What you should never say to a man: phrases that destroy relationships

Not all women know what not to say to a man, and young girls are especially often caught off guard or in ugly situations. After all, everyone has long known that from love to hate there is one step, and this step can be accelerated with the help of incorrectly spoken words due to female inexperience, which will greatly upset or confuse a representative of the stronger sex. Therefore, it is very important to know what you should never say to a man, under any circumstances.

So, what not to say to a man:

- You should never humiliate men’s abilities regarding the intimate part of life. Men never forgive this and can immediately start packing their things. Ridicule of male strength sounds cruel to them;

- you cannot compare your lover in anything with other representatives of the stronger sex, because the man acutely feels reproach and for this reason will begin to experience jealousy or anger towards the frequently mentioned person;

- representatives of the stronger sex cannot tolerate hints about women’s intentions to leave them soon, explaining this by the fact that there are better men;

- you should not say offensive words to the mother of your chosen one, since men have a protective instinct, so he will protect her;

- representatives of the stronger sex do not tolerate humiliation in financial matters, namely questions about what they spend money on and they do not intend to report on these issues;

- the surest way to scare the man you like is to make hints about marriage on the first dates. It is necessary to clearly understand that not a single representative of the stronger sex is immediately ready for a serious relationship with a recently acquainted woman. After all, while the candy-bouquet period is going on, no one owes anyone anything, a priori. All men think this way, even if they already have sex. At the first quarrel on this topic, a man will run away from such an intrusive girl;

- if a girl jokes in front of a guy that she has bewitched him, then she can push him away altogether and all his feelings will disappear. After all, he will easily believe that his passion and love turned out to be artificial, and he was used as a puppet;

- you cannot methodically lower your chosen one’s self-esteem with offensive words, otherwise he will seek his happiness in the arms of another woman who will admire him;

- You cannot openly tell your man about disappointment in his inability to earn a lot of money. This message is tantamount to an acknowledgment of women's self-interest. Representatives of the stronger sex cannot stand selfish women and do not want to be a “cash cow” for them.

Therefore, if a woman wants her beloved to “move mountains” for her, then she should take into account the above recommendations and, in turn, provide comfort, love and complete care for her beloved at home.

What not to talk to him about

Lists of phrases that harm a couple's self-esteem and happiness vary from person to person. But there are women's statements that offend many men. After intimacy

It is necessary to take into account the difference in the psychology of the sexes. After sexual intercourse, serotonin, a hormone responsible for relaxation, enters the bloodstream. Girls want affection and communication with a partner, while men need sleep, food and silence. Sexologists recommend a compromise option: partners take turns overpowering themselves for the sake of their other half. The girl gives her beloved a rest, but periodically the man communicates with her, overcoming sleep.

After intimacy, it is better not to evaluate your partner’s abilities or plan the future. You should also avoid the following topics:

  • past relationships (count your partners, compare them with your current lover, ask the guy about his former halves);
  • fulfillment of desires (the partner will perceive requests after intimacy as a manifestation of the woman’s commercialism, payment for pleasure);

READ How to react correctly if a guy pays little attention

  • problems, conflicts (let the euphoria after sex become a continuation of the act of love, there is no need to “destroy” it with everyday problems);
  • spending time together (it is not recommended to insist on having breakfast or a walk together; if a man refuses, there is no need to be demonstratively offended, it is better to calmly thank you for the night and leave - this will arouse interest and respect from your partner).

On the first date

The key mistake girls make is insincerity. There is no need to create an attractive false image. On the next date the truth will come out. Guys prefer natural and honest ladies. A man should never talk about:

  • personal problems (the companion will take them as a hint that he is obliged to solve these troubles, it is better to leave a light, joyful impression, it is worth inspiring rather than oppressing the new companion, then over time he will want to show concern);
  • social networks (you should forget about the virtual world and talk about the real one, it is better to turn off your phone or not log into it during communication);
  • poor service (even if the establishment has disadvantages, you should be restrained and polite, because a girl’s rudeness with others will push a guy away);
  • shortcomings of your appearance (already at the beginning of acquaintance this betrays complexes, you cannot apologize for imperfections, your partner will not notice most of the disadvantages);
  • relatives (excessive attachment to relatives will seem infantilism to a man);
  • a healthy lifestyle (you can calmly report this, but do not impose your principles, do not reproach);
  • ex-partners (comparisons sound tactless).

In the presence of his friends

Friends are a second family for a guy, so he will be sensitive to disrespectful treatment in their presence. Shows of love and affectionate words are acceptable in an intimate setting, but in company it is better to address a man by name. You can use the neutral affectionate word “darling.”

You should not discuss everyday issues or intimate problems. Personal life should remain private. Hints, reproaches and meaningful glances are also best left for communication at home. Many people will notice them.

