Interpersonal compatibility: types of relationships in socionics and personality psychology


Each of us is concerned about the problem of mutual understanding with other people. I think that very often in life you have to deal with the fact that with some people you feel comfort, understanding and ease, but with others, on the contrary - irritation, misunderstanding and constant conflict situations. And the point is not that you are somehow “not like that” or “not like that.” Not at all! It is necessary to understand that we are simply all built differently. And socionics helped me understand many relationship issues at one time.

Of course, this is not a magic wand or a red pill that will tell you everything about relationships. For me, this is, first of all, an excellent tool for self-knowledge and understanding the nature of other people. At one time I was close to those people who said that opposites attract, then I thought that it was the other way around – people who are more similar. But in fact, everything turned out to be much deeper and more interesting. It turns out that each of us belongs to a certain psychotype with our own qualities, and there are as many as 16 of them. They are what we are talking about in socionics. But let's talk about everything in order!

What is socionics?

Socionics is the study of how a person perceives information about the world around him and interacts informationally with other people.

It was formulated back in the early 1970s by the Lithuanian sociologist and economist Ausra Augustinaviciute and described in his work “On the Dual Nature of Man” in 1980. The author tried to develop Carl Gustav Jung’s idea of ​​mental types and combine it with the concept of information metabolism by Anton Kempelsky. Hence, many say that socionics was created at the intersection of psychology, sociology and computer science.

The subject of study in socionics is the process of exchanging information from the human psyche with the outside world, and its method is modeling the information system of the psyche. The role and status of socionics are completely ambiguous. Some people regard socionics as a separate science, while others consider it simply a part of psychology. For some it is a truism, for others it is pseudoscience. All this only says that socionics is only at the beginning of its formation.

It shows that each of us belongs to one of 16 psychological (socionic) types. I will talk about them in more detail later in the article. These types are named after the most famous literary and historical characters, which contributed to its popularization in its time. By the way, it is very similar to my favorite astrology. In my life, I use a combination of psychological socionics and esoteric astrology, which gives me a broader understanding of myself and the people around me.

Next, I will describe 3 main reasons why you should start studying socionics.

Helps you understand yourself better

Each of us, for a more harmonious life with ourselves and the world around us, must understand our potential, our weaknesses and strengths, all kinds of behavior options, and so on. A person who does not know himself has a very difficult time going through life. Moreover, he blames everyone and everything on the outside instead of looking inside, analyzing and realizing many things. And socionics, in some ways, helps to do this.

I am an introvert and I often need to be alone with myself in order to immerse myself in my inner world. To do this, firstly, I need my own personal space. And secondly, the time I can spend alone. This is how I recharge with energy, analyze some actions and events, and also develop new ideas. And for me all this is clear as a “clear day”, but friends and acquaintances regard my “withdrawals into myself” differently. Why do not you write?! Where did you disappear to?! Nowhere, I just want to be alone. Sometimes I feel even more comfortable this way than with anyone else. That's just my nature. Accept me for who I am...

Helps you find a life partner

Some fans of socionics are looking for life partners thanks to this direction. Now communities on social networks and socionic dating clubs are becoming widely popular, where people can find their soulmate. It is believed that those who are “duals” have the best chances, i.e. representatives of types that optimally complement each other. I am definitely for the use of socionics, but I am against fanaticism in any of its manifestations.

It is necessary to understand that in addition to socionic indicators in life there are many others, thanks to which people converge and build harmonious relationships. I can say unequivocally that living together will be very difficult for the rational and the irrational! This confirms both my experience and the experience of my friends. Knowing our similarities and differences, we can simply be more flexible in building relationships as a couple. The main thing is that this knowledge only helps, and does not say that if you are not a “dual”, then a relationship with you will definitely not work out.

Helps build team relationships

Socionics has proven itself well in business, team building and motivation. For the team to work successfully, it is necessary to distribute functional roles and job responsibilities in accordance with the real abilities and preferences of each member. Therefore, an approximate list of activities has been developed for each socionic type. Yes, it is conditional, but it still reflects general preferences and the range of possible tasks without any imposition.

As for me, my main incentive is interest in work. Research and analytical are the preferred areas of activity. I like it when I can apply systems analysis, build a classification, or develop a new concept. I love programming, writing and teaching. That is why I am writing this blog about self-development and developing the project for the harmonious development of personality “7 spheres of life”. All my qualities work well here: introversion, intuition, logic and rationalism.

