Who is a misogynist: why does he not like women and how to protect himself, misogyny test

Misogyny - what is it?

Misogyny is hatred of women, antipathy, misogyny (Dictionary of Foreign Terms of the Russian Language).

The term misogyny in Russia and other countries has been discussed relatively recently, but it has existed in culture for a long time.

Misogynists have started to emerge due to the predominantly patriarchal culture in society. Women were assigned the role of a powerless being who should be behind a man, hence the hatred.

Neglect of feelings

Women quite often reject men. And they do it from scratch. He can only offer help, but in return he will hear rude words. Or he decides to court him, and he will be humiliated.

Women, having an errand boy for themselves, are not able to calculate the consequences. They cannot even imagine how a man will feel in such a situation, what conclusions he will draw for himself when he feels that he was simply taken advantage of. And in such a situation, you can hear, for example, the phrase: “I hate rich women.”

Types of misogyny

Various types of misogyny can be observed from almost all people in the Russian Federation, even from women themselves. This phenomenon is too ingrained in society.

Misogyny can be expressed in different ways.

A type of misogyny.Description.Example.
Inactive.Weakly expressed, situational manifestation. Often occurs under the influence of emotions. “You’re such a fool, I told you to divorce him!”
Active.Open contempt, disrespect.“A woman shouldn’t drive a car, her place is in the kitchen.”
Latent.Hidden humiliation under the pretext of good intentions.“Why do you need to become a physicist-engineer? This is not a woman’s profession, it’s better to stay at home and have children.”
Open.It is expressed very viciously and can lead to the development of nervous instability.Misogynists incite hostility on social networks towards women, create offensive comments, thematic groups, and memes.

Have you ever encountered examples of misogyny in your life? Do you use misogynistic phrases, expressions, jokes? Share your experience in the comments.

Additionally, we invite you to watch a video about misogyny between a mother and her daughter.


Why do men start saying the phrase: “I hate women”? The reason for this may be congenital pathologies. In terms of their strength, they are significantly superior to all of the above. Pathologies are usually associated with congenital characteristics. Sadism, homosexuality, masochism - all this is caused by an incorrect program of sexual behavior. It begins to form in the womb under the influence of hormones.

Causes and signs of misogyny

Misogyny doesn’t just happen; most often it occurs due to certain reasons:

  1. Difficult relationships with female relatives.
  2. Having a negative, traumatic sexual experience.
  3. Difficult separation from a friend, fiancee or wife.
  4. Bullying by girls in an educational institution.
  5. Cases of assault in the family involving women.
  6. Too strict, authoritarian upbringing.
  7. Lack of emotional contact with female relatives, especially with the mother.
  8. An example of male relatives.

In men

Misogyny in men is often associated with fear. They are forced to hide their feelings and relive it internally, often resulting in misogyny. Signs of misogynistic behavior in men:

  1. Through his actions and expressions, a man tries to harm women.
  2. His negative attitude applies to all women, and not to the specific person who offended him.
  3. Men are always considered right, wise, ideal and almost divine.
  4. The successes and dignity of women are never recognized; stories about this provoke a feeling of disgust.
  5. A misogynistic man is uncomfortable in the company of women; he avoids their company in every possible way.
  6. If he enters into a relationship with a woman, he behaves very impudently and self-centeredly.

How does internal misogyny manifest itself in women?

Female misogyny is called internal. Internal misogyny in women manifests itself in the need to behave like a man and evaluate women's actions from a man's point of view.

The condition is also expressed in the form of discrimination against all women, including herself. By doing this, the girl is trying to earn the approval of society and get closer to the more privileged, in her opinion, male sex.

Misogyny in women can be considered such actions as derogatory statements addressed to other girls, reluctance to make girlfriends and acquaintances.

Such women can easily be seen in society. They neglect feminine attributes in appearance. Misogynists will never wear heels, dresses, do makeup, hair or manicure. They wear rough or athletic shoes, “genderless” suits, and have simple haircuts.

