The girl stopped communicating as before: reasons and ways to solve the problem

Hello! My name is Igor Lapin, I am a professional pickup trainer. Today we will figure out why the girl stopped communicating as before. Relationships are a complex thing and their development depends equally on both the guy and the girl.

More recently, communication seemed ideal: interesting conversations, mutual understanding, passionate intimacy and other positive things. But suddenly, one day everything changes. The lady stops paying attention as before, answers reluctantly, avoids meeting, and it happens that the girl suddenly stops communicating at all. It seems that there were no scandals, everything went on as always, but suddenly it changed. What is the reason?

Reasons for sudden behavior change

It is quite difficult to find out the reason for the sudden climate change when communicating with a lady. In reality, anything could happen, but let's try to make a guess based on the most common problems.

Personal experiences

An unforeseen event could have occurred in the girl’s life that unsettled her. Or maybe the mood began to deteriorate a long time ago, the problem grew like a snowball and at one point exploded. So, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • Someone close to you became seriously ill or died. Maybe something else happened related to relatives.
  • The girl liked another guy. Now she is thinking about who to choose or is looking for a reason to take a time out in the relationship.
  • It is possible that the girl is simply sick and does not want to communicate. As in the song of the Kino group: “Everything is wrong and everything is wrong when your girlfriend is sick.” Thoughtfulness may indicate that she has learned about a serious diagnosis.
  • A woman is thinking about work or a hobby, thinking through some project that is important for self-realization.
  • Preoccupation with serious plans. For example, anxiety before an interview.

It's about you

It’s probably not obvious to you, but you could have done something wrong. The rose-colored glasses fell from the lady’s eyes, and she saw you in all your “glory” with a bunch of flaws and terrible behavior. The girl suddenly stopped communicating and is probably hiding her anger. Let's look at the most obvious reasons for resentment:

  • The guy was simply tired or disappointed with his actions.
  • Have you been hiding something for an hour? She could have learned something secret and very unpleasant from you. Now all her thoughts are busy whether to accept it or not.
  • Perhaps the lady found out that you cheated on her with someone else or seriously deceived her. The guy may not even know how she found out - and there was no point in installing facial recognition as protection on the phone!
  • The root of the problem lies in the guy's behavior.
    Maybe you hit, insulted, or otherwise offended someone on a date? This also includes being drunk.
  • The man's assertiveness could also be taken to heart. Moreover, intentions may be misunderstood.
  • You unknowingly offended the girl: a dirty compliment, unintentional humiliation, etc.

Someone else is to blame

The girl has her own friends and parents who like to give unnecessary advice.
For example, mom and dad said something bad about a guy. They hinted that the daughter should not date such an unworthy partner. It is likely that for this reason she will quarrel with her parents and think about your relationship. “Caring” friends do this too. They do a disservice. It’s good if you don’t fight off your boyfriend later. It would be good to carefully ask why the girl stopped communicating as before.

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Psychologist's advice

A situation where a relationship with a beloved woman is destroyed before our eyes unsettles even the most self-possessed and strong guy. Often, when trying to correct the situation, men make many mistakes that repel the lady more.

In order not to worsen the situation, psychologists advise men to listen to the following recommendations:

  • do not call the girl and stop writing endless messages on the Internet - this behavior is not entirely normal and can alienate your beloved even more;
  • do not blame her, trying to relieve yourself of responsibility for what is happening;
  • do not pester her friends and relatives with questions about her;
  • forget about obsessive displays of attention;
  • do not try to evoke pity;
  • do not drink alcohol to show her how hard it is for you;
  • do not become depressed, try to lead a normal lifestyle;
  • do not try to arouse jealousy at the expense of another woman - the risk of losing the girl forever is too great.

Take a time out. Don't throw yourself into the pool headlong. Only a cold mind will help you find the right way out.

It's good when misunderstandings in relationships are resolved quickly. But if there is no communication with your beloved girl for more than three weeks, then you do not need to count on a positive outcome of the meeting. The most a guy can hear is: “Let's be friends.” If you do not want to lose a woman dear to your heart, do not bring the situation to a critical point.

How to proceed?

Do you have serious intentions towards your chosen one? If yes, then you just need to understand what happened if the girl suddenly stopped communicating. You need to act carefully, without hurting your loved one even more. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Try talking to her friends. Find out if anything unusual happened in the life of your beloved.
  2. Follow the girl on the street. The method is quite insidious and ugly. If she finds out that you were following her, then God bless you.
  3. Analyze posts on social networks. Changes in mood are often visible in the nature of the pictures, memes and music on the user’s page.
    Modern ladies very often express their emotional state in this way. For example: melancholic reposts from various groups that guys don’t value love, etc.
  4. Another tricky way: register on someone else’s behalf and meet your lady. Often the most frank words go to new acquaintances.