It's better to make fun of your loved one at home. Humor that does not sound offensive in private with your chosen one will turn out to be humiliating in the company of friends. Telling embarrassing stories about your crush is a bad idea. He may not find them cute. He will decide that the girl wants to disgrace him. Finance related

There is no need to ask your boyfriend about his financial situation on the first dates. A poor guy will be offended by the question, but to a wealthy companion, questions about money will seem commercialism. If the topic bothers you, then it is better to be observant. Do not devalue the education, intelligence and ambitions of your companion.

No less offensive is the girl’s desire to pay for a young man. If a guy doesn’t ask for it, then such offers will humiliate him, and a gigolo who regularly “borrows” money is not the best partner.


You cannot provoke a jealous person. Secrets and understatements are painful for him. It’s worth putting yourself in your partner’s shoes. There is no need to report on every step, but a girl’s aggressive reluctance to talk about her life, about her past day will lead to scandals. Lovers have the right to know key moments in each other's lives. It is better to answer in detail - this will calm the jealous person. Over time, he will learn to trust and the problem will be solved.

Psychologists believe that jealousy arises from low self-esteem. Instead of suppressing a man, ridiculing and reproaching him, it is better to give compliments. By increasing your loved one’s self-esteem, you can overcome his complexes together.

You should never talk to a man about other members of the stronger sex. You should prove to the jealous person that there is no reason to worry. It is important for a guy to know that he is the only one, the best, for his beloved.

If you plan to marry him

In order for the relationship to be long-lasting, strong and lead to the altar, you should remain yourself, but avoid unpleasant topics. You cannot doubt the masculinity of your loved one - this will hit self-esteem and lead to a quarrel. Lack of masculinity (especially for married men) is associated with failure in bed, physical weakness, and financial troubles. The partner will hear these reproaches, even if the beloved did not mean them.

When a partner does not believe in a man and his abilities, it makes him doubt the reliability of his partner. For men, a woman is an ally, a friend, a support. A companion who is always there, on the side of the loved one, is valued.

Close relationships can be destroyed by controlling a partner, interrogating him. You should be ready to listen to your companion, but you should not impose yourself at moments when he wants to be alone.

During a quarrel

It is not recommended to generalize. It is better to avoid the words “always” and “never”. All accusations are exaggerated. Instead of constructive dialogue, partners can only reproach each other.

Devaluing the emotions of your significant other through ridicule and hints at his insanity is a method of manipulators and an indicator of an unhealthy relationship. Such techniques are used by abusers to humiliate their partner and develop complexes in him. You can invite the guy to talk later, when both have cooled down.

You can't threaten to break up. Men are afraid of losing their lovers, even if they rarely admit it. The chosen one will be hurt, and there will be uncertainty about the partner’s feelings.

If he's much older

It is strictly not recommended to dictate rules to an older partner. Mature people rarely change. They agree to intimacy only on their own terms and get annoyed when their other half refuses to consider their experience and wisdom.

It is important to consider that psychological differences may arise over time. If mutual understanding reigns in an unequal couple, then the generation difference may appear later. It's worth taking this into account. If your partner wants to enjoy a relaxing holiday, you need to respect his needs and be aware of the impact of age on his well-being and desires.

At a meeting with his family

When getting to know your partner's relatives, you should avoid using diminutives. It is important not to involve your loved one’s family in conflicts. It’s worth sorting things out in private. You cannot communicate important information to your chosen one when his family is nearby. Intimate issues should be discussed together. You can dedicate the rest by consulting with your loved one.

The chosen one's comrades and relatives should not hear reproaches, sarcasm, or mocking expressions directed at him. This will harm the girl's reputation, and the man will sympathize. Phrases that destroy self-esteem

The words that women use to hint at their partner’s failure do not motivate, but only destroy self-esteem. 9 phrases that destroy the inner core of your loved one:

  1. "I told". The guy will decide that his beloved considers him a fool, a mattress. You should say: “It’s okay. I’m sure it will work out next time.”
  2. “I can handle it myself, there’s nothing you can do.” The male sex receives pleasure when his beloved needs care and help.
  3. “Why did I contact you?” Being a disappointment to your beloved is a blow to a man’s inner core. It is important to remember that both partners are to blame for problems.
  4. “But my friend’s man became the director.” Everyone’s abilities, opportunities and starting capital are different. The partner can also compare the companion with more successful girls.
  5. “Why did you buy this nonsense?” The phrase destroys the guy’s desire to shop and interfere in business affairs.
  6. "Who is she?". Making excuses and listening to hysterics, a man begins to be afraid to even look at the fair sex.
  7. "Do not love me!". You can't manipulate feelings. This hits harder than it seems.
  8. "I don't care". Indifference can hurt more than insults.
  9. "You always…". The guy feels helpless because of such vague reproaches.

