability to care for an important person.

Tenderness is often understood as a true feeling of love in the absence of attraction and passion, not aggravated by sex. If we consider this concept as a property of materials - softness, velvety, then it can also be applied to people. As a rule, a person who feels tenderness towards someone becomes vulnerable, vulnerable, more sensitive and flexible.

What are the feelings for a girl?

What could be simpler than telling her that you love her. This phrase is considered the most correct when expressing one’s feelings, while simultaneously showing how strong they are. But there are other ways of such recognition. Here are the feelings for a girl, and how they can be expressed in words:

  1. I'm so lucky to have met you!
  2. I really like your gentle hands.
  3. I adore your flexible nature, etc.

These various statements express love for precisely those features of the partner that cause certain feelings of euphoria. It's always nice for your partner to hear how important he is to you. You should definitely tell your girl how much positivity she brings to your life cycle. By this you show how valuable, loved and necessary she is to you.

How do you feel about the guy?

What are your feelings for a guy? This can be called ordinary infatuation, when such sympathy, and possibly interest, is shown towards him. And when people stay together for a long period of time, but without love for each other, and do not imagine themselves apart, then this is called deep affection.

But the strongest feeling is love for a guy, which not everyone can experience. According to some sources, today over 90% of people living together do not feel love for a guy.

Mutual love, as such, practically does not exist between modern people and young people. It is because of this that there are a large number of failed marriages that fall apart in just a couple of years, and then children, if any, suffer.

How can you feel for a man?

Now let's try to figure out what feelings there are for a man, especially if he is loved.

  1. Melancholy
    is a very complex mental state, because of which the day can go down the drain, all thoughts are only about him, and you even lose sleep. You can feel sad for various reasons, for example, because of a quarrel or when he is not around. Because of melancholy, you become indifferent to everything that surrounds you, and you are overcome by a feeling of sadness, loneliness and grief.
  2. Joy
    is the most beautiful experience you can experience when you see your beloved man. You rejoice at every small detail that happens in your life.
  3. Concern
    will come when you are not indifferent to what is happening to him there. You begin to worry about his health, state of mind, etc.
  4. Trust
    is nothing more than a solid foundation for a strong relationship. It is a very fragile feeling that can be lost in a matter of seconds. It may not be so easy to earn it.
  5. Jealousy
    is the reason why people who love each other break up. After all, every person has this feeling to varying degrees. It is necessary to wage an irreconcilable struggle with it, otherwise it will interfere with a full life. But a little jealousy is not good for a more piquant relationship.

A pity

Pity is a type of emotion that you can feel for a girl. Typically, you may feel bad because the other person's situation is less fortunate than yours.

Pity sometimes leads to the development of unhealthy relationships because he or she simply wanted to help out of altruism and virtue. Often this feeling prevents a couple from separating because one of them believes that his ex-partner will not be able to survive the breakup.

The range of feelings that a guy can experience for a girl is incredibly huge. This includes:

  • security (fear of loneliness, sense of belonging);
  • guilt (for example, for having a child out of wedlock);
  • excitement (before the unknown - new feelings, emotions);
  • envy (she has something you don’t have);
  • curiosity (gaining new experiences);
  • disgust (this girl may be unpleasant to you for a number of reasons).

But in addition to these feelings, a guy may encounter sadness, depression, shame, despondency, and respect. As a rule, one person experiences a wide range of emotions, and not just one, that is, pity can be accompanied by love, and lust with curiosity.

What are the senses of humor?

Try asking anyone you meet if he has a good sense of humor, in most cases the answer will be positive, which will be difficult to refute. The whole point of the question is that the ability to joke and the receptiveness of jokes is individual for each person. This is precisely the reason that one and the same joke will seem worthless, while another will find it simply excellent, and everyone here will be right in their own way.

Let's take a look at Sigmund Freud's famous quote: “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but a joke is not always just a joke.” It is this expression that gives the answer to the question “What are the types of feelings of humor?”, because they are divided into different types and have a strong connection with a person’s personality.

