Sedative herbal medicine Lek “Deprim” - reviews

Use of the drug Deprim

Deprim tablets Adults: 1 tablet 3 times a day. Children from 6 to 12 years: 1 tablet per day or 2 tablets per day (morning and evening) - maximum dose. The decision on the advisability of using the drug in children aged 6–12 years is made by the doctor. The tablets are taken with a small amount of liquid before meals. Deprim Forte capsules Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 1 capsule 1 time per day at the same time. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 2 capsules per day in the morning and evening. The positive effect of treatment with Deprim is achieved within 10–14 days. A stable therapeutic effect develops with regular use of the drug over several weeks or months. If no improvement is observed within 4–6 weeks of treatment with Deprim, you should stop taking the drug.

DEPRIM (tablets)

from such a condition.
I treat pharmacological drugs that can help with respect. In this case, of course, a plant-based drug is preferable, although they usually have a weaker effect than chemically synthesized drugs. The drug Deprim contains flavonoids, essential oils and other components of plant origin. It is a mild antidepressant, calming and has a sedative effect. And at the same time it acts as a stimulant on the circulatory system, organs of the gastrointestinal tract and, in general, tones the entire body. The second positive effect of this drug is its anti-inflammatory effect. It can be used as an additional remedy in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. The components of Deprim have a detrimental effect on certain types of bacteria, in particular streptococci. But most often the drug is used to treat anxiety and restlessness, as well as to treat the stomach, intestines and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. This drug can be used to treat adolescents; it is approved for children over 12 years of age. The teenage transition period is often fraught with problems, and herbal sedatives can sometimes come in handy. I took this drug when I was going through a difficult period due to some family circumstances. Everything went well, but for a long time after that I felt depressed and lethargic.

Then I decided to buy Deprim, and then depending on the circumstances. If necessary, you will have to consult a doctor. At the time of purchase at the pharmacy, I found out that there is also Deprim Forte with a stronger effect, but for now I decided to buy the regular one. The package bears a reassuring inscription: “improves mood.” The instructions contain dosage tips: you need to take 3 tablets a day, and the package contains 30 tablets. This means one is enough for 10 days. The drug costs 250 rubles, which is the average price for drugs of this type. It is produced by the pharmaceutical company Sandoz, which is located in Slovenia. The tablets are small, soft green in color, and this is understandable: its main herbal ingredient is the herb St. John's wort. The manufacturer emphasizes that long-term use may cause reproductive dysfunction - women who want to conceive a child need to remember this. The effect of the drug is felt. Maybe not as pronounced as we would like. And I can’t say whether this is a “placebo effect” or whether the components of the drug are working, but gradually I began to feel a little more carefree, the heaviness began to go away, and my sleep improved. At the same time, there is no feeling of foggy consciousness. I think this is a good drug. Although, of course, it will not suit everyone who is in a difficult situation, since its effect is individual. In addition, one should not discount the fact that this is still a herbal preparation, which means it does not have a very high degree of effectiveness.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Deprim

During treatment with Deprim, you should avoid exposure to the sun. Patients with bipolar depression have an increased risk of developing mania. Do not take two doses of the drug at the same time. If one dose is missed, the drug should be taken as soon as possible; if it is time to take the next dose of the drug, do not take an additional dose to compensate for the missed one. Use during pregnancy and lactation. Clinical studies on the use of Deprim during pregnancy and lactation have not been conducted, therefore the use of the drug is permitted only as prescribed by a doctor. Effect on psychophysical abilities Deprim and Deprim Forte do not have a negative effect on the ability to drive a car or operate machinery.


Deprim is a herbal antidepressant. In addition to antidepressant, it has an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect. The manufacturer, the multinational pharmaceutical company Sandoz, used St. John's wort extract as the active ingredient. The latter, in turn, contains the pigment hypericin, its derivative pseudohypericin, the phytochemical compound hyperforin and flavonoids. This complex of plant biologically active substances increases the functionality of the central and peripheral nervous system. The drug improves the overall emotional state, elevates mood, improves sleep quality, mental and physical activity. Deprim is indicated for mild to moderate depression accompanied by anxiety, incl. caused by menopause, as well as poor tolerance to weather changes. Deprim is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, photosensitivity, severe depression, during pregnancy and lactation. In pediatrics, the drug is used starting from the age of 12. Single dose – 1 tablet. Frequency of application – three times a day. The therapeutic effect of the drug develops within 10-14 days. If after 1-1.5 months there is no clear improvement in the patient’s condition, you should interrupt drug therapy and consult a doctor. If for some subjective reason the next dose was missed, it is necessary to take the drug as soon as possible, except in cases where the time is right to take the next dose.

