hemorrhagic stroke 2.png
Why do seizures occur after a stroke and how to help the patient
How does a hemorrhagic stroke occur? What types of hematomas occur in hemorrhagic stroke? Symptoms of hemorrhagic stroke Timing
Nocturnal epilepsy - Summer
How does a person feel before an epileptic attack?
The Moscow mental health center “Leto” provides a full range of methods for identifying and treating
Anti-stress exercises - Network of clinics JSC Family Doctor (Moscow) - Photo 1
I live in constant tension, I put off everything until later. How to learn to relax and let go of tension?
How often have you caught yourself thinking that you are tired and cannot fully rest?
Cotard's Syndrome - Summer
Cotard's syndrome: causes, signs, diagnosis, how to treat
Cotard's syndrome is a psychopathological complex belonging to the group of affective disorders. It manifests itself as a combination of depression
Psychology of fear
Anxiety and fears: how to overcome. Recommendations from experts.
Our life is filled with fears of varying degrees of strength. Some originate from childhood,
Successful lady
Why does your ex-boyfriend remind you of himself? Psychologist's opinion and advice
Many girls have encountered a situation where an ex-boyfriend or husband makes himself known
Professional stress
What is professional stress, its main signs and types
. Modern man spends most of his time at work. Some can't forget
Humeroscapular periarthritis - symptoms and treatment
A pinched nerve in the shoulder joint is a common problem. Many people confuse it with the inflammatory process,
If a man says “my girl,” what does it mean: we are looking for danger
What does the guy call him and what does it mean? How to understand how a guy feels?
What does a guy call you and what does it mean? Your man often calls you bunny or
Choice of pharmacological therapy for spastic muscle hypertonicity
Physical activity is good for the body. But, as you know, everything is good in moderation. And excessively
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