Is the truth born in a dispute? Why do some people like to argue?

1 4061 March 28, 2021 at 03:59 Author of the publication: Natalya Telesheva, foreign language teacher

My husband just loves to argue. At home, at work or in the company of friends - he will find an opponent everywhere. When he thinks that a person is wrong, he will definitely correct his interlocutor and will persistently continue to argue if he does not agree with him.

“I don’t think it’s bad,” he replies to all my persuasion to quit this habit. – This is the desire to explain to a person that he is mistaken. After all, I argue in an area where I am a professional, where I know exactly what I’m talking about.”

But sometimes his obsessive desire to argue goes beyond all boundaries. It has gotten to the point that in the company of our mutual friends, everyone moves away from him or is looking for an excuse to quickly leave the party when he arrives. “They are simply afraid of an intelligent interlocutor,” my husband notes self-confidently.

Who are they - those who like to argue?

Why is insisting on your own point of view so important for some people? What makes them voluptuously prove that they are right? Let's try to figure this out with the help of System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan.

Every person from birth has certain sets of mental properties - vectors that are responsible for a person’s interests, his motives for behavior and desires. For example, a person who is vehemently passionate about an argument has an anal vector.

From the outside it may seem that a person with an anal vector is always looking for an opportunity to argue, but this is not entirely true. Valuable concepts for him are truth and honesty. An anal person maintains order and precision in everything: in any statements, judgments and views. Measure twice, cut once - that's about him. The more difficult it is for him to remain on the sidelines when another makes a mistake in front of his eyes. If he believes that his interlocutor is wrong, then sometimes he cannot remain silent, since strong tension arises inside his psyche. At such moments, he simply needs to correct the mistake at all costs, that is, to prove to the person that he is wrong.

Finding a mistake or a fly in the ointment, separating right from wrong, clean from dirty, is the natural task of any person with an anal vector. Possessing excellent memory and a thirst for knowledge, he can study and remember large amounts of information. This allows the bearer of the anal vector to become a professional in his field, a real master, able to see the slightest inaccuracies and blots.

People who are always teaching: WHAT is behind this behavior?

What is behind the desire to teach? It seems that in everyone’s environment there is a person who makes unsolicited remarks for no reason. It would seem that you are no longer in kindergarten, not at school, not at the institute; you no longer need the sensitive All-Seeing Eye, guiding you on the “True Path” and correcting you if “something is wrong.” But then someone appears who declared himself superior to you, appointed himself as your Judge.

It would be nice if you asked him about it: “Dear, evaluate, be kind... I trust your opinion, taste, professional look.” Anything can be assessed - from aspects of your appearance to the fruits of your professional activity, including your actions and actions or other manifestations of you personally. And then you have a chance to hear constructive criticism addressed to you, to which, mind you, you gave permission, which you requested yourself. Or, for example, you are participating in a competition in which the above-mentioned assessments are quite adequate to the situation - on the part of the jury.

But it happens that you didn’t ask for anything like this, but you encounter it in everyday life. It’s probably no secret that such “collisions,” all other things being equal, can knock you out of the saddle, ruin your mood for a long time, sometimes bring you to tears, make you make excuses, feel shame “there’s something wrong with me”... And you, an adult, in fact, is forced to play the role of a Child in such communication. After all, the main message with this form of contact sounds like the Parental order “You are not good enough.” In this injunction, shame and guilt are hung on you, in which notes of superiority are clearly audible: “Your badness is so striking that I will immediately point it out to you. You are wrong, but I know how to correct you: how you should live, react, act.” It's unpleasant, isn't it? It's easy to guess that all this will cause you instant emotional discomfort. Firstly, it’s worth looking deeper - what is behind this behavior of the person who contacted you? After all, when we understand the motives of another person, we can somehow explain them to ourselves, it is easier for us to maintain calm and clarity of mind without getting involved in a scenario of emotional discomfort.

