Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) (patient information)
Polyneuropathy, or peripheral neuropathy, results from damage to the peripheral nerves and often leads to
Features of the clinic and diagnosis of early neurosyphilis at the present stage.
Pain Treatment Center Terekhova Anna Borisovna Experience 9 years Neurologist-algologist, medical doctor
Types of surgeries to remove brain tumors
Hospitalization and treatment under the compulsory medical insurance quota. More details after viewing the pictures. There are brain tumors
What is frustration - A psychologist explains from A to Z
This article was developed under the heading: Psychology. Section: Processes. In today's fast paced world
Structure and functions
Hindbrain: what it is responsible for, structure and functions
Structure and functions of the hindbrain The metencephalon (rear part) develops at the stage of embryonic ontogenesis, taking
sensitization in medicine is
Comparative analysis of the sensitizing properties of cyanamide and teturam
The term "sensitization" is used in medicine to describe the process by which various external stimuli
Autonomic nervous system disorder: anxiety, neurosis, panic attacks
Autonomic neurosis (vegetoneurosis) is a complex of pathologies that appear when there are disturbances in the functioning of higher centers
Phenibut or Afobazole: which sedative is better to choose?
Update date: 01/11/2021 15:54:46 7023 Share: Author: Maria Feldstein *Review of the best according to the editors
What is emotional suppression and why does it occur?
The phrase “I’m fine” is a standard reaction in our society to emotional turmoil. Important
Betrayal: the meaning of the concept, reasons and ways to survive
Cheating happens in the lives of many couples, even those in which the partners sincerely love each other.
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