Unpleasant sensations
Senestopathic schizophrenia: signs, manifestations, treatment
Senestopathies (Greek koinos - general, aisthesis - feeling, sensation, pathios - suffering, illness) -
Treatment of encephalopathy in Moscow - only effective help from qualified specialists
What is the danger of post-traumatic encephalopathy of the brain - complex treatment and possible disability
Medical information is reliable Checked by Eremin Alexey Valentinovich Encephalopathy (or encephalopathic, psychoorganic syndrome) is
How to recognize pregnancy depression
Depression during pregnancy: symptoms and treatment
Postpartum depression is a topic that is often discussed and causes anxiety and fear for many.
MRI of the pituitary gland: the essence of diagnosis, rules of preparation for the procedure and indications
Magnetic resonance imaging is a common diagnostic method that allows specialists to visualize the initial stages of development
The girl takes the initiative in sex
How to caress a man so that he remembers for the rest of his life
Having met, young people evaluate and study each other for some time. It's good if they have
Who are nymphomaniacs
Who are nymphomaniacs, how to recognize them and why they are dangerous in simple words
Who are nymphomaniacs and why most often a person encounters pronounced hypersexuality in
Acupressure for sleep: 5 healing points on your body for insomnia
8 magic points that will help with sleep disorders
Insomnia, according to doctors of traditional Chinese medicine, is the result of an imbalance of energy in the body.
Perinatal lesion of the central nervous system (PPCNS)
What is PPCNS? The very phrase perinatal period suggests that perinatal damage to the central nervous system
Classes with a speech therapist
Logopathy, activation of speech zones in children in Saratov, Russia, treatment of speech zones, logopathies
Motor speech area of ​​the cerebral cortex, Broca's center Motor speech area is the area
removal of papilloma on the head
Wart on the head: an insignificant problem with significant consequences
As a rule, atheroma occurs in those places where hair is developed. Therefore, rich in sebaceous
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