So, the possible reasons why someone takes on the role of your Teacher and takes the trouble to make comments to you:

Tendency to omnipresent control. And here control acts as a quality of the individual and extends to the entire world around us. A person sincerely believes that the world should be the way he wants it to be. First of all, such a person strictly controls himself and demands that everything that his gaze falls on meets his expectations. Including, of course, you - if you happen to catch his eye. Moreover, a person may not even realize that he is offending you with his inappropriate statements, not realizing their deep subjectivity and including you within his broad boundaries. The desire to shift the focus of attention from yourself to you. The best defense is attack. In this situation, the person assumes that if he does not point out something to you first, then you will certainly do it. He is afraid of close attention to himself, the search for his shortcomings and condemnation. He fundamentally believes that everyone cares about him - and so do you! Self-affirmation at your expense. Here there is an attempt to rise through comparisons not in your favor, a desire to prove “I am better than you.” Hello, narcissism and intolerable inferiority complex. Envy, otherwise your “ideality” in some areas hurts your eyes. Displacement of anger. You piss people off, you just piss them off. But for some reason, he is not able to directly openly direct his anger towards you. Therefore, aggression is poured out indirectly, through clinging and nagging. Secondly, if you regularly find yourself in situations where you are taught, in situations of outright attacks, then you should think about whether you are playing the role of the Victim, thereby provoking those around you?

For what reason do you allow your boundaries to be violated? How do you behave in society that gives people the right to make comments and attack you? What elements of your presentation to the world - timbre of voice, intonation, gaze, posture, gait - make you a person who can be attacked or reprimanded? How do you invite an attack? After all, most often they teach not everyone, but those who are unconsciously ready to accept it. Thirdly, the situation itself, where they make unsolicited comments and instructions to you, criticize you, looks like a role model “Teacher-Student”, “Parent-Child”. Any assessment of you and your actions in this case presupposes a position “from above”, which your interlocutor has captured by arbitrarily appointing himself to the role of your Teacher, Parent, Judge.

He has captured his “quirk,” but you have the right to simply not support this position of his, not to choose for yourself the role of a Student-Child.

How to do it? Through the inner attitude. Treat such manifestations of a person as a quirk, an oddity, the performance of one Actor in an empty Theater.

“Look at everything from a distance. Now, if the person in front of you declared himself Napoleon and reprimanded you: “Jacques, clean your uniform, otherwise it’s dirty. And in general, you are disgustingly galloping on a horse and building a redoubt in a completely obscene manner. Don't embarrass yourself, you should take drill lessons!" Would you take his words seriously? I think it's unlikely. They would be surprised at the absurdity of what was said to you - maximum. But you certainly would not have experienced a reaction of emotional discomfort - after all, the instructions were not in the right place, in the wrong place. (Author: Olga Grishina) == Does “teacher” remind you of anyone? ))) Treat such manifestations of a person as a quirk, an oddity, the play of one Actor in an empty Theater.

I like it when my opinion is respected

Another important feature of the owner of the anal vector is respect for authoritative opinion. A person with an anal vector always respects his mentors and the older generation. He is a connecting thread between the past and the future, taking knowledge from his ancestors and passing it on to the new generation. Therefore, experience is a significant category for him, and an experienced person makes him want to listen and follow advice.

However, it is no less important for the owner of the anal vector that his opinion is also valued and respected, because respect and honor are his values. He shows undisguised sympathy for those who listen to his opinion. But sometimes life circumstances or the burden of psychological problems do not allow an anal person to fully realize himself. Sometimes it is not possible to get a decent job where his professionalism will be valued and respected. And sometimes there is no ability, no education, no desire at all. In this case, he feels dissatisfied and tries to compensate for his frustration: it becomes even more important for him to show that he is an authority for others, so he begins to impose his view of life on others, proving that he is right.

Stages of the dispute

Experts in the field of rhetoric identify five distinct stages of this process:

  1. Confrontation stage . Here the degree of discrepancy in views on the subject of the dispute is clarified, and the initial clash of opinions begins.
  2. Discovery stage . This period is characterized by the distribution of roles into opponent and proponent (attacker and defender).
  3. Argumentation stage . This is the time to actively defend your position. The leading role here is played by the proponent.
  4. Criticism stage . If the opponent does not agree with the proponent’s arguments, he begins to give counterarguments and criticize the defender’s position.
  5. Final stage . The level of discussion between the two sides is being assessed. The dispute is resolved in favor of the winning participant.

I won't go to kindergarten, mom.

“Stubborn and stubborn” - this is what they say about avid debaters with an anal vector. The roots of stubbornness often begin in early childhood.

Anal children are very obedient. They do everything correctly, scrupulously and efficiently in order to receive praise and approval from their dear and beloved mother. But it happens that a mother does not have an anal vector and has a completely opposite type of psyche - skin. Every minute is important for her, she does everything quickly, instantly switching from one task to another, and often simply does not understand her slow child.