Best Compatible Types

The answer to the question of which personality types are compatible depends on what goals the partners pursue. As can be seen from the descriptions above, most types do not experience communication problems at medium distances. They can interact well with each other, work together, and be good friends.

However, rapprochement reveals the difference in characters. Therefore, for a pleasant and stress-free close relationship, it is advisable to choose a person whose psychological type is as similar to you as possible. Such relationships will not be enchanting and emotionally overloaded, but it is in them that partners always find support and protection from the adversities of the world around them.

The best compatibility is observed with full complementarity and business relationships.

In relationships of identity, revision, incomplete addition, and mirrors, partners can more or less successfully build a joint trajectory.

Read my book that will help you achieve happiness, success and wealth

1 unique personality development system
3 important questions for awareness

7 areas for creating a harmonious life

21 vectors for effective development

Read a book

If we look at these 3 reasons why it is worth studying socionics, we see that it helps to work out 3 vectors of the sphere of Relationships: Self, Family and Environment. And this is one of the most difficult areas of life, which you need to constantly work on. Therefore, you should make socionics your friend!

Areas of use

Types of human temperament and their brief characteristics

Knowledge of the basics of socionics gives good returns in the following cases:

  1. Staffing classes and study groups. A harmonious combination of the temperamental characteristics of the types contributes to a friendly working atmosphere and automatic resolution of discipline problems.
  2. Subject-differentiated training in high school and university seminars, where the priority will be the “club”, discussion method of considering issues.
  3. Individual approach to students to provide opportunities for self-realization.

Knowledge of the types of people in socionics simplifies management consultations for organizations and contributes to the creation of a stable team of broad-spectrum employees and target groups for the implementation of specific tasks. Sociologically competent staff formation saves people’s money, time and nerves.

The best sociotypes in business

Pseudoscience makes an invaluable contribution to self-development and harmonization of relationships in the family and society. Perception of oneself, possible scenarios for the development of relationships helps to identify hidden mechanisms of quarrels, misunderstandings, and prevents the likelihood of irreparable mistakes.

Quasi-identity relations

There are no quarrels, but many arguments that are never fruitful. It is impossible to prove anything to each other. They talk about the same things, are interested in the same things, but from completely different points of view.

© 1986 Vaisband I. D. “Working material on socionics.”

Relations of peaceful coexistence with coincidence of strengths and weaknesses and divergence of values ​​and interests. From the point of view of model A, the program function of one “quasi-person” corresponds to the demonstrative function of another, creative - observational, role - activation, pain - suggestive.

Socionics rating

TypingNameOne of the typings
185Alexey R.Most often, I like to philosophize myself rather than rely on someone else’s existing reasoning (although...
149Grey ))Private furniture production in my city. Huge competition due to the abundance of small entrepreneurs...
70Philip P.Man creates his own life. Probably, it’s just that this is the most relevant for me at the moment….
60Evgeniy B.Some of the people will float to Mars, but their colony will depend on the Earth. The Muslim East is political...
41Anna KruchininaTo be honest, the question is not entirely clear to me... The structure of production (in telecom, for example) is...

How is a person’s sociotype determined?

There are tests for this (take it and find out who you are), but some people can determine their sociotype, given certain experience, by their appearance, as well as their manner of communicating, dressing, and reacting to the situation.

Pass the test quickly, but not very reliably. As a rule, online tests ask several questions, after which they determine whether you are, for example, an intuitive-logical introvert or whether your type is a logical-sensory introvert.

Having learned to identify 16 personality types of the people around you, you can understand what dictates their actions, what are the behavioral differences, and why their abilities, interests and habits differ.

Knowledge in the field of socionics will allow you to easily determine your compatibility with people of the opposite sex, imagine how future relationships with them will develop, what qualities in a partner, boyfriend or girlfriend should be perceived and which to ignore.

Typing by appearance is the most controversial option in socionics. There are supporters and opponents of this method. Signs may either not be visible, or formal signs may simply be absent.

Another method is self-typing, when you yourself try to determine from descriptions whether you are an intuitive-ethical introvert, for example, or a logical-intuitive introvert, etc. Some people believe that it is impossible to determine your sociotype. However, this is not entirely true.

It is quite possible to determine who you are, for example, an intuitive-ethical introvert or a logical-sensory introvert, etc. But before you define, you should begin to adequately perceive yourself, approach each trait of your character, not as bad, good, harmful or positive, but useful from the point of view of socionics. And, of course, it is necessary to understand in detail the typology of science according to Jung.