In such cases, a double dose is not required. When using drugs based on St. John's wort together with coumarin indirect anticoagulants, the cardiac glycoside digoxin and methylxanthine theophylline, the effectiveness of the latter may decrease. St. John's wort preparations can provoke uterine bleeding between menstruation in women taking tablet hormonal contraceptives. In addition, during the period of using St. John's wort preparations, it is necessary to resort to additional methods of contraception, because they may weaken the effect of pill contraceptives. While taking Deprim, you should refrain from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and visiting a solarium, because the drug has photosensitizing properties. Deprim is not compatible with alcohol. Patients with diabetes mellitus should be informed that the drug contains 0.02 bread units. To date, sufficient data has not yet been accumulated on the effect of Deprim on the ability to work with potentially dangerous mechanisms that require attention and concentration, incl. to drive a car. A slight overdose of the drug can cause phototoxicity reactions. In such cases, treatment should be interrupted and activated charcoal should be taken.

Interactions of the drug Deprim

Deprim should be taken with caution during simultaneous treatment with drugs containing digoxin, theophylline, as well as oral contraceptives, anticonvulsants and antidepressants, triptates. Preparations containing St. John's wort extract may increase the activity of certain enzymes that take part in the metabolism of the drug. These interactions may reduce the effectiveness of some drugs, such as warfarin, cyclosporine, theophylline, indinavir, digoxin, and birth control medications. Deprim can interact with drugs whose metabolism occurs with the participation of cytochrome enzymes, as well as if their transport occurs using p-glycoprotein. The effect on enzymes may continue after treatment is stopped. In this regard, interaction of Deprim with other drugs may occur for another two weeks after stopping its use. Due to the pharmacodynamic interactions of the drug Deprim with triptan derivatives (sumatriptan, naratriptan, zolmitriptan), antidepressants (especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, for example citalopram, fluvoxamine, fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine), the side effects of serotonin may increase.

Sedative herbal medicine Lek “Deprim” - reviews


I'll tell you my story. During the birth and raising of the child, I somehow fell out of life, fatigue accumulated, I thought that my son would go to kindergarten and it would become easier. But a month has passed since I was left to my own devices and I stopped recognizing myself. A kind of constant lethargy, apathy, anxiety, self-doubt, loss of appetite, and overall taste for life... I didn’t want to communicate with anyone, even on the phone. Friends who knew me before simply did not recognize me, because I have always been a storehouse of enthusiasm and energy. It got to the point that I became afraid to leave the house, even taking out the trash became a problem!!! I pulled myself out of the house by the ears just to pick up my son from kindergarten. And terrible laziness!!! There were so many plans, but as a result I sat like a stump at home doing nothing. Although I have no objective reasons for depression, I am young, I look good, I have no problems - neither material nor psychological, but in fact... It reached a critical point when my husband called me a parasite, I’m ashamed to say, but sometimes I didn’t go into the kitchen all day, the dishes weren’t washed in the morning, I’m silent about the rest of the housework…. I read the reviews and started drinking Deprim. Ten days have passed and the blues have disappeared. Household chores are now done effortlessly. I started communicating with people again and it didn’t bother me like before. I don’t notice any side effects such as headaches or digestive disorders.

Nadezhda Ryzhkova

I can’t call this remedy a sedative, it’s meant to improve mood and it really works. I used it for the first time in 2009, when my former boyfriend was messing with me on vacation. I bought myself a deprimchika and did not spoil my impression of the holiday at all, responding to all his tricks with a smile!

The indications for use indicate that “Deprim is used for low mood, mild to moderate depression, accompanied by anxiety, including those associated with climate syndrome, and with increased sensitivity to weather changes.”

That is, ideal for a rainy autumn!

The main active drug is St. John's wort. It doesn’t help with severe depression, it’s just... for a slightly sad mood.

Pros: natural preparation, based on plant components; does not cause drowsiness or excessive alertness; does not suppress emotions and reactions - does not interfere with driving; convenient to take (small green tablets); is not addictive; has a cumulative effect, i.e. you don’t need to drink enough of the course to use them constantly; It is not possible to get poisoned if you are not intolerant to St. John's wort. And it’s not expensive, a pack of 30 tablets costs from 130 to 170 rubles.