Such a skinny mother may not listen to the anal baby, interrupt, rush, and due to her natural tendency to save words and emotions, not even praise the child. As a result of such an attitude on the part of the mother, the child with the anal vector simply falls into a stupor. He pouts his lips, gets offended, becomes stubborn and mutters under his breath, insisting: “I won’t go to kindergarten, mom.”

Unfortunately, from such, at first glance, trivial childhood insults, a heavy load of great internal resentment against the mother accumulates. Often a person with an anal vector carries this trauma throughout his life.

When a stubborn boy grows into an adult man, he constantly clings to every opportunity to be right, engaging in pointless arguments. Unconsciously, he is not arguing with his opponent. He proves that he is right to his mother by getting stuck in past grievances, simply because he was not understood, not listened to, or praised.

Types of dispute

Conflicts of different opinions can take several forms. The following types of dispute are distinguished:

  1. Discussion . Its goal is to find an acceptable solution to a controversial issue by comparing different opinions on the topic.
  2. Dispute . It is prepared in advance and carried out according to previously established rules. Common topics for discussion are selected from the scientific, social, social, moral and ethical areas.
  3. Debate (debate) . They arise during the discussion of a central issue at meetings of a certain community of people.
  4. Dispute-eclecticism . It differs from other types of dispute by the possibility of using not entirely correct techniques.
  5. Dispute-controversy . Discussion of problems takes place in an acute form, both in person and in absentia. A feature of this type of dispute is the struggle of fundamentally opposing views.
  6. Dispute-sophistry . This is a dispute using the method of substitution of concepts. During reasoning, the laws of logic are used to deceive the interlocutor.

See also: PRIDE - what is it. Positive and negative sides


In the public sphere, it is carried out under the leadership of a specially appointed facilitator, who directs the course of the event in the right direction. The essence of the discussion is to discuss opinions in order to find an acceptable result. At the end of this activity, the views of those gathered on the topic under consideration may remain unchanged. However, they may be taken into account when making the final conclusion. During the discussion, only correct techniques are allowed. The event will be successful if all participants agree with the achieved result.


This word means "warlike" in Greek. Figuratively speaking, entering into a debate means declaring war on your opponent. Its goal is to defend its correct position in every possible way and destroy the false views of its opponent. The questions raised in the battles of this type of dispute can be philosophical, political, or artistic in nature. A number of examples of contemporary controversy can be given:

  • television talk shows;
  • comments on sensitive articles and publications;
  • discussing topics on forums and blogs.


This term denotes an artificial mixture of heterogeneous ideas, meanings, and concepts. They are not related to each other in any way, and in some cases they can be directly opposite. Defending your opinion using eclecticism means bombarding your opponent with a mass of meaningless arguments, one of which can immediately refute the previous argument. In this type of dispute, the main thing is the pressure and onslaught of argumentation. The opponent must become obscured and lose the meaning of his arguments in the stream of nonsense that has befallen him from the opponent.


It is based on the ability to reason to the detriment of meaning. In this type of dispute, the main thing is to build a logically correct chain of arguments and present it convincingly. Reasoning and persuasiveness are the main tricks of the sophists’ argument. The laws of logic here are intended to confuse the opponent by substituting the meanings and concepts of well-known terms. As a result, in the right words, a sophist debater can give directly opposite meanings and turn the content of what was said “upside down.” Using a logical trick, he passes off a deliberately distorted erroneous reasoning as the truth.

I can't accept someone else's opinion

Possessing persistence and the desire to see things through to the end, a person with the anal vector will often not give in in an argument, making every effort to end up being the only one in the right. Being the best, ideal is another value in life for such a person.

Moreover, even if during an argument it becomes obvious to a person with an anal vector that he is not entirely right, it is quite difficult for him to admit it. In this regard, the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals to us another aspect of the psyche of such a person.

The fact is that accepting everything new, including an opinion that is unusual for oneself, is stressful for any carrier of the anal vector. He needs to get used not only to new external conditions, but also to new thoughts, new information. Someone else’s opinion is not his own, it is very difficult to accept. Therefore, it takes time to adapt to a different point of view.


