Why can't you cut your own hair? Signs and tips

The reasons why you cannot cut your hair yourself or on a certain day appeared in ancient times. People's faith in signs was very strong back then, which gave rise to superstitions and omens. History has preserved them to this day.

How did superstition appear?

Our ancestors sincerely believed that cutting your own hair leads to a deterioration in the quality of life, because hair is a conductor and energy store. The deprivation of curls or braids interrupted the connection, which had a negative impact on various areas of life.


In order not to invite trouble, it was forbidden to get a haircut on Friday - financial day. This applied to any action: both radical (cut off the entire braid, for example), and small (shorten the bangs a little). Other days remained relatively safe for minor changes to the hair.


Self-cutting leads to deformation of the biofield. As a result of its weakening, the body becomes more susceptible to disease. Problems may be physical or emotional.

It is believed that hair is a source of cosmic energy. Therefore, by cutting off the curls yourself, a person personally deprives himself of communication channels. The result is a reduction in life expectancy and a drain on strength.

The worst day for health is Sunday.


Cutting your own hair is a recipe for trouble. At the same time, one-time manipulations with curls do not bring major problems, but constant ones turn into a streak of failures. If the procedure is performed after a stormy entertainment event, you can end up in a very difficult situation in life.


A girl who decides to cut her hair on her own risks remaining unmarried. One explanation for this superstition is quite logical: she simply became uninteresting to men and lost her beauty.

According to another version, she simply became an outcast. Or here’s another thing: along with her hair, which among the Slavic peoples served as a symbol of inspiration, the girl lost access to centuries-old wisdom. She no longer aroused interest and closed herself off from men.


In this area, superstition is categorical: you can’t even cut your bangs. According to the sign, problems can appear not one at a time, but in a bunch: illnesses can be accompanied by financial losses, a goal will turn from close to unattainable, etc.

Considering the range of troubles that manual manipulation of hair entailed, a negative attitude towards such actions developed.

Ancient beliefs: you can or cannot cut your own hair

The fact that people receive cosmic energy through their hair is not denied even by representatives of modern science.
Therefore, before going to bed, it is useful to thoroughly comb your hair, unraveling all the knots that have formed. This ritual clears the ducts to replenish the human body with energy wasted during the day. The opinion that hair also stores information about a person’s health, his wisdom, has been around for centuries. A striking example is the legend of the strongman Samson, the owner of long hair braided in braids. His power allowed him to defeat three dozen men alone. Having learned the secret of his heroic abilities, Samson’s locks were cut off, after which his power noticeably decreased. It is for this reason that among the peoples of Old Slavic culture there was an opinion that it was impossible until he got stronger. Only after reaching three to five years old was it allowed to cut the baby’s hair. Another common one is throwing them out onto the street. If a bird makes a nest from the clipped strands, the former owner's head will often ache for no reason. Therefore, waste must be disposed of by fire. The most famous superstition is about the prohibition of cutting the hair of a pregnant woman. Allegedly, this will harm the health of her unborn baby. Medicine is skeptical about such signs. The main thing is that a woman who decides to shorten her hair before giving birth is firmly convinced that there are no negative consequences. And if there are doubts and the expectant mother is an impressionable person, then it is better to carry out the procedure after the birth of the long-awaited baby.

It is believed that by adjusting our hairstyle, we direct our life path in a different direction.

That is why, with the arrival of spring, women who long for changes in their personal lives try to radically change their image, transforming from a burning brunette into a fiery lioness or choosing other hairdressing methods to transform themselves.

Is it possible to shorten your hair yourself?

According to our ancestors, scissors in the hands of an unkind person caused unfavorable events in life. No less negative consequences were associated with independent hair manipulation.

Now such superstitions are not given much importance. Practicality plays a big role. A haircut with your own hands may simply not work out: instead of a stylish hairstyle, it will be unclear what you have on your head. Therefore, hairdressers do not even recommend shortening your hair on your own.

The answer is "No"

In general, the answer to the question whether you can cut your hair yourself or not, from the point of view of people with special abilities, is clear: it is better to trust the hairdresser. Moreover, even the gender of the specialist is important: men should be cut by a male hairdresser, women – by a woman. From the point of view of proper energy distribution, even this turns out to be of considerable importance.

As for men specifically and whether it is possible to cut their hair themselves, there is much less acceptance here than in the female line. Either because superstitions of various kinds usually do not inspire confidence in men, or because it would hardly occur to a representative of the stronger sex to trim his own bangs with nail scissors while standing in front of a mirror in the bathroom... Although, if we take into account the above opinion of psychics and healers, it applies equally to both the fair sex and the stronger. And what conclusions to draw from the facts they list is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Advice from astrologers

Recommendations from star experts relate to the location of the Moon: favorable days for haircuts fall during the waxing period. It is best if it is the 6th or 7th lunar day.

