Phenazepam: effect, side effects and consequences of taking

Domestic tranquilizer. One of the most powerful tranquilizers. Combines sedative, hypnotic and anti-anxiety properties. It is widely used to treat mental disorders, alcohol and drug addiction, seizures and other neurological diseases.

The active substance is bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine. Available in the form of tablets of 0.5; 1 and 2.5 milligrams and in the form of a 0.1% solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration in 1 milliliter ampoules.

The effect of the drug is achieved by enhancing the inhibitory effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid on the subcortical structures of the brain. It affects benzodiazepine receptors of neurons, triggering inhibition processes.

Tranquilizer Phenazepam - a drug?

In the mid-20th century, Phenazepam was widely used to treat emotional disorders. It has an effect similar to alcohol intoxication - there is lethargy and drowsiness. The free sale of the medicine did its job - it was drunk independently as a sedative, and it was widely used by drug addicts or alcoholics.

Today it is sold by prescription and is used in extremely rare cases. One of these is alcohol withdrawal, accompanied by severe mental disorders. However, more and more drug addicts are abandoning Phenazepam.

The effect of phenazepam and its effect on the body

The addictive effect of these tablets is very strong, so Phenazepam can be safely classified as a narcotic drug. It acts on the nuclei of the thalamus, reduces the conduction of nerve impulses. Consequently, a person’s fear, anxiety, and self-preservation instinct are turned off.

The medicine is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, processed in the liver, and then excreted through the urinary system. How to understand that we are dealing with a drug addict taking Phenazepam:

  • Unlike other drugs, the drug does not have the effect of stimulating energy production. On the contrary, the person becomes somewhat inhibited.
  • The addict is relaxed, he cannot sit upright, but rather reclines on a chair.
  • Can talk for hours, while the voice becomes monotonous, there is practically no emotion.

Of course, it is difficult for a non-specialist to identify someone who is addicted to Phenazepam by eye. Moreover, the effect of the pills is similar to intoxication. If a person seems to have drunk, but there is no smell of alcohol, you should sound the alarm.

As the dose and frequency of taking the medication increases, sudden mood swings and deterioration in appearance occur. The pupils often do not react to light. If a person has reached this stage, it will be very difficult for him to get rid of the craving for pills.

Side effects from phenazepam

The list of side effects of the drug is quite impressive:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain in the stomach, the occurrence of gastritis.
  • Dry skin and mucous membranes.
  • Liver destruction.
  • Weakness and fatigue.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Anemia.
  • Temperature increase.

Consequences of taking phenazepam

A lethal dosage of the drug causes death. A less serious consequence of taking the drug is addiction. Taking Phenazepam is especially dangerous for those who have already undergone treatment for drug or alcohol addiction.

Trying to calm down or achieve euphoria, an addict may take a whole handful of the drug without realizing what he is doing. 10 tablets or 20 mg at a time is a dangerous dosage. If the amount of active substance reaches 40, death occurs in 90 percent of cases.

A drug addict on Phenazepam is dangerous not only for himself - in addition to the risk of going out the window or cutting his veins, he can turn on the gas, accidentally set fire to the apartment, etc.

Danger of combination with alcohol

The combination of any drugs with alcohol is extremely dangerous. In addition to increasing the intoxication of the body, alcohol also enhances the effect of the pills. Therefore, the risk of overdose increases.


Phenazepam is strictly prohibited for use by those who have intolerance to the components of the drug, respiratory failure, acute poisoning, or depressive disorders. Pregnant, breastfeeding and people under 18 years of age should also not take Phenazepam.

Phenazepam poisoning

Poisoning with tablets is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain, diarrhea.
  • Vomiting, nausea.
  • Chills.
  • A rise or fall in temperature.
  • Cramps.
  • Increased pressure.
  • Lack of pupillary response to light.
  • Coma in severe cases.

If the patient is conscious, it is necessary to give him water in small sips before the specialists arrive. Open the windows, cover with blankets if the person is cold. No medications or decoctions should be given without consulting a doctor.

