From romantic flair to post-industrial impasse: a cultural history of melancholy
Charles Bukowski has a poem that begins with the lines “In the history of melancholy every one of
Female pudendal nerve
Pinched and neuropathy of the pudendal nerve in women and men
Does the pudendal (genital) nerve and its damage differ from similar pathologies in other “regions”
Gray matter and its role in human life
It is difficult to underestimate the functions and role of the human brain. Humans are characterized by: coherent speech, the ability to fantasize, the ability to
Love of a woman for a woman
The love of a woman for a woman. Love between two beautiful women
The problem of sexual orientation is quite acute in modern society. Same-sex love in all forms,
Typology of fears. The most common fears and phobias
Typology of fears. The most common fears and phobias
In our article “Fear. What to do with him?" we talked in detail about fear, and
psychogenic diseases
Psychogenia - shock and depression caused by psychotrauma
Reactive psychosis is a temporary and reversible mental disorder, psychotic level, resulting from exposure to
Neuritis causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention methods
The life of a modern person is associated with many unfavorable factors - stress, conflicts, poor ecology, poor quality
Most often, cheek numbness does not require treatment, but there may be exceptions.
My head feels unpleasantly numb: the reasons are normal, when you need medical help
What to do Changing the regimen Drug treatment Video There are many reasons why the cheek becomes numb. Numbness
Endocrine disorders in the presence of Rathke's pouch cyst: presentation of a clinical case
Rathke's pouch cyst is a benign formation located inside the sella turcica of the skull base. They are
Closed skull injury or concussion: severity of harm to health
Traumatic brain injuries are the most common ailments that result in visits to emergency rooms and forensic medical examinations. Relevance
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