Mental retardation (oligophrenia) - symptoms and treatment
Mental retardation (oligophrenia) - symptoms and treatment First of all, a thorough examination should be carried out
Recovery of older people after a stroke: tips and practical recommendations
A stroke is a signal to change your life, restore and maintain health.
Yakimov Vladislav - business card
Paranoid, who is it? Paranoid personality type, description.
Paranoid, who is it? Paranoid personality type, description. Attitude to ideas. Social roles of the paranoid: leader,
Endogenous depression
The main factors that provoke the appearance of atopic dermatitis
Modern private psychiatry in Moscow at the Preobrazhenie clinic, this is high-quality psychiatric care, without staging
The top of the head hurts: causes of the ailment and getting rid of them
The top of the head hurts: causes of the ailment and getting rid of them
Possible causes, accompanying symptoms It’s difficult to argue, but a headache is an unpleasant condition that can
Optic atrophy: what are the symptoms and is there a risk of complete blindness?
A pathological condition that is accompanied by a decrease in the size, volume and weight of an entire organ or its individual organs
Hexakosioyhexekontahexaphobia - fear of the number 666
A phobia with a name that is difficult to pronounce seems frivolous to those who do not feel any emotions
Sympathoadrenal crisis, VSD and panic attacks
Sympathoadrenal crisis, VSD and panic attacks
Sympatho-adrenal crisis is one of the manifestations of panic disorder. Repeated panic attacks make life more difficult
human brain anatomy
Functions of the striopallidal system, limbic system and cerebral cortex
The brain is a vitally important symmetrical organ that controls all functions of the body and is responsible for
Panic disorder: how to stop worrying
Panic is a reaction of the body in response to stress that is threatening in nature. All
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