Types of parental relationships, styles of family education and their impact on the child’s personality

Family relationships cover the relationships of all participants in a previously established small social group, united by a common life and interests. Love, family, relationships between relatives, what could be more significant in life?! However, relationships in married couples are often quite unfavorable. To create strong family ties and lasting relationships, a comfortable microclimate, it is necessary for all members of the established group to move in the same direction.

Often, problematic aspects and conflict situations that arise in the relationships of marriage partners appear as a result of the inability to form a healthy connection, due to the fact that no one has previously taught them how to competently build healthy relationships, get out of conflicts, and interact correctly. Also, the moral climate and psychological atmosphere in family relationships, the family’s social activity and structure depend not so much on the spouses themselves and general patterns, but on the specific circumstances that influenced the origin of the family and its further functioning.

Family and family relationships

Among the circumstances that influence the life of the family and favorable relations in it between its members, the level of education of the spouses and the degree of their culture, financial situation, instilled traditions and life guidelines, place of residence, social status, and moral beliefs influence. The family’s desire for unity and consolidation, for constructive resolution of conflict situations, and movement in one direction depends on all of the above factors, thereby determining the specifics of family relationships.

Families can be, depending on the number of members, large or small. Today, in modern society, a small rather than a large family is considered the norm, although not in all countries. A small family usually consists of spouses and one or maximum two children. The core of every family is the spouses and their children. Often their parents also live with them. Each participant in family relationships is in stable interaction with each other and plays a specific role in the family, worrying about meeting the interests of society, the needs of each member individually or the family as a whole. The personal qualitative characteristics of the spouses and the specifics of their relationships determine the appearance of the family and the direction of implementation of its inherent functions.

Communicative interaction ensures the coherence and purposefulness of the partners’ efforts in order to achieve priorities that are important for the family, satisfying the individual needs of the subjects for spiritual closeness with their loved one. In the process of communicative interaction, partners exchange intimate and important information only for them, while empathizing with each other, which leads to a better understanding of each other, enrichment intellectually and spiritually. Intimate communication between partners is inextricably linked with the spiritual.

A family is considered a socio-economic entity within which a common life and budget are conducted, the acquisition or production and consumption of various types of goods and services occurs. For example, satisfying the need for clothing. This function of the family is called economic. Its implementation is the task, first of all, of the spouses. And deep mastery of professional knowledge and skills by spouses will allow this function to be fully realized.

Another key function of a social unit is the organization of cultural leisure. A typical feature of leisure is considered to be a special atmosphere of warmth and emotionality, allowing the individual to fully open up and be sincere.

The educational function of the family institution is also of no small importance. After all, children are born and then raised in it.

The listed functions performed by the family are extremely important and irreplaceable. A social group organized into a family must show equal care for all its members - both older and younger.

There is also a distinction between the representative function of the family, which means actions in the interests and on behalf of the family when contacting friends, neighbors, and various public institutions.

A marriage union will function better only in cases of extensive interaction between spouses.

The composition of functions in a particular family can be diverse. It depends on the degree of formation and level of development of the family, the circumstances of its existence. Failure to perform certain functions by the family may not affect the strength of the union only if both spouses have lost interest in a particular type of activity. If only one of the partners has lost interest, and the desire of the second for joint activities in some area of ​​family functioning does not find the necessary response, a constant source of conflict will appear.

Families, like family relationships, can be diverse and depend on many different factors. Below are the types of families and family relationships that are observed in society today.

The most democratic type of family relationships is considered to be a partnership way of building relationships. In such a family, relationships are built on trust, equality and constructive communication. In a partner family, it doesn’t matter who earns more, the budget will still be shared. Problems and conflict situations are resolved through discussion and joint search for optimal ways to resolve the situation. The main difference between such a family is a joyful atmosphere and a healthy environment in the family.

The next, no less common type of relationship in marriage is the patriarchal type, in which the wife and children obey the man (husband). The husband is the head of the family. He is fully responsible for the group members and makes all decisions independently. The role of a woman in such a family comes down to either running the home and raising a child, or working, but in combination with running a household and caring for a child. The typology of family relations also contains a category called the traditional family, which is characterized by maintaining close ties with relatives up to the “seventh generation” and subordination to the elders in the family. The foundation of a traditional family is the inviolable laws of strong relationships, responsibility and nepotism. In such families, most often, partners enter into marriage only once. Traditional families do not accept divorce. The advantage of creating just such a family is mutual understanding and a clear delineation of responsibilities between all members of the group.