Girls do not accept the feminine part of themselves. They reject and feel the same disgust for themselves as they do for other women.

Internal misogyny manifests itself in the form of:

  1. Negative feelings towards women of any age, profession, social status.
  2. Belittling or completely devaluing the merits and merits of girls.
  3. Elevating the image of a man at the expense of humiliating a woman.
  4. Communicating with women in a mocking or offensive manner.
  5. Reluctance to look for a common language and common ground with the girl.
  6. Demand of unquestioning obedience.
  7. Tendency to blame women for your failures.
  8. Sexist statements towards girls (Well, what can we take from her, she’s a woman).
  9. Endorsing statements about violence (Women need to be trained).
  10. Reluctance to perceive a woman as a full-fledged friend, partner, member of society.
  11. Envy of more successful happy, beautiful or rich girls.
  12. Jealousy towards other women (your boyfriend's ex, his girlfriends or sisters).
  13. Statements that it is easier and more interesting with men, but there is nothing to talk about with women at all.
  14. Total dissatisfaction with one's appearance and hidden envy of girls who know how to take care of themselves.
  15. Phobias towards women.
  16. Mental disorders provoked by the need to interact with women.

Manifestation of sadism

Some men are able to derive pleasure from the suffering of others. And for this they are ready to inflict either physical or mental pain. Due to the sexual nature of such actions, a man primarily seeks to take out his feelings on women. He will do all this for the sake of obtaining inner satisfaction.

In such a situation, disgust may not form towards all women, but only towards individual representatives. For example, from such men you can hear the phrase: “I hate married women.”

You cannot cope with such a problem on your own; you will need to consult an experienced sexologist or psychiatrist. This deviation is quite common among rapists and maniacs. More intelligent representatives of the stronger sex will try to find a mate among their own kind.

How to deal with such people

If a woman in her close circle recognizes a misogynist, then she should behave:

  1. Show empathy. Most likely, this person had serious psychological trauma. He will never be able to fully enjoy love and communication with women.
  2. Communicate kindly and politely, do not get into arguments. You shouldn’t stubbornly prove your point of view to such a man. It is much better to remain neutral and try to avoid sharp corners.
  3. Keep some distance. If a work colleague or close relative shows misogyny, then it is better to limit communication with him and maintain psychological distance.
  4. Don't commit yourself to a relationship with a woman hater. It is very difficult to build a relationship with a man who dislikes the female sex. It is almost impossible to please him, and trying to re-educate someone is a thankless task and almost always a failure.


Perhaps he was once an awkward teenager. And all his attempts to meet a beautiful girl ended in failure. She didn’t understand, pushed away, laughed. All this was repeated at the institute, the guy always received a refusal. This led to the emergence of fear, a constant expectation of a catch. Misogyny in such a situation is just a defense against new disappointments.

Hostility can manifest itself later. For example, a whirlwind romance into which one’s soul was invested abruptly collapsed. Or a long-term marriage has fallen apart. In such a situation, misogyny embodies a man's pain, all his disappointment. From love to hate one step.

The threat of misogyny to relationships

Misogyny prevents people from building strong, harmonious, trusting relationships. Often, because of this phenomenon, relationships turn into abuse:

  1. A misogynistic man does not consider it necessary to ask for forgiveness and never repents of his actions.
  2. The girl stops believing in herself and increasingly tries on the image of a victim.
  3. A man strives to control his wife in everything.
  4. Doesn't consider her a full-fledged partner in a relationship, puts her in dependent roles.

You need to fight misogyny, change your own behavior and way of thinking.

Men need to be educated

Sometimes the root of the problem lies in upbringing. For example, a common game of silence. Let him try to guess where he went wrong. And the woman will nag him at this time. However, the resulting effect does not meet expectations. Men begin to withdraw into themselves, not understanding at all what happened and why they are being treated so poorly.