In 2003, psychologist and researcher Rod Martin conducted a questionnaire survey with which he was able to identify up to four types of senses of humor:

  1. Affiliative type.
  2. Self-destructive type.
  3. Optimistic type.
  4. Aggressive type.


Lust is not just sexual desire, but this is exactly how a guy feels about a girl. In the usual understanding of the word, lust is something nasty and bad. Lust is equated with sin, which causes, especially among teenagers, a feeling of shame. This is due to the fact that most children are raised in conservative Christian homes. But sex, lust and lust cannot be evil, because even the Almighty approves of intercourse in marriage, but does not support thoughtless relationships.

Lust can be described as follows: it is an intense or uncontrollable sexual craving, an irresistible desire. Lust is often motivated by selfishness rather than love.

About feelings between a man and a woman

It is not difficult to say what feelings there are between a man and a woman, for example, love. But sometimes it is questioned, since someone else may appear between them.

Or maybe just friendship, but this is more often the case when a woman looks like a man, and they cannot like each other. But this barrier can sometimes be removed by the amount of alcohol you drink.

Sometimes in a relationship everything is confusing to such an extent that it’s not easy to figure it out on your own. It can be just love or just dislike, and this does not interfere with living together. In the process of this, there may be an accumulation of aggressive emotions characteristic of this pair of people who at a certain period of time were in love with each other, and then, by some chance, the feelings faded away, leaving only the bitterness of memories.

In most cases, when you ask a woman what caused her unsuccessful marriage, you will always hear the same statements:

  1. Why did I have to marry him?
  2. I killed the best years of my life, etc.

But when a man is a true gentleman, he will try to assure her that these were some of the best years of their life together.

How does a loving man behave?

Finding out how men fall in love is not so difficult; it’s enough to understand that they think and act differently from girls.

Sometimes guys can seem selfish by courting and then suddenly disappearing, losing interest, when the woman is already in love.

It is important to understand that this is how men think, and try not to show your feelings right away, take off your rose-colored glasses and not idealize a person, giving him the opportunity to win your heart and show all his best qualities.


What are the feelings for a painting?

It is human nature not only to perceive the environment, but also to influence it. All the phenomena occurring around us and the objects located attract our attention with an individual attitude.

So what feelings does a person have when performing certain actions? For example, when communicating with friends, reading a book, listening to a piece of music... The answer is obvious: at this time a person can be happy or sad, inspired or upset. The expression of feelings towards painting occurs in the same way.

How do you feel when you love

Try to close your eyes for a moment and imagine that your loved one has no place in your life. Well, will you feel its lack? By the way, this is a serious question. Love has many obstacles, but will the absence of your loved one cause you anxiety?

God forbid your loved one gets sick, will you be by his side? Psychologists consider this issue vitally important. It’s not for nothing that when getting married they make a promise to be there not only in health, but also in illness. None of us are immune from health problems, and they arise precisely when you least expect them. In this case, is your half capable of staying with you for the rest of your life?

How do you feel when bad things are said about your loved one, even if you have quarreled with him? When you show anger towards a person, it is at this moment that real feelings for him are expressed. Do you feel offended by malicious words addressed to your loved one? If you have true love for him, then even if you are offended by him, you will defend him from the attacks of others. This is what it feels like when you truly love.

Language of the body

At this point there are only two options.

First: a woman will resort to various methods of preening just to please a young man. She can straighten her hair, paint her lips or powder her nose in front of a handsome young man.

Second: a lady may unconsciously demonstrate that she is too nervous. For example, her voice may tremble, and the woman herself looks a little worried. If a man meets such a woman on his way, then we can safely say that she likes him.

What are the feelings? How can you feel about the guy you love?

What it means to love and what feelings we have for a loved one are questions that interest everyone. The answers are striking in their diversity. One thing is clear, the feelings experienced for a loved one can be completely different, from the most pleasant and tender to the most terrible and destructive.

The desire to care, protect and give all of oneself is not love as such or feelings, it is rather a consequence of love.

Let's figure out what feelings you may have for your loved one.

Yearning. This is a very difficult mental state. Melancholy - when you spend the day flying by, you think about him and cannot fall asleep until he wishes you pleasant dreams. Melancholy is when you quarreled, and you want to howl because of it. That he is terribly missed.

While experiencing a feeling of melancholy, you may also feel indifference to the world around you, loneliness, grief and sadness,

Joy. A very wonderful feeling that you can have for your loved one.

You rejoice at every little thing that happens in your destiny. In the morning you woke up and the first thing you saw was how sweetly he smiled in his sleep. Isn't this a reason for joy?

