Blue color in psychology: meaning, what it symbolizes, characteristics
The first associations that blue color evokes for most are the sky and water. Depending
Is schizophrenia a hereditary disease?
Schizophrenia is a mental illness in which a person’s perception of reality is impaired, the nervous system is unstable,
valium instructions
"Valium" is... Description, instructions, action, analogues
Valium (also known as Diazepam) is a well-known medicine that calms and counteracts
hypertensive encephalopathy
Drug therapy for hypertensive encephalopathy
You can familiarize yourself with other diseases starting with the letter “G”: Ganglioneuritis, Ganglioneuroblastoma, Ganglionitis of the pterygopalatine ganglion,
young man leaves
Introverted person. Character traits. Psychology of children
Every day we are surrounded by many people, some we meet on the way to work, some
Rampant hormones. How stress affects the human body
Stress is a biological response to difficult situations. This causes the body to release hormones such as
Nerve block is the fastest and most effective method to relieve pain
Occipital neuralgia: why is it necessary to treat the syndrome?
Occipital neuralgia is pain in the head resulting from compression of the nerve roots,
Manic personality type
Manic personality disorder: treatment, symptoms
As part of a series of articles based on materials from the source “Psychoanalytic Diagnostics” by Nancy McWilliams, we turn to
Noise in my head
Why is there noise in my head? What to do, how to treat, how to get rid of
Noise in the head is a symptom that occurs in 10-15% of the population. A person hears sounds when
What does social conflict mean in simple words?
What is social conflict and what are its main types?
The essence of social conflict comes down to a clash of opposing interests. There are different types of conflict situations, they can
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