Sentinel (guardian)

People included in this group divide everyone into strangers and their own. Its representatives - a logistician, a defender, an official and a consul - are rarely ready to compromise with outsiders; they forgive friends everything and protect them from negativity. These psychotypes calmly accept problems, troubles, and feel sorry for the sick, weak, and disadvantaged. If they decide to teach the offender a lesson, they methodically increase pressure on him.


Features of the subtype:

  • Strictly follows accepted rules and performs duties perfectly.
  • He is proud of the work he has done, is guided by facts, and is not obsessed with emotions.
  • He is self-sufficient in all situations and will not complain – he considers this a weakness.
  • It is difficult to refuse requests, and people take advantage of this.


Characteristics of a person who consists of contradictions:

  • Strives for stability and security, but does not resist change.
  • Mostly secretive, silent, but easily fits into the company.
  • A true altruist gives himself completely in exchange for gratitude.
  • Although he is careful and pedantic in his affairs, fulfills his obligations on time, he often puts off his plans.


An honest, purposeful manager is a vivid example of the fact that with hard, constant work you can achieve your dreams. The person is a team player and expects real help and effective support. Gets angry when employees don't meet their professional standards. Such an employee is a godsend for the enterprise. An integral personality preserves traditions, fulfills labor standards and norms, and is dedicated to the work.


For such a person, social status is important, so he is always in the center of the team, listens carefully to people, and delves into the conversation. He loves when he is appreciated, needs his presence, and is sincerely thanked. In such relationships, he becomes an altruist who is obliging, caring, and always ready to help. The situation concerns work, finances or personal problems.

Site news

  • Would you like to meet like-minded people (and TIM)? We have made for you a search for site users who decided to participate in the socionic social network.
  • Now you can add photos to your profile. If you participate in the Socionics Network (enabled in your profile), other users of the site will be able to see them.
  • How to identify a type in a crowd? Read the external signs of sociotypes
  • A socionic humor page has appeared
  • Can't decide on your timop? We have opened a typing platform where you can send detailed questions to our answers, and other users, including socionic experts, will express their reasoned opinion about your socionic type.
  • Socionic research conducted Socionics is more effective than zodiac signs
  • Added article Hamlet's sexual behavior
  • Added article Notes on Hugo
  • Added descriptions of organizational styles
  • Added Female descriptions of socionic types
  • Added socionic ball - game “Catch your dual”
  • Added women's descriptions (example - Women's descriptions - Hamlet) and Organizational Styles (example - Organizational Styles - Jack)
  • Added History of Socionics, including

Why you need to know your psychotype

You can already encounter socionics in completely different areas of our lives. Knowing your psychotype, you can make the right choice:

  • In personnel selection and training.
  • In increasing the effectiveness of organizational management.
  • In creating innovations.
  • In the correctness of treatment, prevention of psychosomatics.
  • In career guidance for any age category.
  • In the correct educational process (special institutions).
  • In organizing communication and acquaintance.
  • Self-knowledge and development.

Conflict relationships

Conflicts constantly get into each other’s pet peeves – good for self-knowledge. If you marry a dual, you will be happy; if you marry a conflicter, you will become a philosopher. The main thing is psychological distance, emphasized politeness and no attempts to pour out your soul! Of course, there can be no talk of any harmony in close (for example, family) relationships here. But in the case when these people communicate over a long distance, for example, they are members of the same club, they can very fruitfully use the advice of each other and even maintain long-term “distance” friendship if they treat each other with respect. But, of course, when communicating at close range, conflict is inevitable.

© 1986 Vaisband I. D. “Working material on socionics.”

Relationships of sluggish, latent conflict; Such relationships are characterized by constant and often fruitless attempts to achieve mutual understanding and growing internal tension. From the point of view of model A, the program function of one partner falls into the pain function of the other partner, and the creative function falls into the role function (the conflictor does not intentionally, but constantly points out the weak points of the partner), the observation function falls into the activation function, and the demonstration function falls into the suggestive function. The relationship is extremely unfavorable for living together and family relationships, however, it can be useful in work provided that it is parallel rather than joint work.


