A man disappeared without explanation: possible reasons and solutions

A woman meets a man. Not just another guy in pants, but an extraordinary, wonderful guy. A romantic connection begins between young people, a fire flares up in their hearts, and even in their loins. It would seem that everything is wonderful. The young lady is floating in her dreams. In their minds, they got married, got a dog, had children and settled in a house by the sea. But the sweet future is not destined to come true. Everything collapsed in an instant. Suddenly the man disappeared without explanation.

Unexpected turn

Girls all over the world hate situations like this. When a gentleman disappears without a trace, they are overcome by the most humiliating feelings: confusion, anger, despair, melancholy, terrible resentment. The woman goes through all the options in her head as to why the man disappeared without explanation. She begins to blame herself and look for reasons in her behavior or appearance why the unlucky boyfriend chose to sink into eternity. More active ladies set out to search for their lover, wanting to find out the reason why their sweet communication was abruptly interrupted.

Call me, for God's sake2

Representatives of the fairer sex are very worried when a young man disappears from sight, no matter at what stage the communication takes place. If a girl has known a guy for no more than one day, she is not so sad about his disappearance, but nevertheless, unpleasant feelings attack. After all, it was his initiative to meet and exchange numbers! But for some reason the phone is silent, and the beautiful stranger does not get in touch. There are several reasons why this happens.

Perhaps the guy lost the desired phone number, or wrote down the numbers incorrectly. This happens often. According to one version, robbers could have attacked him and taken away his mobile device. The young man is suffering, he wants to dial the number of a pretty girl he just met, but does not have such an opportunity.

Why did a man disappear after the first date, meeting, sex?

If a man disappears after the first date or sex, then there is a reason for it.

The most humiliating option is when a girl, trying to get back, keeps a man

They may be the following:

  • The girl overdid it with alcohol. Nobody likes a drunk person. Under the influence of alcohol, it is difficult to control every word and emotions. If a girl is slightly worried, then a sip of wine cannot ruin the situation. But if she is under severe stress and has drunk more than is permissible, then her actions may be unpredictable and her behavior disgusting. If the girl is very worried, then she should either cancel the date or invite the guy to go to an establishment where there are no strong alcoholic drinks.
  • She looks completely different from what the guy imagined her to be. In the modern world, dating via the Internet is not uncommon. The insidiousness of such meetings is that in the virtual world everyone wants to appear better. Plump girls put photos on their avatars where they are thinner than they are; many use Photoshop to improve their appearance, or even pass off other people’s photos as their own. When a guy comes on a date, he is deeply disappointed and feels deceived. There is no need to be ashamed of your body. All people have complexes about appearance.
  • The girl's appearance does not match the situation. Embarrassment can occur when the guy does not specify where the date will be held, and the girl dresses completely inappropriately. For example, when a guy tried hard, booked a table in an expensive restaurant, and his passion came in sneakers, jeans, and a sweater. The guy may think that the chosen one does not know how to dress according to the situation or is deliberately expressing disdain in this way. To avoid such misunderstandings, it is necessary to clarify where the date will take place and the surrounding environment.

Behavior of an abandoned woman3

A new acquaintance does not appear on the horizon, and the woman panics. Her subsequent behavior depends on her character traits, temperament and the strategy developed. In such situations, she can take the following actions:

  • roar;
  • to execute oneself;
  • delete the phone number or blacklist it;
  • be depressed;
  • flinch nervously from every call and message;
  • go looking for a young man, find out as much information as possible, hire a detective, arrange surveillance;
  • call the gentleman yourself.


Following these recommendations you must:

  • Realize that if the disappeared partner does not get in touch, then he does not want to communicate with you. And it has nothing to do with you.
  • Make the most of your time so that you don’t feel the urge to write to your missing ex.
  • Start living in the present moment and enjoying every step of dating instead of being obsessed with the future.
  • Take an honest look at the future candidate, realizing that he will not change over time.
  • Be a happy and confident woman who understands that everything will be fine for her, since happiness depends only on herself, and not on the actions of others.

While in a painful search for answers to why this or that man left without explanation, try to quickly cope with the emerging mistrust of everyone else, because if you don’t do this, you will turn into a suspicious or even angry person who brings negativity to everyone he meets.