There is a connection with the days of the week, allowing you to direct energy correctly:

  • Monday – getting rid of negative thoughts:
  • Tuesday – salvation from depression;
  • Wednesday – a distraction from the “gray” everyday life;
  • Thursday - to success;
  • Friday - only if you want drastic changes, but in general it is better to avoid manipulating your hair;
  • Saturday – gaining physical strength and vigor;
  • Sunday – not recommended, otherwise luck will go away.

Also, astrologers do not recommend that men cut their hair for girls: this can cause misunderstanding in relationships with a loved one.

Is it possible to cut my bangs myself?

A radical change in the length of curls leads to financial problems. Some psychics believe that it is acceptable to slightly shorten your hair or trim your bangs slightly. It shouldn't cause much harm. You just need to follow the rules. However, you should not do this on Friday. This day of the week is responsible for finances. If you cut your hair on Friday, you can cut off your energy flow, and with it your source of income. There is also a possibility of losing a large amount of money.

Psychics believe that by cutting their hair, a person can get rid of the negative energy that has accumulated over time. But it is necessary that another person do the haircut.

Important! If you carry out the procedure yourself, the negativity will not go away. That's why you can't cut your hair and match your bangs to yourself.

What does hair or lack thereof mean?

Any change in hairstyle entails a disruption of connections with the cosmos and one’s own inner world. Coloring, perming and other procedures lead to hair weakening, becoming brittle and dull. At the same time, a feeling of inner emptiness appears, and illness may manifest itself.

The ideal antennas for communication are straight, long hair. Getting rid of them completely or cutting them short indicates a desire to hide information about yourself and your life. Most often it happens after major troubles, in order to reset the past and start over with a clean slate.

When baldness occurs regardless of a person’s will, it is a consequence of leaving the spiritual path. For example, a man strives for power.

One more thought on this issue

Women, on the contrary, often cut their bangs or temples in front of the mirror, without thinking about whether it is possible to cut their own hair. If only it was beautiful and helped complement the intended image! However, maybe it's for the better. As you know, thought is material, and, as the Eastern sages say, what you believe in is what you become.

You just need to approach cutting your own hair with positivity, faith in success and confidence in your abilities. Skeptics convince that there is only one correct sign: cutting your hair with your own hands leads to an ugly hairstyle. After all, wielding scissors when you are both a master and a model is, of course, simply inconvenient.

Why you shouldn't cut small children's hair

The sign goes back to antiquity. It was believed that cutting the first hair of a child would lead to the loss of health. Frail hair seemed to act as the basis for the condition of the whole organism. Therefore, the Slavs used to cut their children’s hair only when they reached 3, or better yet, 5 years old.

A sign associated with hair existed in Ancient Egypt. In those days, children were left with a long lock of hair on their temples until they reached adulthood.

Educational videos

There are a lot of different signs associated with hair. Thus, it is believed that under no circumstances should cut hair be thrown outside, as the bird will steal it and make a nest out of it, and the former owner will have a headache for no reason. The remainder should only be burned.

Or, for example, it is not allowed to cut a baby’s hair until he is one year old, so as not to “shorten” the child’s mind and not “cut off” luck and health. Or, let’s say, this sign: there is no need for a married man to have his hair cut by anyone other than his wife - this leads to the destruction of the marriage. And dozens more of the strangest superstitions for modern man.

How to avoid negative consequences

Like any sign that originated in ancient times, it rarely remains relevant in the present. Whether or not to follow a superstition is a completely personal matter.

At the same time, there are a number of rules that allow you to neutralize the negative consequences if you suddenly cannot do without an independent haircut. Nothing bad will happen if:

  • Surround yourself with green. Let it be a room with wallpaper of this shade. A rug under your feet or a blanket that needs to be laid on the floor will do;
  • complete the procedure by throwing the cropped locks over your left shoulder. Be sure to say: “I’m throwing away my hair, saving my health”;
  • ask a person with positive energy to trim the ends. He may not be qualified as a hairdresser, but must be a good person;
  • if there is no green color around, sprinkle the scissors with holy water.

There are rituals if you feel unwell after creating your hairstyle yourself:

  • cross yourself on three sides with the words: “I cut my hair, I didn’t give out energy, you give it back to me”;
  • lean the cropped curls against the crown;
  • attach the doll's hair to the head.

Objective reasons

If you look at it from a scientific point of view, the sign has no logical basis. This is just a superstition and can be treated differently.

