The impact of anxiety for the child during pregnancy

Stress is not a specific reaction of an individual to the action of external or internal factors. Failure to cope with threats and problems causes the body to respond psychologically and physically. A person experiences panic attacks, a feeling of inexplicable anxiety. The heartbeat, sweating accelerates, the body begins to tremble, and there is shortness of breath. All these symptoms can either appear suddenly or develop gradually. A pregnant woman, as a result of changes in hormonal levels, is already subject to some drastic changes in life. Her body, life views, familiar living conditions - all this is undergoing drastic changes. And she cannot always cope with herself, even knowing about the threat to the fetus. Stress during pregnancy is quite common.

Stress during pregnancy consequences

A pregnant woman reacts to crisis situations in any case. Worries about the child, about loved ones, about future births and much more - all this accumulates and at some point she cannot stand it. The consequences depend on the strength of the mother’s emotional and physical reaction to all these factors. The nervous and immune systems are affected first, then all the others.

Trembling in the limbs, lethargy and apathy appear, and sleep is disturbed. Stress during pregnancy has quite serious consequences. In addition to the threat of miscarriage, this also threatens to affect the development of the child’s nervous system. Such children are born with low Apgar scores, they may also have problems adapting to society, are hyperactive and give in to fears, resulting in enuresis.

How to neutralize the consequences if a nervous breakdown has already happened

The same rules described above will help you calm down and relax. Safe herbal teas, yoga and meditation classes, leisurely walks in the park... Choose whatever suits you. If your anxiety is related to events occurring in the lives of people you know, protect yourself from information as much as possible. The most important thing right now is the peace of mind of you and your baby.

And be sure to accept the support of your loved ones: tell them how you feel, why and how they can help. If their support is not enough, do not be afraid to contact a psychologist.

How does stress affect pregnancy?

Violation of the immune system of a pregnant woman is expressed in the frequency of colds. This negatively affects the condition of the fetus. It has now been proven that allergies and asthmatic reactions in a newborn are also associated with some deep experience experienced by the mother during pregnancy.

But sometimes, even knowing how stress affects pregnancy and the baby, a woman is not able to cope with the situation. Doctors at the Rehab Family clinic will help you overcome your fears, calm down and give birth to a healthy baby.

The hormonal system of a pregnant woman is subject to changes. Glucocorticoids, the so-called stress hormones, are released that affect the placenta, which can lead to both fetal death and various anomalies.

So, the connection between the child and the mother during pregnancy is great, and the emotions experienced by her are transferred to the baby - this is a proven fact. And he experiences tremors and lack of oxygen during a panic attack just as much as his mother. But if an adult endures this, then the little man may die.

How to prevent a nervous breakdown?

If you are stressed during pregnancy, this does not mean you need to immediately start taking anti-anxiety medications. On the contrary, there are many simple and extremely pleasant methods that will help you take care of yourself:

  • Full sleep. Now is the time to establish a routine and create the most comfortable conditions for it, be it a pregnancy pillow, a few nights in bed away from a snoring partner, a new comfortable mattress and a morning without an alarm clock.
  • Personal boundaries. Now their installation and development is important not only for you, but also for your baby. Sometimes we worry about everything: problems at our husband’s work, family quarrels between friends, even sad posts on the Instagram accounts of distant acquaintances. Remind yourself that these experiences are beyond your responsibility and beyond your personal boundaries. This means they should not affect your condition.
  • Keeping a diary. To calm your nerves during pregnancy, try structuring your worries and worries on paper. This will help you find possible solutions and reflect on them.
  • Letting go. Yes, sometimes it happens that experiences are completely justified, but we are powerless to level them out. In this case, instead of worrying even more about what is happening, try to accept and let go of events that you cannot influence in any way. Leave everything to chance.
  • Schedule time to worry. We often worry because we don’t want to forget something. Set aside 30 minutes toward the end of the day that you can devote entirely to productive worry, freeing up the rest of your time. And throughout the day, remind yourself: “I’ll come back to these thoughts later.”
  • Relaxation techniques. This could be yoga, massage, meditation and even acupuncture. Find the very procedures that work for you. And don’t forget about them even after giving birth
  • On the occasion of “I want”. After all, you have every right to enjoy life, take care of Yourself and please Yourself. Write a list of things you would like to do for yourself during pregnancy, and try to complete at least one item per week.

You and those around you

During pregnancy, a woman gains new experience of communicating with others: strangers or unfamiliar people in transport, shops, in queues of clinics and pharmacies. Expectant mothers say that part of this experience is positive: they are given a seat, skipped in lines, and given compliments. But there are situations that upset a woman: the outright rudeness of others during this period is experienced much more intensely.