The triad is formed by three personality types. From a psychological point of view, the most interesting are dual triads, i.e. those that include one dual pair, and the third member of the triad is in an activation relationship with one and a mirror relationship with the other member of the triad. There are sixteen such triads:

  • Don Quixote - Dumas - Hugo
  • Don Quixote - Hugo - Robespierre
  • Don Quixote - Dumas - Robespierre
  • Hugo - Robespierre - Dumas
  • Zhukov - Yesenin - Hamlet
  • Zhukov - Maxim - Hamlet
  • Zhukov - Yesenin - Maxim
  • Hamlet - Maxim - Yesenin
  • Napoleon - Balzac - Jack
  • Napoleon - Jack - Dreiser
  • Napoleon - Balzac - Dreiser
  • Jack - Dreiser - Balzac
  • Huxley - Gaben - Stirlitz
  • Huxley - Stirlitz - Dostoevsky
  • Huxley - Gaben - Dostoevsky
  • Stirlitz - Dostoevsky - Gaben.

In each such triad there are only dual-activation-mirror relationships.


The personality types of this group are distinguished by a sharp mind, logical thinking, the ability to highlight the main thing, fairness and objectivity. It includes strategists, logicians, commanders and debaters. Such subtypes have sharp judgments and principled assessments. If these people are not satisfied with the rules, they are ignored.

Strategist (architect)

Such a person is rare. He has a wonderful imagination, thinking, and indomitable mind. This type is decisive, prone to ambition, does not waste energy, and values ​​his own individuality. A strategist is a cynical idealist who is confident that he will achieve what he wants, does not accept rules or restrictions, and acts according to principles. He is proactive, does not wait to be asked, to explain what to do.


An educated person who considers himself exceptional, smart and proud of it. This type loves to unravel complex problems and looks for inconsistencies in proven facts. A person is not interested in everyday life, he completely surrenders to situations where he realizes himself. This type is constantly thinking, therefore thoughtful, shy, but changes dramatically during a discussion or argument.


This is a charismatic and self-confident leader who easily gathers crowds of attentive listeners and zealous followers, although he talks about ordinary, inconspicuous things. The commander is a dominant person who insists and forces people to accept their point of view.


A thinker who is constantly busy training his sparkling mind. This type is honest, argues tirelessly, and defends an idea even when he doesn’t believe in it. A person studies the subject inside and out so that the opponent has no chances or questions.

Business relationship

Relationships of this kind are calm, even, the partners understand each other well in their creative function, they are frank, but they do not know how to help each other or support each other morally. Business relationships develop into a rivalry of behavioral styles, requiring constant probing of a competitor who is not inferior to you. In a mobilized state, relationships improve, partners quickly unite against a common enemy or common difficulty. A calm state worsens them, and grievances over trifles begin to arise. A couple can eagerly look for weaknesses in each other's positions. Business relationships are based on logic. They make people calculating, weighing and evaluating everything from a pragmatic point of view. One logical plan is replaced by another, everyone insists on their own version. In a welded business couple, feelings are entirely subordinated to the logic of achieving success. Business relationships strengthen the power sensory of partners, make them more competitive, and develop the ability to realistically assess the balance of power. A business couple should not take on long-term tasks. These relationships encourage partners to achieve short-term goals that promise tangible returns. Business relationships are also built on a balance of power. But, unlike the superego, here the partners do not restore, but on the contrary, they strive to upset the balance in their favor. These relationships are tiring with a constant struggle for authority, leadership, and significance. In disputes, they are not looking for the truth, but are looking for weaknesses in the position of the other side. In business relationships, partners act using seemingly similar methods, but achieve completely different goals. Therefore, competition is growing, pushing both back. After rethinking their actions, the partners again come together for a new leap forward and an even more dangerous failure. Everyone believes that the goal set by others is incorrect. At the later stages of development of business relationships, any desire to be similar to each other disappears.

© 1986 Vaisband I. D. “Working material on socionics.”

Relations of business equality with elements of rivalry and competition with different goals of partners. From the point of view of model A, the program function of one partner falls on the role function of the other (hence the competition and struggle for leadership in relationships), the observational function falls on the suggestive one, and the creative, painful, activation and demonstrative functions coincide (common interests and cooperation usually lie in the creative zone partner functions).

Mirror relationships

It's difficult for two. Both constantly strive to teach and change each other. The appearance of the 3rd member of the quadra, who is the dual of one of them and the activator of the second, makes this collective very pleasant. It’s better to communicate not one on one, but with other members of your quadra, then everything will be fine. In these relationships, the partners are quite similar - they are both ethical or logical, sensory or intuitive, but one is an extrovert and the other is an introvert. They also differ on the “rationality – irrationality” scale. With such interaction, there is an active exchange of information on strong functions. What one speaks or thinks about, the other implements without further ado. They have a lot to learn from each other, although sometimes this leads to the temptation to lecture their partner. Conflicts are unlikely here.

© 1986 Vaisband I. D. “Working material on socionics.”