Withdrawal from phenazepam

Discontinuation of the drug leads to the following phenomena:

  • Nervousness, aggressiveness.
  • Insomnia.
  • Itching all over the body.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Loss of appetite and wild thirst.
  • Pressure surges.
  • The occurrence of muscle pain.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

The symptoms of withdrawal, overdose or simple pill poisoning are very similar. Therefore, it is important not to self-medicate, but to immediately call doctors.

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    What is Phenazepam

    This drug was first synthesized in 1974. Doctors trust it due to its high effectiveness. However, throughout the entire period of its use, doctors have to deal with the consequences of uncontrolled use of the drug. Self-medication with Phenazepam leads to the development of addiction. Many pharmacies sell the medicine without a prescription, even though it is a prescription drug. Failure to comply with the dosage regimen and the combination of Phenazepam leads to serious consequences.

    Action and pharmacological characteristics of the drug

    Phenazepam acts on the GABAergic system. Its main neurotransmitter is gamma-aminobutyric acid, which plays key roles in the processes of excitation and inhibition. Phenazepam enhances the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid.

    Action of the drug:

    • relieves anxiety;
    • has anxiolytic activity;
    • promotes sleep;
    • calms;
    • relaxes muscles;
    • relieves cramps.

    Since alcohol acts on the GABAergic system in a similar way, drinking alcohol during treatment with Phenazepam increases the activity of the drug. At the same time, a person feels drowsiness, extreme fatigue, his reactions and speed of thinking slow down.


    Phenazepam is quickly absorbed from the digestive tract. Its maximum concentration in the blood is observed approximately an hour and a half after oral administration. Over a relatively long period of time, the patient’s sleep improves and anxiety and restlessness are eliminated.

    The daily dose of Phenazepam is 0.75 – 1.5 mg. It is divided into several stages. In a neuropsychiatric hospital setting, it is possible to increase the daily dose to 5 mg, and in severe cases to 10 mg.

    The drug cannot be discontinued immediately, as the patient develops withdrawal syndrome. The dosage is reduced gradually.

    Indications and contraindications

    Phenazepam is indicated for:

    • phobias;
    • panic attacks (also used for prevention);
    • psychosis;
    • insomnia;
    • premedication in order to prepare for surgery using local anesthesia;
    • neurasthenia;
    • neuroses;
    • schizophrenia (only as part of complex drug treatment);
    • treatment-resistant form of epilepsy in combination with drugs that eliminate convulsions;
    • arrhythmias;
    • autonomic dysfunctions.

    Phenazepam is contraindicated in:

    • individual intolerance;
    • severe respiratory diseases;
    • chronic liver diseases in the stage of decompensation;
    • closed-angle form of glaucoma;
    • severe forms of depression;
    • state of shock.

    Overdose of phenazepam

    A gradual increase in dose inevitably leads to an overdose. Combination with alcohol or other substances only worsens the situation.

    What happens if you take 3-5 tablets of phenazepam?

    It is impossible to predict the exact effect of the medicine - someone can take five tablets at a time, experiencing only mild intoxication, while another person only needs three to become poisoned. There are cases when alcoholics try to drown out the discomfort of a hangover, without controlling the amount of Phenazepam. Many still consider it a harmless sedative.

    Signs of a phenazepam overdose

    An overdose can occur when taking a dose higher than indicated in the instructions. The maximum daily amount should not be more than 10 mcg. 40 mcg of Phenazepam may cause death or irreversible effects in the brain.

    Signs of exceeding the dose of tablets are vomiting, loss of consciousness, nausea, bluish skin color, lack of pupillary reaction, etc. All that can be done before the specialists arrive is to give the person water in small sips if he is conscious, turn him on his side in case of vomiting, and also open the windows to allow air to enter.

    Consequences of an overdose of phenazepam

    The consequences of an overdose can be irreversible:

    • Cirrhosis of the liver.
    • Heart dysfunction.
    • Kidney failure.
    • Mental disorders.
    • The appearance of manic thoughts, suicide.

