Thermoneurosis as a cause of low-grade fever: signs and treatment

Thermoneurosis is an increase in body temperature for no apparent reason. In this case, the temperature rarely exceeds 37.5 ° C (the so-called low-grade fever), but the patient feels malaise, weakness, pain in muscles and joints, as well as a depressed state.

Taking antibiotics or other medications on your own can only make the problem worse. Therefore, you should consult a doctor who will accurately diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment. Let's figure out what thermoneurosis is, its causes, methods of treatment and prevention of the disease.

Features of the condition

Thermoneurosis is a slight increase in body temperature (low-grade fever), which is not associated with the presence of infection or inflammation.
This condition can last from several hours to several days. Experts attribute this condition to one of the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Thermoneurosis is a problem of the autonomic nervous system, centers located in the subcortex of the brain, which is responsible for thermoregulation.

It causes spasm in the vessels that are located on the surface of the skin. Because of this, a violation of thermoregulation occurs. This is why it is quite difficult to diagnose this disease. After all, elevated body temperature and other accompanying symptoms can be the beginning of an infectious disease.

Daily body temperature fluctuations

In the absence of pathology, the difference between morning and evening temperatures reaches 0.5-1.0 °C. Daily fluctuations in core temperature occur in accordance with the so-called “biological clock”. If you measure your temperature in the early morning hours, immediately after sleep, its value will be in the range from 35.60C to 36.10C, and this is completely normal. During the day, with increased physical activity, the thermometer shows the usual value around 36.60C. In the evening, the temperature of healthy people tends to rise slightly. This usually occurs between 16.00 and 18.00. For some, the fluctuations are quite significant: in the evening the temperature reaches the borderline level of 37.20C.

Physiological low-grade fever is easily tolerated and does not require taking antipyretics.

Thermoneurosis as a type of VSD

Most experts attribute the disease to a type of vegetative-vascular dystonia. This is because both diseases cause fatigue, arrhythmia, headaches, weather dependence, fainting, and muscle and joint pain.

In adults, the disease is caused by stress or head trauma. In children, the cause of thermoneurosis can be changes in hormonal levels that occur during puberty, overwork, or nervous disorders.

Due to the fact that an increase in temperature causes even minor stress, the disease should be classified specifically as a subtype of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Causes and clinical picture of the disorder

Symptoms of thermoneurosis occur due to spasm in the blood vessels of the skin. Therefore, the body cannot regulate body temperature.

This condition does not depend on viruses or infections, but is caused by a problem with the functioning of the autonomic part of the nervous system. Violation can occur for various reasons:

  • clinical depression;
  • stress or constant state of anxiety;
  • previous traumatic brain injury;
  • psychological problems;
  • some gynecological and endocrine diseases;
  • overwork;
  • changes in hormonal levels.

Malignant neoplasms, diabetes and serious diseases of the thyroid gland can also be causes. Therefore, if characteristic symptoms appear, you should contact a neurologist who can accurately make a diagnosis.

Diagnosis of thermoneurosis is a rather complex process, because in an adult it can cause various symptoms. The main one is a slight increase in body temperature.

As a rule, the temperature fluctuates between 37-37.5°C. However, after a night's sleep it may exceed these indicators. Throughout the day, the temperature constantly remains above 37°C.

In addition, additional symptoms occur:

  • weakness and dizziness;
  • persistent or recurrent fainting;
  • aching headaches;
  • arrhythmia and tachycardia;
  • fatigue;
  • deterioration of health due to changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • irritability and sleep disturbance.

The presence of at least one or more symptoms should be a reason to contact a specialist. Only he can diagnose the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

In order to detect the presence of the disease in time, you should carefully monitor your physical and psychological condition. Quite often, stress leads to a reconfiguration of the immune system, which must immediately respond to danger.

Thus, the immune system does not work correctly, not protecting the body from microbes on the mucous membranes. This leads to infections and viruses entering the body. And the development of additional inflammatory processes aggravates problems in the functioning of the immune system. Early diagnosis of the disease allows immediate initiation of effective treatment.

