The drug "Phenibut": which manufacturer is better. Reviews, application results

The abundance of stress and high nervous tension in most people in modern life contribute to the fact that some of the most frequently prescribed drugs are tranquilizers and nootropics. Among them, the most common is Phenibut. This drug, unlike other tranquilizers, does not have an inhibitory effect, but, on the contrary, improves brain activity. But many who are prescribed this drug are trying to find out which manufacturer is better. Reviews of Phenibut note that this medicine is not always effective, but it depends on the manufacturer.


Among drugs designed to relieve the effects of stress and depression, Phenibut, developed back in the 20th century by Soviet scientists, occupies a special place. A prescription is required to purchase.

This article talks about reviews of the drug Phenibut. This remedy turned out to be so effective that the astronauts’ first aid kit was equipped with it.

What is the difference between Phenibut and regular tranquilizers? Is it prohibited? The first, while helping with stress, did not deprive a person of his ability to work, although it had a relaxing effect on the body. We will look at this drug in more detail below, and also try to determine which one is better to purchase.

Results of using the drug

Phenibut is really effective. All doctors who prescribe this drug note that patients quickly improve. They become calmer and sleep better. In addition, when taken correctly, the following treatment results are observed:

  • memory improves;
  • the stability of the nervous system increases;
  • depression decreases;
  • negative emotions are smoothed out;
  • excitability and irritability disappear;
  • sleep quality improves;
  • performance improves.

For what?


Reviews from patients claim that Phenibut (aminophenylbutyric acid) is indispensable for sleep disorders. It is prescribed if every night the patient suffers from insomnia, a state of emotional arousal, and nervousness. The original drug helps with stress, anxiety and difficult life situations. The effect of the tablets is similar to a sleeping pill, eliminating insomnia, reducing the number of night awakenings, reducing the period of falling asleep and guaranteeing a state of morning vigor. We'll tell you how to take medicine correctly for insomnia:

  • For men and women, the medicine begins to act 1-2 hours after administration.
  • The therapeutic dose is 1 tablet (250-500 mg) 2-3 times throughout the day - in the morning, at lunch and at night.
  • You should drink plenty of liquid.
  • If necessary and by order of the attending physician, the number of tablets is increased to 3-4 tablets (750-1000 mg) per dose.
  • You should take the medicine an hour after eating.
  • The duration of the course is from two to six weeks.

Considering the mild effect of Phenibut, the absence of toxicity, and the minimal number of negative side effects, on the recommendation of doctors, it is prescribed not only to adult patients, but also to children.


Depression is a stage of stress with an accompanying depressed state. How appropriate is it for adult patients to take Phenibut for depression? According to reviews from those who, as prescribed by a doctor, practiced taking them as a sedative for nerves, the daily dosage is 2-4 tablets (500-1000 mg) per 24 hours, and as a complex medicine, supplemented with other drugs. Take it after meals to avoid pain in the stomach. When taking the product:

  • the mental and emotional state is normalized;
  • sleep improves;
  • appetite is restored;
  • interest in the surrounding world appears.

At the same time, we must not forget about the individual characteristics of the body and the neglect of the pathology; before use, it is better to consult with your doctor.


Patients also use Phenibut to solve several atypical problems. So, with its help they get rid of motion sickness and are used for weight loss. To avoid problems while traveling, Phenibut is taken 60 minutes before departure, a single dose ranges from 250 to 500 mg. Feedback from patients after using the product is positive even in cases of attempts to lose weight. The fact is that gamma-aminobutyric acid contained in the product stimulates the production of growth hormone, which affects metabolism and helps with fat burning.

Despite all the positive qualities of the drug, negative manifestations may also occur. Thus, according to reviews, taking medication in large dosages and driving a car are incompatible, given the possibility of a feeling of euphoria. With long-term use of maximum doses, withdrawal syndrome is possible, so you should stop taking the medicine gradually.

General characteristics of the drug

The drug "Phenibut" was created in the Soviet Union in the 70s of the 20th century. It was developed as a treatment for children with behavioral disorders. But it turned out that it has many beneficial properties. It can be used for chronic stress, neuroses, depression, and sleep disorders. Phenibut is also effective for cerebrovascular accidents, encephalopathy, decreased concentration, and dizziness. It is prescribed for menopausal syndrome, enuresis, withdrawal syndrome, and increased fatigue.

This effectiveness is associated with the composition of the drug. Its main active ingredient is aminophenylbutyric acid. It is a derivative of phenylethylamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid, which plays a leading role in human brain activity. This substance improves nerve conduction between neurons in the brain. In addition to the main active ingredient, the drug contains the usual auxiliary components. This product is available in 250 mg tablets.