The matriarchal type of family relationships is also quite common today. In this type of relationship, either the woman earns more than the man, as a result of which she influences him, or she is an activist who loves to independently take care of children, the budget, repairs, and any other family problems, i.e. everything that has time. Often a man allows his wife to dominate the family due to his own natural laziness, unwillingness or inability to resolve domestic problems. There are also families in which the wife fully provides for the family, so the man takes on the responsibilities of a housewife.

Today we can distinguish another type of family relationship, which is new to society - the modern family. This type of relationship originated in the second half of the 19th century in European countries and spread throughout the world within a hundred years. It is characterized by the prevalence of individual desires over general desires in relationships. In such families, personal life becomes more important and significant than the intrafamily life. In a modern family, the interests of partners can be completely different, and the intimate aspect of marriage prevails over others. Children in such family unions become objects of excessive affection from their parents. The desperate desire of spouses in modern families to give their own children everything is a negative feature of such relationships. After all, this prevents children from improving themselves; it is not easy for them to get on their feet, since they are freed by their parents from the need to get something with their own labor, and are protected from any difficulties.

There can be all sorts of types of families and family relationships, but each individual marriage has its own positive aspects and negative features.

An example of a description of the psychological climate

The main characteristics of the family also include the psychological climate. An example of filling out this column is as follows:

  • No disagreements were found in the assessment and interpretation of basic values.
  • The roles are clearly distributed. No one has any dissatisfaction or protest about the current state of affairs.
  • Family members do not show deviations from standard behavioral patterns.
  • There is no tendency to conflict or nervousness in relationships.
  • Family members feel some dissatisfaction with their social status. However, this does not affect relationships and psychological climate.
  • The process of resolving pressing or fundamental issues occurs collectively through a family council.

Attitude towards family and parents

The characteristics of family relationships are determined by several factors that determine the quality of relationships between relatives. Such factors include: adaptation of spouses, their dependence on parents, the type of family rituals and the nature of family rituals, dependence on the spouse’s relatives, behavior in resolving conflicts with relatives on one side or the other, interpersonal models of establishing connections.

There is a close relationship that unites adaptation of spouses and adaptation to relatives on one side or the other. Some people are satisfied that they have excluded new relatives from their own family life or have isolated themselves from them, while others will do everything possible to strengthen ties with new relatives and build interdependent relationships. The effective level of interaction may also be different for a couple at different stages of family life.

Unfortunately, it often happens that the attitude towards the baby in the family overshadows all feelings towards the parents. But before, for every individual in childhood, parents played the most important role. They were the most dear, dear and beloved people. But as one enters adulthood, especially after the birth of children, close relationships with parents are lost. Although this does not mean that parents have become less close to their older children or that they have begun to love them less, but with each meeting there is less and less time to spend together, and endless problems, constant conflicts and misunderstandings can only aggravate the situation.

It is not easy to build good relationships in a family. After all, children and parents have different views, beliefs, preferences and tastes. Due to various little things, conflicts and misunderstandings arise.

In order for the relationship with your parents to remain the same, you need to try to understand what has gone wrong, what has changed. You should try to please your parents more often, give them gifts, albeit small ones, and not only on major holidays. After all, in childhood, parents spoiled their children with gifts not only on holidays, but for some reason when children grow up, they forget about all the joyful moments that their parents gave them, move away from them, and do not take into account their opinions.

Good family relationships with parents will not be possible without communication. You need to talk to your parents without sparing your time. If adult “children” are annoyed by constant parental reproaches and unnerved by advice, then you should simply ask them about the details of life at the age at which their grown-up children are now. All people make mistakes, and all parents strive to protect their children, regardless of their age, from any mistakes. Therefore, one should not neglect the advice of parents or judge them harshly. It is necessary to give parents the opportunity to take care of their grown-up children.

A completed profile of a student’s family from the class teacher


for the family of a student of Secondary School No. 471, St. Petersburg, Vasily Mikhailovich Preobrazhensky, born July 15, 2012.

Composition: complete family.

Father - Alexey Yuryevich Preobrazhensky, born in 1977, higher education, place of work - Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

Mother - Preobrazhenskaya Lyudmila Sergeevna, born in 1979, secondary specialized education, place of work - restaurant "Balkan".

Residence address: St. Petersburg, Zhukovskogo street, 29.

