Balance disorders in peripheral vestibular disorders: clinical picture, diagnosis, rehabilitation
Balance disorder, also called ataxia, is a dysfunction of motor coordination. It manifests itself in loss
Quality of life: how to survive depression
“I’m crying over a plate of dumplings.” How do people with eating disorders live?
New Year's Eve is a very deceptive time. On the one hand, we are all waiting for a miracle, but on the other
Childhood kleptomania: bad heredity or acquired bad habit?
Strange thieves, people with a magpie's instinct to steal shiny things... Many people know about kleptomania thanks to scandals
Compromise in psychology. What is it, definition, examples, pros, cons
Compromise in psychology. What is it, definition, examples, pros, cons
Often people fail to agree and come to a common denominator in one way or another.
Aerophobia. How to get rid of the fear of flying on an airplane?
Aerophobia, that is, fear of flying, affects almost 30% of the world's population over 25 years of age. Among
why is the girl lying
How to find out that a girl is lying: secrets of exposure
The most common reason for women's lies is an attempt to hide their betrayal. How to understand what
How dangerous is amebic meningoencephalitis and how to deal with it?
Amoeba naegleria Fowler is a microorganism that causes a rare but deadly disease - amoebic
Headache in a man and pills
Noise in the head due to intracranial pressure
Many people tend to endure pain, cope with discomfort with improvised means, take painkillers and limit themselves
scissors and hair
Why can't you cut your own hair? Signs and tips
The reasons why you cannot cut your hair yourself or on a certain day appeared in ancient times. Faith
Psychogenic mutism as a reaction to psychological trauma, stress and anxiety
Mutism is like a dog: I understand everything, but I can’t answer. The condition is characterized by loss
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