Low-grade fever during exercise and stress

If you are in the heat or in a very heated room, dressed too warmly, this affects your body temperature, causing it to rise. Low-grade fever due to overheating is short-term. As soon as the ambient temperature returns to normal, the body temperature also returns to normal.

The same happens during physical activity, which activates all processes and accelerates blood circulation. During heat and stress, the internal temperature can rise by two degrees or more. In this case, the skin, on the contrary, cools due to the release of sweat, as the hypothalamus strives to establish a balance between the formation and release of heat.

Establishing diagnosis

To accurately make such a complex diagnosis requires a high-quality and modern approach. After all, an increase in temperature without the presence of a viral infection or inflammatory process can be caused by other diseases.

Before a specialist diagnoses thermoneurosis, he must exclude the following diseases and conditions:

  • disruption of the thyroid gland;
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • caries and many others.

If the doctor excludes all other options for elevated body temperature, then a diagnosis of thermoneurosis is made. However, only a neurologist can make such a precise diagnosis when a dysfunction of the hypothalamus is identified.

Aspirin test

The most effective method for diagnosing thermoneurosis is to use Aspirin, the intake of which reduces body temperature only if there is a focus of inflammation in the body.

Therefore, if after taking Aspirin the temperature does not decrease, then the likelihood of this particular disease is high.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the examination must be comprehensive. After all, an increase in body temperature can even be caused by malignant neoplasms.

Additional examination methods

The specialist should prescribe the following studies:

  • encephalogram;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • visits to specialized specialists such as a gynecologist, endocrinologist and infectious disease specialist;
  • Conducting laboratory blood tests for the presence of infections.

DEZlikbez. Issue 9. Azopyram test

Friends, we have made another useful video for you about the azopyram test. It is without sound, so it is equally important to watch the video and read the text below.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask in the comments.

What is an azopyram test?

This is a way to check the quality of pre-sterilization cleaning (PSC) of instruments. Simply put, we check whether traces of blood and biological fluids remain on the instruments even after PSO.

If the instrument is not cleaned properly, the azopyram working solution will turn purple. If PSO is carried out well, the solution will not change color.

Who needs to know this?

Cosmetologists, manicurists and pedicurists and, of course, workers in medical institutions. Anyone who, when working with tools, can damage the client’s skin.

How to conduct a test correctly?

Step 1. Preparation of the working solution.

There are two options.

The first is the preparation of an azopyram sample from dry reagents.

To do this, you need to mix all the components of the reagent in the following proportions:

  • amidopyrine – 100 g;
  • analine hydrochloride – 1-1.5 g,
  • Add ethyl alcohol 95% concentration to the required volume (about 1 l).
  • Combine the resulting liquid with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions.

The finished liquid is called the working solution.

The solution is prepared immediately before testing and used within two hours after mixing the components. Otherwise, the sample efficiency will be zero.

If the reagent is stored in a room where the air temperature is above 25 degrees, it will turn pink faster.

The finished solution may turn yellow, this is acceptable if there is no sediment.

This solution preparation option is suitable for institutions that have a medical license and carry out medical activities.

According to SanPiN 2631-10, the use of alcohol is prohibited at public service enterprises, so you should use the second option.

The second option is to use a ready-made “Azopyram-Kit”.

This kit will greatly facilitate the preparation of an azopyram sample. The set contains only two bottles of reagents. The reagent from the small bottle must be poured into a large bottle. The result is a ready-made solution of azopyram.

Step 2. Adding hydrogen peroxide.

To perform an azopyram test, you will need 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Using a pipette, apply three drops of the prepared working solution of azopyram test and three drops of hydrogen peroxide onto a clean napkin.

Step 3. Testing.

We wipe the cutting elements of the instrument or those parts of it that come into contact with biological fluids or blood with a napkin. In the video, we took tweezers as an example.

If the tool has grooves or roughness (for example, cutters, and in our case it is a Uno spoon), the product is used in the form of drops. To do this, we will mix Azopyram with 3% hydrogen peroxide in equal parts and apply 2-3 drops to the instrument with a pipette. This is necessary so that the solution passes through all channels and joints of the tool parts.