Reasons for missing behavior5

Men who have been in relationships with women for several days can disappear according to the principle “Figaro here, figaro there.” In such cases, there may be other reasons why the subject suddenly evaporates.

  • Betrayal by a partner.
  • The frivolity of a man.
  • Cowardice in the face of responsibility.
  • Bitter disappointment and resentment.
  • Other factors.

Two outcomes

As a result, the situation can develop in two ways. This leads to two natural outcomes:

  1. The girl does not want to let her partner go, putting pressure on him. He feels the loss of himself as an individual next to his partner and dissolves in the relationship. The guy feels discomfort, so he subconsciously leaves the woman in order to regain his own “I”. He needs to be alone for some time, even if there are no thoughts of separation or divorce. Without understanding this, the girl herself ruins the relationship. Constant calls and thirst for explanations only push your partner away. The likelihood of him returning becomes less likely. There is no need to talk about a situation where the guy initially did not plan for further development of the relationship, but the girl thinks differently, since self-humiliation cannot solve the problem.
  2. If the man disappeared, but appeared after the woman’s call, then all is not lost. He is open to conversation, that is, he has not yet decided on his feelings. The further situation develops according to the partner’s scenario and depends on how competent her behavior is. There is no need to give in to the impulse to take revenge on him, to fall in love with him again and trample him. It’s better to analyze your attitude towards a man, think about what attracts you in him: appearance, status, personal qualities, or all at once. If it turns out that there are no feelings, and the girl is driven only by excitement, then you should refuse to continue the romance. But when you have feelings, you don’t need to immediately rush into his arms. It is important here to make it clear to the man that such behavior is not the norm. But there is no need to reproach him for anything, since this is another crisis that both of them successfully survived.

If a man has disappeared without explanation (stopped communicating or showing up on the doorstep), you should think about it and analyze the situation. There can be many reasons. First, you should try to find out the reason directly from him. But if he ignores the question, there is no need to be persistent and aggressive. Waiting will be the best tactic.

Honest conversation6

There is nothing more unpleasant for a woman than for a man to disappear without explanation and suddenly stop communicating with her. Whatever the reason guides his decisions, he must honestly call, come or write a message explaining his action. Then the girl will stop hoping and waiting for his return, draw thoughtful conclusions, and perhaps leave him behind forever and ever. A rare hysterical woman will rush to sort things out and get to the bottom of the truth: “Why did you do this to me!?”

What kind of man can suddenly stop communicating?

If a man suddenly stops communicating, does not answer letters and calls, this does not mean that you are necessarily to blame for something. This is how his character can be revealed. There are several types of such men:

  • Cold and unemotional. For him, a woman’s feelings and the fact that he can hurt her are unimportant. By and large, he doesn’t care how the relationship ends, because he’s not even in love.
  • Manipulator. He prudently accustoms a woman to the fact that she must give in to him, give him gifts, give him freedom, etc. In addition, he may simply not want to do what he is asked to do. For example, she dreams of a child or asks for help with household chores. In response, he simply disappears for a while, giving her a chance to think. Appears two days later, when the woman has already forgotten to think about her requests.
  • Infantile. He is so immature that he cannot even tell a woman that they are breaking up. He'll just leave and that's it. He got tired and went...
  • Coward. Such a man is afraid of everything. For example, look a woman in the eyes and tell her the truth. He leaves without saying goodbye, and you won't see him again. He is quite satisfied with meetings without obligations, easy and quick.

A meeting with a man who abruptly and unreasonably stopped communicating with you happened and passed. Say thank you to your destiny. She saved you from this man. He is unreliable and you shouldn't be around him. We do not recommend trying to date him in the future.

Cold cracker7

A brave, self-confident man will not “evaporate”, not wanting to continue a romantic relationship with a woman. He will talk to her honestly, listen to the flurry of emotions and go home. But this doesn't always happen. If a guy disappeared without explaining anything to a confused girlfriend, it means his character traits allow him to do this.

