The benefits of glycine: 5 reasons to believe that it is a cure for old age, insomnia and for calm nerves

Does the drug help you sleep?

Glycine, taken for insomnia, relieves anxious thoughts and makes it easier to fall asleep. This substance also:

  • does not cause drowsiness;
  • increases performance;
  • improves mental activity;
  • eliminates symptoms of vegetative-vascular disorders;
  • in case of sleep disorders, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and brain;
  • regulates the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system and metabolism.

Attention! Excessive agitation often makes it difficult to relax and fall asleep quickly. The amino acid has a calming effect, making sleep long and sound.

Glycine not only helps you sleep, but also improves mood, mental activity, increases stress resistance, eliminates symptoms of VSD, as well as the toxic effects of alcohol on the brain and central nervous system.

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GABA, or pharmaceutical Aminalon, has long been used by athletes to take before bed to increase the level of somatotropic hormone or growth hormone. The drug makes the metabolic processes occurring in the muscles more efficient during sleep, that is, a rapid gain of muscle mass occurs.

However, increasing HGH levels at night can be beneficial not only for athletes, but also for any people who use nootropics. Growth hormone itself has a nootropic effect and its increase has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, as well as the immune system.

GABA itself is the best nootropic for insomnia, taking it at a dose of 2.5-5 g is very good at promoting the transition to sleep, especially when taken together with 5-HTP.

Indications for use

Doctors recommend taking glycine for insomnia in the following conditions:

  • excessive mental stress;
  • stress;
  • anxiety, worries, nervousness;
  • depression.

Glycine is also prescribed to adults to improve sleep in case of alcohol poisoning, vegetative-vascular dystonia, after a traumatic brain injury or stroke.

All the beneficial properties of the drug are described in the video:

How to take Glycine is a beneficial amino acid? Brain and memory. What happens if you take glycine tablets?

Transbuccally - how is that?

The characteristics of the glycine molecule determine the easiest way for it to penetrate into the blood - through the mucous membrane of the mouth.

In the instructions for use, you may find the words “sublingual” or “buccal”. What “sublingual” means can be understood simply by the sound of the word - the tablet must be placed under the tongue and kept there until completely dissolved, without dissolving.

Buccal administration is the placement of a tablet or powder behind the cheek, between the cheek and gum, usually in the area of ​​the angle of the lower jaw. Buccal administration is especially convenient for young children, children with developmental delays, neurological patients, during and after a stroke, when keeping the medicine under the tongue is problematic.

Possible harm and contraindications for use

Glycine taken before bed does not produce a sedative effect, so it does not cause drowsiness during the day. A person, on the contrary, feels more alert after waking up. The drug also prevents the negative effects of taken psychotropic drugs and is not addictive.

Glycine tablets can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but the baby will also receive some of the amino acid through the placenta or breast milk. It does not harm, even in high doses, since it is a natural substance. However, it is still worth following the doctor's instructions.

But glycine should not be taken for insomnia if a person has an individual intolerance to this substance. Otherwise, the drug may cause the development of the following allergic reactions:

  • skin rashes, itching;
  • Quincke's edema, face, larynx, bronchi;
  • anaphylactic shock.

The amino acid may also cause the following side effects:

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • pale skin.

It is also impossible to combine the drug and alcohol. If you drink an amino acid together with alcoholic drinks, it will produce a hypnotic effect and disrupt the functioning of the nervous system and brain.


5-HTP before bed in doses of 150-200 mg, especially when combined with GABA, will make it much easier to fall asleep, even if you suffer from insomnia.

Melatonin is often positioned as a means to improve sleep quality, but this is not entirely true; the above-mentioned drugs improve sleep quality much more. But melatonin has two other extremely important features related to sleep.


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Melatonin makes it easier to fall asleep without being a sleep aid. If you have slight problems falling asleep, then melatonin can help you with this.

But the main benefit of melatonin is its ability to stabilize sleep-wake cycles. When you take melatonin for a month, especially along with some other drug that makes it easier to fall asleep, at the same time, your brain will adjust to fall asleep at exactly the same time, which can be extremely useful for people who have a sleep interval of varies greatly throughout the day.

General recommendations for taking the drug

If you have problems sleeping, take glycine at night. For adults, the tablets should be taken sublingually (placed under the tongue). The drug should not be taken with water. It is better to give the substance in powder form to infants. You can pour it onto the child’s cheek or dip the pacifier in the preparation.

When administered sublingually, the amino acid immediately enters the bloodstream, so it acts quickly.

Glycine is consumed until the problem disappears. The dosage depends on the cause of insomnia and the age of the patient.

Reception features

What factors determine how much Glycine you can take per day?

  • Age
    . The drug can be given even to infants and taken in old age, so the dosage changes taking this factor into account.
  • What is the drug used for
    ? How much Glycine you need per day depends on the reasons for use. For example, to improve sleep, half or one tablet is enough, but for a stroke, 10 tablets with a small amount of water are used at once.
  • Individual appointment
    . Consultation with your doctor will help you adjust your dosage regimen and the number of tablets for daily use to achieve maximum effect.