Part 1

Prepare for an argument

  • If you tell an insecure know-it-all that he is wrong, his insecurity will intensify and he will go on the defensive. It is better to use leading questions that are acceptable to such people.
  • With the second type of person, it is better to listen to the arguments and then offer a different point of view.
  • Determine your acceptable risk in the relationship.

    Before arguing with a know-it-all, it's important to think about what you're willing to lose. Assess how important your relationship with the person is to you, as well as how important this dispute is. No matter how careful you are, arguing is always dangerous for a relationship.

  • For example, if your boss plays the role of a know-it-all, then it is often better not to try to insist on your own so as not to lose your job.
  • If it concerns a close friend or partner, then decide whether an argument is necessary at all.

  • Determine your desired outcome.

    Any dispute has an ultimate goal. Sometimes you just need to introduce the person to your point of view, and sometimes it is important to show that the person hurt you. Be that as it may, define the goal before the argument begins.

    Double-check the facts before starting an argument.

    If the dispute is based on facts, then first of all you need to check your own information. Gather as much evidence as possible to support your point of view. It is important to rely on objective sources. Do not believe facts that only wishful thinking.

  • It is important to understand when (and how!
    ) retreat.
    Sometimes it becomes clear that it will not be possible to identify a “winner”. At such a moment you need to end the conversation. At the same time, it is also important to speak in a non-threatening tone, otherwise the interlocutor will continue to defend his point of view.
    • End the argument with the words: “I see that we will get nowhere. Let's just agree that everyone has their own point of view."
    • You can also say: “Alas, we still cannot find a common language. Let's return to the question another time."

  • What a disgrace!

    The reluctance to admit one's mistake is aggravated by the fear of embarrassing oneself in front of other people. This fear can only arise in a person with an anal vector. Hence the fear of public speaking.

    Therefore, during an argument, a person with an anal vector stands his ground. Otherwise, he risks being wrong, that is, imperfect, and this means a loss of authority - a shame. For an anal person, this is a huge mental stress, from which he unconsciously tries to protect himself.

    How to argue?

    Psychologists advise avoiding arguments on any occasion. If the formation of a dispute cannot be avoided, you need to know how to handle it:

    1. There is no need to deliberately provoke an aggravation of the situation.
    2. It is recommended to find out in more detail the opinion of the interlocutor on the subject of the dispute.
    3. Let your opponent know that his views are respected.
    4. During the dispute, it is necessary to maintain a restrained style of behavior.
    5. When conducting a discussion, it is useful to provide precise and unambiguous definitions.
    6. When victory is won, you need to thank your opponent for a worthy fight. Under no circumstances should you be ostentatiously proud of your win and humiliate your opponent.

    See also: CHARISMA - what is it in simple words. Charisma Development

    Dispute rules

    If this process is not controlled, it can create a conflict situation. There is a possibility of destroying the harmony of interpersonal relationships and leaving an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul. The art of argument is based on certain rules:

    1. You need to avoid provocative phrases like “You’re wrong.” This is a direct message to the opponent’s incompetence. It humiliates a person's self-esteem.
    2. It is recommended to first listen to another point of view. You need to let the person speak without interrupting him.
    3. With the most convincing argumentation, you can give the enemy a way to retreat. Otherwise, he will enter into open confrontation.
    4. It is recommended to strictly avoid direct insults, saving the opponent’s face. You must, under any circumstances, try to remain on good terms.
    5. The terms of the dispute should relate only to the subject of difference of opinion, without affecting the individual.
    6. There is no need to speculate and interpret false meanings of words. If any ambiguities arise, it is recommended to clarify all unclear points with your opponent.

    Let's argue?

    With sufficient realization at work, the carrier of the anal vector is much less likely to get carried away by unnecessary disputes, since he receives great pleasure from his activities, and not from proving his rightness to everyone who disagrees.

    The correct implementation of the properties given by nature gives a person the opportunity to engage in the activity for which he was born. So, for example, a person with an anal vector finds himself perfectly in teaching or any editorial work. In the profession of a teacher, mentor or coach, more than anywhere else, it is necessary to be able to teach, transfer your knowledge and skills to others and, of course, correct inaccuracies.

    In such activities, the authority of the anal person is reinforced by the presence of more experience and professionalism than the students, and he does not have to prove his case at every corner.

    How to win an argument?