Most likely the young man is emotionally cold. He is an egoist, focused on his own desires, who is absolutely indifferent to the experiences of other people. He doesn't care about women's snot, screams and sleepless nights. He disappeared, having chosen the right decision for himself, in complete calm and equanimity. What happens in the soul of a former passion is completely indifferent to the man.

Get rid of your obsession

If you don’t want a man to disappear without explanation one day, remember that just because you can write to your partner, this does not mean that you need to do so. Your boredom should not become his problem.

Make conversations comfortable for both of you.

If you are communicating on the phone, consider whether he is answering out of politeness or actively participating in the conversation. Specify in advance when you want to call and how long you will talk, and most importantly, stick to the limit. You'll be surprised how much it helps someone want to pick up the phone when you call.

Manipulator with a special purpose8

In some cases, the guy disappears to manipulate the girl's actions. He achieves something from his “stubborn and disobedient” girlfriend and uses these methods to try to reason with the woman. In this case, there is no need to sound the alarm, but rather calmly wait for the “prodigal parrot” to return. Psychologists do not advise building your life with manipulators, but deep down in their souls, every person is a little bit of a “dictator.” The wise behavior of a woman will show a man that such methods will not have their effect. Next time the man will not disappear without a trace. But with frequent manipulation, at one point the woman herself will disappear.

How not to behave if a man suddenly stops communicating

The man abruptly stopped communicating, as a result you want to throw thunder and lightning or hide in a corner and cry. You are overwhelmed with anger and deep resentment towards the man. All this makes it difficult to think soberly. But you should control your emotions. Otherwise, you will be capable of stupid things:

  • To pester the disappeared gentleman with calls and messages. One call to your ex-boyfriend is enough for him to understand your indignation. He will definitely call you back if he realizes that in the heat of a quarrel he said too much. Constant calls will only make it clear that you are dependent on him. In this case, if he returns, he will definitely take advantage of your fear of losing him. Don't be humiliated, you have everything ahead of you! Believe me, a girl should not run after young people. Love yourself and men will definitely be drawn to you.
  • Conduct surveillance and try to meet. Checking whether he spends the night at home, as if by chance ending up at his windows, is beneath your dignity. There is no need to be on duty at the office, initiating a random meeting. A man should run after you, and not vice versa. After such actions of yours, he may think that you are turning into a maniac.
  • Threaten and blackmail. The man who abruptly left you will definitely not like such methods. You won't get him back like that. Don’t be like debt collectors, be more gentle, smarter, even if you are angry. However, situations are possible in which the former chosen one, frightened, agrees to return to you. But why do you need a person who doesn't love you? Look at his sour smile, think that he dreams of freedom, not believe in his kisses. Why do you need this? Find true and worthy love. Leave this happiness to another woman.
  • Change to please a man. We are constantly developing, learning from our own or others’ mistakes, growing up. But you need to do this for yourself, and not to please anyone. In addition, both partners must develop. If you are not ideal for him, then you will not become one. You should not change your hair color or your appearance to please a man. You still won’t cook like his mother, and you won’t achieve his ideal, and you’ll ruin your nerves enough. He has already left you!

Remember, your chosen one must love you for who you are. This does not replace the need to improve and become better. But not dramatically and not for him. You will go your own way. If there is only one path for you - to become his dream, then it may change. Besides, your essence will come out sooner or later. And the words that once you betray, you will betray more than once, remain relevant.

Having considered the actions that should not be performed in a situation where a man has abruptly stopped communicating with you, let’s dwell on what to do next.

I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid9

Making responsible decisions often frightens timid, childish guys. From early childhood, he decided to entrust his worries to his busy mother and his grandmother fluttering nearby. Having become a mustachioed man outwardly, he remains the same indecisive boy inside his large body.

When a relationship with a woman becomes difficult or requires serious decisions, the man “hides under his grandmother’s skirt” and disappears. Difficulties such as financial issues, marriage, or the pregnancy of a lover especially strike a guy with trepidation and horror. The last reason ranks high on the list of reasons why the man disappeared without explanation. Having learned about the conception of a future heir, most men, pulling their heads into their shoulders, try to quickly run away. Even to the ends of the world.


Why does a man leave</p>

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