Anxiety. When you care what happens to him. You worry about his health and mental state. After all, you love him and wish him only the best.

Confidence. The foundation of a strong and reliable relationship for every couple. Trust is a very fragile feeling that can be lost in one second. And sometimes it can be very difficult to earn it. But loving hearts are able to cope with any difficulty.

Jealousy is the reason for the breakup of loving couples. But this feeling is inherent in every person in different quantities. It is necessary to fight it when emotions and feelings of jealousy literally prevent you from living to the fullest. And a very small drop of jealousy can only make a relationship more piquant.

In fact, the list of feelings experienced for a loved one is huge. It will be very difficult to list it in one article. Moreover, each person has his own special ability to feel. Each of us has our own limit of feelings and emotions.

When you love, you can simultaneously feel: love and hate, joy and anger, euphoria and melancholy, sadness and disappointment, gratitude, lightness, trust, or vice versa, Jealousy and fear of losing a loved one, peace or suspicion.

As you can see, the list is varied, although not all feelings are represented. Many people can live their entire lives and, for example, never experience feelings of jealousy or disappointment in a loved one.

It can be argued that there are feelings experienced for a loved one about which we still know nothing, since no one has had to experience it.

It is also very difficult to describe feelings. Using a sea of ​​words to express this or that feeling is stupid. The best way to communicate your feelings is to simply name it at the exact moment you feel it.

How to understand if you have feelings: expert advice

Very often questions arise such as how to understand whether there are feelings between you and a person. Someone is talking about a girl, someone is talking about a guy or a man. In any case, certain knowledge is needed to accurately answer the question of whether there are any feelings between you and what they can lead to.

The first question to be considered is how to understand that a man has feelings for a woman. Everything is extremely simple and clear. There may be several options for what feelings can be:

  • Feelings of love when a man really wants to be with you. They appear when people talk about you in any company. If a man glows and shines with joy when talking about you, he is probably not indifferent to you. And not only during a conversation, but at the moment of meeting a girl or woman he likes, a man will behave in a special way. His attention and care will belong only to her and no one else.
  • Feelings of simple desire. This is when a man only wants sexual relations from you. The variant is not some exception or embodiment of that rare case. Very often, men strive to be with a girl for only one thing. All this can be seen in relation to the fair sex. When a man pays attention to her at certain moments that are favorable to him, this clearly indicates the absence of any feelings.

Only two such options are considered. It is important to understand in time whether a man wants to be with you and whether he loves you. If this is the case, you can safely go on the offensive and strive for reunification.

Ex-person's feelings

Someone said that there are no former people for a person. Everyone came into life for a reason, but with the goal of teaching some lesson and giving something. Perhaps we are talking about life advice or something else.

The first question is how to understand the feelings of your ex? Why might it occur? Sometimes, even after breaking up, a person cannot forget someone, or rather his soulmate. That is why he is interested in whether it is possible that they will be able to reunite again. For example, if we talk about a girl and a guy, a representative of the fair sex may wonder if the guy loves her?

  • The first point that will allow you to find out if there are any feelings is communication. If a guy stops communicating with you, most likely he simply doesn’t need you anymore. Although in some cases things may be a little different. In order to be completely sure of everything, write or call the guy and arrange a meeting.
  • Now the second point, you cannot reach it without passing the first stage. In short, when you meet, pay attention to how the guy looks at you. Here you will answer the question of how to understand if your ex-boyfriend has feelings.
  • The third point is behavior. If he began to worry when he met you, it means that he is not indifferent to you. However, if the guy turned out to be cold-blooded and nothing happened to him, most likely there are no feelings.

A little advice will help you answer the question of how to understand whether your ex-boyfriend or man still has feelings. There is nothing complicated, it is only important to be more attentive and observant. Then you can easily determine whether there is an opportunity to renew a relationship with one or another male representative.

Ex-girlfriend: do you still have feelings?

Another popular question is how to understand the feelings of an ex-girlfriend. This is not so easy to do; sometimes these female representatives can turn out to be insidious and very mysterious.

In general, the main idea is that in order to understand a girl’s feelings, you need to meet her and talk somewhere.

You will immediately see whether she has any feelings for you or whether the meeting has become an event for her that only takes up time and energy.

