fear of the unknown
Mark Manson: how to get rid of the fear of the unknown
Fear of the unknown is familiar to many people. It is this feeling that makes a person refuse changes in
what is DNA and genes
International Neurological Journal 1(5) 2006
Case history and nomenclature Benign myoclonic epilepsy syndrome in children (BMSED) did not have a clear definition
The power of self-hypnosis: subconscious formulas of Emile Coue and Georg Rauch
How not to cause the opposite effect? It’s much easier to instill negativity in yourself because it happens.
I don’t want to work: what to do if you don’t want to go to work
Hello, at certain periods in our lives we have a desire not to work. I wish I could win
gender discrimination at work
Gender discrimination: concept, legal definition, article, punishment and legal advice
Gender discrimination is called sexism or gender preference. This means dividing people into
Internet addiction: types, signs, solutions!
Internet addiction is a global problem of our time, which millions of people have come face to face with.
What is sociopathy? Can a sociopath love someone?
Sociopathy is a mental disorder in which a person does not recognize social norms and rules. IN
Temperature during concussion: causes, consequences, treatment
Can the temperature rise with a concussion? What does her promotion mean? What to do
How to become a good lover for a married man: psychology and practical recommendations
You strive to be the best in everything, to achieve perfection. Even an affair with a lover you want
Partial epilepsy - Summer
Benign partial epilepsy of childhood
Partial epilepsy is a type of disease that occurs when there is a limited area of ​​activity in the brain.
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