The family lives in a three-room apartment; parents and Vasily have their own rooms. The work space is organized, the apartment is equipped with the latest household appliances and all amenities.

The child is raised in a trusting and caring relationship. Parents monitor Vasily’s behavior and progress and monitor his homework. Also, Vasily attends the tennis section and takes additional classes in French.

At school, Vasily communicates with all his classmates, and in some situations shows leadership qualities. He was not seen in conflicts with other children.

Alexey Yurievich and Lyudmila Sergeevna participate in the life of the class and school. Regularly attend parent meetings and school events. Provide timely feedback to teachers regarding comments and requests.

The Preobrazhensky family expresses itself only from the good side, there are no comments or wishes.

Social relations in the family

The family is considered the most complex social formation today. It is based on the integral family-wide interaction of a community of individuals who are connected by marriage and carry out the reproduction of offspring, the succession of family generations, and the socialization of children.

The family is both a social institution and a small group. A relatively unchanging type or stable form of social practice, through which social life is created and organized, guarantees the stability of relationships and relationships within the boundaries of the social formation of society, is called a social institution. In sociology, a small group means a small social group of individuals, whose members are united by joint activities and establish personal communications with each other. This is the foundation on which emotional relationships in the family arise, the basis for the formation of special group guidelines, values, rules and norms of behavior.

The family as a social institution is aimed at satisfying the most important human need for reproduction. And as a small group, it is the foundation on which the formation of personality occurs and plays a significant role in personal development and socialization. The family, as a small social collective, is a kind of conductor of the rules of behavior, values, moral and spiritual norms that dominate society.

The following types of family ties should be distinguished, depending on the characteristic features of marriage, the characteristics of parental roles and kinship: monogamous and polygamous marriages, patrilineal and matrilineal unions, patriarchal and matriarchal marriages, homogeneous and heterogeneous marriages.

Monogamous marital ties are a marriage between two people: a female representative and a representative of the stronger half of humanity. A polygamous marriage is a marital union of one man with several spouses or one woman with several men. In patrilineal marriages, inheritance of social status, property, and surname occurs through the paternal line, and in matrilineal families, through the mother. In patriarchal marriages, the head of the family is the husband, and in matriarchal families, the wife is considered the highest authority. In homogeneous marriages, the spouses are natives of the same social group, and in a heterogeneous family union, the husband and wife come from different social classes, castes, groups, classes.

Today, the most common in today's urbanized cities are the so-called nuclear marriages, in which a family consists of parents and children, in other words, two generations.

Social relations in a family union are divided into formal relations, i.e. conventional and informal relationships, i.e. interpersonal.

Stable social relationships, connections between family members, close relatives, other relatives, and friends have a positive, sustainable effect on mental state and health.

Advice for singles

Before starting a family, you must understand for yourself what family means to you and what role you want to occupy in it. Accordingly, talk about this with your partner.

Often no one thinks about it because you are overwhelmed with feelings. But then you have to face reality.

I know that the older generation is against cohabitation before marriage. They consider it promiscuity. Although many young people are in favor of living together before marriage as an experiment, and this is echoed by some psychologists. They claim that routine is a whole school of life. And if in everyday life you are incompatible with your partner, then without experience of living together it will be very difficult for you.

I had to work with a colleague who had such a roommate. At first, everything went well, he earned good money and helped this woman and her child buy a new apartment to replace her old one. But a strong quarrel arose between this young woman and her “husband” and he left on a long flight. Then he returned and demanded money for the apartment.

Do you think he has the right to do this according to the law? What if a child was born in such an unregistered relationship? Is he also outlawed - illegitimate? There are other serious reasons for maintaining virginity, for example, telegony.

As for checking everyday life, no one forbids young lovers to engage in some kind of joint work. For example, a guy and a girl can hang wallpaper together, clean an area, paint a fence, or cook some dish.

Child-parent relationships in the family

Healthy parent-child relationships in the family contain two components. Love is the first ingredient. The attitude towards the baby in the family should be based, first of all, on love for him, and not on control and educational methods of influence. The child needs to feel that mom and dad feel love for him simply because he exists, and not for his behavior, actions or good grades. The love of parents is the guarantee that the baby will grow up with a normal level of self-esteem, a sense of self-esteem and trust in the world around him. Children who are simply loved accept themselves exactly as they really are, which is of great importance in their entire subsequent life. After all, if you enter adulthood considering your personality “unworthy” or “bad,” your chances of a decent and successful life are reduced to zero.