Think quickly and if you understand that there are no feelings, you can simply forget about your girlfriend. If it turns out that she still loves you, there is a chance to restore everything to its previous state:

  1. Invite your loved one to some interesting place. It could be a theater or cinema, a restaurant or a cafe. In short, create a cozy atmosphere in which you can somehow get closer to each other.
  2. Give a nice gift. When you have already figured out the question of how to understand whether a girl has feelings, you can freely go on the attack and begin to win her heart. A small gift in the form of perfume or some jewelry will be a great solution. This way you will show your attentiveness and make some gesture of attention. A girl or woman will not remain indifferent to such a gesture and will definitely reciprocate your feelings.
  3. Start a conversation and start talking about the future. You definitely need to discuss this, because this is the only way to build a happy and strong family.

If you look at it, you can see that there is nothing complicated. The main thing is to show desire and persistently pursue your goal. Then you will definitely be together with your soulmate.

But if we consider the question of how to understand that a guy has feelings, everything is much simpler. Someone who really loves you very much will, at a minimum, show an insane desire to just see, hear and feel you. By the way, the touch of a guy in love will also be special. He will always be gentle and sensitive, you will definitely notice this.

What are the feelings? How can you feel about the guy you love?


is he overwhelmed by sexual desire, is that the only reason he wants to get him into bed or does he really love? To find out the truth of a man’s feelings if he lures her into bed, first of all, a woman needs to understand her feelings.

There are three main motivations to explain why women

agree to have an intimate relationship with a man: - she is in love and cannot refuse; - she is afraid of offending him with a refusal and losing him; - She herself wants sex.

The union of a man and a woman, when the man only wants sex, and the woman is overwhelmed with love for him and craves the same from him, as a rule, is short-lived. Women

attach great importance to the emotional side of intimate relationships, and for men the physiological aspect of these relationships is important. For a woman, consent to sex is an expression of her love for her beloved. She often explains her consent this way: if he is so gentle with me and wants me, it means that, just like me, he has true feelings of love for me. By kissing, hugging and caressing her beloved, she expresses the depth of her feelings for him. A man is consumed only by sexual desire, he skillfully pretends and speaks beautifully about love. In bed, a man can be attentive and gentle, but feel only passion for a woman. Often, even those women who did not have strong feelings for a man before starting an intimate relationship fall deeply in love with him after sex, mistaking his passionate kisses and affection for love.

Close relationships between a man and a woman, when the man is possessed by the usual desire for sex, and the woman agrees, fearing to offend him by refusal, are also quite common. It is important for women to understand that you cannot tie a man to you only by making love to him in bed. A man can highly appreciate a woman if she is relaxed in bed and a sophisticated lover who gives him great pleasure in bed. But if a woman has no other merits, just being a great lover is not enough for a serious relationship. In bed, he can shower a woman with the most tender words, even fantasize about future wonderful relationships, weddings and children. But as the man receives pleasure, his passion passes, and he very quickly forgets about his promises. In this case, it is useless for women to remind him that on a hot night he dreamed of starting a family. If a man is not in the mood for a serious relationship, then intimate relationships alone cannot be the reason for the manifestation of deep feelings in a man.

Talking about love during intercourse

, in fact, the man thinks so. He simply cannot control himself during passion and it really seems to him that he loves and adores this woman. After sex, a man’s emotions change, he thinks differently. To avoid disappointment and resentment, women need to draw a clear line between sex and love. There is no need to get carried away with romance during sex and believe the words of a man during sexual intercourse. We must never forget that a man equates sex and love only to influence women, but they themselves do not think so.

If you have doubts about the truth of a man’s feelings

, with whom you have been engaged in intimate relationships for a long time, this does not mean at all that this is the end of the relationship.
You just need to take a sober look at yourself and your partner
. Stop now, overcome your fear of losing him and think about the future. If a man only wanted pleasure from you, do not cling to him. Let this be a lesson to you, in the future, start and continue intimate relationships only with someone who truly loves you and can make you happy. Immediately at the beginning of a relationship, you need to understand the man’s feelings towards you, by his attitude and behavior towards you. It is worth doubting his feelings if a man is secretive and does not like to introduce you to his past life, does not show feelings of jealousy, is not interested in your problems, and does not introduce you to friends and relatives. But during dates, he showers you with compliments, gives you gifts and confesses his strong love.