However, according to psychologists, signs really work, despite the lack of logic in them. If a person is deeply convinced of something, then by doing so he programs the subconscious, and it works at the right moment.

For example, if a girl believes that she can’t cut her hair on her own, then that’s the way it is. At the same time, you can’t even cut your own bangs, because the subconscious doesn’t care. If you are deeply convinced that the signs are correct, negative events cannot be avoided.

Whether you can cut your hair or not - everyone decides for themselves. However, you should not completely reject folk signs and pretend that they do not exist. As practice shows, the ancient Slavs rarely made mistakes, so every superstition has a deep meaning. But you shouldn’t go to the other extreme: if the job has already been done, you don’t need to worry about it and wait for bad events every minute. It is quite possible that troubles will pass by.

Legends and myths about hair in ancient times

The most famous story is found in the Bible. We are talking about Samson, whose strength lay in his hair. He easily tore ropes and chains, and tore gates, locks and pillars out of the ground. But he could not resist the charm of Delilah, who found out the secret by cunning. Samson's braids were cut off, causing him to lose his strength and be captured.

Since ancient times, hair has been an indicator of women's health. And keepers of the memory of ancestors about wisdom and witchcraft power. All magical rituals were performed with loose curls, including helping to attract men. That is why, if a woman was married, her head was covered with a scarf.

Family connection

There are also popular superstitions about the prohibition of cutting the hair of your relatives. Children should not cut their parents' hair, so as not to shorten their lives. And parents of their own children are also prohibited from cutting their hair. For example, a mother cannot cut her daughter’s hair so as not to cut off her happiness; the same prohibition is imposed on a father cutting his son’s hair.

Strictly speaking, children under one year of age are prohibited from having their hair cut at all. In Rus', children had their hair cut late for the first time - at three, or even seven years old. At the age of one, a lock of hair from the top of his head was ceremonially cut off and kept behind the icons until the moment when the son went to war and the daughter got married. Then the first curl was handed over to its owner for safekeeping; it was a kind of amulet, protection against diseases and evil forces.

Our ancestors did not cut girls' hair

Today the sign has become distorted and it is believed that a child must be completely deprived of hair every year so that they grow strong and healthy. Our ancestors did not do this, since shaving one’s head completely deprived a person of protection and provoked illness. They took care of their hair from a young age and tried to preserve it for as long as possible, because along with the first hair, the memory of the days spent in the womb and of infancy, as well as all the energy and experience accumulated during life, was preserved.

Another family sign about the prohibitions of cutting hair does not allow a wife to cut her husband’s hair.

A husband and wife are considered one whole, therefore, as when cutting her own hair, the wife deforms her husband’s biofield by cutting off his hair. According to legend, this procedure can cause illness, loss of strength, failure and problems in a man, or even shorten his life.

In addition, it is believed that a husband who has cut his wife’s hair may cheat on his wife, stop loving her, or leave the family. And, without fail, a haircut will cause a quarrel between the spouses.

Signs do not allow pregnant women to have their hair cut

The sign also does not allow pregnant women to have their hair cut. In ancient times, a woman’s braid was considered a connecting link with the Universe; three strands of the braid symbolized the energy flows that fed the body. Receiving such support for a pregnant woman was especially important, because the new life that was born in her womb especially needed the forces of Nature and the Cosmos.

By cutting her hair, a pregnant woman deprived herself of vital energy, became weak and lost contact with Nature. This could have a negative impact on both her health and the health of the unborn child, because he might not even be born if the mother did not have the strength to bear him. That is why pregnant women in Rus' never cut their hair.

What if you don’t believe omens?

Now it is not superstition that plays a role, but pragmatism and the desire to look stylish and beautiful. Therefore, it is quite possible to work your own magic on your hairstyle. You just have to follow some rules, to which the sign is not tied in any way. They are as follows:

  • start in a good mood so that occasional failures do not lead to irritation;
  • learn the rules of haircuts;
  • use a specialized tool. It is better to buy such scissors in a professional store;
  • furnish yourself with mirrors on all sides to monitor your actions.

Our ancestors believed in negative consequences for health, finances, relationships, etc. The main modern reason why you should not cut your hair yourself is the end result. Doing your own hair is not the best option for a stylish look, so it is better to trust professional hairdressers.

Trim your spouse's hair


  • The sign says that a wife should not cut her lover’s hair. This will lead to serious consequences in family life.
  • A short-term family quarrel if the spouse did not like the result.
  • It will definitely lead to betrayal if you cut a few strands.
  • May leave the family forever.
  • It is believed that the wife is not experienced and does not know how to cut her hair correctly, then the husband may simply get sick.
  • The worst consequence is the early death of a spouse, since living energy is hidden in the curls, which we turn into dead energy.

