Psychology of a married man: relationship chemistry and astrological influence

  • Differences between the psychology of a married man and a bachelor
  • Psychology of behavior of a married man in relation to household chores
  • Psychology of married men at forty
  • Psychology of relationships between a married man and a woman
  • Why do men have mistresses?
  • Psychology's view of a married man and a free woman
  • Reasons why a married man does not break up with his wife
  • Psychology of a married man from the point of view of astrology

The psychology of a married man is based on the fact that in marriage he has new responsibilities. In legal relationships, a representative of the stronger sex is responsible for the material well-being of the family, participates in raising children, and helps his wife solve everyday issues.

Harmony and well-being in a family tandem are achieved with the participation of both husband and wife. Sometimes problems arise that may be associated, among other things, with a love triangle. However, if you understand the psychology of the stronger sex well, you will not encounter such difficulties.

Differences between the psychology of a married man and a bachelor

In family life, a man is required to be attentive and sensitive, since it is important for his wife to be sure that she is an excellent housewife and a beautiful woman. Don't give her a reason to doubt your fidelity. This will not bring anything good to you or her. Of course, the wife understands that she is not ideal, but for her husband she wants to be just like that.

Often men do nothing to diversify their spouse’s leisure time outside the home. They justify this behavior with the psychology of a married man. However, for a woman, this means that her husband has lost interest in her. As a result, she herself becomes indifferent to her loved one. Over time, the gap between them becomes larger and affects the intimate life of the couple. A woman in such a relationship can become completely frigid, and both partners suffer from this.

A man should show his interest in his partner, her professional activities and achievements as often as possible. Both husband and wife should increase each other's self-esteem by demonstrating their admiration and lavish praise.

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Most married men believe that running a household is exclusively a woman's responsibility. Indeed, in former times this was not uncommon. While the husband was building a career and bringing money into the house, the wife was furnishing the family nest. In the modern world, women, just like men, earn money, but at the same time they are still required to take care of the house and raise children. Of course, if we take into account only the psychology of a married man, then these demands are completely justified. However, such an attitude towards your spouse risks the fact that she will be physically and mentally exhausted, and the marriage will begin to burst at the seams.

How to properly break off a relationship?

A break with a lover often brings a lot of emotional distress to a woman. The consequences of ending a relationship can be dangerous for the state of the nervous system and lead to breakdowns, serious depression, and disorders. After the husband returns to his wife, the abandoned lover begins to think that she has been abandoned or betrayed, and even thoughts of suicide appear. There are often cases when a breakup ends in suicide attempts, deaths, and serious mental disorders.

To prevent the separation process from causing serious pain, psychology suggests using simple recommendations:

  • make new acquaintances, even try to start an easy love affair (it is better not to repeat a bad experience - it is recommended to enter into a new relationship with a man unmarried);
  • go on a trip or on a long vacation (it is advisable to go far from your usual places - a change in the previous way of life will have a positive effect on the state of the psyche, new impressions from the trip will significantly muffle mental torment);
  • do not delay the breakup - it is better to separate abruptly, without long separations (be sure to delete all contacts from the phone), it is recommended to avoid even short, fleeting meetings that only bring unpleasant discomfort;
  • think carefully about the separation - determine all the advantages of ending the extramarital affair, outline new plans.

It is also important not to hate your lover's spouse. Meetings and showdowns with your legal wife will end in tears, and the reason for revenge will lead to problems with the law.

Psychology of behavior of a married man in relation to household chores

A man should help his wife with housework. With this behavior he demonstrates his love to her. If only the woman is involved in the affairs, it means that her partner does not respect her. As a result, he will often see his partner tired and in a bad mood, and quarrels in the family will become inevitable.

In addition, when all the worries are placed on a woman, she quickly loses her youth and beauty. And the whole family, including children, will have to suffer from this.

When a man takes on housework, he begins to teach a woman how to do it correctly. And this is a big mistake. The wife herself knows what needs to be done and how, and the work that she entrusted to her husband is only a small part of what needs to be done around the house, and, moreover, not the most important. It is not surprising that her partner’s instructions irritate her.

The best thing a man can do is to let a woman lead the whole process, even if he is sure that she is doing something wrong.

A husband's stubbornness is not the most attractive trait, but if he always follows a woman's lead, this is even worse. Naturally, in matters of family life, the last word remains with the woman, while the husband is assigned the role of an assistant. However, in some areas he needs to take an active position. In particular, this applies to raising a child. Even if his wife does not support his methods, he must stand his ground. A wise woman will eventually understand that her husband is right and agree with his educational line. After all, in order for children to achieve much in life, high demands must be placed on them.

There are other important issues that should be resolved jointly. This applies to significant purchases, such as a car or house, as well as moves to a new place of residence or major transactions. Moreover, at such moments, a man’s opinion can be decisive.

Psychology of married men by the age of 40

By the age of forty, changes are observed in a man’s psychology. He is still young, but has already encountered the first signs of aging. What he valued at twenty is now of no interest to him. He feels uncertainty, and the fear of it pushes him to act rashly.

