How to raise a woman’s self-esteem: advice from psychologists, books, films

The article explains:

  1. Self-esteem concept
  2. Reasons for low self-esteem in women
  3. 5 signs of low self-esteem in a woman
  4. 7 main ways to increase a woman’s self-esteem and confidence
  5. Meditation to raise self-esteem for a woman
  6. Practical advice from a psychologist to raise a woman’s self-esteem after a breakup
  7. The best films that raise a woman's self-esteem
  8. Books to boost a woman's self-esteem

Uncertainty, dislike and lack of self-acceptance are the results of low self-esteem. And they lead to dissatisfaction with life in general and problems in relationships in particular. Everything comes from within, so how to raise a woman’s self-esteem is a question to which a woman must find an answer.

Our article will help her with this! You will find an analysis of the main reasons for low self-esteem in women, signs by which you can identify it in yourself, but most importantly - a list of effective methods, exercises, tips, books and films to transform your inner world and look at yourself in a new way.

Self-esteem concept

Before talking about how to raise a woman’s self-esteem, it would be nice to understand what this term means. In simple words, self-esteem is how a person perceives his own qualities and the position he occupies in society.

Throughout his life, a person is under the close attention of the people around him. They evaluate his personality, discuss his appearance, words, actions and deeds he performs. But a person himself forms an opinion about himself in order to build a model of behavior in society.

This is where the definition of self-esteem arises - this is the degree of perception of oneself, an assessment of one’s qualities, both positive and negative, and of the entire personality as a whole.

Self-understanding is built on self-love. The stronger this love, the more accurate and higher a person’s self-esteem.

The way a person evaluates his personality leaves an imprint on his entire life. If he is confident in himself and his abilities, he will definitely achieve success. If he feels weak, incapable of any decisive action, and experiences a constant feeling of guilt and shame, then his internal needs will remain unfulfilled. Basic self-esteem is established in childhood, but can be adjusted as you grow older.


A woman’s self-esteem is the ability to objectively assess her own abilities, personal qualities, social status and herself as a person. Relationships in society and a woman’s position in the family and at work are determined by the attitude towards one’s own person.

The level of self-esteem ensures the complexity of the goals and objectives that a woman is trying to achieve in life. One strives to take a leadership position, knowing that she can do it. Another has been content with working as a clerk for 20 years, without thinking about anything more. One marries a prince, the other lives with an alcoholic and a brawler, unable to provide for his family, afraid of being left alone.

Self-esteem is one of the basic concepts of psychology. We come across assessments of our abilities more often than we think. Whether we are catching up with a bus leaving a stop, writing an essay at a university, or preparing a new dish for the arrival of guests, first we evaluate our capabilities - the speed of movement, the ability to reveal the topic of the essay, or the ability to cook.

Are you ready to stop thinking about your problem and finally move on to real actions that will help you get rid of your problems once and for all? Then perhaps you will be interested in this article .

Self-analysis in everyday life is a tool for monitoring and measuring behavior patterns.
Inadequate comparison of the image of the “I” located in a person’s thoughts with reality leads to low or high self-esteem, to a neurotic split of personality, but not in the clinical sense. A modern person is a “set of self-presentations,” that is, he wants to please others and flaunts those character traits (often not inherent to him) that, in his opinion, should set him apart from the crowd. Over time, he begins to believe in the invented image, to correspond to it, breaking away from reality. When real goals and tasks are set before him, he finds himself unable to fulfill or solve them. Self-esteem drops.

The concept of “performance self-assessment” refers to a comprehensive assessment of an enterprise by employees in order to identify weaknesses in production, financial or interpersonal terms.

Meditation to raise self-esteem for a woman

Not all people can boast of self-confidence. Some people need the approval of others for this, others feel independent if they are loved, and others rely on high self-esteem. But if all this is not enough, meditation tuned to self-confidence will help you feel your self-sufficiency. It is quite simple and accessible to everyone. The result of its implementation will be not only the return of faith in one’s own strength, but also the solution to a number of psychological problems. For example, how to raise a woman’s self-esteem after 40 or another age, stop beating herself up, and let go of negative feelings.

If you want to conduct a full-fledged self-confidence meditation, then you need to include special visualization in this process. Every day during the session you should mentally imagine yourself as you see yourself in your dreams.

The mental image should depict a self-sufficient person who is not afraid of any difficulties, because he always copes with them.

Dissatisfaction with yourself and your appearance

Self-esteem is the result of comparison.

Russians are dissatisfied with their appearance:

  • 75% figure;
  • 44% cellulite;
  • 40% body hair;
  • 17% by a certain part of the body (nose, ears, chin, etc.).

72% of women surveyed believe that there is no need for the services of a plastic surgeon.

If you don’t love yourself as you are now, there will always be a reason for grief: your neighbor is slimmer, your colleague has longer legs, your sister has wrinkle-free skin, and so on ad infinitum. The result is a shattered nervous system for the woman and her partner, since he will have to constantly listen to this nonsense.