How many tablets should you take?

To fall asleep, just take 1 tablet before bed. If the drug does not help, then you can double the dose. But it is not advisable to take more than 200-300 mg for insomnia.

You can choose another treatment regimen, namely, drink 1 tablet of amino acid 3 times a day - morning, afternoon and night.

Children should be given the drug 30 minutes before bedtime. For infants, the dose should be selected individually by the doctor, but for babies 1-2 years old it is enough to take 50 mg, and for children older than 3 – 100 mg. The course of treatment is 2 weeks (no more).

When should you increase your Glycine dose?

The drug should be taken according to the instructions, that is, no more than 3 tablets (300 mg) per day. The use of a large dose of the drug at one time (10 tablets or 1000 mg) is due to ischemic stroke or situations close to it.

If the goal of taking Glycine is to improve performance and mood, protect against central nervous system overload, prevent various diseases and maintain the desired level of amino acid in the body, there is no need to increase the dosage.

Remember that to achieve a therapeutic effect, it is important how to take Glycine, and not how many times a day. Glycine is applied sublingually or buccally. It is this taking of the drug that will provide the desired effect. If you just take the pills orally, there will be no harm, but there will be no positive effect either.

Reviews about the application

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Glycine for sleep

Average rating: Number of reviews: 0

Based on the reviews, the following advantages were identified:

  • glycine does not cause addiction or feelings of weakness;
  • helps to sleep;
  • facilitates morning awakenings;
  • reduces irritability, calms;
  • improves mood;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • helps children cope with mental stress, restores their psyche;
  • can be taken by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

According to the responses, it turns out that drinking the amino acid is beneficial for all categories of patients. There are no negative reviews.

Does glycine help you calm down?

Glycine can be used as a sedative, as it regulates the processes of excitation and inhibition of the central nervous system. But these are not all of its beneficial properties.

Glycine also helps calm stress. It normalizes the psycho-emotional state, improves thought processes, and stops aggressiveness. It can also be taken for panic attacks, increased nervousness, irritability and insomnia, which often occurs due to stress.

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More details

The drug is safe for adults and children. Glycine can be given to a child to calm the nervous system, reduce hyperactivity, aggressiveness, moodiness, and also to increase stress resistance. It can be taken as a sleeping pill for insomnia. The substance improves the quality of night's rest and helps you fall asleep faster.

Attention! The amino acid is not addictive and is well tolerated.

Mechanism of action

Aminoacetic acid normalizes the functioning of the brain and central nervous system, improves blood circulation, metabolism, and is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. It has antioxidant and antitoxic properties, as well as:

  • improves the functioning of the brain and spinal cord;
  • helps cope with excessive mental stress, get rid of feelings of anxiety, psycho-emotional stress;
  • produces a sedative effect;
  • eliminates tension, irritability;
  • inhibits the production of stress hormones;
  • stops the destruction of brain cells and nerve tissues, promotes their restoration;
  • increases the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is an inhibitory mediator.

The amino acid eliminates tremors of the limbs, as well as convulsions that occur against the background of neurosis. This effect is achieved by reducing the activity of spinal cord neurons that are associated with glycine receptors. Under stress, aminoacetic acid is produced.

Watch the video about the mechanism of glycine's effect on the nervous system:

GLYCINE, instructions, description, application, side effects


The description of the drug Glycine on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

How to take a sedative

The drug, as a sedative, adults need to take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, to relieve insomnia - 30 minutes before a night's rest. In severe cases, a larger dosage may be required, but this should be prescribed by a doctor.

It is important to take the product correctly. The tablets are not chewed or swallowed, but dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved.

It is better to give the powder to babies. It can be mixed with water and coated with the resulting solution on a pacifier. The medicine has a sweet taste, so the child is unlikely to refuse to suck it.

The pediatric dosage is 50 mg up to 2-3 times a day.

Attention! For children under 2 years of age, the dose should be selected by a doctor.

The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. Treatment can be continued after 1-1.5 months. For people who are constantly exposed to stress, it is enough to take 5-6 courses a year.

Attention! The drug should not be taken simultaneously with alcohol, otherwise the sedative effect becomes more pronounced.

Before or after food?

According to the instructions, aminoacetic acid should be taken after meals. The interval between meals and medication should be 30 minutes. People who are about to hold an important event to get rid of anxiety can take a tablet, regardless of food, 1 hour before it starts.

For neurosis

Aminoacetic acid for neurosis:

  • calms nerves, relieves psycho-emotional stress;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • reduces heart rate;
  • relaxes muscles, eliminates tremors and cramps.

For depression

Glycine relieves certain types of depression - postpartum, age-related, caused by excessive stress. It also improves mood, helps adapt to new conditions, and eliminates feelings of depression. Antidepressants can also be replaced with glycine.

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