The second component of the parent-child relationship is freedom of choice. Providing it to a child is often much more difficult than love. It is quite difficult, and sometimes very scary, for parents to allow their child to make his own choice. Since they are always confident that they know better what to do, but the child wants to do it his own way only out of pure stubbornness. However, freedom of choice should be distinguished from lack of control and permissiveness.

Even if the baby feels love, excessive control on the part of dad and mom leads to the risk of developing various forms of addiction. Reckless parental love, enhanced by total control, is an explosive mixture. This “cocktail” suffocates and prevents you from breathing. Women with increased anxiety and over-concern are prone to such overprotection. They control every step of the child, every new hobby. As a result, the baby can grow up either fragile and vulnerable, unable to withstand any difficulties in life, or simply try to avoid such love by any means. The nature of family relationships, based on total control, as most psychologists claim, causes children to often escape from reality into “chemical dependence,” mainly drug addiction.

Control, coupled with parental dislike, can destroy a child’s personality, which can ultimately lead to suicide.

Excessive freedom given to a child, combined with dislike, provides an opportunity for the formation of a child's personality, but at the same time leads to a great risk of physical injury. Such relationships are most often observed in dysfunctional families, such as families of alcoholics or drug addicts. In such family unions, children receive almost absolute freedom of choice, since, in principle, no one needs them. In such relationships, children have a high probability of dying, but at the same time, children have the opportunity to grow into independent, purposeful individuals.

For the purpose of educational measures in family relationships, parents can turn to various methods of influence, such as encouraging or punishing the child, the desire to demonstrate behavior patterns by their own example. Praise from parents will be more effective if the child has a warm, friendly relationship with them, and, conversely, if the relationship between the participants in the seminal process is cold and indifferent, then praise will provide practically no incentive for the baby. Thanks to the use of encouraging parenting methods, the development of a child as an individual can either be accelerated and made more successful, or slowed down. You should not abuse punishment in the process of education. It should be used only if it is practically impossible to change the child’s behavior in any other way. If there is a need for punishment to increase the educational response, the punishment should follow immediately after the offense. Very harsh punishments should not be abused, as they can cause fear and anger in the child. Children who are often shouted at and constantly punished become emotionally indifferent and display increased aggressiveness.

The psychology of family relationships comes down to the fact that everything that happens to a child is entirely the merit of his parents. Therefore, parents must learn that after the birth of a child, they have the opportunity to either help the child in the processes of socialization, personality development, learning, etc., or, conversely, hinder it. Refusal to participate in raising children is also a kind of contribution to his future. But whether it will be positive or bad, time will tell.

Diagnostics, methods

Sometimes family conflicts become serious when their participants cannot resolve the situation on their own.

In this case, it is recommended to seek help and advice from family relationship specialists.

Research and analysis of family relationships will identify existing problems and determine ways to resolve them. Main directions of diagnostics:

  1. Studying the system of distribution of roles in the family. The specifics of building communications in a particular family, the distribution of functions, the emotional climate, and existing problems are considered.
  2. Studying the characteristics of the relationship between parents and children. Violations in the educational process are identified.
  3. Study of marital relationships. Assessment of the degree of satisfaction with the marriage, the level of conflict in the couple, existing contradictions.

Interpersonal relationships in the family

Achieving coherence and harmony in a marital relationship is quite difficult. The most important period in the family life of partners is rightfully considered the initial period, when young people for the first time encounter not love problems, but family and everyday problems. The stage of grinding in characters, coordinating views on life, establishing a family structure is a very difficult and important stage in a relationship, which can cause both ups and downs in the mood of the newlyweds. This period is full of the most ambivalent experiences. This stage of married life is remembered by young people for a lifetime, and is subsequently reflected in the fate of the family and spouses. Indeed, in a relationship, each spouse discovers the world not only of his life partner, but also discovers something new in himself.

The basis of healthy family relationships should be a feeling of love, i.e. the highest level of emotionally positive attitude of an individual towards an individual. Phenomenal selectivity in choosing a companion in relationships built on love is also known.

The psychology of family relationships in the real life of subjects is much richer, more diverse and complex than what people imagine before entering into a marriage relationship.

The problem of relationships between married subjects is relevant and one of the fundamental topics in family psychotherapeutic practice. In particular, this applies to young families created recently, where spouses are just learning to live together. This stage of family life is considered a kind of grinding in and an indicator of how their married life together will develop in the future. The grinding-in period is characterized by a lot of problems in the interpersonal relationships of partners.