Dissatisfaction with appearance in most women occurs in childhood, adolescence or after childbirth, when a woman’s physiology undergoes drastic changes. It intensifies with age.

According to sociological surveys, 7 out of 10 women in Russia are dissatisfied with their appearance. Only 7% of women are confident in their beauty. 60% of respondents need compliments, that is, maintaining self-esteem.

Raising self-esteem by adjusting appearance is considered effective by most women. To achieve the goal, modern drugs and cosmetology procedures, fitness, diets, and plastic surgery come to the rescue.

Practical advice from a psychologist to raise a woman’s self-esteem after a breakup

1. Be kind to yourself and don't criticize yourself.

Everyone knows that it is easier to scold yourself than to praise yourself. But your life is already difficult, and criticism addressed to you can completely take away all your strength and desire to move on. Therefore, praise yourself as often as possible, for every little thing, you may even regret it a little.

Very imperceptibly, but constant self-criticism over time develops into a not very good habit that is difficult to get rid of. With every failure, you feel guilty and feel completely helpless against the prevailing circumstances. When breaking up, especially if the reason for the breakup was another person, you immediately decide that since this happened, it means that the other passion is much better than you. This attitude towards oneself will not lead to anything good except depression; it must be changed urgently - this is the answer to the question of how to raise a woman’s self-esteem after cheating.

Be more lenient with yourself, softer, and under no circumstances think that you are worse than others. The failed relationship may have been a mistake, so give yourself credit for avoiding it.

2. Change the situation and, with your “disheveled” feelings and low self-esteem, go straight to the beauty salon

Most likely, the world will not notice your shining nail polish or your new image, but you will see yourself in the mirror completely different, prettier, refreshed - you see, your self-esteem will increase.

And make it a rule to regularly visit the salon to maintain this beauty.

Don't waste the money you have left at the hairdresser. After all, this is an investment in your good mood.

What will happen next?

By correcting your self-esteem, you will understand how and with whom you want to live your life. You will notice that your environment has changed: people will appear around you who sincerely admire you and inspire you. Men will start complimenting and giving gifts. But the main thing is that you will begin to like yourself and enjoy every day you live.

Want to speed up the process? Try taking the online course “Secrets of Women’s Happiness.” On it I give a concentrate of techniques for building a harmonious life, rich, “roof-bearing” relationships.

Have you ever experienced signs of low self-esteem in your life? Did you manage to fix it?

How to identify the problem?

Count the number of points that describe you:

1. You feel flawed, you are consumed by guilt.

2. You are sure that those around you are unfair to you, and life in general is even more unfair.

3. You feel like you're married to the wrong person.

4. Your children don't live up to your expectations.

5. In fact, you think that you are working in the wrong place and for the wrong salary.

6. Deep down, you understand that you were born for a different life, but the people around you, obligations and circumstances do not allow you to realize your potential.

7. You are often consumed by envy; you envy your friends, actresses, and Victoria's Secret models.

8. You constantly compare yourself with others, these comparisons are always not in your favor.

9. The choice of everything - from underwear to work and apartment - is flawed (“this is too much for me”, “I don’t deserve more”). For example, come to the store with money for luxury designer shoes, and buy two pairs of black rough boots - they are not easily soiled and have insulation.

10. You are dependent on the opinions of others.

If you have at least one of the above points, then you (at least from time to time) suffer from low self-esteem. How to fix everything?

Comparing yourself with others

Psychology does not recommend comparing yourself with other people. But the essence of self-esteem is comparison, spontaneous and inevitable. The more often an insecure woman compares herself with other representatives of the fair sex, the lower her self-esteem will be.

It is more correct to compare yourself not with other individuals, but with yourself, but some time ago. Use photographs or video materials for this if it comes to appearance. The best judges of culinary achievements will be your family and friends, and the best judges of professionalism will be your management and colleagues.

Bottom line

The six principles listed above make a person a whole, mature person who knows his true worth. This applies to both women and men.

If you look at yourself soberly, pay attention to your virtues and stop biting yourself for your perceived lack of dignity, the quality of your life will change. Calmness and self-confidence have a magical effect on those around you.

You will stop harassing yourself and your loved ones, and this will affect your relationships. It will be easier for you to find a common language with your man, it will be easier for you to negotiate and solve problems together. It will be easier for you to get out of destructive, toxic relationships.

In a word, you will find the strength to live and build relationships the way you really want. And I wish you good luck in this field! I advise about

Unable to accept gifts and attentions

A woman with an underestimated ability does not consider herself worthy of love and does not allow the idea that the opposite sex may have sincere feelings for her. Therefore, she feels “out of place” when they present her with flowers, gifts, or try to get to know her.

Before you diagnose yourself with depression and low self-esteem, make sure you are not surrounded by idiots. (Sigmund Freud)

Compliments are said to praise a woman and focus attention on her merits. But it’s different with an insecure lady. She will take them for flattery, deception or mockery. You don’t have to expect gratitude from her for the nice words. A representative of the fair half of humanity will pretend that she ignored your words or will change the topic of conversation.

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