You can endure it for a long time, replacing one relationship with another. However, if this is repeated over and over again, misogyny will form. A man will simply convince himself that female nature is wrong. It is surprising that in such a situation the misogynist will copy the behavior of an unpleasant person, brilliantly taking out his anger on her, resorting to the method of verbal drill. In other words, he will resort to the same weapons that women actively use.

How to overcome internal and external misogyny - practice

Misogyny or misogyny is a pretty serious issue. As a rule, this condition is supported by psychological trauma. To combat the condition, a person can do the following:

  1. Read articles about gender studies, study scientific data. This will help you understand that girls can also achieve and achieve a lot.
  2. Look around, take a closer look at your friends, colleagues, relatives. Surely among them there are wonderful, interesting and erudite women. Some are raising two children on their own, others occupy leadership positions, and others have achieved success in science.
  3. Give women a chance more often. For example, use the services of a female doctor.

It is almost impossible to cope with the condition on your own. Usually the situation is complicated by the fact that the man is not aware of the problem. In his opinion, he thinks absolutely correctly and is not ready to change anything.

Only a psychologist or psychotherapist can help get rid of misogyny. First, you will need to work through old traumas and change your attitude towards them, and only then begin to fight misogyny.

Thank you for reading the article. Have you encountered misogynistic women or men in your life? How did you interact with them and what kind of relationship did you have? Tell us about your experience in the comments.

Share the article with family and friends, repost on social networks. We advocate for the kindness of both genders and believe that all people deserve respect.

Sexual experience

Negative moments of a sexual nature can hit a man’s dignity very hard and lower self-esteem. Perhaps they laughed at his clumsiness or called him a worthless lover.

All this led to the emergence of a huge inferiority complex. But a man cannot admit this, cannot accept his wrongness. Accordingly, negative experiences will begin to be transferred to girls, calling them frigid.

In some situations, men who hate women begin to feel fear and are afraid of shame, which leads to rejection of the fair half of humanity altogether. After all, if there is no relationship, then there will be no room for worries. Why is he lonely? It’s just that all girls are selfish and materialistic, why does he need them?

Open mockery

Why do women make fun of men? After all, yesterday he can look stupid and funny, and tomorrow he can become a prestigious entrepreneur who hates all the people of the fair half of humanity. He will have everything, but not love, which he will consider selfish and insincere.

Ridicule can form serious complexes. Men will change over time, but past hurts will remain, and over time they will lead to misogyny. Ladies who mock clumsy guys don’t even understand that they are creating problems for themselves that could overtake them in the future.

Tests of Loyalty

Men can be made misogynists by constant distrust and regular tests of strength, loyalty and decency. Women are ready to cling to any mistake in order to transfer a guy into the category of a liar. And if you failed to guess the girl’s desire on the first try, then you are already a destroyer of fate. In such a situation, women seem to be trying to turn men into enemies. And they succeed.

Why are women disgusted by women?

Internal misogyny—a woman’s hatred of women—also appears from time to time. What could be causing it?

Nasty jokes about hair color, logic, inability to drive cars - all this can be constantly broadcast not only by men, but also by women. And this is considered normal. There are simply women who prefer to communicate with men because they cannot tolerate “women’s nonsense.” At the same time, they try with all their might to devalue the hobbies, values, and experiences of other representatives of the fair sex. They want to be taller, smarter. And even stronger, which is why some people utter the phrase: “I hate weak women.”

Such behavior is a nod to the stronger half of humanity, an attempt to fit into the society of men. This is a kind of survival method. Quite often, girls earn less than men, while performing the same duties. Girls need to think about children, and a guy may not even pay child support. Society demonstrates with all its might that it is men who occupy the dominant position.

Naturally, women are able to show independence and be free from men, but they cannot get rid of the entire male world. And every girl is looking for her own survival tactics.

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