Cons: like any drug based on St. John's wort: it is recommended to avoid the sun and solariums; when taking birth control pills, it can neutralize their effect or, on the contrary, enhance it; It is not recommended to drink alcohol, so you can fight autumn depression with either a glass or a pill of your choice.

I wish everyone smiles and good mood!


I have a very stressful job. And for days. In general, I take Deprim Forte (one capsule a day, as it has a prolonged effect) in the morning, before going to work. I know that this is wrong, but considering that I achieve the result I need without taking the drug regularly for 3-4 weeks, everything suits me. And this is the effect: calmness and HEALTHY indifference. For me, as a person who takes every little thing very close to my heart, this is simply a salvation. There is definitely no drowsiness, lethargy or decreased speed of thinking. The reaction speed is not affected at all. I can't say that my mood is improving. Perhaps because it is rarely bad for me. It’s just that under conditions of stress and anxiety, I’m constantly on pins and needles, which, of course, cannot contribute to a comfortable state. I don’t see euphoria or elevated mood levels. But it's really calm. The drug is NOT addictive (tested on myself; I take it once every 4 days, however, but for 3 months). It is a 100% herbal medicine (a large amount of St. John's wort is the main active ingredient). Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. The price of 20 capsules is about 200 rubles. In my opinion, it is quite democratic. Overall, I'm very pleased. And I definitely recommend it.

Konstantin Suslikov

In our age of technology and technology, bad mood and melancholy have become companions of our lives, but they should not be perceived as something critical that cannot be dealt with at all. I found a way to fight depression for myself - the herbal medicine Deprim _Deprim_ the basis of the drug is St. John's wort extract. The condition improved after taking the drug for 14 days. I will focus on the regularity of taking the drug. The herbal medicine contains only herbal ingredients, so there are no side effects on the human body.


My friend and I both take Deprim, it’s a herbal antidepressant, it has minimal side effects, is sold without a prescription, and is suitable for mild to moderate levels of depression with anxiety.

I would say that if there is a long-term loss of energy, a bad mood or apathy, problems with sleep (and similar symptoms), you can try Deprim. There are stronger remedies, but they come with prescriptions, and their side effects are quite strong, so it’s better to try something lighter. (But it would be great to go through a psychologist too)


I don’t know if I drink Negrustin or Deprim. St. John's wort tablets) are a safe non-chemical antidepressant. He makes me feel so good, there are no suicidal thoughts, it just makes me smile. Saves you in difficult moments.


As far as I know, the only over-the-counter antidepressant in Russia is Deprim. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by clinical trials, but only for mild to moderate depression (I myself did not look for a scientific article about this, the information is from pop sources, you can google it yourself and make a decision). But still, the Psychiatrist deals with the treatment of such things.


This is a natural antidepressant, its effect is mild, gradual and cumulative, like all herbs.. Effect after a week - two doses.. The instructions say. I read that abroad, first of all, they prescribe it for depression, and then, if that doesn’t help, then synthetic antidepressants. And indeed, maybe the dosage of antipsychotics is too high for you, is it still individual?

Olga Bobylevich


Deprim is a herbal antidepressant based on St. John's wort (as it is written in the annotation). I took it, the drug is good, not chemical. Does not cause drowsiness. Improves mood, anxiety goes away, the consequences of stress. For me, Deprim and its analogs (Negrustin especially) are almost like valerian now. Those. instead of valerian, as it helps a lot. Although, I try not to get carried away, of course.

Natalia Potapova


A pill of happiness, as I call it. These tablets help me a lot when submitting difficult reports, and they really helped me calm my nerves during the period of quitting smoking. besides, they taste quite pleasant, and their composition is also not bad, but still you should not get carried away with them, just like with any other medicines.

Elina Zinatullina


I started taking these Deprim tablets quite recently. At work there is constant stress and emergency situations. Because I am accountant. Now she has become aggressive and irritable. Colleagues recommended these tablets. I'm already taking 2 blister packs. They really help. I’ve become a non-carer, and now I’m not annoyed by everything that’s happening in the area. I became calmer around my family. I also like the taste of them, herbal. Their composition is so good. I highly recommend it. And my mood improved.