In reality, everything is different

In the modern world, almost every home has a curl machine. And almost any woman knows how to handle scissors, and if the signs do not come true, do everything with love. Nothing will threaten you and your family.

For example:

  • Fight - don’t cut your husband’s hair when he’s in a bad mood or when you don’t feel like it. Agree in advance what hairstyle he wants. Then there is no threat of a quarrel.
  • Treason - if a husband stares at other women, then no sign will save or protect him. It’s better then not to trim it at all.
  • So that he doesn’t leave - if the husband is not satisfied with something, then sooner or later he will leave.
  • Getting sick - if you believe in the existence of an aura or field around you, this is serious. And then you will definitely harm your husband.

These signs are far-fetched, since at all times men loved to walk to the left, which is why all these fairy tales were invented. If your husband really loves you, he will never leave you. Reading reviews from women about whether it’s possible to cut men’s hair themselves, no one wrote that their family had broken up.

A great mood is required; in its absence, any mistake will irritate you. Buy scissors with a sharp blade in professional cosmetics stores, there is a large selection of them. Choose ones that are comfortable for you and don’t bother you. Follow the haircut rules. Each hairstyle starts from the back of the head and goes to the bangs. There are also blind spots. Ability to work with mirror images. Do a few trials before you start cutting. Braid your hair and lay it down to get used to the reflection.

Now you are familiar with all the secrets of cutting your own hair at home. Feel free to embrace your look. Only you can decide whether to cut your own hair, your baby's hair, or your loved one's. Any woman can cut the ends of her hair, even if she does not have the skills of a stylist. Is it possible to cut your own hair? The choice is yours! The main thing is that everyone is happy, healthy and satisfied with their haircuts.

Is it possible to cut your own hair: what do beliefs say?

Hair is something that needs to be protected. And not just because he doesn’t go bald! They have not only an aesthetic function and are given to a person not just for beauty.

Hair is the natural antenna of the human body. They conduct the invisible life-giving force of space to the body. There is a legend. Once upon a time, a man had a halo around his head. This is what is seen on the icons around the heads of the saints. But there was no hair. The head was covered with something similar to fluff. Like the one on a newborn baby's head. When a person fell into sin, the rays of cosmic energy around his head became heavy and turned into hair. And this is the connecting link between man and heaven.

Some pros

If you are not a superstitious person, then you can experience all the benefits of cutting your hair yourself.

When no one is around, you can use scissors to create a new look. In this case, you can create the hairstyle that you want. Your idea will be understood correctly and you won't end up with a surprise. The main thing is just to be confident in what you are doing, your hand should not shake.

If you cut your own hair, you won't cut off any extra hair. This is due to the fact that the hairdresser cuts as much as he thinks needs to be removed, that is, even if you asked to remove 2 cm, he will easily remove 10 and will be confident that he is right.

But perhaps the main advantage of cutting your own hair is that you don’t have to waste time going to the salon and spending money. But sometimes a hairdresser spends up to several tens of thousands a year.

Is it possible for pregnant women to get a haircut?

Based on popular beliefs and superstitions about haircuts, pregnant women and nursing mothers are strictly forbidden to cut their hair throughout the entire period of pregnancy, and preferably until the child is baptized.
When you cut the length of your hair, you are cutting the invisible thread that connects a mother to her child. Moreover, there is a possibility of stillbirth. Even if you have never considered yourself a superstitious person, it is still better to wait and postpone the haircut until later, when the child is born. Another danger that arises from cutting mom's hair during pregnancy is premature birth of the baby or an increased risk of cesarean section. There is also an opinion that untimely hair cutting can affect the gender of the baby. Thus, if you want a girl, a boy will be born and vice versa.

Medical side

No one has conducted accurate research. And how to carry them out? By what criteria to evaluate? This is a very controversial issue. Medicine can't tell us. Is it good or bad. There are no contraindications. Cutting your own curls does not in any way affect a person’s physical condition. And cutting your own hair is considered a household superstition. Psychologists, on the contrary, advise getting a haircut on your head after some stage in life. To cross a new line on the path to a bright path.

Recommendations from esotericists

Hairdressers strongly advise those who want to have beautiful, healthy hair to follow these recommendations:

  • cut off split ends in a timely manner;
  • use styling products sparingly or even abandon them altogether;
  • Before going to bed, use your fingers to carefully untangle the curls;
  • use combs made of natural wood.

Esotericists claim that if you adhere to the tips listed above, then cutting your hair yourself will not cause serious harm to a person and will allow you to avoid possible troubles. In addition, proper hair care will have a positive impact on your health, well-being and level of financial wealth.

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