Which manufacturer is better?

A number of countries are involved in the production of Phenibut, so the question often arises of which company’s drug should be purchased and what is more effective when comparing these substances. Most often you can buy in pharmacies:

  • Latvian drug;
  • Belarusian drug "Belmedpreparaty";
  • a number of Russian products from, “Organika”, “OHFK”;
  • USA product of SNS.

You can find Phenibut from Tyumen and other manufacturers, it remains to understand which manufacturer to prefer and which country’s drug is the best. To do this, it is necessary to determine what the difference between the drugs is.

Reasons for poor quality

Why does the question arise, which is better? Reviews note that some drugs are more likely to cause side effects and are less effective. This is due to the quality of the raw materials and the production itself. Some unscrupulous manufacturers purchase raw materials at reduced prices - those that are about to expire. In addition, most Russian pharmaceutical companies purchase raw materials in India and China, where a license is not required to confirm its quality.

This is also due to the manufacturing technology of the drug. Russian and Belarusian factories do not always use modern equipment. In addition, the manufacturing technology may be violated. After all, before you put the components of a new drug into a container, it needs to be properly cleaned, which is not always done. Therefore, medications may contain unnecessary impurities.

Comparison of manufacturers

Russia and Latvia

Choose Russian or Latvian Phenibut? User reviews clearly indicate the advantage of products from Latvia. Let's look at the difference between medicines in Russia and Latvia. The main difference is the quality of the final product:

  • Latvia, a member of the European Union, takes into account all requirements when producing medicines, exercising strict control and purchasing the best raw materials.
  • Olainfarm products meet the State Standards not only of Latvia, but also of America, Russia, Great Britain and other advanced countries.
  • When comparing domestic and imported products, and determining which is better, we take into account that not all Russian factories meet the specified requirements - sanitary conditions during production are violated.
  • The purchase of raw materials to Russia is made in Asia, China and India, where there is no need to confirm quality.

Belarus and Latvia

According to user reviews, compared to Latvia, the Belarusian manufacturer of Phenibut is noticeably inferior, inferior to Russian products. So, when determining which pharmaceutical plant is better, in Belarus or in Latvia, preference is given to the latter. In this case, the reasons are the same as in the previous comparison - low quality of raw materials and non-compliance with standards by the Belarusian pharmacist.

USA, Russia, Belarus and Latvia

Is Latvia inferior to the USA in terms of Phenibut quality? Who will win when comparing drugs, America or Russia? Are the properties of the American product inferior to those produced by Belarus? Judging by the reviews, in this case the American drug is better.

Benefits of Phenibut USA:

  • Sold without a prescription, as it relates to sports nutrition;
  • quality raw materials;
  • costs less if calculated by the number of capsules and active substance;
  • In the US, the drug is considered a dietary supplement. It is not sold in pharmacies, is not prescribed by doctors, and is sold as a dietary supplement.

Reviews from doctors about Phenibut

It's hard to say which manufacturer is better. If we consider the safety and effectiveness of the drug, we can note the Latvian production. All doctors note that it is when taking this drug that the result is observed, as stated in the instructions. In addition, side effects are very rare. But reviews of Phenibut do not always focus on this. Some people determine which manufacturer is better based on price. And the Latvian drug costs almost 2 times more than the Russian one. Therefore, some consumers buy Phenibut for 200-250 rubles, despite the fact that its quality is lower.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Phenibut is a drug that has a nootropic effect. Nootropics are substances that improve thinking and activate metabolic processes in nerve fibers. Such drugs are prescribed to patients with neurological pathologies - stroke survivors, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease. The use of Phenibut allows you to:

  • eliminate accumulated fatigue;
  • get rid of the effects of stress;
  • prevent loss of strength;
  • gain a sense of confidence;
  • improve brain function by having a positive effect on blood circulation.

This medicine, on the recommendation of doctors, should be taken 2-4 tablets per day (500-1000 mg) at regular intervals an hour after meals in case of obsessive, anxious and restless conditions, unreasonable fear, psychopathy, nightmares, stuttering, enuresis, tics and hysterics in children.

The dosage is selected individually to improve the condition. According to reviews from those who took Phenibut, the effect is especially pronounced in eliminating dizziness associated with impaired functionality of the vestibular apparatus.