Basically, protracted conflicts, grievances, and quarrels are caused, first, by joint housekeeping. At this stage, you need to learn how to build a life together and treat the habits of the other with understanding and patience. It is with the ability to find a common language in the process of building a common life that many problems are associated. After all, earlier, even before marriage, the partners spent all their free time together and enjoyed it. They forgave each other for each other's minor shortcomings, such as impracticality, some forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, etc. Previously, these qualities were perceived as a slightly funny, harmless and cute character trait. Now it causes irritation and begins to be compared with unreliability.

Difficulties in mutual understanding and interpersonal relationships between spouses are often inextricably linked with differences in temperament. Often problems in interpersonal interaction are caused by the influence of the biological rhythms of spouses. Also, the intimate life of a young family and its spiritual comfort depend on the fluctuations in the biological rhythms of partners.

Emotional relationships in the family represent the most important integrating mechanism, thanks to which the participants in family relationships feel like a single integrity and feel warmth and support from each other. Relationships based on love and mutual sympathy contribute to reducing frustrating experiences.

As a rule, emotional relationships in a family go through five stages in sequence. The first stage is characterized by a deep and passionate feeling of love of the individual, when the spouse takes all the attention, coloring the perception of the partner’s reality in rainbow colors. At the second stage, some cooling occurs, which manifests itself in the fact that the image of the spouse less often emerges in consciousness in his absence, but when meeting him, a strong surge of positive emotions, a feeling of tenderness and a feeling of love appears. The third stage is characterized by continued cooling in emotional relationships. In the absence of a spouse, the partner experiences some psychological discomfort, but when meeting him, tenderness and feelings of love no longer flare up. For a flash of tenderness and love, a kind of incentive is now needed - the partner must do something pleasant to prove his love. At this stage, addiction occurs. If at this stage mutual understanding is not found and the intensity of interpersonal communications is not reduced, then it will move to the fourth stage, which is characterized by unconscious irritation caused by the presence of the spouse. At the fourth stage, habits or character traits, appearance are perceived not as minor shortcomings, but as causes for conflicts. At the fifth stage, the individual is completely in the grip of a negative attitude. It is characterized by the fact that the spouses have already forgotten all pleasant deeds and words, and all the bad things come to the fore. Partners come to a misunderstanding of why they live together. This period is the most difficult in interpersonal relationships.

Family relationships

These are relationships between close people who have become relatives to each other as a result of marriages or on the basis of consanguinity.

In case of consanguinity, relatives are people who have a common ancestor: parents and children, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts with nephews, grandparents with grandchildren, etc.

When entering into marriages, characteristic family relationships arise when the blood relatives of the spouses become members of the same family: father-in-law and mother-in-law with daughter-in-law, father-in-law and mother-in-law with son-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, etc.

Relationships between spouses in the family

As a rule, the nature of relationships in a family, the cohesion of its members or the breakdown of the family, depend on the set of personal qualities of the partners, the moral principles they profess, ideological beliefs and life attitudes. When the ideological beliefs or worldviews of the spouses are incompatible, the family falls apart. The difference in ideologies determines the dissimilarity of needs, goals, objectives, ideals, dreams, and therefore leads to differences in actions and behavior, the result of which will necessarily be the spiritual incompatibility of the spouses and even hostility. True rapprochement between a man and a woman who holds different worldviews is possible only if both partners or one of them refuses their original positions.

The moral qualities of spouses are essential for family relationships, such as tolerance, the ability to understand, attentiveness, kindness, a sense of tact, compassion, etc. All these qualities make the subject more “suitable” for living together in a marriage. Conversely, qualities such as causeless anger, excessive touchiness, capriciousness, arrogance, and selfishness make people incapable of long-term relationships and unsuitable for family life.

Also, individuals entering into a marriage must look in the same direction, have similar views on moral standards and value guidelines, such as the position of a man and the position of a woman in marriage, equality between the sexes, mutual respect, justice, responsibility and duty to the family and society. Since any confrontation with each other in this regard will only help undermine the foundation of relations.

The ability to make and carry out decisions is considered to be a rather important guiding personality quality. If an individual lacks this quality, then the worldview, life goals and attitudes become purely declarative and rather shaky, and the subject’s personality becomes unreliable and infantile. The behavior of such an individual is characterized by impulsiveness and unpredictability, as a result of which long-term cooperation with him becomes impossible.