    Consequences of long-term use

    In the clinic, Phenazepam is prescribed in minimal dosages for a period of no more than a week. Long-term use of large doses of the drug leads to dysfunction of internal organs, peripheral and central nervous systems:

    • myocardial dystrophy;
    • renal failure;
    • toxic hepatitis;
    • severe sleep disturbances;
    • rapid development of mental and physical dependence;
    • convulsive readiness, muscle twitching,
    • emotional lability, anxiety, aggressiveness;
    • instability of attention, inability to assimilate any information;
    • depression;
    • polydrug addiction,
    • suicide.

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    How long does phenazepam stay in the body?

    How long does it take to remove Phenazepam? All figures are approximate, since each case is individual. After taking the tablets, remnants of the drug’s breakdown products may remain in the blood and urine for a long time. Moreover, these residual components still react with alcohol or other drugs.

    How much is excreted from urine

    The period of excretion from urine ranges from 3 to 8 days with regular use. If we are talking about a one-time use, then the average time ranges from a day to 3. Drinking plenty of fluids or taking succinic acid will not help speed up the elimination of Phenazepam from the urine.

    How much is removed from the blood

    The medication remains in the blood from 3 to 5 days. Every day, the concentration is halved if use has been stopped. After taking Phenazepam, you should not drive vehicles or perform responsible, serious work (for example, surgical operations) for at least three days.

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    Negative effects of the drug on the body

    Phenazepam, the action of which allows one to cope with severe symptoms of neurological pathologies, can also cause many adverse reactions. The most common among them are:

    • skin rashes, itching
    • increased drowsiness, fatigue
    • apathy, depression, depressive disorders
    • migraine pain, dizziness
    • manifestations of ataxia
    • confusion
    • deterioration of attention and memory
    • limb tremors
    • decreased or increased libido
    • diuretic disorders
    • dysfunction of the digestive tract with severe symptoms of intoxication
    • blood pressure surges
    • changes in appetite and, as a result, body weight
    • visual impairment
    • change in menstrual cycle
    • addictive

    As a rule, the negative effect of Phenazepam on the human body occurs when there is a violation or spontaneous change in the frequency of administration, dosage, duration of treatment, or a dangerous combination of medication. Thus, it is strictly contraindicated to use a tranquilizer with alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances, sleeping pills, other tranquilizers, as well as anticonvulsants and antipsychotic drugs. This combination threatens to increase side effects and develop symptoms of overdose.

    Phenazepam addiction

    Dependence on Phenazepam occurs after just a couple of weeks of regular use. If the doctor prescribed this drug, then there are serious reasons for this. It must be taken strictly according to the instructions, following all the rules. Under no circumstances should you take pills for several courses in a row.

    Alas, even if all the rules are followed, it cannot be guaranteed that a person will not develop an addiction. If you notice that without the pills you have become nervous, the usual dosage no longer helps, and you want to increase the dose - you should tell your doctor to change your medications.

    Phenazepam and Fenzitate - difference and common features

    Both drugs belong to the group of tranquilizers, or anxiolytics, and are widely used in neurology. These are tablets 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2.5 mg. The active ingredient is bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine (a group of benzodiazepines). In appearance, the substance is a white powder, or has a creamy tint, crystalline, soluble in water.

    The active substance is one of the first tranquilizers; its use dates back several decades.

    There is no difference in the basic composition between Phenzitate and Phenazepam; they are recognized as complete structural analogues.

    The first is produced by , the second by Valenta Pharm. The cost of the tablets is practically the same - for 50 tablets of 0.5 mg you need to pay 95-105 rubles. Only in the set of auxiliary components there are differences, which is important for people with allergies to these substances. For Phenazepam it is lactose, starch, polyvidone, talc, calcium stearate, for Fenzitate it is calcium stearate, gelatin, lactose, starch.

    Addiction treatment in Moscow

    Treatment of addiction to Phenazepam should be comprehensive. Dependence occurs not only on a physiological, but also on a psychological level. A person forever remembers the feeling of peace after taking the drug, so he strives to repeat it.

