Why there is a fear of women and how to get rid of it

Gynophobia is an anxious-phobic condition characterized by a fear of women. Also known as gynecophobia. Usually this fear affects males, although sometimes it also occurs in women themselves. Men who are afraid of women feel fear deep down and know that it is wrong. However, they cannot understand why they are afraid. It is believed that hidden sexual overtones, which the man is not aware of, are to blame for this.

This anxiety disorder is destructive to a person’s life. A gynophobic man, when meeting a woman, begins to behave inappropriately and does not control his actions. Creating harmonious relationships between opposite sexes becomes impossible. Often such obsessive fear is confused with misogyny, however, the nature of these conditions is different. Although a phobia can gradually develop into hatred.

Description of the disease

Gynecophobia is a pathological fear of women of any age. It is characterized by irrationality and lack of control. Often the problem develops gradually and progresses over time. It can appear both in childhood and in adulthood.

Another name for the disorder is gynophobia. Sometimes it is selective in nature, for example, a person is afraid of girls sexually, but he is tolerant of them when communicating. Therefore, sometimes the violation is difficult to detect.

In some situations, gynophobia manifests itself only when in contact with girls or women over 45 years of age. In each person, pathological fear can manifest itself uniquely and with unusual features.

Gynophobia can be called a disease of the 21st century. It's all about the changing model of education. Increasingly, women are becoming authoritarian, domineering and cruel. They do not notice how they intimidate others and cause animal fear.

Fear of women as a phobia can be called an excellent student complex. When a decent guy sees a pretty representative of the fair sex, he experiences embarrassment and fear - this is a normal reaction. In a pathological disorder, this completely paralyzes him and prevents him from behaving adequately.

Gynophobia can seriously complicate life, as a person may encounter people of the opposite sex every day. In some situations, the patient develops disgust and fear that women are carriers of mortal danger.


In order not to be afraid of women and to be successful with them, representatives of the stronger sex should adhere to several useful rules:

  1. Give the girl your hand when exiting the vehicle. This is basic ethics.
  2. You should not “season” your vocabulary in communication with vulgar words and expressions.
  3. “Signs of attention,” such as whistling and hooting, are also not the best way to attract a lady’s attention.
  4. Give women flowers, and not only on well-known dates.
  5. Develop intellectually, don't lose physical shape.
  6. Look after yourself, be careful and tactful.

Following these recommendations will allow you to avoid phrases and thoughts that you are afraid of women. If manifestations of fear and panic have been going on since childhood, contact a psychiatrist or other specialist in this field. This will help return the gynophobe to society, rid him of obsessions, and feel the joy of a fulfilling life. It is not so important what a girl's fear is called. The main thing is to understand your fears in time, solve the problem once and for all, using the services of specialized specialists. Otherwise, a person goes into imaginary recovery: drugs, gambling, alcoholism, depression. You don’t need to let the process take its course and get a full life in a short time.

Gynophobia is born at the subconscious level. This is not the flu or a virus. The disease often comes from a young age, occurring after experiencing tragedy or grief. Symptoms of the disease appear between the ages of 18 and 50 years. Treatment of the disease is not associated with particular difficulties. Much depends on the degree of qualification of the psychologist and the desires of the individual.

Signs and symptoms

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A phobia can be called differently, and it is not always easy to identify it in a person. In some cases, gynophobia is hidden. A man may be afraid of appearing stupid or weak in the eyes of a representative of the fairer sex.

A person gets used to a certain pattern of behavior and does not consider it strange

A person with gynophobia may have a high level of intelligence, easily climb the career ladder and not experience problems with money. At the same time, a person will have a number of distinctive features:

  1. Tendency to loneliness and home entertainment. Such a person would prefer to spend time reading a book or watching a movie rather than going to a club.
  2. As a child, such a boy will prefer to communicate with girls and take leading roles.
  3. A quiet, modest character and fear of public speaking appear from childhood.
  4. In high school, a young man will not do anything to get closer to the opposite sex.

All this is good soil for the development of fear of women. The main symptoms are anxiety and restlessness when meeting a girl. Sometimes negative emotions begin to act only upon contact; in severe cases, the mere fact of being nearby is enough.

During an attack, increased sweating, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, headache, nausea, and vomiting appear. Sometimes a panic attack is accompanied by blurred vision and disorientation.

In rare cases, a man may be afraid of any female company, as it will immediately cause him to panic. This can lead to voluntary isolation and decreased social contacts.

Why does a violation occur?

Fear of girls is a phobia that develops for various reasons. It is impossible to say unequivocally what exactly caused the development of pathological fear.

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Scientists cite childhood trauma as the main cause. An authoritarian family, where the mother is prone to despotic behavior, will lead to the fact that children will subconsciously experience fear at the sight of representatives of the fair sex.

Important! There is a particularly high likelihood of developing gynophobia in families where there is no father or he does not take any part in upbringing.

The mother may not realize that she is behaving inappropriately. To develop a phobia, it is not necessary to use physical violence, psychological violence is sufficient. For example, a woman may constantly criticize her son, humiliate him, devalue his achievements, etc.