In our age, it is sometimes very difficult to control yourself, there is constant stress both at home and at work. Sometimes the body just malfunctions. Not long ago, an unpleasant story happened to me, which simply unsettled me. Plus, I began to react horribly to weather changes. To be honest, it was all very disgusting and sometimes even scary.

I began to think about a drug that would ease my suffering. It was scary to take chemical antidepressants, so I decided to use traditional medicine and treat myself with herbs.

I knew that a herb like St. John’s wort is an excellent phyto-antidepressant, and that’s what I settled on, but it was extremely inconvenient to brew this herb all the time, and then information reached me that there is a drug based on St. John’s wort extract called DEPRIM FORTE. Of course, I immediately bought it and began taking it according to the instructions, namely 1 capsule per day at the same time.

Literally immediately, after about a couple of days of taking it, the anxiety went away, I became less irritable, and most importantly, now I feel at least snow. Even if it rains, the body does not react violently to changes in atmospheric pressure.

By the way, I will also say that it is hypotensive, and this remedy normalizes blood pressure and suppresses the symptoms of VEGETOSUSCULAR DYSTONIA.

It is sold in packs of 20 pieces and is dark green capsules. I recommend you try this product. Be healthy!



the effect comes in a week. It really helps, doesn’t dull consciousness, doesn’t make you sleepy.



The story is banal: I broke up with my boyfriend, I was very worried, I couldn’t sleep at night... apathy, tears. Then I Googled a lot of pills for this condition. First I tried “tenoten” - it helped well, but it seemed to me that it caused the body’s addiction (after a month). I decided to stop taking it. But the general condition was increasingly deteriorating. I decided to buy deprim. And “OH MIRACLE”! I began to enjoy the little things in life again, friends, and took up a hobby (inspiration returned). I don’t remember how long I took it, about 2 months I think. While my personal life has not improved.



inexpensive, herbal preparation, calms


didn't find it

I started taking the sedative herbal medicine Deprim 4 days ago.:-) Probably, in the life of every person there are depressive, hysterical moments when you urgently need to “drink something” in order to put your nervous system in order. Using my own example, I can say that my hysterical mood, causeless tears and other hysteria have passed. The drug does not cause drowsiness. A huge advantage of Deprim is that it is made on the basis of herbs, and to be precise, St. John's wort. The cost of the drug is 219 rubles, which is quite acceptable for 30 tablets. After taking it there are absolutely no disorders. Only calm, peace and grace. I have already recommended the medicine to my friends. I recommend it to you too)


I felt bad. It was so bad that not only the people closest to me were annoying, but also my dog, who came to pet me. I was walking on the way to work or training and my inner beast wanted to kill the person coming at me. I didn’t need to be provoked; if someone or something was nearby, I was already at the peak of aggression. I wanted to run over a dog or cat with a car, crush a stranger’s skull. And imagining it in colors, I received amazing satisfaction.

This started happening about a year ago. Still in the summer of 2021. Then I blamed everything on my periods, that the guy didn’t understand me, that I was stuck at work, and much more. I tried to restrain myself, but the accumulated aggression spilled out in the most surprising way. One wave of my hand that I didn’t like or picking a guy’s nose was enough for me to go into a frenzy. Create a scandal on a global scale and break off relations “forever.”

Everything intensified with the arrival of PMS. I used to always be surprised by the rowdy girls during PMS, about whom there are jokes. And I thought that this was a whim and whims of character. But no, at 23, I realized that a week before my period my mood deteriorates, I want to eat, cry at advertisements for diapers, and it is impossible to suck in my stomach and make it flat as usual..

But what began to happen in the summer of 2021 defies any explanation. Everyone and everything is against me. And the main thing is the idea that I don’t love the guy. The relationship seemed to be a dead end. The pain in the chest from the realization of the worthlessness of life gave no rest and therefore every month we parted. At first he was very worried. I didn’t understand what was happening (like me). Then I caught up with him about the regularity of our separations. And he tried to convey this idea to me. I didn't believe it. I didn’t think that some PMS could turn me from a normal person into a creepy bitch. Therefore, before winter, relations were not very smooth. The guy was patient. Bring me back every time. calmed down.

I was getting worse. By winter, I could not control myself not only during PMS, menstruation, but also in my free time from the calendar. I was afraid of myself. I was afraid that I couldn’t resist and would still stick a knife in the arm or leg of the guy who was fussing around washing dishes and thereby preventing me from eating and watching TV.