At the age of forty, irreversible changes occur in the body. Hearing deteriorates and vision decreases, reaction slows down. But most of all, a man is upset by the decrease in sexuality. Intimate life at this age is no longer so active. And this is absolutely normal, since each age has its own intensity and duration of sexual intercourse.

A man is frightened by his inability to satisfy his woman, and he goes to great lengths. It seems to him that his wife, who knew him in his prime, must have already noticed these changes. Therefore, he goes in search of a new partner. After all, she didn’t know him before, which means she won’t compare. It's like he's starting from scratch. He develops an interest in books on sexuality, new erotic techniques and various tricks that help increase potency. Such actions often lead to disappointment and unpleasant health consequences.

Too intense sex life can cause strokes, heart attacks and other serious illnesses in men after 40 years of age. Deteriorating health forces them to slow down, which young partners often don’t like. This situation causes strong feelings in any man, which destroy him both physically and mentally.

A loving woman understands perfectly well what her husband expects from her. Over the many years of living together, she has learned to feel his condition and at the right moment can support him with attention, care and gentle words. If she is attentive to him and generous in her feelings, he will feel needed and loved. During this difficult period, it is best to take a vacation to spend time together.

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In some cases, joint leisure helps normalize the situation. For example, arrange a session of erotic films at home, read a book together, or go to the theater. Make your room more romantic and don't forget his favorite music. You can also recommend that your wife change her image and start wearing sexier lingerie. Even if you don’t notice any results from your actions, be patient and just wait. Sometimes it takes years for a problem to be resolved.

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Extramarital affair: consequences of the relationship

A relationship with a married man usually develops in several main directions. The most pleasant, but extremely rare case (about 10%) is when a lover sincerely falls in love, leaves his family, gets divorced and remarries.

A common outcome of an extramarital affair is that the lover becomes fed up with the new relationship, the love affair becomes a burden for him, and he prefers to break up. It is easy to predict further events - the man returns to his wife and continues to live as usual, enjoying the usual comfort and coziness of home. Psychologists warn that old love often flares up with the same intensity, which is facilitated by the feeling of guilt that remains after a relationship with a mistress.

Another option for the consequences of a love affair is that the lovers are satisfied with everything, the extramarital relationship continues for many years. As a result, the union is destroyed on its own (the novelty disappears, the affair becomes a burden) or thanks to the wife, who somehow found out about her rival and decided to put an end to the love affair.

The saddest result of extramarital affairs (a woman and a man are married) is considered to be the divorce of two couples with the creation of a new family. Usually, a marriage built on such a basis does not last long - a man and woman, accustomed to a completely different home structure and way of life, rarely find a common language. It is no longer possible to return to spouses who were abandoned for new love - betrayal is rarely forgiven. The resulting love affair breaks the hearts of four people.

Psychology warns: if you are not planning to create a new family, and a love affair is the most preferable way to relax, enjoy a new relationship and relaxed sex, it is better to set clear boundaries for yourself. If, against the background of sexual entertainment, serious feelings or even infatuation begin to appear, it is better to immediately end the extramarital union, which threatens with unpleasant consequences.

Psychology of relationships between a married man and a woman

We've all heard that building a long-term relationship with a married man is difficult. However, some women refuse to believe this and intend to achieve their goal at any cost.

If this is your case, then remember something from the psychology of relationships between a married man and a single woman. Entering into an alliance with such a man:

  • You thereby agree to be on the sidelines.
  • And you also understand that in the first meetings the scenario of your relationship is laid. It will not be easy to change the rules of the game in the future. And if you immediately allow him to feel like a king, and you yourself adapt to his desires, then in the future you have no right to expect him to treat you differently.
  • Also, you need to accept that he doesn't really respect you. Otherwise, he would first end the previous relationship, and only then go to build a new alliance with you.
  • But even if he leaves his family and goes to you, everything will not change overnight. This is a lot of work and requires an understanding of how these rules work.
  • You must also understand that being with you is just convenient for him, but this is not love.
  • The psychology of a relationship with a married man is such that you simply adapt to the lifestyle of your lover and, leaving everything behind, run headlong to meet him. Doesn't it scare you that you only see each other when he wants you to? Know that by your behavior you are giving a man a reason not to take into account your desires; in his attitude towards you there is no respect. He feels that he is everything to you and you are ready to agree to any conditions just to be close. This rule determines the development of your union.

Will a man take into account the interests of a woman who devalues ​​herself? Of course no. After all, she is ready to close her eyes to a lot. He understands that he can easily stop any whims on her part if he shows indifference to her or hints that he is going to return to his wife.

Reasons for cheating

The reasons for cheating can be certain circumstances that require a decision in the family:

  1. Mediocre intimacy. Over time, sexual intercourse becomes commonplace and monotonous, turning wonderful feelings into marital duty.
  2. Missing romance. Plunging into everyday routine, the bright and tender feelings for each other that were observed at the very beginning of the relationship disappear
  3. Lack of communication. Former hour-long conversations move on to the stage of discussing everyday issues of everyday life.

Psychology of relationships</p>

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