Of great importance for the individual is also the assimilation of legal norms and moral guidelines that regulate relationships in family life, the roles of husband and wife, father and mother. The result of mastering such norms will be the formation of a sense of duty, which, together with the will and feeling of love, pushes partners, their parents and other participants in family relationships to accurately and strictly fulfill their duties.

Speaking about how to improve relationships in the family, strengthen its internal connections, and improve relationships between partners, one cannot underestimate the intimate relationships of spouses. The main thing in the physical relationship of spouses is that intimacy should satisfy both spouses.

Also, to ensure the cohesion of participants in family relationships, their ability to improve economic activities is very important. Partners should not be afraid and avoid everyday life. Joint housekeeping will only bring spouses together if you do not avoid it.

Love, family, relationships between individuals in the family are the fundamental factors that concern everyone, since in many ways the degree of success and satisfaction with life depends on it.

Characteristics of a kindergarten student’s family from the teacher

Characteristics of the Petrov family, Nizhny Novgorod

Family composition: complete.

Father - Sergei Valentinovich Petrov, place of work - Department of the FSB of the Russian Federation for the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Mother - Raisa Fedorovna Petrova, place of work - City Clinical Hospital No. 5.

The child is Alisa Sergeevna Petrova, born in 2021, studying at the Rainbow Medical Educational Institution.

Alice is a capable child: she can read, write and count, and she dances. During classes he shows perseverance and attentiveness, and is rarely distracted. Builds friendly relationships with peers and has the beginnings of leadership skills. Well developed memory and erudition. Alice enjoys playing games and completing assigned tasks.

The girl always comes neat and neatly dressed, with a beautiful hairstyle. She takes care of herself completely, is independent, and uses kitchen utensils correctly. Parents drop off and pick up their child on time. Visits to the MADO are not allowed without a good reason.

The relationship between parents and daughter is absolutely positive, love and care are visible. The child is given enough attention.

Parents participate in their daughter’s life and are interested in her achievements, attend preschool events, and are always in touch.

Relationships in a young family

A harmonious union of two individuals, consistency of emotional reactions in a young family are created gradually. The prospects for a union and further happy family relationships depend on the development of harmony and mutual understanding. That is why special emphasis should be placed on the initial stage of the formation of a family union, since it is at this stage that the psychological compatibility of two completely different people is established. This is the foundation of the emerging multi-story structure of marriage relations. The durability of the entire structure of family life depends on how strong such a foundation is.

Ideally, a family is the closest people in the world, always ready to support each other and come to the rescue, and are always nearby in difficult times. However, even between close people there are conflicts or misunderstandings.

Perhaps today the question of how to improve family relationships is considered one of the central and most pressing issues. An effective method of avoiding misunderstandings in family relationships is the ability to find mutual understanding in any situation with your family. Therefore, depending on how diplomatically an individual is able to behave in various conflict and ordinary life situations, how cloudless life together will be. As family relationships develop and the family itself matures, it develops its own unique atmosphere. Unfortunately, today it is quite common to find families where a spirit of alienation and an atmosphere of misunderstanding between members of the household prevail. The results of such intrafamily relationships can be completely different, ranging from family breakdown to psychosocial problems of children.

Naturally, it is impossible to live absolutely without conflicts. You need to understand that conflicts come in different forms. Destructive conflicts should be avoided in family life. It must be remembered that each individual has pros and cons, so you should learn to forgive and make concessions.

Healthy relationships in the newlyweds' family will help avoid family breakdown. All problems that arise should be discussed, an attempt should be made to find a joint solution, and not avoided.

Unfortunately, in our time, the value of family relationships is gradually being lost. To prevent this from happening, individuals getting married should be aware of the reasons that prompt them to enter into a family union. If both spouses love, respect and understand each other, if they are ready to make concessions to each other and have common interests, then relationships in a young family will develop favorably.

The characteristics of relationships in a newlywed family are determined by the psychological compatibility of the partners and the ability to create an optimal moral microclimate in the relationship.


Equality and partnership between spouses, between parents and children, are the key to healthy family relationships .

Despite the fact that in any family there is an unspoken leader, and children must initially obey their parents, all contacts can be based on respect for each other’s interests, mutual assistance and support.

The full participation of all family members in resolving key issues allows not only to avoid conflicts, but also to unite everyone with a common goal.

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