Now, with a more or less sound head, I understand that the guy did the impossible. He gritted his teeth and watched as his girlfriend terrorized him, his parents, his dog and most importantly herself. To be honest, I couldn't stand such behavior. But remembering myself at that moment, I am horrified and begin to understand a little how depressed people feel, whose obsession is suicide.

And yet they found me

inflammation of the ovaries. The group of hormones androstenedione exceeded the permissible norms by 3 times. The treatment took a long time. So far tests, then the first course of treatment, then the second. I didn’t wait for the hormones to calm down (the doctor was 80% sure that if we relieved the inflammation, the hormones would return to normal) and after another quarrel with a guy, when we didn’t talk for more than 2 weeks, I came to the pharmacy and asked for a sedative, which does not make you sleepy and so that you can drive the car. We stood with her at the window and chose something inexpensive and herbal. It was deprim. I drank it right away. I no longer hoped to restore the relationship. I tormented him for more than a year. And only now I began to feel coldness from him towards me. It was painful.

I had to take one tablet 3 times a day. I didn't expect any effect. But already on the 2nd day I went to work with a smile and it seemed like even the sun was shining (in St. Petersburg)). Literally after 3 days I reduced the dosage to 2 tablets per day. Morning and afternoon.

I’ll say right away that every time I changed the dosage, my body suffered. I again became aggressive, whiny, life at 27 was over. But the next day everything returned to normal.

After 5 days, I reduced the dose to 1 tablet in the morning (so that work wouldn’t stress me out). And so I took 1 tablet a day for a long time. About 1.5 months. I don’t know if it’s possible to do this or not, but it helped me. There was an effect. And at the end of August the mood became even. The results of the ovarian treatment bore fruit and the hormone level leveled out.

It's October now. I carry the tablets with me in my bag, but I no longer take them. Maybe I'll start, because... The transition to autumn is always difficult for me. But most likely I'm worried about myself. For your health. Since February 2021, my temperature has been 36.9-37.2. Sometimes there is, sometimes there isn’t. Lots of doctors, tests. But there is no diagnosis, there is a fever and headache.

And I also want to warn you that before Deprim I had never taken anything, neither Corvalol, nor valerian, nor glycine. Nothing. Maybe that's why they helped me quickly. I no longer had such serious mood problems. And if there is, then I “threaten” myself that if I don’t calm down now, then “you’ll be on sedatives all your life.” So far it helps.))

If I use these tablets again, I will update the review.

PS: Relations with the guy have improved. A new turn has taken place in our lives. And now, seeing what he endured and for how long, I understand the power of his love. And for his sake I hold on, I grit my teeth during PMS, I learn to say directly that I feel bad and need peace, I develop endurance and patience.


I had to take Deprim because of health problems, of course!) It’s just that neuropathologists and psychologists tried to prescribe me heavier drugs, such as fluoxetine and Selectra.

After reading the instructions for synthetic antidepressants, the side effects and reviews about them, I categorically refused to drink any of them.

Working with a psychologist also did not give much relief, but the effect was short-lived, and it is expensive to go to a psychologist.

I have registered in many forums where young people sit who have been on synthetic antidepressants for years and describe their feelings, give advice, and describe side effects. I entered into personal correspondence with some of them and consulted.

After analyzing everything, I became even more afraid of synthetic antidepressants. The thing that frightened me most of all the side effects was the decrease in libido, and almost everyone notices it; only a few write that “this” side effect did not affect them. And my friends kept dissuading me from taking antidepressants, saying “you’ll become a vegetable” or “let’s go and drink some vodka and you’ll feel better.” And I’m a normal person, but I feel that I need support in the form of a sedative, but stronger than any phenibuts, afobazoles, persenes and grandaxins. I've already tried them all. By the way, I wrote my honest review about Phenibut with sad experience of side effects, you can read it if you wish


Let's return to deprim.

After studying all the antidepressants, I began to look for the easiest one, and came across Deprim. My psychologist was against Deprim and still advised me to use Selectra, relying on its ease. But I did not agree with him and began to take Deprim without permission.

By the way, Deprim, unlike most antidepressants, is inexpensive, 194 rubles. The price always varies, some pharmacies are a little more expensive, some a little cheaper.

When I started drinking it, I really believed in it, maybe that’s why it helped me. He was my only hope, because I understood that if he didn’t help me, I would have to take more serious drugs.

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