After applying the product you need to wait 1 minute. During this time, the solution is allowed to drain onto a clean white napkin (this condition is one of the most important).

We will see the test results on a napkin in a minute. The result obtained after a longer time has no diagnostic value.

If the PSO was carried out poorly, and there are traces of blood or biological fluid on the instruments, after a minute a purple spot will appear on the napkin, and after a few seconds it will turn pinkish-blue.

If the stain on the napkin has a brown tint, it means there is rust or chlorine-containing oxidizers on the instruments. Pink color indicates the presence of detergents.

In our case, the reagent did not give positive results, so we believe that the instrument passed the PSA and there is no need to carry it out again.

To assess the quality of PSO, at least 1% of the instrument that has undergone a simultaneous cleaning procedure is taken. In the beauty industry, for a simpler count, at least three tools are taken from one batch.

How to check the suitability of a solution?

If the drug is stored for a long time, its suitability should be checked before use. Before making an azopyram test on the surface, 2-3 drops of the solution are applied to the blood stain. If within 60 seconds it turns purple, then the reagent is suitable for use. If coloring does not occur, then this solution cannot be used.

Several important rules for conducting an azopyram test:

  • Coloring that occurs later than one minute after treatment is not taken into account when analyzing the results;
  • The temperature of the instruments being examined must be at room temperature. Samples of hot objects are not allowed;
  • Do not keep the working solution (with hydrogen peroxide) in bright light or in a room with high temperature;
  • The Azopyram working solution must be used within two hours, the preparatory solution can be stored at room temperature for one month, in the refrigerator for two months.
  • The container with the solution must be hermetically sealed and the glass must be dark.
  • After testing, the remaining solution must be removed from the instrument, regardless of the result. To do this, items should be rinsed with water or wiped with a swab moistened with water or alcohol. After this, if necessary, repeat the pre-sterilization treatment or carry out sterilization.
  • The results of all tests performed are recorded in a special PSO quality log. If the examination shows the presence of contamination, the entire batch of instruments must be reprocessed.

You can purchase “Azopyram-Komplekt”, as well as PSO quality control logs on our website.

In the video we showed how the azopyram test is performed.

Health care

Most often, with thermoneurosis, body temperature decreases independently when external or internal factors change. For example, if the circumstances that caused stress have changed, then the temperature may return to normal without treatment. Therefore, if the disease is caused by stress, all that is required is rest and relaxation.

However, there are also more serious causes, such as head injuries and certain brain diseases. In this case, the elevated body temperature can last for several months. In this case, pharmaceutical drugs are ineffective.

Long-term treatment will be required, which for thermoneurosis includes:

  • acupuncture course;
  • reflexology;
  • herbal based sedatives;
  • meditation and other relaxation methods;
  • taking homeopathic medicines;
  • normalization of nutrition;
  • physical activity and hardening.

Also, in some cases, the specialist prescribes a course of psychotherapy.
It is effective to take sedatives that strengthen the nervous system. These can be pharmaceutical preparations, herbal preparations, essential oils or soothing baths. To maintain a healthy nervous system, it is recommended to take a vitamin-mineral complex containing magnesium and B vitamins during an exacerbation.

Also during this period, you should drink a course of herbal infusions with valerian, lemon balm, motherwort, chamomile and other herbs that help strengthen the nervous system. Don't forget about strengthening your immune system. This will avoid infections that can cause the disease.

Diagnosis and treatment

A patient with a chronically elevated temperature should consult a physician. To determine the cause, a set of examinations is prescribed, which includes:

  • general clinical blood and urine tests;
  • blood chemistry;
  • coprogram;
  • bacteriological cultures for sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis;
  • fluorography;
  • ECG;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • gynecological examination and ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Based on the diagnostic results, the patient is referred to specialized specialists: cardiologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist, dentist.

To clarify the diagnosis, additional tests may be prescribed: for tumor markers, hormones, and rheumatoid factor. Once the cause is identified, the doctor prescribes and monitors treatment.

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