Phrases that can scare you away

You cannot say the following to men during a conversation or showdown:

- “the other day I told my friends what you’re like in bed, they laughed so much”;

- “look at neighbor Dimka, this is a man! He’s just great, and you?”;

- “just don’t think that you’re my last, I have my whole life ahead of me and I’ll have many more like you”;

- “Where did you do the money that I gave you this morning?”;

- “When do we go to the registry office? I’m not your girl to wait a long time for you to ask me to marry”;

- “I’m shocked by your mother, she cooks so disgustingly”;

- “by the way, I bewitched you, so you won’t go anywhere”;

- “I don’t understand why I just married you”;

- “Who will look at you? Who needs you?";

- “I thought you earned more.”

Words that can cause rage

Men rarely show rage, but what women think are harmless words often make them angry. Phrases that should not be said to a man:

  • "What to wear?". Girls who ask about this know the answer in advance, so any words the guy says offend them. You should contact your friend (via SMS if she is far away).
  • “Who called (or wrote)?” Jealous ladies try to find out a guy's passwords and find out information about his friends. Stalking, phone tantrums and interrogations frighten and irritate even the most balanced men.
  • “I gave it to you, and you...” Such girls come up with problems, constantly demand attention, and get offended for no reason.

A lady who dreams of a strong union with a man must prepare to maneuver, find compromises, and exercise prudence. Relationships are built not only on love, but also on understanding, respect, and altruism.

But he always did this for me

Never, remember, never mention your ex in conversation. Neither good nor evil - nothing at all.

Your partner may have a reasonable question: is that relationship over if you continue to constantly remember it? Endless comparisons with someone “ideal” (actually not) will drive your loved one into complexes and neuroses. And this, in your opinion, is love?

If you still want to change your partner's behavior, try more civilized methods, such as heart-to-heart conversations or gentle persuasion.

You live with me because it’s convenient for you: washed, ironed, cooked

Usually this phrase is preceded by a certain behavior of a woman, when she takes on all the responsibilities around the house and one day she has no more strength left. Then she, as they say, “breaks through”, and she expresses everything to her husband in full. Dear women, let's start with the fact that no one asks you to do all the household chores yourself, you can always ask your spouse to help, just sit down and talk through the key points: “I need your help, I can’t cope now, please help me here, here and here". Talk to your loved ones. The woman thinks that the man should figure everything out on his own. So, he shouldn’t and won’t guess! He's not a telepath. In addition, if you say this phrase on a negative note while your husband is watching TV, he will not draw any conclusions. For him it will be some kind of indistinct muttering, and nothing more.

Masha’s husband is such a great guy, he’ll buy her a fur coat or new shoes

Let's start with the first part of the phrase: you compare your husband with some other man. This should never be done! Another important point: the way men and women perceive the world and information is different. Men are specific, they need to speak directly and clearly. You can compare your spouse with your friend’s husband as much as you like, but you will not achieve any positive effect. Or you can say: “I saw such a chic fur coat in the store today, I really liked it, it’s very warm and emphasizes my figure. Darling, I want this fur coat.” I often work with men and I can definitely say that it is easier for them to act when a woman speaks directly about her desires.

You can use different options. For example, you are walking through a shopping center together - so look into a store that has an item you like. But I draw your attention: there is no need to force a man to go shopping. In addition, you need to talk about your desires correctly. In a commanding tone: “I want a fur coat!” - does not work. And a phrase spoken with all feminine softness, but not feigned, but sincere, will work. Just don’t become tender and affectionate because you want to get some kind of present from your loved one; men sense falsehood and insincerity very well. All emotions should come from the heart, and then the man will gladly please you with a gift.

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More details

You guys always do this...

With this one expression, spoken in your hearts, you put your only, wonderful and best man, whom you yourself chose, on a par with everyone else. And I already said that this absolutely cannot be done! Otherwise, a man begins to think that he is losing significance for you, that he ceases to be important, strong, smart and the only one. Your man is really starting to think - what am I doing wrong, what is my fault? He begins to look for mistakes in his actions. And as they say, “those who seek will always find!” With this phrase you switch a man’s attention from positive to negative.

But my mother did it differently

This is an option for men. Don’t even think about blurting out something like that, especially if your beloved is not in the best mood. Otherwise, you risk hearing advice to pack your things and immediately go live with your mother. This is a dead-end option for developing relationships.

Your wife or girlfriend will never be like your mother.

This is simply not necessary. It’s better to unobtrusively teach your wife “mother’s” recipes or show her how you are used to ironing shirts. That is, the way their mother once stroked them.

Rule. Leave details aside

There is no need to tell your guy how often you go for hair removal, get Botox injections, or consult a cosmetologist. Let's leave health and hygiene issues for very private conversations. The less you know the better you sleep.

And please remember the rule: less unnecessary information. Don't torment your man with unnecessary details. Leave stories about your great aunt's long journey to marriage for your friends and don't overwhelm your unhappy boyfriend with stories of your uncle's best friend's college wanderings. Gossip, hours-long stories about the fate of girlfriends and distant relatives are not what your man wants to listen to. He is interested in his woman, and not in the hundreds of thousands of girlfriends around her. Take it as an axiom.

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