Some expectant mothers listen to such “speeches” and become so upset that they cannot immediately respond, then ponder the insult for a long time. Others take an aggressive-offensive position, apparently using the slogan “Attack is the best defense.” But the expectant mother is quite capable of behaving in such a way as to reduce the likelihood of a negative attitude from others or cope with it if necessary.

  • Try to stay positive. If you exude a good mood and warmth, then those around you will respond to this reaction. Friendly people show more willingness to help and even notorious boors restrain themselves.
  • Choose friendly people if you need to ask for something. Not all people are able to take your situation into account, but some are quite capable of this. You can see such people, you just have to look closely: they have a calm and friendly look.
  • Avoid disputes. If others (for example, in a queue) begin to grumble and do not let you pass, even if you have every right to do so, do not argue with them. Calmly tell them that you are pregnant and have the right to skip the line. Next, go into the office and do not stop when leaving it after the appointment. These people are strangers to you, and you may well not take their opinion into account.
  • Be ready. If you need to “answer” in a situation, prepare a few sarcastic statements at home and practice saying them with a smile. In a critical situation, you will not be confused and will feel like a winner.

Problems with conception

When both partners are healthy, but pregnancy still does not occur, perhaps the problem lies in psychological health.

If you have problems conceiving, many doctors advise you to “let go of the situation,” believing that the problem is in your head. A perinatal psychologist helps to identify negative psychological factors: stress, internal conflict, depressive feelings and work through them.

He does this with the help of psychodiagnostics: a woman’s relationship with her own body is examined, the type of psychosomatic response is established, internal conflicts are examined, the level of stress is diagnosed, the motivation for pregnancy is examined, and much more.

And based on the diagnostic results, you can see what problem will need to be worked on.

Specialist help may also be needed in case of perinatal loss, as well as when using IVF.

Methods of work of a perinatal psychologist

We will list the most common methods of work of a perinatal psychologist. The choice of one method or another depends on what specific problems the expectant mother needs to solve and what points she needs to pay attention to:

  • answers to troubling questions - thus, the psychologist examines the woman’s personal history and helps to cope with her experiences;
  • drawing up a family genogram (“family” tree) - a specialist finds out exactly what scenarios of motherhood were in the family, what parental attitudes go from generation to generation;
  • art therapy, role-playing exercises;
  • teaches relaxation techniques and breathing exercises;
  • recommends floating and similar methods.

Symptoms of depression

If you notice a couple of symptoms, you shouldn’t panic right away. You can assume the presence of a depressive disorder if five or more symptoms persist in you or your loved one for quite a long time, from two weeks or more. Signs of depression in pregnant women can be observed as follows:

  • the woman feels depressed, her sadness is unfounded, she is apathetic
  • you notice a person’s weakness, lethargy
  • irritation
  • negative vision of the future, feelings of hopelessness, tearfulness
  • feeling of guilt, constant lack of self-confidence and the correctness of one’s choice
  • feeling of helplessness and worthlessness
  • Digestive problems: loss or increase in appetite
  • insomnia, drowsiness, nightmares, sleep inversion
  • various fears
  • indifference to one's health
  • reluctance to communicate with relatives and friends, with her husband.

How a perinatal psychologist can help

Many questions arise in a woman already at the stage of pregnancy planning. Is she ready for motherhood, can she cope with the role of a mother? The specialist assesses a woman’s psychological readiness for a new role, gives answers to pressing questions, discusses fears and doubts, and helps to cope with them.

A psychologist can diagnose the family system. This diagnosis helps to find out whether the family has the necessary psychological resources that will be needed after the birth of the child.

The specialist works with pregnant women and at the stage of assistance in the delivery room, accompanying them to the operating room (if a caesarean section is planned), if the woman has a need for this. Consults the future father (if the birth is a partner), helps relieve anxiety, alleviate feelings, and advises on non-drug methods of pain relief.

At the postpartum stage, psychoeducational work takes place in terms of which changes in a woman’s psychological sphere are the norm and which ones should be paid attention to.

The development of modern medicine has led to the fact that a person is considered as an individual in terms of biological, psychological and social well-being. It is important that not only physiological parameters correspond to the norm, but psychological health is in order. When a woman is in a state of stress, anxiety, anxiety, a number of biological substances (hormones and neurotransmitters) are suppressors, that is, they suppress the action of other hormones that are important for the successful course of childbirth. A comfortable emotional state is the key to ensuring that a woman’s birth process goes as smoothly as possible.

How to choose a perinatal psychologist

A woman needs to take a responsible approach to choosing a specialist. Pay attention to the specialist’s education, reviews of him, whether he has modern knowledge in the field of psychology, but one of the most important indicators is trust, so that you feel his support and attention, so that you feel comfortable working with him. For those who are interested in the field of perinatal psychology, we can recommend our course “Practical Perinatal Psychology. Social and psychological support of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period."

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