    It is recommended to build certain tactics leading to victory. You can use the following arguments in a dispute to win:

    1. In a conversation, you should arrange your arguments from the strongest (he will prove you right faster) to the weaker.
    2. It is necessary to immediately warn your opponent’s possible arguments. Then he will have nothing to “cover” with.
    3. It is better to base your defense of your arguments on identifying inaccuracies in the details of the opposing side’s position.
    4. It will be useful to strengthen your argument with a third party.
    5. The enemy’s vigilance can be “lulled to sleep” by telling him a few compliments.
    6. You cannot use “empty” arguments that are not supported by facts. What kind of dispute is it if there is no evidence in it?
    7. You should always leave the last word for yourself, hiding a “trump card” up your sleeve.
    8. You can introduce special techniques from the psychology of communication. These are phrases like “as you well know.”

    Understanding yourself and others changes your life

    Having realized all the true motives of avid debaters with the help of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, we begin to understand their behavior. There is no longer any irritation when a colleague or one of your relatives starts arguing with you. Moreover, you begin to deeply understand the person and speak the same language with him, so he no longer has the need to constantly prove something to you.

    By acquiring systemic thinking, the owner of the anal vector himself realizes the true reasons for his behavior. Long-term grievances disappear once and for all, innate properties are used constructively, so the desire to enter into another meaningless argument no longer comes. They're talking about it

    Who among us does not sin from time to time by getting angry and arguing? Despite the fact that there is always a temptation to prove that you are right and gain the upper hand, I prefer not to argue with people. Most often, the argument will lead nowhere, but will easily provoke a conflict. All parties get very irritated, slowly (or quickly) boil over, and there is a possibility that there will be no peace. Why don't I argue with people? - you ask. I have nine reasons for this.

    Dispute deepens conflict

    Arguing never helps people solve a problem or reach a compromise. It always implies tension and mutual irritation, which deepens the misunderstanding between opponents, and all this results in big problems. Try to control yourself and direct the argument in a calm direction.

    You shouldn't argue about feelings

    Human feelings cannot be right or wrong. My feelings, for example, are purely my own business. That's why when someone goes out of their way to prove to me that my feelings are irrational or meaningless, or that I'm too impressionable, I simply close the conversation or change the subject. I learned to set personal boundaries and not argue.

    I hate convincing people

    Nothing will change, no matter what the outcome of the dispute. In the end, people have every right to their opinion, although I don’t understand or accept their opinion. When I want to clarify a situation or voice my own opinion, I am always ready for dialogue. But when a discussion turns into an argument, the parties do not hear each other because they are angry and preparing to defend themselves.

    It's no use arguing about the past

    Whenever you argue with your partner, mom or friends about the past, it is always terribly toxic for your relationship. Women love to cling to painful moments of past years, which is completely dishonest and unethical. You cannot reproach your partners, friends, colleagues, or relatives because they once did something wrong.

    I can put myself in my opponent's shoes

    This really helps when you are trying to solve a problem and come to some conclusion. You see the situation through your opponent's eyes, hear him and understand his motives. This approach has always resulted in almost all of my conflicts ending in peaceful discussions.

    I prefer the truth over self-righteousness

    Sometimes I'm wrong and I can admit it. But it took me many years to understand that being right and winning an argument are completely different things. It is very difficult to admit that you made a mistake somewhere or that you were mistaken. Tame your character and pride, and there will be no conflicts in your life.

    People's shortcomings are a normal thing

    Some are positive and peaceful, while others are quite conflictual, aggressive and instantly flare up regardless of the arguments, topic or weather outside. There is no point in fighting with people who can butt heads over any reason - try to limit your contacts and live in peace.

    A dispute no longer under control threatens to escalate into an ugly skirmish.

    When two people are engaged in a heated argument, it is very easy to lose control of emotions. Then you get personal, and in an offensive way. This is the fastest way to escalate the conflict and completely ruin the relationship. Most people tend to take things too personally, so be careful with your criticism.

    I can make rational conclusions

    I don't argue with people who have once hurt my feelings or caused me pain. I just don’t see any reason to clarify the situation or any grievances, because I came to a certain conclusion and decided for myself whether I want to continue our relationship or not. All the people we meet in life are our teachers, and we should be grateful for every lesson they teach. This attitude helps me avoid conflicts and maintain good relationships with most people.

    Disputes are actually a war of words, but human relations should not be built on military action, but on cooperation and interaction. Yes, sometimes the desire to attack an opponent is almost irresistible, but is there logic and common sense in it?

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