What to do in case of manipulation

Let's imagine that you analyzed your relationship, but found no reason to offend her. Then he asked her directly, but did not hear an intelligible answer. At the same time, a couple of days after trying to talk, the girl continues to remain silent. You can re-initiate the conversation and calmly repeat your question. It is important at this moment to avoid emotions and a raised tone - anything that could give her a real reason to be offended and replace the reason for the initial silence.

If you understand that there is manipulation in front of you, then this is a signal to start ignoring the girl in return. Again - without any emotions and demonstrative resentment. Maintain your masculine composure. You did everything you could. Now everything depends only on her. If you want to take a step forward, you will have to explain your behavior and apologize. No, that means you can’t go any further.

Having played by her rules once, you will be doomed to endure the girl’s whims and experience her manipulations for the rest of your relationship with her.

Your task now is to distance yourself and switch to that area of ​​your life where there is no girl. I hope you have a lot to do, worries, hobbies, have friends and long-term plans. All this can be done without the girl’s participation.

How to talk to her?

For some couples, discussing life situations is commonplace.
All quarrels and misunderstandings are resolved through dialogue. However, not all people are so open to sincere communication and it can be difficult to get a lady to talk. It is best to discuss the relationship in person, live. Although, all means are good here. Perhaps it would be better to express your thoughts in writing. The email option is much easier for modest people. Guys often lack the courage and eloquence to speak out in person or even over the phone.

Another advantage is that you have the opportunity to think carefully about every word and not forget something important.

Psychologists recommend building a dialogue tactfully:

  • do not raise your voice or wave your arms;
  • do not make unfounded accusations and do not make the girl to blame for all troubles;
  • do not interrupt when she speaks;
  • refrain from unnecessary negative emotions that can worsen relationships.

“You constantly blame me for everything!”, “You always do only what you want!”, “You don’t value me!” - All such phrases should be strictly avoided.

#7: She doesn't like your touch

They start to slowly dump you if a girl removes her hand when you try to stroke her and doesn’t allow herself to be hugged and kissed. Shyness and restraint do not justify such behavior. Even the most studious girls become passionate cats when they're in love. So, she will dynamite you if:

  1. You hug her and take her hand, but she pulls away, supposedly to fix her hair or clothes.
  2. She accepts affection, but never takes the initiative herself.
  3. She convinces you that she simply doesn’t like to kiss and believes that sex is not the main thing in a relationship. She's dynamite!

#11: Nonverbal Cues When She's Dynamite

“Body language” will help you both understand that you are being bullied and see the girl’s interest. If a woman is in no hurry to talk about her attitude, then pay attention to the following signals:

  1. She looks past you and doesn't always listen to what you say.
  2. She has a “duty” smile. She's not having fun, but she keeps the conversation going out of politeness.
  3. She always has a “closed” posture: for example, crossed arms.
  4. When you are near, she sits slightly away from you. Her body is turned not in your direction, but in the opposite direction.
  5. She hides her hands behind her back or in her pockets.
  6. She constantly looks at her watch or at her phone.

Practicality mask5

It's time to talk about women who are not as righteous as those mentioned above. There is a category of young ladies who are very reasonable and prudent. And mercantile.

Simply put, those who accept a man’s advances give illusory hopes, but in reality they simply use men who are naive and blinded by high feelings. It’s better to beware of such ladies: as soon as there is the slightest chance that you will turn from a promising man into an ordinary loser, she will immediately disappear from sight.

#9: She shuns and dynamites your friends and family

The girl will avoid any closeness and communication with your loved ones. She understands that the relationship is leading nowhere, so she doesn’t want to be discussed behind her back later. If there was interest on her part, then she would definitely want to spend time with your friends in order to get to know you better through your environment. But she doesn't need it. What to do if a girl is freezing? Don’t force her to become a part of your life: you won’t be nice by force. A girl may also not care about a man who constantly makes mistakes. Find out which ones exactly using the instructions “10 mistakes men make in seduction” at this link.

No. 15: You always make up first, and she dynamites you

It doesn’t matter who is to blame, you still have to kneel with flowers in your hands and publicly apologize to her. And she will still think about whether to forgive you for the fact that she herself messed up.

Now you know how to know when a girl is dynamizing you, whether through correspondence or personal communication. These 15 signs will make it clear that it's time to take more drastic measures to win a girl, or it's time to switch to another object. I, Alexander Galevich, teach how to warm up women’s hearts and can pass on to you a lot of invaluable experience.

#13: She's looking for a girl and dynamite for you

She is trying to convince you that you are too good for her, so she wants to set you up with her colleagues or friends. She doesn’t seem to hear your statements that you are already busy and want to be with her, praising you even more about the next candidate. If she likes a guy, then a girl will never give him to her friend, no matter how close she is.

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