    Therapy proceeds according to the following scheme:

    • Diagnosis and collection of patient history.
    • Cleansing the body of drug breakdown products (dropper, hardware techniques).
    • Elimination of health problems, removal of physiological cravings for drugs.
    • Psychological rehabilitation, work with family members.

    Our clinic’s specialists have extensive experience working with even the most severe cases. If you or your loved one is addicted to Phenazepam, call us.

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    History of the drug

    The drug was invented in the USSR in the 1970s. This was a breakthrough in Soviet medicine. Drugs with similar effects were not imported into the country, so patients with severe neurotic and psychological illnesses could not receive normal treatment. Since it was not possible to stop seizures and relieve people from depression, patients were simply isolated from society.

    The development of the drug made it possible to stabilize the condition of patients in the shortest possible time, even if they had severe mental pathologies.

    The drug was also used to relieve pain in patients during complex operations. Phenazepam began to be prescribed to relieve epileptic seizures, get rid of panic attacks, anxiety and depression.

    Due to the abundance of side effects, the drug was never able to conquer the foreign market.

    Contraindications and side effects

    The drugs are strictly contraindicated in severe stages of obstructive pulmonary disease and other serious pathologies of the respiratory system. The strictest prohibition is lactation and the first trimester (further on during gestation, medications are also contraindicated).

    Other prohibitions on treatment:

    • coma, shock;

    • tendency or presence of angle-closure glaucoma;
    • age under 18 years;
    • intolerance to any benzodiazepines.

    Under the supervision of a doctor, therapy is carried out for liver and kidney dysfunctions, organic brain diseases, and depressive states. In old age, treatment is carried out only when absolutely necessary. Medicines are not sold without a prescription as they are addictive. Therefore, it is better not to prescribe them to people with a tendency to abuse psychotropic drugs.

    At the beginning of therapy, most patients experience drowsiness, dizziness, and slow reactions.

    Side effects may also include blood disorders, disorientation, headaches, muscle spasms, dry mouth, nausea, and heartburn. Diarrhea or constipation, changes in libido, and menstrual irregularities may be recorded.

    Signs of Phenazepam use in drug addicts

    If the drug is taken to achieve a narcotic effect, then the person:

    • the skin takes on a bluish tint;
    • consciousness becomes confused, movements become unstable, conversation becomes meaningless;
    • the mood rises, the person begins to laugh and smile for no reason;
    • eyes become dry, red and constantly itchy;
    • dilated pupils stop responding to light;
    • the tongue becomes covered with a white coating, and there is a constant desire to drink.

    Reviews from drug addicts say that after 4 hours from the moment of taking the prohibited drug, the effect of Phenazepam begins to decline. As a result, the person returns to the previous state of anxiety, depression or aggression. Therefore, there is a need to again get a feeling of euphoria and take another portion of pills (or give an injection of Phenazepam).

    History of use in medicine

    In the 70s of the last century, the invention of Phenazepam became an important event in medicine. During the Soviet period there were no tranquilizers, and they were not supplied from abroad. Therefore, people with severe mental disorders and severe nervous attacks were forced to spend half their lives in mental hospitals. With the help of Phenazepam, doctors were able to stabilize even very severe conditions. It was prescribed for:

    • violent states;
    • depression;
    • chronic insomnia;
    • attacks of anxiety and fear;
    • states of post-traumatic syndrome;
    • psychosis and increased irritability.

    Under the influence of the medication, a muscle relaxant effect occurs (smooth muscles relax), which even relieves an epileptic seizure. The use of Phenazepam was also recommended to relieve withdrawal symptoms in alcoholics after alcohol withdrawal. The drug, acting on the brain and thalamic nuclei, provides an inhibitory effect. Due to this, nervous disorder, nervousness, irritability are reduced, and convulsive impulses are suppressed. Suppressed brain cells immediately provoke sleep. Since the drug can have a strong effect on the body, its use is allowed only with a doctor’s prescription, taking into account all contraindications.

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