This behavior leads to the development of driven behavior

Sometimes mothers do not realize that they are instilling the concept of learned helplessness in their children. From an early age, a boy is taught that everything is done and decided for him. Therefore, he seems to get used to this, but subconsciously feels his lack of freedom.

In an adult, gynophobia can develop after an unsuccessful love relationship. Bad intimate relationships are especially dangerous during this period. For example, a guy becomes infected with an STD and after long-term treatment begins to suspect every potential girlfriend of problems.

Sensitive and impressionable men perceive criticism more sharply, especially if it concerns social status or appearance. Any careless word from a woman can cause the development of gynophobia.

Sometimes subconscious problems clearly manifest themselves after stress or other trauma. For example, a person has experienced the loss of a loved one or is in a stressful environment. Against the background of depletion of the central nervous system, various disorders may appear, including phobias.

A person may not attach importance to changes in his behavior or attribute them to fatigue. Gradually, he will begin to experience an obsessive fear that will dictate to him how to avoid meeting women.

Treatment methods

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To get rid of the fear of girls, it is better to use an integrated approach. It is expressed in a combination of drug therapy and psychotherapy. Do not neglect the help of specialists, as they will speed up recovery.

To normalize the functioning of the nervous system, tranquilizers, antidepressants, and B vitamins are usually prescribed. All this helps reduce the level of anxiety and restlessness. With medication, sleep normalizes and the person does not experience panic attacks.

Restoring your physical condition is important for gaining mental balance. Only after this can you begin to work on the phobia. A specialist will help you find the reason for the development of fear of women. For this it is better to use hypnotherapy. Using special techniques, a person is immersed in a trance. In this state, he will be better able to remember repressed episodes from childhood. Perhaps the reason for the violation is hidden in some of them.

Therapy may take several months

There is another option with cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. With it, a person is gradually trained and accustomed to the subject of fear. He encounters it every session, and the contact time gradually increases. Due to this, the individual gets used to it and begins to understand that there is no point in being afraid.

Sometimes the therapist may take an unconventional path. Art therapy allows you to work with a person’s subconscious. Through drawings the patient expresses his fears, after which they are destroyed, this is a metaphor for his phobia.

A psychotherapist can describe a person’s fear in detail and grotesquely, in colors and clearly exaggerating. All this will allow the patient to experience strong emotions, in the end the specialist will explain that all this is just fiction, in fact there is nothing to be afraid of.

Self help

At the moment of an attack, you must immediately pull yourself together, breathe deeply and try to forcibly switch your thoughts to something else, for example, to nursery rhymes or songs.

Important! The text must be repeated until the attack subsides.

Any monotonous activity can become distracting at this point. If possible, you can finger your rosary while concentrating on counting, knit, or do any other manual labor.

You can take up yoga as it teaches effective relaxation techniques. With the help of several asanas, a man is distracted from fear.

How to get rid of phobias and fears on your own: advice from a psychologist

  • First, determine what kind of phobia you have. Then read what thoughts trigger it. Tune in to the right way of thinking, get rid of obsessive ones.
  • Then each phobia requires an individual approach. However, when choosing your method of getting rid of a phobia, do not forget to check the tips in the article.

First, determine what phobia you have

Consequences of a phobia

A person does not always correctly assess his condition. Women's fear may seem like a trifle that does not require attention. Such a violation can lead to serious problems.

Psychologically, gynophobia leads to constant anxiety, worry, and fear. In this condition, a man cannot lead a normal life, his level of performance decreases. Against the background of the disorder, obsession develops.

A person has the idea that if he performs some rituals, he will not have to face the object of his fear. Such behavior interferes with living and enjoying the world around you.

Another risk of fear of women is psychosomatics. When under frequent stress, the central nervous system experiences malfunctions. This leads to neuroses and other disorders. In severe cases, suicidal thoughts may occur.

Due to high levels of anxiety and stress, the cardiovascular system wears out. The likelihood of having a stroke or heart attack increases. A constant increase in blood pressure is also not beneficial for the body.

With any phobia, a person cannot lead a full life

Therefore, fear of girls requires timely identification and treatment by a specialist. The sooner help is provided, the higher the chance that the violation will be completely removed.

Any phobia is a disease that can lead to serious health problems. During an attack, a person will not be able to control himself and act rationally. In rare cases, he will not only harm himself, but also those around him.

The following will also help you cope with uncertainty:

  • goal setting courses;
  • daily study of points to increase self-esteem;
  • physical activity (a fit figure, strength and endurance are always in fashion);
  • self-realization in life, harmony with one’s desires, needs and abilities.

If something resonated with you while reading the text and it seems to you that the situation and symptoms described in the article are similar to your case, and you would like to solve this problem, you can call me first at + 7 (926) 169-36 -63 to talk about your problem that you want to solve.

The duration of the telephone consultation is 20 minutes (free of charge) , during which time I must decide whether I can help you within the framework of psychoanalytic counseling. If it’s easier for you to write a letter, you can do this by clicking on the link and sign up for a consultation. I ask you to describe your situation in as much detail as possible - the size of the letter is unlimited, I will definitely read your letter and respond.

I am always near.

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