Headache, sleep disorders, absent-mindedness, and unmotivated anxiety are an integral part of modern homo urbanus. Psycho-emotional overload, coupled with a worsening environmental, economic and even political situation, is causing an increased demand for drugs that help overcome insomnia, relieve nervous tension, and improve cognitive functions (attention, memory, intellectual activity). The first choice drugs for such pharmacy visitors are nootropics. This is a relatively “young” group of drugs, the first representative of which, piracetam, was synthesized in the late 70s of the last century. Today, there are several dozen nootropics on the pharmaceutical market, a special place among which is occupied by Phenibut (INN Aminophenylbutyric acid). It was created in the second half of the twentieth century at the Leningrad Pedagogical (!) Institute. Interesting fact: almost immediately, Phenibut was included in the first aid kit of Soviet cosmonauts because of its ability to reduce stress and maintain the performance of flight participants. Today this drug is available not only to astronauts, but also to a wide range of patients. Phenibut normalizes sleep, relieves nervous tension, relieves increased anxiety and phobias, and potentiates the effect of sedatives, hypnotics, and neuroleptics. The nootropic properties of the drug are to normalize the metabolism of brain tissue, increase the speed of cerebral blood flow, reduce the resistance of the blood vessels of the brain, promote maximum saturation of brain tissue with oxygen and nutrients, which together provides a pronounced improvement in cognitive functions. Another specialty of Phenibut is the correction of hyperactivity in children.

Do not underestimate this condition: hyperactivity can become a stumbling block for school performance and contribute to outbreaks of aggression. Clinical trials have shown that Phenibut successfully solves this problem, mitigating the manifestations of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The drug is also in demand among athletes. Thus, in one of the studies on swimmers, it confirmed its ability to reconfigure the body to use physical and psychological resources more economically and increase resistance to intense stress. Phenibut is also involved in the functioning of the immune system, which is especially important in the current time full of work and household stress. A conflict-prone social situation provokes a weakening of the immune status, which means an increased risk of loss of working capacity due to a particular disease. Phenibut will come to the rescue by strengthening the cellular and humoral components of the immune system. The drug helps to increase con-dopamine and serotonin, which improves mood, eliminates drowsiness and apathy, gives vigor, and facilitates the processing and perception of new information. Due to the presence of cerebroprotective properties, Phenibut can be taken as part of detoxification therapy to eliminate the manifestations of delirium tremens and the treatment of alcohol dependence. The drug has good penetrating ability and easily passes through the blood-brain barrier. Phenibut is quickly eliminated from the body, which minimizes the risk of unwanted side reactions. Does not accumulate in the body. 80-95% undergoes metabolic transformations by microsomal liver enzymes. Excreted in urine and bile. Has a high toxicity threshold.

How is Russian Phenibut inferior?

Russian pharmaceutical factories do not all meet the high demands of GMP and not all comply with the necessary sanitary requirements during the production process.

  • Before you put the ingredients for preparing a new pharmaceutical into a container, it must be cleared of the substance that was previously there. If this is not done, the new drug will contain impurities remaining after the preparation of the previous drug and the amount of active and auxiliary components will differ from those indicated in the instructions;
  • Raw materials for Russian factories are purchased mainly from Asian countries. The main suppliers are China and India. The legislation of these countries does not require confirmation of the quality of medicinal raw materials to obtain a license. In Russia, purchased products are also not checked, so their quality is questionable;
  • Some manufacturers, in pursuit of cheapness, use raw materials whose shelf life has almost expired. Medicines made from it will also be of low quality.

If you have a choice - to buy Latvian or Russian Phenibut, of course you should choose the first one. Especially if a child is going to take Phenibut. The price for it per package is about 400 rubles.

Russian analogues of Phenibut or Anvifen capsules 200 - 250 rubles.

Phenibut and alcohol

As follows from the instructions, Phenibut is used in the complex treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome to relieve anxiety, restlessness and other unpleasant psychological experiences and symptoms. But this does not mean that simultaneous use of the drug and alcoholic beverages is possible.

The fact is that it is impossible to predict the body’s reaction to such a combination. Phenibut in combination with alcohol can cause rapid and severe intoxication or, on the contrary, help not to get drunk and maintain clarity of mind.

Phenibut during pregnancy and lactation

As for taking Phenibut during pregnancy and breastfeeding, doctors come to a consensus - the drug is strictly prohibited in the first trimester, since the formation of all major organs and systems occurs in the fetus. There have been no clinically reliable studies on exactly how GABA derivatives affect the unborn baby. It is also unknown whether the active ingredient passes into breast milk. Therefore, if Phenibut is indicated for use, it is recommended to switch to artificial feeding.

As for later stages of pregnancy, experts allow use with caution when the likely benefit to the mother significantly outweighs the possible risk to the fetus.

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