Mirror relationships are interesting for communication and joint activities; partners have common values ​​and often interests; Constructive criticism is possible. The strengths and weaknesses are largely the same. From the point of view of model A, the program function intersects with the creative function of the “mirror”, the role function with the pain function, the suggestive function with the activation function, and the observation function with the demonstrative function.

History of the creation of the socionic test

Work on the creation of this socionic test lasted from 1997 to 2001. At that time, I worked as a computer science teacher at one of the Kyiv institutes and had the opportunity to attract a fairly large number of people to participate in the study - 420 people (21 groups with an average of 20 people each). 99% of them were not familiar with socionics, thanks to which the result can be considered objective.

At the first lesson, I gave students to fill out socionic tests and subsequently, by communicating and observing them throughout the course of study, I identified the compliance or inconsistency of the subjects’ behavior with the test results.

At the initial stage of the study, the test takers were asked to fill out various socionic tests. Later it was concluded that tests where you are required to choose one word from a pair give more accurate results than questionnaire tests, since, for example, to the question “Do you have strong logical and analytical thinking?”, the majority of respondents, regardless of TIM, answered a positive response.

The most accurate socionic test was A.V. Molodtsov’s test (36 pairs of words, 9 pairs for each dichotomy). But it also gave a significant error. In addition, when, for example, on the “ethics-logic” scale, the test taker chose 5 options characteristic of an ethicist and 4 for a logician, the result looked unconvincing.

To obtain a more accurate result, it was first decided to increase the number of words to 21 pairs for each dichotomy. However, this did not affect the result in any way: the proportion of answers “11/10” in the new test was the same as “5/4” in the previously used Molodtsov test.

As a solution, it was decided to select test forms completed by students whose test results were confirmed upon further observation, and, based on their choice of a particular word in each pair, calculate the relevance of the words.

The relevance value of each word ranged from 0.94 to 0.57. The final version of the test included the 7 most relevant word pairs for each dichotomy. This increased the accuracy of the test not only due to the greater total relevance of words, but also by reducing testing time, because When completing a large test, the subject gets tired, which reduces the accuracy of the result.

The results of using this test allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

  • In 70% of cases, the test results and the results of subsequent typing completely coincided.
  • In 5% of cases it was clearly evident that the test result was erroneous.
  • In the remaining 25% of cases, the subjects showed signs of type distortion, as a result of which it was impossible to confirm or refute the test result with complete confidence.
  • When a person who knows socionics fills out the test, the testing turns out to be biased, since he, if not consciously, then subconsciously tries to predict the result.
  • A person who does not know socionics, carefully and objectively fills out the test, gets the correct result in 70% of cases.
  • If a person's type is distorted, the likelihood of obtaining an accurate test result is greatly reduced.
  • Only an experienced socionic expert can accurately determine the socionic type.

Vitaly Vorobyov. Any reprint without a link (for Internet sites - hyperlinks) to this page is prohibited.

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Superego relationships

You are constantly haunted by the thought that your partner is doing everything on purpose to spite you. Fine as long as you both care about each other. If a quarrel does occur, this concern disappears and the conflict becomes unexpectedly “loud.” The interests of the partners are completely different, communication is difficult, they cannot rely on each other, and conflicts often arise.

© 1986 Vaisband I. D. “Working material on socionics.”

Relationships of mutual respect and sympathy, which, however, when moving to a close psychological distance, can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings. From the point of view of model A, the program function of one partner falls on the role function of the other (which is why the effect of admiration arises), and the creative function falls on the pain function (which irritates and can lead to conflicts), the observation function falls on the suggestive function, and the demonstration function falls on the activation function. The relationship is not suitable for living together and family relationships.

Half-complement relations

Half complement - good relationship. However, a sudden loss of mutual understanding out of the blue is possible. But they make up quickly and easily. When people get to know each other, make plans, agree on business, everything goes great, no worse than with duals. But when they begin to implement their plans, it turns out that both have the same area where both are not strong - therefore, they cannot effectively help each other. Since there is no full compensation, there may be some disappointment when getting close enough.

© 1986 Vaisband I. D. “Working material on socionics.”

Incomplete complement relations. There is mutual interest in communication, but serious problems are possible when trying to get closer. From the point of view of model A, the program function of one partner falls on the suggestive function of the other (which causes mutual interest), the creative function of one partner intersects with the demonstrative function of the other partner, the role function intersects with the observational function, and the pain function intersects with the activation function (which causes some dissatisfaction with the partner) .

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