If you want to be happy, then you need to build a relationship only with the man who truly loves you.


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How does love feel?

Each person is individual, and therefore love is felt completely differently, depending on character, upbringing, temperament and psycho-emotional characteristics. This is why the concept of love is so multifaceted and has different interpretations, as well as forms. So, for some, love means unconditional trust and stability, and for some it means spiritual closeness and spontaneity. Nevertheless, in psychology there are dominant signs by which you can accurately understand that you really love a person.

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False signs

Sometimes people become so immersed in a new romance that they completely forget about their own individuality and literally completely penetrate the shell of their partner. To prevent this from happening, it is important to take a closer look at your own behavior and carefully analyze it. The following factors may indicate an unhealthy relationship, as well as a lack of true love:

  1. The best thing that happened to you all day or your whole life was meeting your partner. When your significant other becomes your only outlet, it’s time to sound the alarm and pull yourself together. Experts note that love and relationships are just a pleasant bonus, and not the center of the Universe.
  2. Excessive fixation on the chosen one. Of course, in order to build a strong and full-fledged union, sooner or later each of the partners will have to sacrifice something, make compromises and concessions. However, if at the same time you destroy yourself, give yourself completely and without reserve, this speaks of pathological attachment, not true love.
  3. Self-deprecation. Some people are ready to endure humiliation, if only the object of their desire is nearby and does not leave them. Unfortunately, such relationships do not have any development and future, as well as true love.
  4. Too strong emotions. An unhealthy relationship can also be indicated by hypertrophied feelings, due to which a person cannot sleep properly, eat properly and lead a normal lifestyle.
  5. Constant fantasies. Thinking about the future is good, but it should not become a fanatical idea and outweigh today's reality. If you devote every free second to thinking about your partner, endowing him with non-existent traits and figuratively playing out certain situations, you can become a real hostage to your own emotions.
  6. Concentration on appearance. Of course, all people pay attention to a person’s appearance, as well as the style of his clothing. However, over the years, this factor becomes less important and fades into the background, giving way to more important things.

If you notice at least one of the above manifestations, then most likely your relationship has no future, since it is not built on love, but on other, weaker and changeable feelings.

Asya Rakhovich

Psychologist with more than 8 years of experience. Consultant on interpersonal and marital relationships, self-discovery.

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Signs of true love

Real, sincere love is manifested in actions and deeds, and not in lofty speeches. However, not all people are able to notice such minor details and interpret them correctly. Most of all, absolute selflessness indicates true love. In the modern world, almost every person is puzzled by the financial side of life, the search for their own benefit and material supplies. Unfortunately, today money has become not only a source of benefits, but also the main manipulative tool with which you can achieve the desired goal in the shortest possible time.

If you notice that you expect exclusively financial support, expensive gifts and signs of attention from your companion, then there can be no talk of any love. A truly in love and loving person is ready to sacrifice all resources without expecting anything in return.

An important indicator of love is the natural human attraction inherent in nature.

Some relationship experts note that between ideal partners, not only sexual, but also platonic attraction arises. In this case, partners constantly want to feel each other both emotionally and physically, to see, hear and maintain this connection. It should be noted that love and attraction are closely interconnected, since it is intimacy and satisfaction of one’s own needs that allows one to maintain that same spark for many years.

Most long-term unions, as well as high, mature feelings, are based on unconditional acceptance of your soulmate. If, having entered into a relationship, you intend to “undermine” your partner, change him, impose your own foundations and rules, there is direct selfishness in you, which is excluded when love exists.

Other signs of love:

  1. Confidence. Trust is one of the main manifestations of deep and serious intentions. In any union, it is important not to be afraid to open your own heart and soul to another person, to let him into your inner world, to share both joy and sadness.
  2. Consistency. True love cannot be influenced by any external factors. A person who is truly in love and enchanted will never listen to the conversations of loved ones and friends, empty gossip and discussions. On the contrary, he will protect his chosen one with all his might, emphasizing his inherent positive qualities and characteristics.
  3. Care. The desire to care for another person is an important indicator of sincere love. The main thing is to be aware of your own partner’s need for attention and not go beyond the permitted limits.

In addition, love and readiness for a serious relationship are indicated by: the ability to put the interests of a loved one above your own, the desire to improve and become better together, and the willingness to help.

Can a woman truly love two men?





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